La Cina deve essere pronta
all'eventualità di una nuova guerra mondiale

Da un giornale in lingua cinese di Hong Kong:

Chinese military strategic experts feel that the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade revealed a US and NATO testing of a larger scheme against China. China needs to be properly prepared for a new World War.

The report is based on interviews with the People's Liberation Army commander of various strategic research department, reflecting the attitude of the Chinese military on this incident.

The report points out specifically that after the disolution of the USSR, Chinese military strategists comparatively were in agreement with international relations specialists that the post Cold War prospect of world war would be quite low. But after the NATO attack on Yugoslovia, a new World War can break out any time. China must be fully prepare for the eventuality.

This view is held by a majority of PLA generals.

Henry C.K. Liu, citato da Michael Eisenscher
e-mail: meisenscher @

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