Par Per Jacobsen
Question 1: Mr. President, we are already into the sixth year of the Syrian war. After the recent victories achieved by the Syrian Army in Aleppo and Palmyra, and the ongoing reconciliations, is there a glimmer of hope of an end to the Syrian war?
President Assad: Of course, for without hope neither the country, nor the people, nor the state could withstand six years of an extremely ferocious war supported by tens of regional and Western countries, some of the wealthiest and most powerful countries in the world. Without hope, there wouldn’t have been a will. But the question is: how to turn this hope into reality? This has been possible so far through two practical approaches. The first is fighting terrorism, regardless of the different names and categories given to terrorist organizations, and the second is through achieving reconciliations with all those who want to lay down their weapons, return to their normal life, and to the embrace of their country. There has been progress on both fronts: in fighting terrorism and achieving reconciliations. That’s why I say there is more hope now than in the past years.
Question 2: In the negotiations conducted previously in Astana and now in Geneva, most negotiators on the other side belonged to the opposition which upholds Wahhabi, Salafi, and Jihadi thought. Why are you negotiating with these people in the first place? And is there in reality a moderate opposition as described by the media?
President Assad: This is a very important question, because Western officials, most prominently former US President Obama, said that the moderate opposition was an illusion or a fantasy. This is by their admission, they, who supported that opposition and gave it a false moderate cover. So, this moderate opposition does not exist. The opposition which exists is a Jihadi opposition in the perverted sense of Jihad of course. It is also indoctrinated in the perverted sense that does not accept neither dialogue nor a solution except through terrorism.
That is why we cannot, practically, reach any actual result with this part of the opposition. The evidence is that during the Astana negotiations they started their attack on the cities of Damascus and Hama and other parts of Syria, repeating the cycle of terrorism and the killing of innocents.
This opposition, between brackets, because it cannot be called opposition, these terrorists cannot be an opposition and cannot help reach a solution. Apart from that, these terrorist groups are themselves linked to the agendas of foreign countries. They do not belong to a certain current or movement among the Syrian people that seeks political reform or a certain solution, neither before nor during the war. Another part of these groups might look political in the sense that they do not carry arms, but they support terrorism. A third part is linked to the Saudi, Turkish, and Western agenda.
Question 3: Why are you negotiating with them?
President Assad: We do that because, in the beginning, many people did not believe that these groups do not want to lay down their weapons and move towards political action. We went in order to prove to all those who have doubts about this that these groups cannot engage in politics, and that they are terrorist groups at heart and will remain so to the end.
Question 4: The world has declared war on terrorism. Do you believe that declaration and in what they are doing today, and can we say that it’s only Syria that is fighting terrorism today?
President Assad: The world that declared war consists practically of Western countries which themselves support terrorism. Most countries of the world are against terrorism. They do not declare that, but they have been practically cooperating with us in one way or another during the war, and before the war, because terrorism did not start only with the war on Syria. Terrorism has always existed in the world and has become more widespread as a result of the different wars in the Middle East. But the Western countries which declared war on terrorism still support it up till now. They do not fight it. It is used only in name for domestic consumption. The fact of the matter is that they use terrorism as a card to achieve different political agendas, even when this terrorism backfires and claims victims in their own countries. But they do not acknowledge this fact.
As to who is fighting terrorism in Syria, it is basically the Syrian Arab Army. This is not only a claim because there are facts on the ground which prove it. The Syrian Arab Army has been able to make these achievements in fighting terrorists thanks, in the first place, to the Syrian fighters’ will, and thanks to popular support. Without popular support, it is not possible to achieve such victories. However, there has been verystrong support from our allies, whether it was Iran, Russia, or Hezbollah from Lebanon.
Question 5: Does the Syrian Army represent all sects, ethnicities and minorities in Syria?
President Assad: Of course, that is self-evident. An army that represents part of the Syrian people cannot win in a war taking place throughout Syria. That is self-evident, regardless of how it is portrayed in the West. At the beginning of the war, the terms used by the terrorists themselves or in the media hostile to Syria in the West and in our region, wanted to portray the war as taking place between sects. This image was widespread in the West. Had this been real, Syria would have been partitioned from the first months of the war. It wouldn’t have withstood for six years as a unified people. It is true that the terrorists control some areas, but the parts controlled by the Syrian state include all parts of the spectrum of the Syrian people. More importantly, they have some of the terrorists’ families and people who fled from terrorist-controlled areas to state-controlled areas. If this Syrian Army, and behind it the Syrian government, do not represent all the Syrian people, it wouldn’t have been possible to see this unified picture of the Syrian people.
Question 6: Mr. President, there is a question I have to ask: if there has been security cooperation between the Syrian government and the European states, would have we avoided the terrorist operations which have reached France, Belgium, etc.? I ask this question because after the terrorist operations in Paris, the former head of French intelligence said that you have provided them with names and documents about terrorists, and they refused to accept them. Did they really refuse to accept them? And had there been cooperation, would have we been able to avoid these terrorist operations?
President Assad: No, he was probably speaking about cooperation before the war, because after the beginning of the war and the French position in support of the terrorists, Syria stopped security cooperation with those countries, because there cannot be security cooperation and political hostility at the same time. There should be political agreement, on the one hand, and agreement in other areas, including security, on the other.
As to whether it would have been possible to prevent such attacks in Europe through this security cooperation, in normal circumstances, the answer would be yes. But under current circumstances, the answer is no, because Europe, or a number of European countries, support terrorists on a large scale, send to Syria tens of thousands of terrorists, or support them directly and indirectly, logistically, with arms, money, political cover, and everything. When you reach this stage of supporting terrorists – and here we are talking about tens of thousands and maybe hundreds of thousands in Syria and neighboring areas – security cooperation becomes of limited effectiveness in such a case. Security cooperation focuses on tens or hundreds of individuals, but cannot be effective when there are tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of terrorists.
If Europe wants to protect itself at this stage, it should first stop supporting terrorists in Syria. Assuming that we wanted to cooperate with them, no results can be achieved in these circumstances. We will not do that, of course, when they support terrorism. They should stop supporting terrorists immediately in any shape or form.
Question 7: Mr. President, I would like to go back to Croatia. In 2009, you visited the Croatian capital Zagreb and met Croatian officials. At that time, I read a statement by Your Excellency in which you said that Croatia is a friendly country and the Croatian people is a brotherly people, etc. Do you still consider the Croatian people a friend of Syria, particularly after the scandal related to arms shipments from Croatia to Washington, and then to Saudi Arabia and Jordan, which ultimately fell in the hands of the terrorists?
President Assad: Certainly. The Croatian people is friendly people, and our relations are decades old. We are talking about a relationship which has lasted for generations and is still going on. We do not hold the Croatian people responsible for errors made by their governments.
More importantly, if we try to monitor the public opinion in Croatia in relation to what’s going on in Syria, we’ll find that in comparison with other countries, this public opinion has been, throughout the war in general, closer to understanding what is going on in Syria than many other European peoples. Had this relationship and this friendship not been a genuine one, it would have been difficult for the Croatian people to understand what’s going on in Syria.
That’s why I would like to stress that what happened concerning the arms shipment that reached the terrorists was one of the ‘achievements’ of the former Croatian government, perhaps for financial interests, or maybe for political interests in the form of giving in to pressure exerted by other big Western powers. But, in any way, they sold the interests and principles of the Croatian people in return for petrodollars, or in the service of the narrow political interests of those officials.
Question 8: Is it possible to restore political and diplomatic relations, and probably economic relations, for Croatia has many interests in Syria?
President Assad: Of course, this is certainly possible, but this depends on the political orientations of the existing governments. If there have been policy mistakes, particularly those made by previous governments, it is very easy for future governments, or the existing one, to repair these policies. We ask these governments for nothing except thinking first of their peoples’ interests, and second of the international law which is based primarily on the sovereignty of other countries and non-intervention in their internal affairs. We have never, throughout our history and since relations started between us and Croatia now and former Yugoslavia in the past, carried out any hostile act against these countries. We have always considered them friends. What is the justification for a government to send weapons to terrorists in Syria to be used in killing innocent Syrians. I don’t think there is a justification for this; and we hope that the present government does not accept this.
Question 9: There is a large number of Jihadis or terrorists who came from the Balkans. Do you have information about their numbers?
President Assad: There is no accurate information, because of the existence of our Turkish neighbor led by the criminal Erdogan who creates all the circumstances necessary to support and strengthen the presence of those terrorists in Syria. This does not allow us to control the borders, and consequently does not allow for accurate statistics about the number of terrorists who go in and out. But the issue is not about the nationalities of these terrorists, because you know that terrorists look at the whole world as a single arena. They care neither about the national dimension nor about political borders. So, the danger to your country, or to Europe in general, does not come only from European terrorist. It is true that a European can be more dangerous because he knows the region in detail; but he will come accompanied by other terrorists from other countries, terrorists who share the same doctrine, aspirations, and ideas, in order to carry out terrorist acts in those countries. So, when we talk about the number of terrorists in Syria, we are certainly talking about hundreds of thousands, at least more than a hundred thousand. Of course, they come and go, and some of them are killed in battle; but this is our estimate of the numbers.
Question 10: Mr. President, average people in Europe or the world ask about the causes of this attack on Syria and the attempts to bring Your Excellency down. And everybody talks about the reform which you have introduced. What’s the reason behind the calls for bringing you down?
President Assad: The reason is old, simple, and clear. Those Western countries, led by the United States, in partnership mainly with Britain and France, and unfortunately some European countries which did not have a colonial history, do not accept independent states and do not accept peer relations. They want satellite states which implement their policies.
Of course, we are not against common interests with other states, with any state. Big states have interests around the world and we, as a state, have interests in our region. We are not a superpower, but when we work, based on interests, with those states, the interests should be joint interests. They want us to act for their interests against ours. That’s why we have always been in a state of struggle with these states over our interests. For instance, we want the peace process, while they want submission instead of peace. They want us to have peace without rights, which is not reasonable. They want us to give up our sovereignty, to abandon our rights which are acknowledged by international law, Security Council resolutions, and the numerous votes at United Nations for the return of our lands. These are mere examples. There are many similar issues over which they consider Syria too independent a state. That’s why they thought that waging war on Syria and replacing the current government with a client government would make it easier and better to achieve their narrow interests.
Question 11: Had you accepted peace, or submission as you put it, would what is happening to Syria today had happened?
President Assad: In order to talk about something realistic, I would give you an example. We were asked to side with the West, with the United States in particular, in 2003, in its war against Iraq. We knew that the Iraq war was a series of events aiming at partitioning the region, and we knew very well that the conferences which were held before the war in order to define the future of post-war Iraq, all discussed a future sectarian Iraq, and not a unified Iraq.
So, we knew that what was happening in Iraq will be carried over to Syria and to the whole region. Had we taken part in such a project at that time, the situation in Syria would have been much worse than if we had refused to do so. That’s why I used to say that the price for rejection or resistance is much less than the price of submission and surrender. I said this many times in the past, and the events in Syria came to prove this argument. What helped Syria to stand fast today is that it is unified. Had we gone along with the sectarian project, following the Iraqi or Lebanese model, as the Americans wanted us to do then, we would have been a country torn by a real civil war. Civil war would have been a reality, not merely a term used to describe what’s going on.
Question 12: Why do the Gulf states pay money and support terrorists to bring the government down in Syria?
President Assad: Most Gulf states are satellite states which do not dare say no. Some of them say: “We support you but cannot say so publicly. We wish you victory in your war and hope you’ll be able to preserve a united Syria and to defeat terrorists,” but in public they say something different, because they are submissive to the Western will. Most Gulf states, if not all of them, were created by the British at a certain stage and handed over to the Americans at a later stage. That’s why we cannot make a judgment on why they say something or why they say the opposite.
Question 13: They talk about creating federalism in Syria. Is that possible? And do you accept the creation of federalism in Syria?
President Assad: Federalism is a national issue; and whether it should or should not happen depends on the constitution. And the constitution needs a popular vote. That’s why we cannot, as a government, say that we accept or not accept federalism. The government and the executive authority express the will of the people. However, I can give you the general view in Syria. The majority of Syrians do not accept federalism because it is an introduction to partition. There is no justification for federalism, for the Syrians have been living together, in the same structure, without any problems for decades and centuries, even before the existence of the Syrian state, even during and before the Ottoman state. There are no historical wars between the components of the Syrian people to justify the assertion that these sects or religions or ethnicities cannot live with each other. So, the issue of federalism is made-up with the objective of reaching a situation similar to that of Iraq. In that case they use this or that part of the state, which is supposed to be a strong state, in order to produce a weak state, a weak government, a weak people, and a weak homeland.
Question 14: Turkey sent troops and has a military existence in Syria. Why do you think?
President Assad: Because Erdogan had pinned all his hopes on the terrorists achieving victories until the battle of Aleppo happened. For him, it was a decisive battle considering the political, economic, geographical, and logistical importance of Aleppo. The terrorists’ failure to keep their positions in the city of Aleppo as a result of popular rejection on the part of the population of the city and the governorate, and as a result of the achievements made by the Syrian army, caused Erdogan to interfere directly at least to secure a place at the political table when the time comes for talking about the future of Syria.
He also wanted to give al-Nusra and Al Qaeda terrorists a facelift after he was exposed worldwide as being very close to them, in every sense of the word. He wanted to give them other names, to make them shave their beards and assume the appearance of moderates, to return things to the way they were at the beginning of the crisis, and as I said to secure a role for Turkey in finding a solution in Syria through the terrorists in their new form.
Question 15: There is the same issue with American troops which are in the country and help the Kurds now. Do you consider them occupation forces?
President Assad: Of course. Any intervention, even the existence of any individual soldier, without the permission of the Syrian government, is an invasion in every sense of the word. And any intervention, from the air or otherwise, is also an illegitimate intervention and an aggression on Syria.
Question 16: Why is America here? What are the reasons in your opinion, Mr. President?
President Assad: In general terms, the American policy is based on creating chaos in different parts of the world and creating conflicts among states. This is not new. It has been going on for decades, but in different forms. Through these conflicts, it secures a foothold through the contradictions and through its proxies who are already there but were able to become prominent because of the new circumstances. And then it takes part in bargaining in order to secure its interests in that region. This is an old American policy.
Question 17: How do you see the election of Trump as President of the United States? And can you cooperate with him, particularly after recent statements on the part of the new American administration which said that the Syrian people determine the fate of the President. Do you think there is a change in the American policy?
President Assad: First, concerning the different statements about whether the President should remain or leave, and since the first statement made during the Obama administration, which has been repeated by the political parrots in Europe, we have never paid any attention to it and never commented on it because it does not concern us. This is a Syrian issue related to the Syrian people. That’s why all that has been said on the subject is simply thrown in the rubbish bin. So, any similar statement, with or against, made now by any state, is not acceptable now, because this is not an American or a European issue, nor is it the concern of any other individual outside Syria.
As to our evaluation of the new American administration, and despite the fact that it is still in its early days, we have learned something important since relations were resumed between Syria and the United States in 1974, when former American President Richard Nixon visited us. We learned not to bet on a good administration. We always say which is a bad administration and which is worse. We do not say which is good and which is better or which is bad and which is good.
What we see in America now are endless conflicts: conflicts inside the administration and conflicts outside the administration with the administration. That’s why we see only one thing in this administration, regardless of the statements which seem to be better than those of other administrations. Since they sent troops to Syria without coordination and without a request from the legitimate Syrian government, it means that this administration, like other administrations, does not want stability to be restored in Syria.
Question 18: Mr. President, Syria has been subject recently to continuing Israeli aggression. What is the objective behind that? And are you concerned about the possibility of a Syrian-Israeli war?
President Assad: Concern about a war is unrealistic, because the reality is that we are living this war. But as for calling it a Syrian-Israeli war, you can assume in any case that these terrorists are fighting for Israel. Even if they are not a regular Israeli army, they are still fighting for Israel. And Israel shares the objectives with Turkey, the United States, France, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other states. They all share the same objective. It is a war that has taken a new form and uses new instruments. Practically, our victory over the terrorists is a victory over all those states put together. That’s why Israel is doing its best to support these terrorists in every place the Syrian Army advances. They attack in one way or another in order to provide support to the terrorists and in order to stall the momentum of the Syrian Arab Army in facing them.
Question 19: Recently, many European parliamentarians started to flock on Syria, some publicly and some secretly. Does this mean that something has happened or does this imply a change in the European policy towards Syria? Have they understood that you were right?
President Assad: The European policy has not actually changed, because the European officials have gone too far with their lies; and now if they want to make a U-turn, the European public opinion will tell them: you were lying to us. All of what you said was not true. That’s why they have persisted in their lies but with a few modifications from time to time. They have reproduced the same product using different packaging in order to deceive their customers, i.e. the European public opinion. The Western public opinion has changed, first because those lies cannot go on for six years while belied by the facts.
Second, thanks to the social media, it has become difficult for the corporate media linked to the political machines in the West to control the ins and outs of information and data throughout the world.
Third, this happened as a result of the huge migration waves towards Europe and the terrorist acts which hit a number of European states, particularly France. These different events have made the Western citizen ask questions about the reality of what’s going on.
What has changed in Europe today is that the public opinion knows very well that the corporate media and the politicians are lying. But the public opinion does not know the full truth, it knows only part of the truth and is seeking out the truth of what is happening in Syria, what happened in Libya, and what’s happening in Yemen today, and is asking questions about the relationship between the officials in their countries and the petrodollars in the Gulf states, and other questions.
Question 20: You said recently that 2017 will see the end of the war in Syria. Do you still believe that the war in Syria will end this year?
President Assad: No, I did not say this literally. I said several times that without Western intervention, we can end this war and all its ramifications in a few months, i.e. in less than a year. That was in 2016, and was interpreted that the war was at an end and that the next year will see the end of the war.
Of course, things are moving in a better direction, as I said, not in the interest of the terrorists but in the interest of the Syrian people, but war is unpredictable, especially that the countries which have supported the terrorists are doing their absolute best to protect them, first because the defeat of the terrorists means a political defeat for them in their countries, and second because exhausting Syria is one of the major tasks they have been trying to accomplish through the terrorists and through war. So, even if Syria was able to come out of this war, they want the bottom line price to be Syria’s exhaustion and fatigue so that Syria will have energy only to feed and rebuild itself and forget all the other issues surrounding it in terms of its rights and duties in relation to the different countries in our region. In other words, they want Syria to be unable to play any active, valuable, or weighty role in the region.
Journalist: Are you confident of the victory of the Syrian-Russian-Iranian alliance?
President Assad: As I said a while ago, we have a great hope which is becoming greater; and this hope is built on confidence, for without confidence there wouldn’t be any hope. In any case, we do not have any other option except victory. If we do not win this war, it means that Syria will be deleted from the map. We have no choice in facing this war, and that’s why we are confident, we are persistent and we are determined.
Journalist: Thank you very much, Mr. President.
President Assad: Thank you.
Al-Assad: Europa se neće zaštititi od terorista jer ih podržava
Hrvati su bolje od ostalih Europljana shvatili što se događa u Siriji i nisu krivi za pogreške svojih vlada
Punih osam mjeseci čekali smo odobrenje za intervju sa sirijskim predsjednikom Basharom Al-Assadom, iz novinarskog kuta gledano, nedvojbeno najtraženijim svjetskim čelnikom.
No ni nakon odobrenja nije sve išlo glatko. Morali smo obaviti niz telefonskih razgovora i poslati mnoštvo e-mailova prije odlaska u Siriju. Procedura oko autorizacije intervjua izuzetno je komplicirana. Kako su nam objasnili, većina bi novinara iz odgovora predsjednika Bashara Al-Assada izvukla samo ono što im je odgovaralo i tako bi iskrivili odgovore i teze. U Damasku smo, prije intervjua, boravili tri dana te dogovarali posljednje detalje. Na sam dan intervjua još nismo znali gdje ćemo razgovarati s predsjednikom s obzirom na to da smo se naslušali raznih priča i nagađanja o tome gdje se Assad zaista nalazi. Stigavši u dvorište njegova ureda u Damasku, očekivali smo da je to tek početna stanica gdje će nas dočekati garda koja će nas odvesti tko zna kamo kako bismo se susreli s Assadom. Izlazeći iz automobila, doživjeli smo šok – predsjednik Assad je stajao na vratima i čekao nas.
“Dobar dan, Hassane, dobro došli u Damask. Nadam se da se niste previše umorili”, obratio nam se predsjednik pružajući ruku. Uzvratili smo mu pozdrav i zahvalili osobno i uime redakcije Večernjeg lista što nam je pristao dati intervju. Nakon razmjene kurtoaznih riječi, počeli smo razgovor, koji je trajao pola sata. Tijekom cijelog intervjua predsjednik Bashar Al-Assad djelovao je smireno, staloženo i samouvjereno. Iako su vani odjekivale snažne detonacije, na njih je bio potpuno imun. Nijednom gestom nije pokazao da je zabrinut. Na sva pitanja odgovarao je smireno, temeljito i argumentirano iako ih nije tražio unaprijed. Kako nas je dočekao, tako nas je i ispratio – srdačno, ljubazno, i sa željama za zdravlje i dug život.
Šesta godina rata
Već je šesta godina od početka sirijskog rata. Nakon nedavnih trijumfa sirijske vojske u Alepu i Palmiri te početka procesa pomirenja, postoji li tračak nade da će se okončati rat u Siriji?
Naravno, jer bez nade ni zemlja, ni ljudi, ni država ne bi mogli izdržati šest godina okrutnog rata, koji podržava desetak regionalnih i zapadnih zemalja. A među njima su i neke od najbogatijih i najsnažnijih zemalja svijeta. Ali, sada je pitanje kako tu nadu pretvoriti u stvarnost? To je do sada bilo moguće zahvaljujući dvama pristupima. Prvi je borba protiv terorizma, a drugi postizanje pomirenja sa svima koji žele položiti oružje, vratiti se svojim normalnim životima i zagrljaju svoje zemlje. Bilo je napretka na oba područja, i u suzbijanju terorizma i u postizanju pomirenja. Zato kažem da sada postoji više nade nego proteklih godina.
U pregovorima koji su ranije vođeni u Astani i sada u Ženevi većina oporbenih pregovarača podržava razmišljanja vahabita, salafista i džihadista. Zašto pregovarate s tim ljudima? I postoji li u stvarnosti neka umjerena oporba?
To je vrlo važno pitanje jer su zapadni dužnosnici, a najnaglašenije bivši američki predsjednik Obama, rekli da je umjerena oporba iluzija ili fantazija. To su, dakle, rekli oni koji su poslije podržavali tu oporbu i dali joj lažni umjereni privid. Umjerena oporba ne postoji, postoji samo džihadistička oporba, naravno u iskrivljenom smislu džihada. Ona ne prihvaća ni dijalog ni rješenje, osim putem terorizma. Zbog toga mi praktično i ne možemo postići nikakav stvarni rezultat s njima. Dokaz za to je to da su oni, tijekom pregovora u Astani, započeli napad na Damask, Hamu i druge dijelove Sirije, obnavljajući terorizam i ubijajući nevine ljude. Ti teroristi ne mogu biti oporba i ne mogu pomoći u postizanju rješenja. Osim toga, te terorističke grupe povezane su s programima djelovanja stranih država. Oni ne pripadaju nekoj struji ili pokretu u sirijskom narodu koji traže političku reformu ili određeno rješenje, nisu to činili ni prije, a ne čine ni tijekom rata. Neki dijelovi tih grupa mogu izgledati politički, u smislu da ne nose oružje, ali podržavaju terorizam, dok su neki povezani sa saudijskim, turskim i zapadnjačkim programima djelovanja.
Uski politički interesi
Zašto onda pregovarate s njima?
Zato što u početku mnogi nisu vjerovali da te grupe ne žele položiti oružje i okrenuti se političkom djelovanju. Mi smo počeli pregovore želeći dokazati svima koji su sumnjali da se te grupe ne mogu uključiti u politiku i da će do kraja ostati terorističke.
Svijet je objavio rat terorizmu. Vjerujete li u tu objavu i u ono što svijet danas čini?
Svijet koji je objavio rat terorizmu praktično se sastoji od zapadnih zemalja koje i same podržavaju terorizam. Većina je zemalja u svijetu protiv terorizma. One to ne objavljuju, ali su u praksi surađivale s nama na razne načine tijekom rata i prije rata. Jer terorizam nije započeo s ratom u Siriji, on je uvijek postojao u svijetu i proširio se kao rezultat različitih sukoba na Bliskom istoku. Međutim, zapadne zemlje koje su objavile rat terorizmu još uvijek ga podržavaju. One ga ne suzbijaju, a terorizam koriste samo kao izraz za domaću javnost. Činjenica je da oni koriste terorizam kao platformu za različite političke programe djelovanja, čak i onda kada im se taj terorizam obije o glavu i izazove žrtve u njihovim zemljama. Ali oni to ne priznaju. Protiv terorizma u Siriji u osnovi se bori samo sirijska arapska vojska. Ovo nije floskula, činjenice na terenu to dokazuju. Sirijska arapska vojska bila je u stanju postići uspjehe u borbi protiv terorizma zahvaljujući, u prvom redu, volji sirijskih boraca i podršci naroda. Naravno, postojala je i vrlo snažna podrška naših saveznika Irana, Rusije i Hezbollaha iz Libanona.
Predstavlja li sirijska vojska sve sekte, etnicitete i manjine u Siriji?
Pa to je očito! Vojska koja bi predstavljala samo dio sirijskog naroda ne bi mogla pobijediti u ratu koji se događa u cijeloj Siriji. Bez obzira na to kako se to predstavlja na Zapadu. Na samom početku rata i teroristi i neprijateljski raspoloženi zapadni mediji, kao i oni u našoj regiji, željeli su predstaviti ovaj rat kao sektaški. Ta je slika bila jako raširena na Zapadu. Da je ona bila istinita, Sirija bi bila podijeljena već prvih mjeseci rata. Sirijci ne bi izdržali šest godina kao jedinstven narod. Istina je da teroristi kontroliraju neka područja, ali dijelovi koje kontrolira sirijska država uključuju sve spektre sirijskog naroda. Kad ta sirijska vojska i iza nje sirijska vlada ne bi predstavljale cjelokupan sirijski narod, ne bi bilo moguće vidjeti tu jedinstvenu sliku sirijskog naroda.
Da je postojala sigurnosna suradnja između sirijske vlade i europskih država, bismo li mogli izbjeći teroristička djelovanja koja su zahvatila Francusku, Belgiju...? Postavljam ovo pitanje jer je nakon terorističkih napada u Parizu bivši čelnik francuskih obavještajnih službi rekao da ste im dostavili imena i dokumentaciju o teroristima, ali da su ih oni odbili prihvatiti. Jesu li ih zbilja odbili prihvatiti? I, bismo li mi, da je postojala suradnja, bili u stanju izbjeći te terorističke činove?
Ne, on je vjerojatno govorio o suradnji prije rata jer nakon početka rata i francuske pozicije podržavanja terorista Sirija je obustavila sigurnosnu suradnju s tom zemljom. Ne možete imati sigurnosnu suradnju i političko neprijateljstvo u isto vrijeme. Trebao bi postojati politički sporazum s jedne strane, i sporazum na drugim područjima, uključujući sigurnost. Što se tiče pitanja bi li bilo moguće spriječiti te napade u Europi kroz jednu takvu sigurnosnu suradnju, u normalnim okolnostima odgovor bi bio da. Ali u današnjim okolnostima odgovor je ne jer Europa, ili brojne europske zemlje koje podržavaju teroriste, u velikoj mjeri šalju u Siriju desetke tisuća terorista ili ih podržavaju direktno i indirektno, logistički, oružjem, novcem, političkim pokrićem i svim drugim sredstvima. Kad dostignete taj stupanj podržavanja terorista – a mi ovdje govorimo o desecima tisuća, a možda i o stotinama tisuća u Siriji i susjednim područjima – u tom slučaju sigurnosna suradnja poprima ograničenu učinkovitost. Sigurnosna se suradnja fokusira na desetke ili stotine pojedinaca, ali ne može biti učinkovita kada postoje deseci i stotine tisuća terorista. Ako se Europa želi zaštititi u ovoj fazi, prvi korak bio bi prestanak podrške teroristima u Siriji. Uz pretpostavku da bismo htjeli surađivati s njima, u ovim okolnostima se ne mogu postići nikakvi rezultati. Mi to, naravno, nećemo učiniti sve dok oni podržavaju terorizam. Oni trebaju odmah prestati podržavati teroriste.
Godine 2009. posjetili ste Zagreb i sreli se s hrvatskim dužnosnicima. U to vrijeme sam pročitao vašu izjavu u kojoj ste rekli da je Hrvatska prijateljska zemlja, da je hrvatski narod bratski narod. Smatrate li još uvijek hrvatski narod prijateljem Sirije, posebno nakon isporuke oružja iz Hrvatske u Washington, a onda u Saudijsku Arabiju i Jordan, koje je na kraju palo u ruke terorista?
Svakako. Hrvatski narod je prijateljski narod i naši odnosi traju desetljećima. Govorimo o odnosu koji je trajao generacijama i još uvijek traje. Ne smatramo hrvatski narod odgovornim za pogreške koje su učinile njihove vlade. Što je još važnije, ako pokušamo pratiti javno mnijenje u Hrvatskoj u odnosu na ono što se događa u Siriji, ustanovit ćemo da je – u usporedbi s drugim zemljama – to javno mnijenje bilo, općenito tijekom rata, bliže razumijevanju onoga što se događa u Siriji nego kod mnogih drugih europskih naroda. Da taj odnos i to prijateljstvo nisu bili iskreni, hrvatskom narodu bilo bi teško razumjeti što se događa u Siriji. Zbog toga bih želio naglasiti da je ono što se dogodilo u vezi s isporukom oružja koje je došlo do terorista bilo jedno od “postignuća” prethodne hrvatske Vlade, možda zbog financijskih ili političkih interesa, možda je to bilo popuštanje pod pritiskom drugih velikih zapadnih sila. Ali, bilo kako bilo, oni su prodali interese i principe hrvatskog naroda u zamjenu za petrodolare ili za uske političke interese tih dužnosnika.
Zapad želi satelitske države
Je li moguće obnoviti političke i diplomatske, a možda i ekonomske odnose, jer Hrvatska ima brojne interese u Siriji?
Naravno, svakako je moguće, ali to ovisi o političkoj usmjerenosti postojećih vlada. Ako su postojale pogreške u politici, posebno one koje su počinile prethodne vlade, vrlo je lako za buduće vlade ili za ovu postojeću obnoviti te odnose. Mi od tih vlada ne tražimo ništa drugo nego da najprije misle o interesima svojeg naroda, a zatim na međunarodno pravo koje se ponajprije zasniva na suverenosti drugih zemalja i nemiješanju u njihove unutarnje poslove. Mi nismo nikada, tijekom cijele naše povijesti otkad su započeli odnosi između nas i Hrvatske sada, a bivše Jugoslavije u prošlosti, izveli nikakav neprijateljski čin protiv tih zemalja. Uvijek smo ih smatrali prijateljima. Kakvo opravdanje ima vlada da pošalje oružje teroristima u Siriji koje će se koristiti za ubijanje nedužnih Sirijaca? Mislim da nema opravdanja za to i nadamo se da sadašnja vlada to ne prihvaća.
Postoji velik broj džihadista i terorista koji su došli s Balkana. Imate li informaciju o njihovu broju?
Nemamo točnih informacija zbog našeg turskog susjeda pod vodstvom kriminalca Erdoğana, koji podržava jačanje prisutnosti tih terorista u Siriji. To nam onemogućuje kontrolu granica i posljedično nam ne omogućuje točnu statistiku o broju terorista koji ulaze i izlaze iz zemlje. Ali glavno pitanje nije pitanje nacionalnosti tih terorista, jer znate da teroristi gledaju na cijeli svijet kao na jedinstvenu arenu. Oni ne vode računa ni o nacionalnoj dimenziji ni o političkim granicama. Tako da opasnost za vašu zemlju ili za Europu općenito ne dolazi samo od europskih terorista. Istina je da neki Europljanin može biti opasniji jer poznaje vašu regiju u detalje, ali njega će pratiti i drugi teroristi iz drugih zemalja, teroristi koji dijele istu doktrinu, aspiracije i ideje, u namjeri da izvedu napade. Zato, kada govorimo o broju terorista u Siriji, svakako govorimo o stotinama tisuća ili barem o više od stotinu tisuća. Naravno, oni dolaze i odlaze, a neki od njih budu i ubijeni u borbi.
Prosječni se ljudi pitaju o uzrocima napada na Siriju i pokušajima vašeg svrgavanja. Koji razlozi stoje iza toga?
Razlog je star, jednostavan i jasan. Te zapadne zemlje, predvođene Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, u partnerstvu s uglavnom Velikom Britanijom i Francuskom, a na žalost i nekim europskim zemljama koje nemaju kolonijalnu povijest, ne prihvaćaju nezavisne države i ne prihvaćaju ravnopravne odnose. Oni žele satelitske države koje provode njihove politike. Velike države imaju interese po cijelom svijetu, a mi imamo interese u našem okruženju. Nismo supersila, ali kada djelujemo s drugim državama, interesi trebaju biti zajednički. No oni žele da djelujemo za njihove interese protiv naših. Zbog toga smo uvijek bili u sukobu s tim zemljama. Na primjer, mi želimo mirovni proces, dok oni žele pokornost umjesto mira. Oni žele da imamo mir bez prava, što nije razumno. Oni žele da se odreknemo svoje suverenosti, da odustanemo od svojih prava koja su priznata međunarodnim pravom, rezolucijama Vijeća sigurnosti i brojnom potporom u Ujedinjenim nacijama za povrat naših područja. Postoji mnogo pitanja zbog kojih smatraju da je Sirija kao država previše nezavisna. Zbog toga su mislili da bi im vođenje rata u Siriji i zamjena sadašnje vlade klijentelističkom olakšalo stvari i omogućilo postizanje njihovih uskih interesa.
Cijena otpora i podložnosti
Da ste prihvatili mir ili pokornost, kako ste rekli, bi li se dogodilo ovo što se danas događa u Siriji?
Dat ću vam jedan primjer. Od nas je zatraženo da stanemo uz Zapad, posebno SAD, 2003. godine u njihovu ratu protiv Iraka. Znali smo da je rat u Iraku početak niza događaja radi podjele regije. Na svim konferencijama koje su se održavale prije rata, u namjeri da se odredi budućnost poslijeratnog Iraka, raspravljalo se o budućnosti sektaškog, a ne jedinstvenog Iraka. Dakle, znali smo da će se ono što se događa u Iraku preseliti u Siriju i na cijelu regiju. Da smo tada sudjelovali, situacija u Siriji bila bi danas puno gora nego nakon što smo to odbili učiniti. Zbog toga sam običavao govoriti da je cijena otpora puno manja nego cijena podložnosti. To sam rekao puno puta u prošlosti, a kasniji događaji u Siriji to su i dokazali. Ono što je pomoglo Siriji da danas čvrsto stoji jest to što je ona ujedinjena. Da smo pristali na sektaški projekt, bili bismo zemlja rastrgana pravim građanskim ratom. Građanski rat bio bi stvarnost, a ne samo pojam koji se koristi za opis onoga što se zbiva.
Zašto zaljevske zemlje plaćaju novcem i podržavaju teroriste kako bi svrgnule vladu u Siriji?
Većina zaljevskih država satelitske su države koje se ne usude reći ne. Neke od njih kažu: “Mi vas podržavamo, ali to ne možemo javno reći. Želimo vam pobjedu u ratu i nadamo se da ćete biti u stanju sačuvati jedinstvenu Siriju i pobijediti teroriste.” Ali u javnosti govore nešto drugo jer su podložni zapadnjačkoj volji. Većinu zaljevskih država, ako ne i sve, u određenoj fazi stvorili su Britanci, a poslije su predane Amerikancima.
Prihvaćate li ideju federalizma u Siriji o kojoj se u posljednje vrijeme dosta govori?
Federalizam je nacionalno pitanje, a treba li se dogoditi ili ne, ovisi o ustroju. A za ustroj je potreban glas naroda, a vlada i izvršna tijela izražavaju volju naroda. Ipak, većina Sirijaca n
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DŽEVAD JAHIĆ i MIRJANA VLAISAVLJEVIĆ. Moderator: Omer KARABEG. Danas razgovaramo o tome, kakav je status bosanskog jezika u Bosni i Hercegovini...
L’Académie croate adopte une nouvelle déclaration très politique sur la langue (Davor Butković, Jutarnji List / CdB, feb. 2005)
Sandjak : guerre des langues dans les écoles de Novi Pazar (A. Rizvanović et J. Kruševijanin, IWPR / CdB, feb. 2005)
Parlez-vous « bosnien » ? Désormais, cette langue sera enseignée dans les écoles de Novi Pazar, car les habitants bosniaques de la région refusent de parler le serbe. Les experts estiment cependant que les nouveaux manuels scolaires ont été réalisés sans aucune rigueur scientifique...
Language Battle Divides Schools (By A. Rizvanovic, IWPR 2 Aug 05)
L’intervento di Andrea Marcolongo a un incontro in Trentino, nell’ambito del Festival delle lingue di Rovereto, denuncia i paradossi del purismo strumentale
Questa la tesi della “Dichiarazione sull'unitarietà della lingua” presentata oggi a Sarajevo e frutto del lavoro e di duecento linguisti, intellettuali e figure pubbliche di spicco dei quattro paesi interessati.
Secondo gli autori, le differenze di lessico e ortografia nelle varie versioni della “lingua unica” che si parla nello spazio ex-jugoslavo, sono state esagerate ed utilizzate dalle ideologie nazionaliste che hanno contribuito allo sfascio della Jugoslavia e alla nascita di vari stati indipendenti sulle rovine della federazione di Tito.
“Un narcisismo delle piccole sfumature” che ha avuto conseguenze pesanti, dalla ghettizzazione dei “diversi” sulla base di differenze nell'uso della lingua, al blocco del normale sviluppo letterario e stilistico della “lingua contesa”. Ma anche sbocchi comici e paradossali, come la sottotitotolazione di film già totalmente comprensibili al pubblico interessato.
Vista la sensibilità dell'argomento nel contesto ex-jugoslavo, la “Dichiarazione” ha provocato polemiche soprattutto in Croazia, il paese che - più di altri – ha posto l'“unicità e diversità” del croato come pilastro della propria identità culturale e statuale.
Interpellato a riguardo, il premier croato Andrej Plenković si è limitato a rispondere piccato: “Il croato è una lingua ufficiale dell'Ue, e questa dichiarazione è solo un'iniziativa informale che non merita lo sforzo di una replica”.
U proteklih godinu dana su u Podgorici (nekadašnjem Titogradu), Splitu, Beogradu i Sarajevu održane konferencije na kojima je, kroz otvoreni dijalog lingvista i drugih stručnjaka, javno tematizovano pitanje postojanja četiri „politička“ jezika u Bosni i Hercegovini, Crnoj Gori, Hrvatskoj i Srbiji. „Uprkos željenoj i ostvarenoj emancipaciji te formalnom postojanju četiri standarda, identitetsko-jezičke strasti nisu se smirile, a preskriptivizam, zanesenost jezičkim imperijalizmom, teze o 'pedesetogodišnjem jezičkom ropstvu' i čitav dijapazon pogrešnih interpretacija i dalje traju.“, navodi se u obrazloženju. Projekat je zaokružen donošenjem dokumenta pod nazivom DEKLARACIJA O ZAJEDNIČKOM JEZIKU, a cilj je jednostavan – prevazilaženje nepotrebnih poteškoća u raznim segmentima društva, naročito u školama.
Nazivati jezik ZAJEDNIČKIM već ima svoju potvrdu u praksi i nije ga potrebno posebno priznavati. DEKLARACIJA, bez dvoumljenja, nudi adekvatnu alternativu totalnoj jezičkoj konfuziji koja nas prati još od početka 90-ih, ona nije nametanje, već, naprotiv, dobrodošlo rješenje. Pri tome je najmanje važno kako se taj (ZAJEDNIČKI) jezik zove.
Apsolutno svjesni činjenice da se ovim želi pokrenuti proces normalizacije odnosa među narodima na prostoru nekadašnje Jugoslavije, a jedan od sastavnih i neizostavnih dijelova tog procesa svakako jeste jezik, mi, članovi Udruženja „Naša Jugoslavija“, Saveza Jugoslovena, Zajednice Jugoslovena u Njemačkoj, podržavamo ovu inicijativu, pridružujemo se potpisnicima i pozivamo Vas da učinite isto.
Udruženja „Naša Jugoslavija“,
Saveza Jugoslovena i
Zajednice Jugoslovena u Njemačkoj
- činjenica postojanja zajedničkog policentričnog jezika ne dovodi u pitanje individualno pravo na iskazivanje pripadnosti različitim narodima, regijama ili državama;
- svaka država, nacija, etno-nacionalna ili regionalna zajednica može slobodno i samostalno kodificirati svoju varijantu zajedničkog jezika;
- sve četiri trenutno postojeće standardne varijante ravnopravne su i ne može se jedna od njih smatrati jezikom, a druge varijantama tog jezika;
- policentrična standardizacija je demokratski oblik standardizacije najbliži stvarnoj upotrebi jezika;
- činjenica da se radi o zajedničkom policentričnom standardnom jeziku ostavlja mogućnost svakom korisniku da ga imenuje kako želi;
- između standardnih varijanti policentričnog jezika postoje razlike u jezičnim i kulturnim tradicijama i praksama, upotrebi pisma, rječničkom blagu kao i na ostalim jezičnim razinama, što mogu pokazati i različite standardne varijante zajedničkog jezika na kojima će ova Deklaracija biti objavljena i korištena;
- standardne, dijalekatske i individualne razlike ne opravdavaju nasilno institucionalno razdvajanje, već naprotiv, doprinose ogromnom bogatstvu zajedničkog jezika.
- ukidanje svih oblika jezične segregacije i jezične diskriminacije u obrazovnim i javnim ustanovama;
- zaustavljanje represivnih, nepotrebnih i po govornike štetnih praksi razdvajanja jezika;
- prestanak rigidnog definiranja standardnih varijanti;
- izbjegavanje nepotrebnih, besmislenih i skupih ”prevođenja” u sudskoj i administrativnoj praksi kao i sredstvima javnog informiranja;
- slobodu individualnog izbora i uvažavanje jezičnih raznovrsnosti;
- jezičnu slobodu u književnosti, umjetnosti i medijima;
- slobodu dijalekatske i regionalne upotrebe;
- i, konačno, slobodu ”miješanja”, uzajamnu otvorenost te prožimanje različitih oblika i izričaja zajedničkog jezika na sveopću korist svih njegovih govornika.
Retour de la polémique : parle-t-on croate ou serbo-croate en Croatie ?
Depuis l’implosion de la Yougoslavie et la proclamation de l’indépendance croate en 1990, la politique officielle de Zagreb soutenait que l’ancienne langue commune, le serbo-croate, n’existait plus, le croate représentant une langue à part. Depuis l’indépendance, une campagne bien ficelée a eu pour but de convaincre les pays étrangers que le serbe et le croate étaient deux langues différentes, pratiquement incompréhensibles l’une de l’autre.
Que cette campagne ait porté ses fruits est démontré par le fait que beaucoup de personnes vivant à l’étranger se sont senties invitées, malgré leurs piètres connaissances en la matière, à affirmer avec beaucoup de détermination que le régime communiste en Yougoslavie avait interdit la langue croate et bloqué son libre développement.
Deux langues, vraiment ?
L’éminente linguistique croate comme l’élite intellectuelle ont soutenu cette posture et ont avancé de nombreux arguments ingénieux pour démontrer que le serbe et le croate étaient deux langues différentes. Ce grand projet a eu comme objectif d’éloigner la langue croate le plus loin possible de la norme commune, norme qui avait pourtant été choisie dans la première partie du XIXe siècle par les Croates eux-mêmes pour renforcer la création de leur État-nation.
De fait, les patriotes croates ont choisi dans les années 1830 un dialecte commun. Ce dialecte a été standardisé et décrit dans les grammaires et dictionnaires, aussi bien en Croatie qu’en Serbie. Depuis lors, et jusqu’à la dissolution de la Yougoslavie, le serbo-croate a été reconnu comme langue-standard commune aux Serbes, Croates, Bosniens et Monténégrins. Mais avec la création de nouveaux pays indépendants, la construction des nouveaux États-nations passait aussi par la langue, qu’il fallait nouvelle et indépendante.
Bien évidemment, la langue ne peut changer en un claquement de doigts, sur un diktat venu d’en haut. On ne peut pas modifier la langue et en faire quelque chose d’autre de ce qu’elle est et de ce qu’elle a toujours été. Car la langue a sa propre composition, ses structures phonologiques, morphologiques et syntaxique ; elle ne change que lentement. C’est pour cela que le dictionnaire et le bon usage (pravopis) croate représentent l’unique champ sur lequel les innovateurs de la langue croate puissent avoir une emprise.
Des années durant, une sorte de « novlangue » à la George Orwell a été promue en Croatie, avec des règles très strictes sur ce qui est une utilisation correcte et incorrecte de la langue. Les mots et les phrases serbes, qui ont également pris racine en Croatie, sont devenus définitivement obsolètes. Les médias et maisons d’édition croates embauchent de soi-disant lecteurs, qui en réalité fonctionnent comme censeurs. Leur tâche consiste à bloquer des « mauvais » mots, afin que les serbismes ne passent pas.
De leur côté, les journaux ouvraient des concours pour récompenser celui qui inventerait le meilleur mot croate. Il y a même eu des tentatives de criminalisation de l’utilisation de mots non-croates, suivant à peu près la même recette utilisée dans l’Italie de Mussolini, l’Allemagne nazie et la Croatie fasciste, au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Tout cela à cause de l’idée illusoire selon laquelle les frontières linguistiques et nationales doivent coïncider et que, sans langue propre, la Croatie n’aurait pas d’identité propre.
Ce que tout le monde savait déjà
Dans cet océan de linguistique partiale et nationaliste, un seul, mais vaste, ouvrage essaie de mettre fin à l’illusion d’une Croatie linguistiquement pure et suscite un torrent de réactions dans le pays. Snježana Kordić, l’auteur du livreLa langue et le nationalisme, est sans doute la linguiste croate la plus connue à l’étranger. Elle enseigne depuis quinze ans dans plusieurs universités allemandes et est l’auteur d’une liste imposante d’ouvrages.
Dans une suite d’articles déjà publiés, Snježana Kordić a affirmé ce que tout le monde savait déjà, à savoir que les Serbes, les Croates, les Bosniaques et les Monténégrins parlent des variantes différentes d’une même langue. Dans son livre, elle démontre que la thèse selon laquelle les frontières linguistiques et nationales coïncideraient est fausse. Elle donne des preuves pour prouver que le serbo-croate est une langue polycentrique tout comme l’anglais, l’allemand, l’espagnol et tant d’autres. Elle critique ses homologues croates pour leur manque frappant de connaissances en linguistique contemporaine et en les méthodes sociolinguistiques les plus simples.
Snježana Kordić s’est longuement penchée sur la problématique de la censure linguistique mise en place en Croatie. Elle accuse les linguistes et les intellectuels croates de céder à la pression des politiciens et autres groupes nationalistes. Des années durant, la polémique avec ses collègues était sans conséquence, car menée dans le cadre de revues spécialisées. Or, son nouveau livre a eu l’effet d’une bombe, qui a mobilisé les cercles nationalistes.
« Un complot contre la Croatie »
Une association privée qui répond au nom de Conseil culturel croate a porté plainte contre le ministère de la Culture pour avoir accordé son soutien financier à la publication de cet ouvrage. Selon cette association, le ministère aurait commis une infraction à la Constitution du pays qui établit le croate comme la langue officielle du pays. La même association affirme également que le ministère n’a pas à financer un livre qui affirme que les Serbes et les Croates parlent une seule et même langue.
De même, le livre en question serait une menace pour l’indépendance croate et représenterait une insulte au peuple croate, ainsi qu’une attaque à l’identité nationale croate. Au sein de l’association, on pense également - chose pas si étonnante dans cette région de l’Europe - que le livre fait partie d’un complot contre la Croatie. Son président a récemment affirmé que « En Croatie les collaborateurs de ce complot étant connus, ceux d’Allemagne et d’ailleurs seront démasqués ». Selon lui, « les pistes mènent à La Haye, Londres et Bruxelles ».
Qui sont les « ennemis de la Croatie » ?
Les nationalistes croates voient des ennemis intérieurs et extérieurs partout. Parmi eux, le Tribunal de La Haye pour l’ex-Yougoslavie, qui non seulement juge les criminels de guerre croates, mais de plus engage, malgré les désapprobations de la Croatie officielle, des interprètes et traducteurs de toute la région linguistique serbo-croate et publie ses documents soit dans la variante serbe, soit dans la variante croate, en reconnaissant ainsi de fait la langue serbo-croate comme étant la langue de travail du tribunal, et par conséquent une langue unique.
Bruxelles est désigné comme étant l’ennemi de la Croatie parce que les nationalistes croient percevoir des signes clairs qu’une fois la Serbie et la Croatie intégrées à l’Union européenne, Belgrade refusera la demande de la Croatie de reconnaître le croate comme langue à part entière. Et de ce fait, la nation, dont le plus grand espoir est d’avoir sa langue propre, connaîtra un échec sans précédent.
L’actualité de ce sujet sensible a placé le livre La langue et le nationalisme au cœur du débat. La Croatie est partagée en deux clans : lest pour Snježana Kordić et les contre. De nombreux commentaires sont publiés dans la presse, ainsi que sur Internet. Des meetings et des manifestations sont organisées contre le livre. Snježana Kordić a accordé énormément d’interviews aux journaux et hebdomadaires indépendants. Son ouvrage spécialisé est presque unbestseller et dû être retiré pour répondre à la demande. Il semblerait que la majorité des gens s’intéressent à la langue, et ceci d’une façon qui apparemment ne suit pas les lignes directrices dictées par le pouvoir.
Une rhétorique nationaliste usée jusqu’à la corde
Vu sous cet angle, l’amertume et les frustrations causées par le livre de Snježana Kordić sont compréhensibles. On dirait que peu de choses ont changé depuis que Dubravka Ugrešić, Slavenka Drakulić et d’autres intellectuels ont été forcés à l’exil dans les années 1990, pour s’être opposé au nationalisme xénophobe de l’ère Tuđman.
La rhétorique utilisée contre ce livre est la même que jadis. Mais, il s’est avéré que Snježana Kordić n’était pas la seule à penser ainsi. Sur les blogs, nombreux sont les simples citoyens qui ont, peut-être pour la première fois, exposé publiquement leurs réflexions sur la thèse selon laquelle ils ne comprendraient soi-disant pas leurs voisins de Serbie et Bosnie. Beaucoup d’hommes de lettres et intellectuels renommés ont affiché leur soutien à Snježana Kordić. Ils voient cette cabale comme une chasse aux sorcières.
Parmi ses soutiens en Croatie, connus de Hrvoje Hitrec [1] et son Conseil culturel croate, figure aussi l’auteur croate probablement le plus traduit à l’étranger : Miljenko Jergović. Toute cette affaire jette sans doute une lumière honteuse sur l’élite politique et intellectuelle croate. En effet, que penser d’une société dont l’indépendance et l’existence peuvent être mises en danger par un livre ? Surtout que, comme l’avait fait remarquer l’un des participants au débat, Snježana Kordić n’a rien fait d’autre que redécouvrir l’eau tiède...
Cet article est initialement paru le 21 janvier 2011 dans le magasine Kristeligt Dagblad de Conpenhague, sous le titre « La lutte pour la langue est une lutte pour l’identité nationale ».
as Jahr 2006 hat uns auf dem Balkan einmal mehr einen Staat beschert: Montenegro, 13.812 Quadratkilometer, 620.000 Einwohner. Also etwas kleiner als das Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein und fast genau so bevölkert wie das Bundesland Bremen. Aber um Größe und Bevölkerungszahl geht es auf dem Balkan nicht, sondern es geht um Identitäten und Sprachen.
Montenegro war in den späten 1990-er Jahren Liebling der internationalen Gemeinschaft, da diese sonst nichts gegen den Belgrader Diktator Slobodan Miloševic in der Hand hatte. Wäre es nach den Montenegrinern gegangen, dann hätte diese für sie so einträgliche Situation ewig bestehen können, weswegen sie auch nie die Opposition gegen Miloševic unterstützt haben. Denn sie wussten, wenn die siegt, dann interessiert sich niemand mehr für sie, aber viele werden sich an Montenegros Rolle bei Schmuggel und anderen mediterranen Gaunereien erinnern. Da erschien die Eigenstaatlichkeit als der goldene Weg, und den hat das Land konsequent beschritten – von der Einführung der D-Mark als nationale Währung im Jahr 2000 bis zur Unabhängigkeitserklärung im Juni 2006.
Land hinter Gottes Rücken
Rechtlich ist Montenegro ein vollgültiger Staat, seinem Wesen nach jedoch eine jener Balkan-Karikaturen, über die in der deutschen Publizistik bereits vor 90 Jahren abfällig geurteilt wurde: Staaten werden von Nationen gebildet, die im Besitz aller Attribute sind, die eine Nation nun einmal ausmachen – gemeinsame Sprache, Identität, Geschichte, Territorium etc. Auf dem Balkan schaffen oder verlangen ethnische Gruppen eigene Staaten – in der Hoffnung, mit der Schubkraft der Eigenstaatlichkeit endlich zu der Nation zu werden, die sie nie waren oder sein können.
Montenegriner hat es seit dem späten Mittelalter gegeben, allerdings nur als Teil des serbischen Ethnikums. Sie sind und bleiben Serben – die sich von anderen Serben nur dadurch unterscheiden, dass sie in 400 Jahren osmanischer Fremdherrschaft nie völlig erobert wurden. Wo die Osmanen nicht hinreiten konnten, dort ließen sie sich auch nicht sehen, und so konnte das „Land der schwarzen Berge“ (wie der italienische Landesname Montenegro bzw. der slavische Crna Gora in deutscher Übersetzung heißt) in relativer Unabhängigkeit leben. Bei den Serben war für Montenegro auch der ironische Begriff Zemlja Bogu za ledima im Umlauf: Land hinter Gottes Rücken.
Alles eine Verwandtschaft
Eine montenegrinische Identität, geschweige denn eine montenegrinische Sprache hat sich nie herausgebildet – im Gegenteil: Der montenegrinische Fürst-Bischof Petar Njegoš (1813-1851) machte sich 1847 in seinem Gedicht „Pozdrav rodu iz Beca“ (Wiener Gruß an die Landsleute) über gewisse dialektale Unterschiede bei den Serben lustig: „Lipo, ljepo, lepo, lijepo – listici su jednoga cvijeta“. Was deutsch etwa so wiederzugeben wäre: „Schön, scheen, scheun – sind doch Blätter derselben Blume“. Eben dieser souveräne Umgang mit Sprache hat Njegoš befähigt, zu einem der größten Dichter der Serben zu werden, dessen Versepos „Gorski vijenac“ (Der Bergkranz) zum Pantheon der südslavischen Literatur gehört.
Heute erscheint in der montenegrinischen Hauptstadt Podgorica ein Literaturblatt „in montenegrinischer Sprache“, von der niemand sagen kann, was sie ist. Angeblich hat das Montenegrinische zwei Buchstaben mehr als das Serbische, die auch niemand kennt. Und derselbe Krampf herrscht in allen Bereichen, in denen Montenegriner die Einmaligkeit ihrer Nation und Nationalkultur belegen wollen. Selbst eine eigene Kirche haben sie und berufen sich auf kirchliche Autokephalie in der Vergangenheit, was bestenfalls halbrichtig ist: Die Serbische Orthodoxe Kirche bestand bis 1921 aus vier oder fünf autokephalen Kirchen, darunter auch eine montenegrinische, die sich dann freiwillig zu der einen serbischen Kirche vereinigten. Bei einem Vortrag in Bonn sagte 1997 der damalige Präsident, spätere Premierminister Montenegros, dass fast alle „Montenegriner Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen ersten Grades zu Serbien“ hätten – später wurde er der härteste Verfechter montenegrinischer Eigenstaatlichkeit, da nur diese ihn, den Haupt-„Paten“ des mediterranen Zigarettenschmuggels, vor italienischen Strafverfolgern retten kann.
Das deutsche Beispiel
Diese ethno-linguale Gemengelage auf dem Balkan hat Deutschen manchmal gefallen, da sie in Deutschland ähnlich bestand: Die Deutschen sind keine Nation, die sich im Grad ihrer Binnenkohäsion mit Franzosen, Engländern, Russen vergleichen könnte – es gab nie ein deutsches Paris, London, Sank Petersburg. Was es bei Deutschen gab, war ein Ensemble von verwandten Stämmen auf der Basis einer gemeinsamen Sprache, wobei jeder Stamm sein eigenes Zentrum als Kristallisationspunkt seiner kreativen Energien besaß: Weimar bei den Thüringern, Dresden bei den Sachsen, München bei den Bayern etc.
So ähnlich stellten sich Deutsche vor 100, 200 Jahren die Südslaven vor. Sie alle sind „ein einziges Volk von der nämlichen Sprache“, urteilte 1829 Leopold von Ranke und knapp 100 Jahre später schrieb der deutsche Reichstagsabgeordnete und Balkankenner Hermann Wendel: „Serben, Kroaten und alle anderen sind ein Volk. Wenn sie es nicht sind, sind die Deutschen auch keins“. Diese Auffassung teilten auch die Südslaven. Im März 1850 schlossen Serben und Kroaten in Wien einen „Schriftsprachenvertrag“, der mit den Worten begann: „Wir sehen ein, dass ein Volk eine Literatur und Sprache braucht“, letztere nach deutschem oder italienischem Vorbild, wo man auch keine künstliche Gemeinsprache erfand, sondern einen Dialekt zur gemeinsamen Hoch- und Standardsprache erhob.
Natürlich hat die romantische deutsche Auffassung von der ethnischen und lingualen Einheit aller Südslaven nie ganz zugetroffen, und inzwischen musste ganz Europa schmerzlich erfahren, wie recht Milovan Djilas hatte, als er grimmig urteilte: „Wenn man auf dem Balkan über Sprachen diskutiert, werden auch schon Messer gewetzt!“
Sprache in Theorie und balkanischer Praxis
Die politisch motivierte Sprachendifferenzierung ist Gradmesser schwindender ethnischer Toleranz: Ethnische Spannungen kündigen sich an und vertiefen sich durch rückläufige sprachliche Toleranz. Wir haben es also mit einem politisch konfliktträchtigen Thema zu tun, was zu theoretischer Klärung zwingt:
o Sprache ist menschlich (aber wohl nicht immer human).
o Sie ist ein Zeichensystem (das regional nur für den inner circle gilt).
o Sie ist ein Medium des Gedankenaustauschs (wenn man denn den Dialog will).
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Déjeuner-Débat "Bosnie-Herzégovine, 25 ans après: mythes, réalités et perspectives de réconciliation" (6 avril - WBI)
Le 6 avril 1992, la guerre éclatait en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Pendant trois ans et demi, les combats firent rage, déplaçant deux millions de personnes et entraînant la mort d’environ cent mille autres. Vingt-cinq ans plus tard, les causes du déclenchement du conflit et les responsabilités pour sa longue durée sont beaucoup plus complexes que ce qui était avancé à l’époque par des médias et des gouvernements trop souvent manichéens.
Depuis, sous la supervision des États-Unis et de l’Union européenne, le pays est pacifié. Mais aucune réelle réconciliation intercommunautaire ne s’est encore produite, les réflexes identitaires continuant à primer sur les initiatives citoyennes. Aux aspirations centralisatrices des Bosniaques s’opposent les tendances centrifuges des Serbes et Croates bosniens. L’interminable mise sous protectorat du pays semble avoir entraîné une déresponsabilisation des acteurs locaux et aiguisé les rivalités à caractère ethnique. Plus grave encore, plusieurs anciens chefs de guerre appellent ouvertement à la guerre afin de régler les problèmes institutionnels, apparemment insolubles, découlant de l’accord de Dayton, ayant mis fin aux combats.
Pour parler et débattre du passé récent et de l’avenir de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, nous vous convions à ce déjeuner-débat, qui sera ouvert par des interventions de :
- Georges Berghezan, chercheur au GRIP, qui présentera son nouveau rapport sur la Bosnie-Herzégovine
- Xavier Bougarel, historien et chercheur au CNRS, pour un exposé sur les conséquences pour l’Europe du conflit bosnien
Où : Wallonie Bruxelles International (place Sainctelette, 2 à 1080 Bruxelles - métro Yser / Plan d'accès)
Quand : jeudi 6 avril 2017 de 12h à 14h
Inscriptions : Entrée gratuite mais inscription nécessaire : via notre formulaire d'inscription en ligne ; via l'adresse publications@... ou par sms au 0471/682.689
La conférence est organisée par l'Association pour les Nations unies (APNU) et le GRIP, avec le soutien de Wallonie-Bruxelles international (WBI).