"...Io penso che la comunita' internazionale sara' in grado di fare un
calcolo soltanto dopo, ma che la valutazione della scomparsa in Kosovo
di un numero di persone fra le 100 e le 200mila si avvicini alle
dimensioni della tragedia che e' stata compiuta... un esercito e gruppi
paramilitari che sono andati casa per casa a scacciare e terrorizzare la
popolazione, a derubare, a uccidere, a violentare"
Massimo D'Alema dinanzi alla Camera dei deputati il 19 maggio 1999
(dagli Atti ufficiali del Parlamento della Repubblica)
"Gli ufficiali della NATO hanno ammesso ieri sera che le loro stime sul
numero dei civili kosovaro-albanesi massacrati dalle forze serbe fatte
in tempo di guerra potrebbero essere state troppo alte... Non si puo'
dimostrare che tutti i cadaveri esumati [meno di tremila] siano stati
vittima di assassinio o esecuzioni..."
(The Guardian, 18/8/2000)
> Figures put on Serb killings too high
> Special report: Kosovo
> Jonathan Steele
> Friday August 18, 2000
> The Guardian
> Nato officials conceded last night that their wartime
> estimates of the number of Kosovo Albanian civilians
> massacred by Serb forces might have been too high.
> They were reacting to findings by forensic experts for
> the International Criminal Tribunal in the Hague who
> are preparing to complete their work in Kosovo after
> exhuming about 3,000 bodies.
> Not all of the dead can be proved to be victims of
> murder or execution...
Nota del CRJ: i bombardamenti della NATO hanno causato circa 2000
vittime civili sul momento; altrettante, tra morti ammazzati e "lupara
bianca", sono le vittime del terrorismo degli alleati della NATO (UCK)
dalla occupazione KFOR della provincia serba a tutt'oggi.
e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj
"...Io penso che la comunita' internazionale sara' in grado di fare un
calcolo soltanto dopo, ma che la valutazione della scomparsa in Kosovo
di un numero di persone fra le 100 e le 200mila si avvicini alle
dimensioni della tragedia che e' stata compiuta... un esercito e gruppi
paramilitari che sono andati casa per casa a scacciare e terrorizzare la
popolazione, a derubare, a uccidere, a violentare"
Massimo D'Alema dinanzi alla Camera dei deputati il 19 maggio 1999
(dagli Atti ufficiali del Parlamento della Repubblica)
"Gli ufficiali della NATO hanno ammesso ieri sera che le loro stime sul
numero dei civili kosovaro-albanesi massacrati dalle forze serbe fatte
in tempo di guerra potrebbero essere state troppo alte... Non si puo'
dimostrare che tutti i cadaveri esumati [meno di tremila] siano stati
vittima di assassinio o esecuzioni..."
(The Guardian, 18/8/2000)
> Figures put on Serb killings too high
> Special report: Kosovo
> Jonathan Steele
> Friday August 18, 2000
> The Guardian
> Nato officials conceded last night that their wartime
> estimates of the number of Kosovo Albanian civilians
> massacred by Serb forces might have been too high.
> They were reacting to findings by forensic experts for
> the International Criminal Tribunal in the Hague who
> are preparing to complete their work in Kosovo after
> exhuming about 3,000 bodies.
> Not all of the dead can be proved to be victims of
> murder or execution...
Nota del CRJ: i bombardamenti della NATO hanno causato circa 2000
vittime civili sul momento; altrettante, tra morti ammazzati e "lupara
bianca", sono le vittime del terrorismo degli alleati della NATO (UCK)
dalla occupazione KFOR della provincia serba a tutt'oggi.
e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj
Sala circoscrizione 6 - Vicenza
(Villa Lattes, vai Thaon di Revel)
"Guerre ed embarghi"
dibattito con:
Fulvio Grimaldi
proiezione video: "Serbi da morire" - effetti della guerra con
al disastro ambientale. E' questo video un'ottima documentazione delle
conseguenze economiche, sociali, sanitarie ed ambientali dell'attacco
Organizzano: Punto Rosso / Collettivo "Spartakus" / Circolo del Cinema
"Farhenheit 451
Info: tel fax 044 542084
posta el. sparta@...
Contrà Ponton del Luzzo, 10 - 36100 Vicenza
I figli dei lavoratori della Zastava di Kragujevac iniziano, anche loro,
l'anno scolastico in questi giorni.
La Zastava e' una fabbrica jugoslava di automobili e di camion che
piu' di 30.000 dipendenti, oggi in prevalenza ferma perche' gli impianti
sono stati distrutti dai bombardamenti della Nato della primavera
La maggioranza dei loro genitori non lavora ed i lavoratori che non
percepiscono una indennita' di disoccupazione di 15.000 lire al mese. Lo
Stato non garantisce il materiale scolastico che va comperato se i soldi
famiglia ci sono.
Per questi motivi i lavoratori torinesi che hanno deciso di aiutare i
dei lavoratori della Zastava attraverso le adozioni a distanza:
lanciano un appello ai lavoratori torinesi per sostenere con una
Allo scopo di poter dare ad ogni ragazzo
La raccolta avverra' con i blocchetti di ricevuta
Sara' fatta da un rappresentante sindacale della azienda dove lavorate
Verra' data informazione della avvenuta consegna del materiale e
di ricevimento
Torino 11 settembre 2000, Via Pedrotti 5
Il Comitato Piemontese SOS Zastava
Per il giorno 22 settembre abbiamo organizzato (Assijug, Campo
antimperialista) una cena per la raccolta di fondi per la Jugoslavia.
La cena sarà l'occasione per illustrare ad una vasta (si spera) platea
l'iniziativa della carovana contro l'embargo, raccogliere le relative
adesioni e, eventualmente, elaborare proposte migliorative e nuove
Per chi é interessato l'appuntamento é presso:
La Casa del Popolo in località Casa del Diavolo PG. alle ore 20.30. Per
arrivarci chi viene dalla super strada E45 uscita Ponte Pattoli; per chi
proviene da Sud o dall'autostrada proseguire sulla E45 in direzione
Cesena e poi uscita Ponte Pattoli.
Per contattarci utilizzare i nostri e-mail oppure telefonare allo
0349-8642732 (Marcello)
PS. oltre da bere e mangiare ci sarà musica in abbondanza con musicisti
slavi dal vivo
Comunicato Stampa del Campo Antimperialista
Si e' svolta stamane a Perugia, alle ore 12,00, presso la sede regionale
di Voce Operaia, la
Conferenza stampa dei responsabili della Campo Antimperialista.
Alla presenza di giornali e TV e viste le infuocate polemiche in corso,
sono state spiegate le
ragioni dell'annullamento della annunciata ³Contro-marcia per la pace²
prevista per lo stesso
giorno di quella tradizionale, il 24 settembre.
All¹interno della Tavola della Pace (la coalizione pacifista che
organizza la Manifestazione
ufficiale) e' alla fine prevalsa la posizione dei pacifisti conseguenti
i quali hanno stigmatizzato
cio' che accadde l¹anno passato quando il Presidente del Consiglio
D¹Alema e il segretario del
principale partito di governo (Veltroni), ebbero la sfrontatezza di
capeggiare la Marcia mentre
avevano accettato di fare dell¹Italia la portaerei della NATO
nell'illegale e infame aggressione alla
Jugoslavia (il piu' gigantesco bombardamento dai tempi della seconda
guerra mondiale).
Dopo colloqui con gli organizzatori pacifisti della Marcia, l¹arco di
forze antagoniste che si
raccoglie nel Campo Antimperialista ha deciso dunque di confluire con
spirito fraterno e unitario in
quella tradizionale, che sara' dunque non solo contro le guerre e gli
eserciti, ma contro la NATO e
gli Embarghi in particolare.
Il 24 settembre dunque, pacifisti e antimperialisti sfileranno tutti
assieme contro il nemico comune,
contro l¹Impero dei ricchi di cui la NATO e' il braccio armato, e contro
l¹ingiustizia internazionale,
di cui Fondo Monetario e Banca mondiale sono gli organi supremi.
Non sara¹ dunque la ³marcia degli estremisti², ma una vera marcia per la
pace, in quanto
³estremisti² sono coloro che hanno le mani macchiate di sangue e che
continuano con l¹embargo a
strangolare i popoli dopo averli massacrati.
Domani stesso chiederemo un incontro a Padre G. Nicola, del Sacro
Convento di Assisi, per
chiedere se corrisponda a verità il fatto che i francescani, abbiano
deciso di disertare la
manifestazione, solo perché i seminatori di morte governativi sono
invitati a restarsene a casa,
pena una sonora conTESTAtazione
Tutti i cittadini, ci comitati in buona fede sono invitati a partecipare
alla Marcia unitaria affinché
abbia pieno successo.
Per adesioni: campo@...
Campo Antimperialista
Assisi 2000
11 settembre 2000
UNA STAGIONE di lotte e di impegno contro l'imperialismo!
Il Campo Antimperialista, assieme a tutti i movimenti antagonisti e
anticapitalisti, promuove una grande campagna
d'autunno di conTESTAzione internazionale
- per dire basta alle aggressioni e alle guerre imperiali contro i paesi
che difendono la loro legittima sovranità nazionale,
- per farla finita con la NATO e gli embarghi illegali che affamano i
popoli oppressi e i più deboli,
- per boicottare i vertici del Fondo monetario e della Banca Mondiale
che pianificano il genocidio dei poveri allo scopo di
tutelare l¹opulenza dei paesi più ricchi,
- contro il governo italiano che continua a spendere risorse ingenti per
armi offensive di distruzione e per mantenere,
violando la costituzione, corpi militari oltre frontiera,
- per la solidarietà con le lotte di tutti i popoli oppressi
dall¹imperialismo e dal colonialismo:
venerdì 23 settembre, ore 20
Concerto e festa di solidarietà con musicisti jugoslavi
casa del Popolo di Casa del Diavolo (PG)
Domenica 24 settembre
Marcia per la pace Perugia-Assisi
Martedì 26 settembre
Tutti a Praga per boicottare il vertice del F.M.I. e della banca
Sabato 14 ottobre
Manifestazioni in tutta Italia di solidarietà con la lotta del popolo di
Colombia contro il rischio di
aggressione U.S.A.
Sabato 21 ottobre
nell'anniversario del massacro nazista a Kragujevac
Manifestazioni a Roma e a Milano contro l'emarbo alla Jugoslavia
Primi di dicembre
Tutti a Nizza per boicottare il vertice dell¹Unione Europea
Fine dicembre
Partenza da Bari della Nave contro per violare l¹Embargo alla
Jugoslavia, con tonnellate di
prodotti, farmaceutici, ospedalieri ecc, che la NATO proibisce siano
consegnati a Belgrado
Jugoslawisch-Österreichischen Solidaritätsbewegung
' Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2000, 18 Uhr '
' 15., Meiselstraße 46/4 '
Liebe Freunde und Mitglieder der JÖSB!
Der Luftkrieg der NATO gegen Jugoslawien ist zwar (vorläufig) vorbei,
die Aggression gegen ein Land, das sich nicht der Neuen Weltordnung
unterzuordnen bereit war und ist, geht weiter: der Kosovo ist besetzt,
militärischen Drohungen bleibt aufrecht, die Versuche Montenegro
sind offensichtlich und vor allem das mörderische Wirtschaftsembargo
Die JÖSB, gegründet gegen die westliche Aggression und zur Unterstützung
jugoslawischen Volkes, hat also nach wie vor mehr als genug zu tun. Mehr
ein Jahr sind seit der Gründung verstrichen es ist nun Zeit Bilanz
unsere Aktivitäten, Erfolge und Misserfolge zu ziehen und die Aufgaben
das kommende Jahr festzulegen.
Wir laden alle unsere Mitglieder und Freunde, jene die uns unterstützt
und mit uns gegen den Strom des militärischen Humanitarismus zu
bereit sind, ein, an unserer ersten Generalversammlung teilzunehmen.
Vorläufige Tagesordnung:
(1) Bilanz des vergangenen Jahres
(2) Kampagne gegen das Embargo
(3) Internationaler Aktionstag 21. Oktober
(4) Weitere Aktivitäten
(5) Organisationsbericht
(6) Finanzbericht
(7) Wahl des neuen Vorstands
Mit Anti-NATO-Grüßen
Willi Langthaler
Obmann der JÖSB
Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung (JÖSB)
PF 217, A-1040 Wien, Österreich
Tel/Fax +43 1 924 31 61
Mobil +43 6991 924 31 61
Kto-Nr. 9282, RB Schwechat, BLZ 32823
Subject: Good deed
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 11:48:43 +0200
From: TFF Sweden <TFF@...>
To: TFF Special <TFF@...>
Dear friend
Your good deed today could be to sign the Appeal to restore the
Ministry's support for TFF at:
Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who have already taken action.
This is our last signature campaign message.
Peace is a comparative advantage. Next, PressInfo #99 will deal with
a series of new initiatives we will launch this autumn - to give you
a comparative advance.
Have a good day
Jan Oberg
e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj
Sala circoscrizione 6 - Vicenza
(Villa Lattes, vai Thaon di Revel)
"Guerre ed embarghi"
dibattito con:
Fulvio Grimaldi
proiezione video: "Serbi da morire" - effetti della guerra con
al disastro ambientale. E' questo video un'ottima documentazione delle
conseguenze economiche, sociali, sanitarie ed ambientali dell'attacco
Organizzano: Punto Rosso / Collettivo "Spartakus" / Circolo del Cinema
"Farhenheit 451
Info: tel fax 044 542084
posta el. sparta@...
Contrà Ponton del Luzzo, 10 - 36100 Vicenza
I figli dei lavoratori della Zastava di Kragujevac iniziano, anche loro,
l'anno scolastico in questi giorni.
La Zastava e' una fabbrica jugoslava di automobili e di camion che
piu' di 30.000 dipendenti, oggi in prevalenza ferma perche' gli impianti
sono stati distrutti dai bombardamenti della Nato della primavera
La maggioranza dei loro genitori non lavora ed i lavoratori che non
percepiscono una indennita' di disoccupazione di 15.000 lire al mese. Lo
Stato non garantisce il materiale scolastico che va comperato se i soldi
famiglia ci sono.
Per questi motivi i lavoratori torinesi che hanno deciso di aiutare i
dei lavoratori della Zastava attraverso le adozioni a distanza:
lanciano un appello ai lavoratori torinesi per sostenere con una
Allo scopo di poter dare ad ogni ragazzo
La raccolta avverra' con i blocchetti di ricevuta
Sara' fatta da un rappresentante sindacale della azienda dove lavorate
Verra' data informazione della avvenuta consegna del materiale e
di ricevimento
Torino 11 settembre 2000, Via Pedrotti 5
Il Comitato Piemontese SOS Zastava
Per il giorno 22 settembre abbiamo organizzato (Assijug, Campo
antimperialista) una cena per la raccolta di fondi per la Jugoslavia.
La cena sarà l'occasione per illustrare ad una vasta (si spera) platea
l'iniziativa della carovana contro l'embargo, raccogliere le relative
adesioni e, eventualmente, elaborare proposte migliorative e nuove
Per chi é interessato l'appuntamento é presso:
La Casa del Popolo in località Casa del Diavolo PG. alle ore 20.30. Per
arrivarci chi viene dalla super strada E45 uscita Ponte Pattoli; per chi
proviene da Sud o dall'autostrada proseguire sulla E45 in direzione
Cesena e poi uscita Ponte Pattoli.
Per contattarci utilizzare i nostri e-mail oppure telefonare allo
0349-8642732 (Marcello)
PS. oltre da bere e mangiare ci sarà musica in abbondanza con musicisti
slavi dal vivo
Comunicato Stampa del Campo Antimperialista
Si e' svolta stamane a Perugia, alle ore 12,00, presso la sede regionale
di Voce Operaia, la
Conferenza stampa dei responsabili della Campo Antimperialista.
Alla presenza di giornali e TV e viste le infuocate polemiche in corso,
sono state spiegate le
ragioni dell'annullamento della annunciata ³Contro-marcia per la pace²
prevista per lo stesso
giorno di quella tradizionale, il 24 settembre.
All¹interno della Tavola della Pace (la coalizione pacifista che
organizza la Manifestazione
ufficiale) e' alla fine prevalsa la posizione dei pacifisti conseguenti
i quali hanno stigmatizzato
cio' che accadde l¹anno passato quando il Presidente del Consiglio
D¹Alema e il segretario del
principale partito di governo (Veltroni), ebbero la sfrontatezza di
capeggiare la Marcia mentre
avevano accettato di fare dell¹Italia la portaerei della NATO
nell'illegale e infame aggressione alla
Jugoslavia (il piu' gigantesco bombardamento dai tempi della seconda
guerra mondiale).
Dopo colloqui con gli organizzatori pacifisti della Marcia, l¹arco di
forze antagoniste che si
raccoglie nel Campo Antimperialista ha deciso dunque di confluire con
spirito fraterno e unitario in
quella tradizionale, che sara' dunque non solo contro le guerre e gli
eserciti, ma contro la NATO e
gli Embarghi in particolare.
Il 24 settembre dunque, pacifisti e antimperialisti sfileranno tutti
assieme contro il nemico comune,
contro l¹Impero dei ricchi di cui la NATO e' il braccio armato, e contro
l¹ingiustizia internazionale,
di cui Fondo Monetario e Banca mondiale sono gli organi supremi.
Non sara¹ dunque la ³marcia degli estremisti², ma una vera marcia per la
pace, in quanto
³estremisti² sono coloro che hanno le mani macchiate di sangue e che
continuano con l¹embargo a
strangolare i popoli dopo averli massacrati.
Domani stesso chiederemo un incontro a Padre G. Nicola, del Sacro
Convento di Assisi, per
chiedere se corrisponda a verità il fatto che i francescani, abbiano
deciso di disertare la
manifestazione, solo perché i seminatori di morte governativi sono
invitati a restarsene a casa,
pena una sonora conTESTAtazione
Tutti i cittadini, ci comitati in buona fede sono invitati a partecipare
alla Marcia unitaria affinché
abbia pieno successo.
Per adesioni: campo@...
Campo Antimperialista
Assisi 2000
11 settembre 2000
UNA STAGIONE di lotte e di impegno contro l'imperialismo!
Il Campo Antimperialista, assieme a tutti i movimenti antagonisti e
anticapitalisti, promuove una grande campagna
d'autunno di conTESTAzione internazionale
- per dire basta alle aggressioni e alle guerre imperiali contro i paesi
che difendono la loro legittima sovranità nazionale,
- per farla finita con la NATO e gli embarghi illegali che affamano i
popoli oppressi e i più deboli,
- per boicottare i vertici del Fondo monetario e della Banca Mondiale
che pianificano il genocidio dei poveri allo scopo di
tutelare l¹opulenza dei paesi più ricchi,
- contro il governo italiano che continua a spendere risorse ingenti per
armi offensive di distruzione e per mantenere,
violando la costituzione, corpi militari oltre frontiera,
- per la solidarietà con le lotte di tutti i popoli oppressi
dall¹imperialismo e dal colonialismo:
venerdì 23 settembre, ore 20
Concerto e festa di solidarietà con musicisti jugoslavi
casa del Popolo di Casa del Diavolo (PG)
Domenica 24 settembre
Marcia per la pace Perugia-Assisi
Martedì 26 settembre
Tutti a Praga per boicottare il vertice del F.M.I. e della banca
Sabato 14 ottobre
Manifestazioni in tutta Italia di solidarietà con la lotta del popolo di
Colombia contro il rischio di
aggressione U.S.A.
Sabato 21 ottobre
nell'anniversario del massacro nazista a Kragujevac
Manifestazioni a Roma e a Milano contro l'emarbo alla Jugoslavia
Primi di dicembre
Tutti a Nizza per boicottare il vertice dell¹Unione Europea
Fine dicembre
Partenza da Bari della Nave contro per violare l¹Embargo alla
Jugoslavia, con tonnellate di
prodotti, farmaceutici, ospedalieri ecc, che la NATO proibisce siano
consegnati a Belgrado
Jugoslawisch-Österreichischen Solidaritätsbewegung
' Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2000, 18 Uhr '
' 15., Meiselstraße 46/4 '
Liebe Freunde und Mitglieder der JÖSB!
Der Luftkrieg der NATO gegen Jugoslawien ist zwar (vorläufig) vorbei,
die Aggression gegen ein Land, das sich nicht der Neuen Weltordnung
unterzuordnen bereit war und ist, geht weiter: der Kosovo ist besetzt,
militärischen Drohungen bleibt aufrecht, die Versuche Montenegro
sind offensichtlich und vor allem das mörderische Wirtschaftsembargo
Die JÖSB, gegründet gegen die westliche Aggression und zur Unterstützung
jugoslawischen Volkes, hat also nach wie vor mehr als genug zu tun. Mehr
ein Jahr sind seit der Gründung verstrichen es ist nun Zeit Bilanz
unsere Aktivitäten, Erfolge und Misserfolge zu ziehen und die Aufgaben
das kommende Jahr festzulegen.
Wir laden alle unsere Mitglieder und Freunde, jene die uns unterstützt
und mit uns gegen den Strom des militärischen Humanitarismus zu
bereit sind, ein, an unserer ersten Generalversammlung teilzunehmen.
Vorläufige Tagesordnung:
(1) Bilanz des vergangenen Jahres
(2) Kampagne gegen das Embargo
(3) Internationaler Aktionstag 21. Oktober
(4) Weitere Aktivitäten
(5) Organisationsbericht
(6) Finanzbericht
(7) Wahl des neuen Vorstands
Mit Anti-NATO-Grüßen
Willi Langthaler
Obmann der JÖSB
Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung (JÖSB)
PF 217, A-1040 Wien, Österreich
Tel/Fax +43 1 924 31 61
Mobil +43 6991 924 31 61
Kto-Nr. 9282, RB Schwechat, BLZ 32823
Subject: Good deed
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 11:48:43 +0200
From: TFF Sweden <TFF@...>
To: TFF Special <TFF@...>
Dear friend
Your good deed today could be to sign the Appeal to restore the
Ministry's support for TFF at:
Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who have already taken action.
This is our last signature campaign message.
Peace is a comparative advantage. Next, PressInfo #99 will deal with
a series of new initiatives we will launch this autumn - to give you
a comparative advance.
Have a good day
Jan Oberg
e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj
Dopo la Russia, e' la RF di Jugoslavia il paese europeo con il piu'
basso prezzo del carburante: un altro "buon motivo" per aggredirli
entrambi, e per collocare le nostre truppe a presidiare i giacimenti del
Caucaso e del Mar Caspio, nonche' le zone di transito balcanico, dalla
fragile FYROM al docile Montenegro, attraverso il protettorato del
* Ricette socialiste per arginare la crisi energetica (A. Scargill)
* Il progetto AMBO (Corridoio 8) e la destabilizzazione della FYROM
(Albanian Daily News)
* Stelle e striscie sul Caspio (S. Finardi)
Sull'argomento si veda anche:
Alberto di Fazio: "Le connessioni fra la guerra dei Balcani e la crisi
energetica prossima ventura", dal libro "Imbrogli di guerra"
> http://www.iac.rm.cnr.it/~spweb/libro/
Una considerazione sul caro-petrolio
> http://digilander.iol.it/Yuri/Il%20caro%20Petrolio.htm
Subject: Socialist Labour Party Statement On Fuel Crisis
President: Frank Cave Vice-President: Linda Muir
General Secretary: Arthur Scargill
9 Victoria Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2BB
Answerphone/Fax: 01226-770957
www.socialist-labour-party.org.uk e-mail:
Press Release
The current fuel crisis will not vanish with the lifting of blockades.
crisis, particularly in respect of oil and petroleum was predicted by
Socialists like myself years ago. It is an inevitable consequence of
free market and capitalist system. The long-term, and only, solution is
public ownership and control and the introduction of an integrated
policy which should be implemented immediately, involving the following:
all North Sea oil and gas operations to be taken into public ownership;
all oil refineries and gas distributors to be taken into public
all road transport - passengers and freight - including lorries, buses,
trains and waterway transport to be taken into public ownership;
all the revenues generated from creating integrated energy and transport
systems must be utilised for the benefit of the British people:
restoring the income 'link' for pensioners;
an immediate investment of »13 billion into the NHS, at the same time
abolishing private health care;
an immediate investment of »5 billion to be made annually in education;
a housing programme which would build or refurbish one million homes per
year over the next five years.
These are policies which should have emerged as a call from the TUC at
Congress this week, with the General Council and trade unions
that the actions of the oil producers, refineries and hauliers have been
are directed towards maintaining or increasing the profits of producers,
refineries and distributors - not protecting the wages, conditions and
of energy and transport workers, or of consumers.
Arthur Scargill
General Secretary, Socialist Labour Party
Thursday, 14 September, 2000
> Pétrole : une crise qui va continuer
> La crise pétrolière actuelle ne s¹arrêtera pas avec la levée des barrages.
> Cette crise avait été prévue depuis de longues années par les Socialistes
> comme moi-même. Elle est une conséquence inéluctable de l¹économie de
> et du système capitaliste. La seule solution de long terme est la
> publique et l¹introduction sans délai d¹une politique énergétique intégrée
> qui comprendrait les points suivants :
> 1. toutes les activités pétrolières et gazières en Mer du Nord sont mises
> sous statut public ;
> 2. toutes les raffineries de pétrole et les sociétés de distribution de
> sont mises sous statut public ;
> 3. tous les transports ferroviaires et routiers, de passager et de fret, y
> compris les poids lourds, les cars, les trains et le transport fluvial
> mis sous statut public ;
> 4. les revenus engendrés par la création de systèmes énergétiques et de
> transport intégrés doivent être utilisés au profit de la population
> britannique :
> - restauration de la liaison des pensions au revenu moyen ;
> - un investissement immédiat de 13 milliards de £ dans le Service National
> de
> Santé (NHS), en même temps que l¹abolition du système de soins de santé
> privé ;
> - un investissement immédiat et annuel de 5 millions de £ dans
> l¹enseignement ;
> - un programme de logement visant à construire ou à rénover un million de
> logements par an au cours de cinq prochaines années.
> Voilà des revendications qui auraient dû émerger au congrès du TUC la
> semaine dernière. Le Conseil général et les syndicats auraient dû observer
> que les actions des producteurs pétroliers, raffineries et
> patrons-camionneurs sont orientées vers la défense et l¹augmentation des
> profits des producteurs et des distributeurs, et non vers la protection
> salaires, emplois et conditions de travail des travailleurs des secteurs
> l¹énergie et du transport ou des intérêts des consommateurs.
> Arthur Scargill
> Secrétaire général du
> Socialist Labour Party
July 1, 2000 - Albanian Daily News
AMBO Corporation to Start Fund Raising Within Days
SOFIA - The New York-registered Albanian, Macedonian and
Oil Corporation (AMBO Corporation), set up to construct a trans-Balkan
pipeline linking the Bulgarian Black Sea port of Bourgas with Albania's
Adriatic port of Vlora, will start raising funds as of the beginning of
July, the company's vice-president, Gligor Taskovic, has announced.
Leading oil companies such as Mobil, BP Amoco, Agip, Chevron
Texaco have already expressed interest in the project, said AMBO
Ted Ferguson, who went to Sofia at the end of May to meet government
representatives. In Ferguson's opinion the pipeline can be completed by
end of 2004 or in 2005.
The pipeline will be 900 kilometers long and have an annual
capacity of 35 million tons of oil. According to estimates, the facility
will cost about 1.130 billion dollars, 450 million dollars of which will
raised from company shares and 600 million dollars provided through bank
Talks have already been held with the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the International Financial
Corporation (IFC), the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
EXIM, company sources said.
A Regional Development Ministry export council has considered
AMBO's preliminary survey in order to become acquainted with the basic
facts. The corporation assigned its execution to four consulting
- the major one of which is Brown & Root. The legal analysis was
by CS First Boston, while the political one, by Richard Armtrige.
At the time, regional development minister Evgeni Chachev said
first a choice must be made between this project and the alternative one
a pipeline linking Bourgas with the Greek port of Alexandropoulis. In
Minister Chachev's opinion both projects are important and it is up to
investors to decide which will start first.
Recently, the Bourgas-Alexandropoulis project seems to have
slightly forgotten. In 1998, Greece received more than two million euros
from the European Union for feasibility studies. Still, only the first
stage of the studies has been carried out while the second phase is
currently under preparation. At the same time, the USA has promised
to Baku-Ceyhan as an alternative to the route passing through Russia.
The truth is that the Caspian Oil Pipeline Consortium has not
the final choice as to which of the possible routes it would use to
transport oil to the European markets.
The agreement for Baku-Ceyhan is more of a political act and
companies feel nervous about it, being unaccustomed to such strong
pressure, experts commented. Analyses show that this pipeline will cost
about three billion dollars and would render oil supplies more
It is convenient for carrying the oil extracted in the Southern Caspian
(especially Azerbaijan) but would prove to be unprofitable for oil
from Kazakhstan. The overall oil deposits in the Caspian Sea are
at 200 billion barrels.
The construction of an oil pipeline from the Kazakh oil deposit
Tengiz to the Russian port of
Novorosiisk must be completed in 2002. Recently, Russian president
Vladimir Putin and his Kazakh
counterpart, Nursultan Nazarbayev, agreed on transporting Caspian oil
through Russia to Novorosiisk.
AMBO's biggest advantage is that 300,000-ton super tankers can enter
port, which would make
transport cheaper. The decision as to where the oil would be directed
after that is up to the oil companies. Moreover, Vlora is on the way for
tankers going to the oil ports of Trieste and Rijeka, while
is somewhat out of the way.
Another of the AMBO project's advantages is the support it
from the US administration, which has granted funds for the feasibility
studies. If the big oil companies confirm their interest in the project
this would be another big plus.
The idea is for AMBO to become a holding structure with the
participation of several big oil companies operating in the region of
Caspian Sea. The holding will register companies in the three countries
under local laws.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>Date: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 4:19 AM
>>Subject: [sn-vesti 8202] Macedonia being destabilised
>>NOTE: The Digest is available on-line at
>>Issue No. 97 16th - 29th June 2000
>>Greek politician says KLA trying to destabilise Macedonia
>>As killings, bombings and the abduction of children for prostitution
>>continue daily under the nose of Nato "peacekeepers" in Kosovo (for
>>daily reports, see <http://www.kforonline.com>www.kforonline.com), a
>>Greek member of the European Parliament, Yiannis Souladakis, has told
>>reporters that groups linked to the Kosovo Liberation Army are
>>involved in attempts to infiltrate and destabilize the Former
>>Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Souladakis said the
>>infiltrators were "involved in drug-trafficking, illegal arms and
>>women trade, while lately...attempting to acquire a political
>>Moreover, the Greek newspaper Kathimerini reported last week that the
>>40-mile border between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and
>>Kosovo is riddled by smugglers who are tied to armed gangs fomenting
>>rebellion among Macedonia's ethnic Albanians. The newspaper said
>>ethnic Albanians from both sides crisscross the border with large
>>quantities of cigarettes, alcohol, guns and women whom they force
>>into prostitution.
>>Macedonian newspapers have also highlighted an alleged connection
>>between organized smuggling rings and the political leadership of the
>>ethnic Albanians of western Macedonia, centred in the city of Tetovo.
>>The repeated attacks on police targets in ethnic Albanian regions,
>>culminating in the shooting of two border guards at Blace earlier
>>this month, are attributed to the activities of Albanians who, beyond
>>smuggling, are forming the nucleus of an armed movement in Macedonia.
>>The reports say armed groups are forming under the leadership of
>>extremists from the KLA. No proof has been provided, according to the
>>press reports, but the rumours are fuelled by reports by the
>>Macedonian secret service and statements by government officials who
>>say such groups exist and are tied to the military-political
>>leadership of Kosovo.
>>Meanwhile, the Greek government has joined the US in denying a New
>>York Times report that said Greece was involved in efforts to
>>negotiate the resignation of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic
>>coupled to guarantees for his personal safety and that of his family.
>>A Greek government spokesman said a recent trip by former foreign
>>minister Karolos Papoulias to Belgrade was not related to the alleged
>>scenario outlined in the Times report. [CNS News, 21st June 2000]
>>Greek border guard killed by Albanians
>>A Greek border guard has been shot dead in an encounter with Albanian
>>drug dealers on the Greek-Albanian border. According to reports,
>>Ioannis Pamboukidis, 30, was killed when the Albanians used their
>>Kalashnikovs to open fire on the customs officers who were patrolling
>>a remote rural area. [La Repubblica, 28th June 2000]
>>Balkan pipeline project to start raising funds next month
>>The Albanian, Macedonian and Bulgarian Oil Corporation LLC (AMBO) of
>>Pound Ridge, New York, has announced that it will start raising funds
>>in early July for a $1.13bn pipeline to ship crude oil from the Black
>>and Caspian seas to the West. The underground pipeline, 913
>>kilometres long, is designed to carry 750,000 barrels a day, or 35m
>>metric tons per year, which will represent 40 percent of the crude
>>oil from newly-developed oilfields to enter the Black Sea in the next
>>five years, or 30 percent of the new oil over the next 10 years. It
>>will pass from Burgas, on the Black Sea coast, to Vlora on the
>>Adriatic coast of Albania, and will ship Russian, Azerbaijani, Kazakh
>>and Turkmenian oil from around the Black Sea to the markets of
>>Western Europe and North America. It will also bypass Turkey's
>>heavily travelled Bosphorus Straits. Big tankers with 300,000 tonnes
>>of crude can anchor at the port of Vlora, which makes the transit
>>journey to the United States economic, while the biggest tankers
>>passing the Bosphorus could carry 150,000 tonnes, AMBO officials
>>said. A holding structure with three separate companies in Bulgaria,
>>Macedonia and Albania will build the pipeline. The company's
>>executive vice-president has added that companies including Texaco,
>>Chevron, Exxon Mobil, BP Amoco, Agip, Total, Elf, Fina, were
>>interested in the pipeline that will become operational in 2005. The
>>trans-Balkan pipeline is also part of the Transport Corridor 8 plan.
>>Corridor 8 will include a highway, railway, oil pipeline and
>>fibre-optic telecommunications line as well as AMBO's oil pipeline.
>>[Albanian Daily News, June 16, 2000]
Albanian Daily News
Friday August 18, 2000
Trans-Balkan Oil Line Appears Feasible
The Albanian-Macedonian-Bulgarian Oil Pipeline Corp.
(AMBO), Pound Ridge, NY, and the governments of
Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania said last week that a
US-sponsored feasibility study of the proposed
Trans-Balkan Oil Pipeline project has been completed
and delivered to the contracting parties.
The report provides a commercially compelling
proposition to the major oil companies who are
developing their oil fields in the Caspian Sea who
have chosen the Black Sea export route to the
Mediterranean Sea, said Gligor Tashkovich, executive
vice-president of AMBO.
The large, recently-developed oil fields confirm the
requirement for multiple export routes out of the
Caspian region, said Tashkovich. We believe that the
Trans-Balkan Oil Pipeline will be one of the more
significant routes to be developed.
The $1 million study updated and enlarged the
projects original feasibility study of 1996.
AMBO is developing a $1.1 billion pipeline, which will
carry crude from the Bulgarian Black Sea port of
Burgas to the Albanian Adriatic Sea port of Vlora.
The pipeline has a projected throughput of 750,000 b/d
of oil. (Oil and Gas Journal)
Da "Il Manifesto" del 27-04-2000
Stelle e strisce sul Caspio
Per il controllo delle risorse energetiche del Caucaso e dell'Asia
centrale sono scese in
campo le grandi potenze. Gli Stati uniti faranno di tutto per vincere
Alla fine del marzo 2000, davanti alla platea del Council of Foreign
Relations (Cfr),
organismo che dentro un marasma di affiliazioni di diversa origine vede
rappresentato nei
suoi pi ristretti cerchi il cuore degli interessi imperiali degli Stati
Uniti e dei suoi "valori"
(in dollari ovviamente), il ministro Usa dell'Energia, Bill Richardson,
ha riaffermato un
giudizio gi pi volte espresso dalla leadership statunitense. L'Asia
centrale e la regione
caspico-caucasica sono di importanza strategica per gli Stati uniti, in
particolare per
l'approvigionamento energetico loro e dei loro alleati. Gli Stati
ha detto Richardson,
dovranno fare di tutto per assicurare che la regione avanzi verso
che siano adatte
a promuovere quella libert che "e' mancata per cos tanti anni". Un
obiettivo cos
importante per l'America da meritare l'opera incessante di due esperti,
consiglieri molto
speciali del presidente per le questioni caspico-energetiche, Richard
Morningstar e
John Wolf - infaticabili tessitori di accordi tra i paesi dell'area e
connessioni tra questi
ultimi e il pi ampio corso delle strategie Usa.
Un pi ampio corso che ben definito in un articolo di qualche tempo fa
("La politica
statunitense verso l'Asia centrale e il Caucaso meridionale") del
generale William E.
Odom, oggi al centro di studi sulla "sicurezza nazionale" dello Hudson
Institute di
Washington ed ex-direttore della National Security Agency: "In altre
parole, la
scomparsa della minaccia sovietica non ha reso obsoleto il sistema di
sicurezza guidato
dagli Stati uniti e creato per contenerla.
Al contrario rimane straordinariamente importante per altri obiettivi
non sono sempre
chiaramente valutati. L'idea diffusa che la fine della Guerra fredda
abbia rimosso il
bisogno di una leadership degli Stati uniti nelle tre aree strategiche
Giappone/Corea, Golfo Persico, ndr.] pericolosamente sbagliata. In
misura anzi
essa divenuta anche pi importante proprio per il collasso dell'Unione
Questo certamente vero nel Transcaucaso e nell'Asia Centrale".
Tanto vero che Adrian W. Burke, della Logistica del Corpo dei Marines -
collezionista di
incarichi operativi nei maggiori teatri di impegno Usa - ancora pi
preciso e chiaro nel
sommario conclusivo di un puntuale saggio ("Una strategia regionale
statunitense per il
Bacino caspico"), scritto per l'ultimo numero del 1999 della Strategic
Review, dello U.S.
Strategic Institute di Boston.
"Il presidente - scrive Burke - ha specificato gli indirizzi della
politica nazionale per la
regione del Caspio nel documento 'National Security Strategy' [del 30
ottobre 1998,
ribaditi nei due pi recenti documenti, ndr].L'insieme dei campi
energetici della regione
Asia centrale-Medio oriente contiene la pi grande concentrazione
di riserve
di idrocarburi e merita l'attenzione statunitense. Assicurare alle
compagnie statunitensi la
leadership nello sviluppo delle risorse della regione e azzerare
l'influenza russa ed
iraniana sull'esplorazione e sviluppo dei campi energetici, nonch sulle
direttrici delle
pipelines per l'esportazione costituisce la base di quella politica. Al
fine di mantenere la
sua influenza nel bacino del Caspio, gli Stati uniti devono coinvolgere
capi di stato
regionali, cooperare con i settori economici americani interessati,
promuovere la
cooperazione militare e rispondere alle sfide complesse poste dai
problemi dell' accesso
e della sicurezza energetica."
Sebbene il termine "azzerare" non compaia ovviamente nel documento
dell'ottobre 1998, Burke ha certamente buone ragioni nell'usarlo per
sintetizzare il senso
delle indicazioni presidenziali e per farne la base delle sette
"raccomandazioni" che
rivolge ai responsabili della politica Usa nell'area, ivi compresi i
comandi militari che
hanno in carico la supervisione della regione e la cooperazione con gli
apparati della
difesa dei paesi ex Urss.
Sintetizzate, le sette raccomandazioni recitano: 1) rapida definizione
della questione
relativa allo stato "legale" del Caspio; 2) pieno supporto alla
realizzazione della condotta
Baku (Azerbaigian)-Ceyan (Turchia sud-orientale) e di una condotta
transcaspica dal
grande campo petrolifero kazako di Tengiz (Caspio nordorientale) verso
cosa che avrebbe il pregio secondo Burke di mettere fuori gioco le
possibili vie
controllate da Iran e Russia; 3) "limitare la penetrazione economica
russa nella regione",
ma "permettere" alla Russia una "limitata" esplorazione petrolifera del
settentrionale [bont sua, dato che sarebbe anche territorio russo o se
dagestano, ceceno e calmucco], l'esportazione del petrolio kazako e la
cooperazione sul
tema dell'assetto legale del Caspio; 4) gli Stati Uniti "dovrebbero
incoraggiare la Turchia
a diventare un leader regionale (...). la Turchia il migliore alleato
degli Stati uniti e una
punta della difesa statunitense contro Russia ed Iran; 5) "l'influenza
iraniana e le sue
potenzialit devono essere tenute sotto controllo [...ma] continuare a
tenere isolato l'Iran
potrebbe essere controproducente; 6) gli Stati uniti devono tollerare
presenza cinese
nella regione, presenza che sembra legata pi a preoccupazioni difensive
che a ritorni
economici; al tempo stesso, date le riserve petrolifere cinesi gi
provate, le compagnie
statunitensi hanno buone opportunit di assistere la Cina nel loro
sfruttamento e
contribuire a rinsaldare i legami tra i due paesi; 7) il Pakistan
dovrebbe essere "coltivato"
come strumento di contenimento dell'influenza regionale iraniana: "il
Pakistan la scelta
migliore come concorrente dell'Iran"; "Il Pakistan pu offrire una via
indiscutibilmente pi
diretta per il petrolio dal Caspio all'Oceano Indiano" che evita fra
l'altro "uno dei pi
sensibili punti di passaggio marittimo del mondo, lo Stretto di
Infine il territorio
del Pakistan " gi un possibile punto di passaggio per l'esportazione
gas kazako e
soprattutto uzbeko".
Le sette raccomandazioni strategiche di Burke si coniugano poi con
altre pi
squisitamente militari. In primo luogo, Burke nota che i paesi della
regione sono stati
raggruppati incongruamente e in modo differente dai vari ministeri
statunitensi interessati
(Dipartimento di stato, Difesa, Commercio, Energia), cos da creare
approcci e strategie
di contatto differenti. Ad esempio il Dipartimento di stato continua ad
avere un gruppo
unico (regione russa) per tutti i paesi dell'ex-Urss, mentre la Difesa
tra il 1998 e il 1999
- ha inserito Azerbaigian, Georgia, Armenia, Ucraina e Bielorussia
nell'area di
responsabilit Eucom (Comando europeo) e Turkmenistan, Kazakistan,
Tagikistan e Kirghizistan nell'area di responsabilit del Centcom
centrale) -
con gli ultimi due paesi immessi perch potenziali vie di transito per
condotte verso
Pakistan, India e Cina.
Una unificazione degli approcci, ma soprattuto una divisione dei paesi
della regione
secondo reali affinit (soprattutto di carattere culturale e
e secondo le scelte
di campo espresse (sostanzialmente filo-americane o meno), per Burke
che pu permettere di coordinare meglio la divisione del lavoro
nella regione.
L'enfasi sulle caratteristiche "linguistico-culturali" contiene in s gi
tutto un programma,
si tratti dell'area centro-asiatica o di quella balcanica.
In secondo luogo, Burke sostiene che gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero
come centro
focale della loro strategia militare nella regione un maggior
coinvolgimento nel
Centrasbat (Central Asian Combined Peacekeeping Battalion), considerato
il successo
delle manovre congiunte del 1997 con lo stesso Centrasbat (formato con
russi, kazaki, uzbeki e kirghisi).
In terzo luogo, gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero incoraggiare la Russia ad
assumere pi
responsabilit nel Centrasbat, ma non al punto di permetterle di
legami con i
leader militari della regione che passino sopra gli Stati Uniti (Burke
vuol forse dire che -
nonostante il proliferare di"consiglieri" come Brzezinski - i "leader
militari della regione"
non sono proprio tutti culo e camicia con i ragazzi della Cia e del
Pentagono e qualcuno
potrebbe aver conservato qualche agendina con i nomi dei vecchi
dell'Armata rossa e del ministero degli Interni sovietico, insieme ai
quali molti di loro si
sono formati e hanno fatto carriera).
Infine, dovrebbe essere promosso un nuovo battaglione simile al
Centrasbat, ma
focalizzato sul Caucaso (Caucbat), "con la leadership della Turchia e
l'inclusione di
Georgia, Armenia e Azerbaigian" e dovrebbero essere incoraggiate
combinate turco-americane, con partecipazioni bilaterali o
degli altri paesi
della regione", cosa che aumenterebbe l'interoperabilit e una maggior
"stabilit e
cooperazione" nella regione.
Sulla stessa rivista, un paio di numeri prima e all'indomani del
bombardamento Nato sulla
Yugoslavia, nel saggio "Il ruolo strategico dell'Europa nel Caucaso e
Mar Nero", il
comandante britannico Michael C. Evans (Royal Navy) scriveva: "Caucaso
Mar Nero
diventano determinanti principali nell'equazione strategica petrolifera
perch essi hanno
in mano la chiave della distribuzione di petrolio e gas fuori dal
del Caspio e verso
l'Europa. [...Comunque] anche senza il petrolio, la regione del Caucaso
Mar Nero
potenzialmente di enorme importanza.
E' la cerniera tra Est ed Ovest, tra Asia centrale ed Europa, e fa da
divisorio tra l'influenza
della Russia a nord e la potenza regionale emergente della Turchia e
dell'Iran a sud.
Mentre essa in qualche modo geograficamente lontana dal centro
dell'Europa, allo
stesso tempo troppo vicina al centro di gravit degli interessi europei
per essere
ignorata.Allo stesso tempo che i confini dell'Europa si espandono, con
l'Unione Europea
dal punto di vista economico e politico, con la Nato dal punto di vista
ugualmente si espande l'area che costituisce il suo pi immediato
Questo "immediato esterno" sfortunatamente giudicato tale anche dalla
Russia, dalla
Cina e dall'Iran. Dal 1992, ad esempio, una parte consistente degli
strateghi della
sicurezza nazionale russi si sono progressivamente orientati verso una
"post-imperiale", secondo la definizione del suo primo teorico, Sergie
Karaganov (gi
membro del Consiglio presidenziale di Yeltsin), in base alla quale
"l'obiettivo della Russia
deve essere un parziale reintegro dell'ex-Urss dentro un quadro pi o
Cos, in questi anni, i paesi della regione sono stati sollecitati a
sottoscrivere, o hanno
loro stesso promosso, i pi diversi e contrastanti accordi, sia di
politico-militare che di carattere economico. Se negli anni passati si
dire che gli
Stati Uniti abbiano raccolto i frutti di una forte pressione esercitata
su tali paesi, pi
recentemente vi sono stati segni che Russia, Cina ed Iran hanno
riguadagnato posizioni
nell'area. Chi gioca e chi giocato non molto facile, in realt, dirlo,
nonostante la gran
cassa che ogni potenza suona dopo ogni accordo.
Non si pu tuttavia prescindere, come vedremo, dai pesi relativi dei
paesi coinvolti
nella vicenda e dal fatto che per forgiare nuove bilance di potenza
regione sono le
vecchie strategie ad essere ancora le pi utili per le grandi potenze.
Scrive Ying-shih Yu in Commercio ed espansione nella Cina degli Han che
fu Ch'ao
Ts'o nel II sec. a.c. a creare per primo la strategia (accolta
dall'imperatore Wen) d'usare i
"barbari per attaccare i barbari". L'obiettivo? Proprio i "barbari
stati occidentali",
come gli Han chiamavano i popoli delle regioni della Cina occidentale e
Centrale non ancora entrati nella sfera della "pax sinensis".
e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj
Dopo la Russia, e' la RF di Jugoslavia il paese europeo con il piu'
basso prezzo del carburante: un altro "buon motivo" per aggredirli
entrambi, e per collocare le nostre truppe a presidiare i giacimenti del
Caucaso e del Mar Caspio, nonche' le zone di transito balcanico, dalla
fragile FYROM al docile Montenegro, attraverso il protettorato del
* Ricette socialiste per arginare la crisi energetica (A. Scargill)
* Il progetto AMBO (Corridoio 8) e la destabilizzazione della FYROM
(Albanian Daily News)
* Stelle e striscie sul Caspio (S. Finardi)
Sull'argomento si veda anche:
Alberto di Fazio: "Le connessioni fra la guerra dei Balcani e la crisi
energetica prossima ventura", dal libro "Imbrogli di guerra"
> http://www.iac.rm.cnr.it/~spweb/libro/
Una considerazione sul caro-petrolio
> http://digilander.iol.it/Yuri/Il%20caro%20Petrolio.htm
Subject: Socialist Labour Party Statement On Fuel Crisis
President: Frank Cave Vice-President: Linda Muir
General Secretary: Arthur Scargill
9 Victoria Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2BB
Answerphone/Fax: 01226-770957
www.socialist-labour-party.org.uk e-mail:
Press Release
The current fuel crisis will not vanish with the lifting of blockades.
crisis, particularly in respect of oil and petroleum was predicted by
Socialists like myself years ago. It is an inevitable consequence of
free market and capitalist system. The long-term, and only, solution is
public ownership and control and the introduction of an integrated
policy which should be implemented immediately, involving the following:
all North Sea oil and gas operations to be taken into public ownership;
all oil refineries and gas distributors to be taken into public
all road transport - passengers and freight - including lorries, buses,
trains and waterway transport to be taken into public ownership;
all the revenues generated from creating integrated energy and transport
systems must be utilised for the benefit of the British people:
restoring the income 'link' for pensioners;
an immediate investment of »13 billion into the NHS, at the same time
abolishing private health care;
an immediate investment of »5 billion to be made annually in education;
a housing programme which would build or refurbish one million homes per
year over the next five years.
These are policies which should have emerged as a call from the TUC at
Congress this week, with the General Council and trade unions
that the actions of the oil producers, refineries and hauliers have been
are directed towards maintaining or increasing the profits of producers,
refineries and distributors - not protecting the wages, conditions and
of energy and transport workers, or of consumers.
Arthur Scargill
General Secretary, Socialist Labour Party
Thursday, 14 September, 2000
> Pétrole : une crise qui va continuer
> La crise pétrolière actuelle ne s¹arrêtera pas avec la levée des barrages.
> Cette crise avait été prévue depuis de longues années par les Socialistes
> comme moi-même. Elle est une conséquence inéluctable de l¹économie de
> et du système capitaliste. La seule solution de long terme est la
> publique et l¹introduction sans délai d¹une politique énergétique intégrée
> qui comprendrait les points suivants :
> 1. toutes les activités pétrolières et gazières en Mer du Nord sont mises
> sous statut public ;
> 2. toutes les raffineries de pétrole et les sociétés de distribution de
> sont mises sous statut public ;
> 3. tous les transports ferroviaires et routiers, de passager et de fret, y
> compris les poids lourds, les cars, les trains et le transport fluvial
> mis sous statut public ;
> 4. les revenus engendrés par la création de systèmes énergétiques et de
> transport intégrés doivent être utilisés au profit de la population
> britannique :
> - restauration de la liaison des pensions au revenu moyen ;
> - un investissement immédiat de 13 milliards de £ dans le Service National
> de
> Santé (NHS), en même temps que l¹abolition du système de soins de santé
> privé ;
> - un investissement immédiat et annuel de 5 millions de £ dans
> l¹enseignement ;
> - un programme de logement visant à construire ou à rénover un million de
> logements par an au cours de cinq prochaines années.
> Voilà des revendications qui auraient dû émerger au congrès du TUC la
> semaine dernière. Le Conseil général et les syndicats auraient dû observer
> que les actions des producteurs pétroliers, raffineries et
> patrons-camionneurs sont orientées vers la défense et l¹augmentation des
> profits des producteurs et des distributeurs, et non vers la protection
> salaires, emplois et conditions de travail des travailleurs des secteurs
> l¹énergie et du transport ou des intérêts des consommateurs.
> Arthur Scargill
> Secrétaire général du
> Socialist Labour Party
July 1, 2000 - Albanian Daily News
AMBO Corporation to Start Fund Raising Within Days
SOFIA - The New York-registered Albanian, Macedonian and
Oil Corporation (AMBO Corporation), set up to construct a trans-Balkan
pipeline linking the Bulgarian Black Sea port of Bourgas with Albania's
Adriatic port of Vlora, will start raising funds as of the beginning of
July, the company's vice-president, Gligor Taskovic, has announced.
Leading oil companies such as Mobil, BP Amoco, Agip, Chevron
Texaco have already expressed interest in the project, said AMBO
Ted Ferguson, who went to Sofia at the end of May to meet government
representatives. In Ferguson's opinion the pipeline can be completed by
end of 2004 or in 2005.
The pipeline will be 900 kilometers long and have an annual
capacity of 35 million tons of oil. According to estimates, the facility
will cost about 1.130 billion dollars, 450 million dollars of which will
raised from company shares and 600 million dollars provided through bank
Talks have already been held with the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the International Financial
Corporation (IFC), the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
EXIM, company sources said.
A Regional Development Ministry export council has considered
AMBO's preliminary survey in order to become acquainted with the basic
facts. The corporation assigned its execution to four consulting
- the major one of which is Brown & Root. The legal analysis was
by CS First Boston, while the political one, by Richard Armtrige.
At the time, regional development minister Evgeni Chachev said
first a choice must be made between this project and the alternative one
a pipeline linking Bourgas with the Greek port of Alexandropoulis. In
Minister Chachev's opinion both projects are important and it is up to
investors to decide which will start first.
Recently, the Bourgas-Alexandropoulis project seems to have
slightly forgotten. In 1998, Greece received more than two million euros
from the European Union for feasibility studies. Still, only the first
stage of the studies has been carried out while the second phase is
currently under preparation. At the same time, the USA has promised
to Baku-Ceyhan as an alternative to the route passing through Russia.
The truth is that the Caspian Oil Pipeline Consortium has not
the final choice as to which of the possible routes it would use to
transport oil to the European markets.
The agreement for Baku-Ceyhan is more of a political act and
companies feel nervous about it, being unaccustomed to such strong
pressure, experts commented. Analyses show that this pipeline will cost
about three billion dollars and would render oil supplies more
It is convenient for carrying the oil extracted in the Southern Caspian
(especially Azerbaijan) but would prove to be unprofitable for oil
from Kazakhstan. The overall oil deposits in the Caspian Sea are
at 200 billion barrels.
The construction of an oil pipeline from the Kazakh oil deposit
Tengiz to the Russian port of
Novorosiisk must be completed in 2002. Recently, Russian president
Vladimir Putin and his Kazakh
counterpart, Nursultan Nazarbayev, agreed on transporting Caspian oil
through Russia to Novorosiisk.
AMBO's biggest advantage is that 300,000-ton super tankers can enter
port, which would make
transport cheaper. The decision as to where the oil would be directed
after that is up to the oil companies. Moreover, Vlora is on the way for
tankers going to the oil ports of Trieste and Rijeka, while
is somewhat out of the way.
Another of the AMBO project's advantages is the support it
from the US administration, which has granted funds for the feasibility
studies. If the big oil companies confirm their interest in the project
this would be another big plus.
The idea is for AMBO to become a holding structure with the
participation of several big oil companies operating in the region of
Caspian Sea. The holding will register companies in the three countries
under local laws.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>Date: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 4:19 AM
>>Subject: [sn-vesti 8202] Macedonia being destabilised
>>NOTE: The Digest is available on-line at
>>Issue No. 97 16th - 29th June 2000
>>Greek politician says KLA trying to destabilise Macedonia
>>As killings, bombings and the abduction of children for prostitution
>>continue daily under the nose of Nato "peacekeepers" in Kosovo (for
>>daily reports, see <http://www.kforonline.com>www.kforonline.com), a
>>Greek member of the European Parliament, Yiannis Souladakis, has told
>>reporters that groups linked to the Kosovo Liberation Army are
>>involved in attempts to infiltrate and destabilize the Former
>>Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Souladakis said the
>>infiltrators were "involved in drug-trafficking, illegal arms and
>>women trade, while lately...attempting to acquire a political
>>Moreover, the Greek newspaper Kathimerini reported last week that the
>>40-mile border between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and
>>Kosovo is riddled by smugglers who are tied to armed gangs fomenting
>>rebellion among Macedonia's ethnic Albanians. The newspaper said
>>ethnic Albanians from both sides crisscross the border with large
>>quantities of cigarettes, alcohol, guns and women whom they force
>>into prostitution.
>>Macedonian newspapers have also highlighted an alleged connection
>>between organized smuggling rings and the political leadership of the
>>ethnic Albanians of western Macedonia, centred in the city of Tetovo.
>>The repeated attacks on police targets in ethnic Albanian regions,
>>culminating in the shooting of two border guards at Blace earlier
>>this month, are attributed to the activities of Albanians who, beyond
>>smuggling, are forming the nucleus of an armed movement in Macedonia.
>>The reports say armed groups are forming under the leadership of
>>extremists from the KLA. No proof has been provided, according to the
>>press reports, but the rumours are fuelled by reports by the
>>Macedonian secret service and statements by government officials who
>>say such groups exist and are tied to the military-political
>>leadership of Kosovo.
>>Meanwhile, the Greek government has joined the US in denying a New
>>York Times report that said Greece was involved in efforts to
>>negotiate the resignation of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic
>>coupled to guarantees for his personal safety and that of his family.
>>A Greek government spokesman said a recent trip by former foreign
>>minister Karolos Papoulias to Belgrade was not related to the alleged
>>scenario outlined in the Times report. [CNS News, 21st June 2000]
>>Greek border guard killed by Albanians
>>A Greek border guard has been shot dead in an encounter with Albanian
>>drug dealers on the Greek-Albanian border. According to reports,
>>Ioannis Pamboukidis, 30, was killed when the Albanians used their
>>Kalashnikovs to open fire on the customs officers who were patrolling
>>a remote rural area. [La Repubblica, 28th June 2000]
>>Balkan pipeline project to start raising funds next month
>>The Albanian, Macedonian and Bulgarian Oil Corporation LLC (AMBO) of
>>Pound Ridge, New York, has announced that it will start raising funds
>>in early July for a $1.13bn pipeline to ship crude oil from the Black
>>and Caspian seas to the West. The underground pipeline, 913
>>kilometres long, is designed to carry 750,000 barrels a day, or 35m
>>metric tons per year, which will represent 40 percent of the crude
>>oil from newly-developed oilfields to enter the Black Sea in the next
>>five years, or 30 percent of the new oil over the next 10 years. It
>>will pass from Burgas, on the Black Sea coast, to Vlora on the
>>Adriatic coast of Albania, and will ship Russian, Azerbaijani, Kazakh
>>and Turkmenian oil from around the Black Sea to the markets of
>>Western Europe and North America. It will also bypass Turkey's
>>heavily travelled Bosphorus Straits. Big tankers with 300,000 tonnes
>>of crude can anchor at the port of Vlora, which makes the transit
>>journey to the United States economic, while the biggest tankers
>>passing the Bosphorus could carry 150,000 tonnes, AMBO officials
>>said. A holding structure with three separate companies in Bulgaria,
>>Macedonia and Albania will build the pipeline. The company's
>>executive vice-president has added that companies including Texaco,
>>Chevron, Exxon Mobil, BP Amoco, Agip, Total, Elf, Fina, were
>>interested in the pipeline that will become operational in 2005. The
>>trans-Balkan pipeline is also part of the Transport Corridor 8 plan.
>>Corridor 8 will include a highway, railway, oil pipeline and
>>fibre-optic telecommunications line as well as AMBO's oil pipeline.
>>[Albanian Daily News, June 16, 2000]
Albanian Daily News
Friday August 18, 2000
Trans-Balkan Oil Line Appears Feasible
The Albanian-Macedonian-Bulgarian Oil Pipeline Corp.
(AMBO), Pound Ridge, NY, and the governments of
Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania said last week that a
US-sponsored feasibility study of the proposed
Trans-Balkan Oil Pipeline project has been completed
and delivered to the contracting parties.
The report provides a commercially compelling
proposition to the major oil companies who are
developing their oil fields in the Caspian Sea who
have chosen the Black Sea export route to the
Mediterranean Sea, said Gligor Tashkovich, executive
vice-president of AMBO.
The large, recently-developed oil fields confirm the
requirement for multiple export routes out of the
Caspian region, said Tashkovich. We believe that the
Trans-Balkan Oil Pipeline will be one of the more
significant routes to be developed.
The $1 million study updated and enlarged the
projects original feasibility study of 1996.
AMBO is developing a $1.1 billion pipeline, which will
carry crude from the Bulgarian Black Sea port of
Burgas to the Albanian Adriatic Sea port of Vlora.
The pipeline has a projected throughput of 750,000 b/d
of oil. (Oil and Gas Journal)
Da "Il Manifesto" del 27-04-2000
Stelle e strisce sul Caspio
Per il controllo delle risorse energetiche del Caucaso e dell'Asia
centrale sono scese in
campo le grandi potenze. Gli Stati uniti faranno di tutto per vincere
Alla fine del marzo 2000, davanti alla platea del Council of Foreign
Relations (Cfr),
organismo che dentro un marasma di affiliazioni di diversa origine vede
rappresentato nei
suoi pi ristretti cerchi il cuore degli interessi imperiali degli Stati
Uniti e dei suoi "valori"
(in dollari ovviamente), il ministro Usa dell'Energia, Bill Richardson,
ha riaffermato un
giudizio gi pi volte espresso dalla leadership statunitense. L'Asia
centrale e la regione
caspico-caucasica sono di importanza strategica per gli Stati uniti, in
particolare per
l'approvigionamento energetico loro e dei loro alleati. Gli Stati
ha detto Richardson,
dovranno fare di tutto per assicurare che la regione avanzi verso
che siano adatte
a promuovere quella libert che "e' mancata per cos tanti anni". Un
obiettivo cos
importante per l'America da meritare l'opera incessante di due esperti,
consiglieri molto
speciali del presidente per le questioni caspico-energetiche, Richard
Morningstar e
John Wolf - infaticabili tessitori di accordi tra i paesi dell'area e
connessioni tra questi
ultimi e il pi ampio corso delle strategie Usa.
Un pi ampio corso che ben definito in un articolo di qualche tempo fa
("La politica
statunitense verso l'Asia centrale e il Caucaso meridionale") del
generale William E.
Odom, oggi al centro di studi sulla "sicurezza nazionale" dello Hudson
Institute di
Washington ed ex-direttore della National Security Agency: "In altre
parole, la
scomparsa della minaccia sovietica non ha reso obsoleto il sistema di
sicurezza guidato
dagli Stati uniti e creato per contenerla.
Al contrario rimane straordinariamente importante per altri obiettivi
non sono sempre
chiaramente valutati. L'idea diffusa che la fine della Guerra fredda
abbia rimosso il
bisogno di una leadership degli Stati uniti nelle tre aree strategiche
Giappone/Corea, Golfo Persico, ndr.] pericolosamente sbagliata. In
misura anzi
essa divenuta anche pi importante proprio per il collasso dell'Unione
Questo certamente vero nel Transcaucaso e nell'Asia Centrale".
Tanto vero che Adrian W. Burke, della Logistica del Corpo dei Marines -
collezionista di
incarichi operativi nei maggiori teatri di impegno Usa - ancora pi
preciso e chiaro nel
sommario conclusivo di un puntuale saggio ("Una strategia regionale
statunitense per il
Bacino caspico"), scritto per l'ultimo numero del 1999 della Strategic
Review, dello U.S.
Strategic Institute di Boston.
"Il presidente - scrive Burke - ha specificato gli indirizzi della
politica nazionale per la
regione del Caspio nel documento 'National Security Strategy' [del 30
ottobre 1998,
ribaditi nei due pi recenti documenti, ndr].L'insieme dei campi
energetici della regione
Asia centrale-Medio oriente contiene la pi grande concentrazione
di riserve
di idrocarburi e merita l'attenzione statunitense. Assicurare alle
compagnie statunitensi la
leadership nello sviluppo delle risorse della regione e azzerare
l'influenza russa ed
iraniana sull'esplorazione e sviluppo dei campi energetici, nonch sulle
direttrici delle
pipelines per l'esportazione costituisce la base di quella politica. Al
fine di mantenere la
sua influenza nel bacino del Caspio, gli Stati uniti devono coinvolgere
capi di stato
regionali, cooperare con i settori economici americani interessati,
promuovere la
cooperazione militare e rispondere alle sfide complesse poste dai
problemi dell' accesso
e della sicurezza energetica."
Sebbene il termine "azzerare" non compaia ovviamente nel documento
dell'ottobre 1998, Burke ha certamente buone ragioni nell'usarlo per
sintetizzare il senso
delle indicazioni presidenziali e per farne la base delle sette
"raccomandazioni" che
rivolge ai responsabili della politica Usa nell'area, ivi compresi i
comandi militari che
hanno in carico la supervisione della regione e la cooperazione con gli
apparati della
difesa dei paesi ex Urss.
Sintetizzate, le sette raccomandazioni recitano: 1) rapida definizione
della questione
relativa allo stato "legale" del Caspio; 2) pieno supporto alla
realizzazione della condotta
Baku (Azerbaigian)-Ceyan (Turchia sud-orientale) e di una condotta
transcaspica dal
grande campo petrolifero kazako di Tengiz (Caspio nordorientale) verso
cosa che avrebbe il pregio secondo Burke di mettere fuori gioco le
possibili vie
controllate da Iran e Russia; 3) "limitare la penetrazione economica
russa nella regione",
ma "permettere" alla Russia una "limitata" esplorazione petrolifera del
settentrionale [bont sua, dato che sarebbe anche territorio russo o se
dagestano, ceceno e calmucco], l'esportazione del petrolio kazako e la
cooperazione sul
tema dell'assetto legale del Caspio; 4) gli Stati Uniti "dovrebbero
incoraggiare la Turchia
a diventare un leader regionale (...). la Turchia il migliore alleato
degli Stati uniti e una
punta della difesa statunitense contro Russia ed Iran; 5) "l'influenza
iraniana e le sue
potenzialit devono essere tenute sotto controllo [...ma] continuare a
tenere isolato l'Iran
potrebbe essere controproducente; 6) gli Stati uniti devono tollerare
presenza cinese
nella regione, presenza che sembra legata pi a preoccupazioni difensive
che a ritorni
economici; al tempo stesso, date le riserve petrolifere cinesi gi
provate, le compagnie
statunitensi hanno buone opportunit di assistere la Cina nel loro
sfruttamento e
contribuire a rinsaldare i legami tra i due paesi; 7) il Pakistan
dovrebbe essere "coltivato"
come strumento di contenimento dell'influenza regionale iraniana: "il
Pakistan la scelta
migliore come concorrente dell'Iran"; "Il Pakistan pu offrire una via
indiscutibilmente pi
diretta per il petrolio dal Caspio all'Oceano Indiano" che evita fra
l'altro "uno dei pi
sensibili punti di passaggio marittimo del mondo, lo Stretto di
Infine il territorio
del Pakistan " gi un possibile punto di passaggio per l'esportazione
gas kazako e
soprattutto uzbeko".
Le sette raccomandazioni strategiche di Burke si coniugano poi con
altre pi
squisitamente militari. In primo luogo, Burke nota che i paesi della
regione sono stati
raggruppati incongruamente e in modo differente dai vari ministeri
statunitensi interessati
(Dipartimento di stato, Difesa, Commercio, Energia), cos da creare
approcci e strategie
di contatto differenti. Ad esempio il Dipartimento di stato continua ad
avere un gruppo
unico (regione russa) per tutti i paesi dell'ex-Urss, mentre la Difesa
tra il 1998 e il 1999
- ha inserito Azerbaigian, Georgia, Armenia, Ucraina e Bielorussia
nell'area di
responsabilit Eucom (Comando europeo) e Turkmenistan, Kazakistan,
Tagikistan e Kirghizistan nell'area di responsabilit del Centcom
centrale) -
con gli ultimi due paesi immessi perch potenziali vie di transito per
condotte verso
Pakistan, India e Cina.
Una unificazione degli approcci, ma soprattuto una divisione dei paesi
della regione
secondo reali affinit (soprattutto di carattere culturale e
e secondo le scelte
di campo espresse (sostanzialmente filo-americane o meno), per Burke
che pu permettere di coordinare meglio la divisione del lavoro
nella regione.
L'enfasi sulle caratteristiche "linguistico-culturali" contiene in s gi
tutto un programma,
si tratti dell'area centro-asiatica o di quella balcanica.
In secondo luogo, Burke sostiene che gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero
come centro
focale della loro strategia militare nella regione un maggior
coinvolgimento nel
Centrasbat (Central Asian Combined Peacekeeping Battalion), considerato
il successo
delle manovre congiunte del 1997 con lo stesso Centrasbat (formato con
russi, kazaki, uzbeki e kirghisi).
In terzo luogo, gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero incoraggiare la Russia ad
assumere pi
responsabilit nel Centrasbat, ma non al punto di permetterle di
legami con i
leader militari della regione che passino sopra gli Stati Uniti (Burke
vuol forse dire che -
nonostante il proliferare di"consiglieri" come Brzezinski - i "leader
militari della regione"
non sono proprio tutti culo e camicia con i ragazzi della Cia e del
Pentagono e qualcuno
potrebbe aver conservato qualche agendina con i nomi dei vecchi
dell'Armata rossa e del ministero degli Interni sovietico, insieme ai
quali molti di loro si
sono formati e hanno fatto carriera).
Infine, dovrebbe essere promosso un nuovo battaglione simile al
Centrasbat, ma
focalizzato sul Caucaso (Caucbat), "con la leadership della Turchia e
l'inclusione di
Georgia, Armenia e Azerbaigian" e dovrebbero essere incoraggiate
combinate turco-americane, con partecipazioni bilaterali o
degli altri paesi
della regione", cosa che aumenterebbe l'interoperabilit e una maggior
"stabilit e
cooperazione" nella regione.
Sulla stessa rivista, un paio di numeri prima e all'indomani del
bombardamento Nato sulla
Yugoslavia, nel saggio "Il ruolo strategico dell'Europa nel Caucaso e
Mar Nero", il
comandante britannico Michael C. Evans (Royal Navy) scriveva: "Caucaso
Mar Nero
diventano determinanti principali nell'equazione strategica petrolifera
perch essi hanno
in mano la chiave della distribuzione di petrolio e gas fuori dal
del Caspio e verso
l'Europa. [...Comunque] anche senza il petrolio, la regione del Caucaso
Mar Nero
potenzialmente di enorme importanza.
E' la cerniera tra Est ed Ovest, tra Asia centrale ed Europa, e fa da
divisorio tra l'influenza
della Russia a nord e la potenza regionale emergente della Turchia e
dell'Iran a sud.
Mentre essa in qualche modo geograficamente lontana dal centro
dell'Europa, allo
stesso tempo troppo vicina al centro di gravit degli interessi europei
per essere
ignorata.Allo stesso tempo che i confini dell'Europa si espandono, con
l'Unione Europea
dal punto di vista economico e politico, con la Nato dal punto di vista
ugualmente si espande l'area che costituisce il suo pi immediato
Questo "immediato esterno" sfortunatamente giudicato tale anche dalla
Russia, dalla
Cina e dall'Iran. Dal 1992, ad esempio, una parte consistente degli
strateghi della
sicurezza nazionale russi si sono progressivamente orientati verso una
"post-imperiale", secondo la definizione del suo primo teorico, Sergie
Karaganov (gi
membro del Consiglio presidenziale di Yeltsin), in base alla quale
"l'obiettivo della Russia
deve essere un parziale reintegro dell'ex-Urss dentro un quadro pi o
Cos, in questi anni, i paesi della regione sono stati sollecitati a
sottoscrivere, o hanno
loro stesso promosso, i pi diversi e contrastanti accordi, sia di
politico-militare che di carattere economico. Se negli anni passati si
dire che gli
Stati Uniti abbiano raccolto i frutti di una forte pressione esercitata
su tali paesi, pi
recentemente vi sono stati segni che Russia, Cina ed Iran hanno
riguadagnato posizioni
nell'area. Chi gioca e chi giocato non molto facile, in realt, dirlo,
nonostante la gran
cassa che ogni potenza suona dopo ogni accordo.
Non si pu tuttavia prescindere, come vedremo, dai pesi relativi dei
paesi coinvolti
nella vicenda e dal fatto che per forgiare nuove bilance di potenza
regione sono le
vecchie strategie ad essere ancora le pi utili per le grandi potenze.
Scrive Ying-shih Yu in Commercio ed espansione nella Cina degli Han che
fu Ch'ao
Ts'o nel II sec. a.c. a creare per primo la strategia (accolta
dall'imperatore Wen) d'usare i
"barbari per attaccare i barbari". L'obiettivo? Proprio i "barbari
stati occidentali",
come gli Han chiamavano i popoli delle regioni della Cina occidentale e
Centrale non ancora entrati nella sfera della "pax sinensis".
e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj
BELGRADE, Sep 15 (Tanjug). Yugoslav Minister of Information Goran
Matic Friday opened a meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the
News Agencies' Pool hosted by Yugoslav news agency Tanjug, which focuses
the need for reinforcing mutual ties, exchanging information and
correspondents, and overcoming barriers imposed by the large world
information systems.
Matic welcomed the participants on behalf of the Yugoslav
government. The following is the official translation of his address:
It gives me great pleasure to have the honer to greet, as
Minister of Information, this important gathering, in the framework of
great family of the Pool of News Agencies of the Nonaligned Countries,
behalf of the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
My satisfaction is even greater because of the fact that this
special meeting of the members of the Coordination Bureau is devoted to
revitalization of the Pool of News Agencies of the NonAligned Countries
taking place in the Capital City of my country Yugoslavia, which was,
years ago, together with Egypt and India, the founder of the Movement of
the NonAligned, and, in 1961, the host of the First Summit Meeting of
Head of States and Governments of the NonAligned Countries.
Next year, as you know, will mark one quarter of a century of
existence of the Pool of the News Agencies of NonAligned Countries.
The World at the threshold of the new millennium
The modern world faces new, difficult ordeals, at the threshold
the Third Millennium.
Instead of diminishing, the differences between the rich and
countries and peoples are increasing.
The last decade of the XX century will be marked in the history
the decade of the efforts of one country to be the master of the entire
world, to establish the new world order. That is, in fact, the cruel,
ruthless, almost always naked, criminal endeavour of the economically
technologically most developed country of the world, to establish, under
the mask of globalization, a modern colonization of the enormous
of countries and peoples. Of all those who have natural, human and
Between the two millennia, the paradox of the new colonization
the world is even greater, because this century accomplished the closest
links between countries.
The subordination of the world to the moral, economic and
interests and principles of one country is accompanied by the hidden,
struggle against the culturalhistorical and spiritual national values of
ancient countries and peoples.
The globalization tries to destroy the enormous, real, treasury
the world its multicivilisational and multicultural values.
The economically developed Europe, blinded by the enormous
of instant information, by the consumers' mentality and dependent on the
increase of the capital of the multinational companies, has an
attitude towards the globalization of the world, and the present
governments of some Western European countries accept the role of
satellites in the modern colonization of the world, in order to satisfy
promote their personal interests.
In that way, those Western European governments struck the most
terrible blow to the civilisational achievements, to the tradition and
the treasuries of their countries and of their historical peoples which
created the modern world.
Similar tendencies are directed against the countries which
represent the cradle of the civilization, like Egypt, Iran, India and
The protagonists of the modern colonization use all possible
to achieve, as soon as possible, their global objective to rule the
from one single center. They threaten countries by diplomatic means,
impose sanctions, they maintain lowintensity conflicts, and when all
does not succeed they intervene with military power. As the
militarily and technologically strongest country of the world, they
the most important international political, financial, and trade
organizations. They do not respect the international legal system, the
United Nations and all others who hinder the achievement of their
objective to govern, from one place, the movements of commodities, of
people, of ideas and of capital, in order to enrich ruthlessly the small
economic and military elite of the world.
The basic instruments for the achievement of the dominant
globalization are the provoking of regional crisis and of internal
in countries all over the world, the lowintensity conflicts, the
security, violence, the fear of terrorism, the armed interference and
ruthless interference into the internal affairs of sovereign countries.
That is usually done under the excuse of the prevention of humanitarian
problems and catastrophes, and under the excuse of the alleged defense
human rights and liberties.
The policy of globalisation "floats" on the low intensity
conflicts, it provokes poverty, it favours the groups which support the
policy of violence and of modern colonialism and it is against those who
want to preserve the basic national and state interests and liberties.
Opposing that, the enormous majority of the countries, the
countries with the biggest population, want freedom and peace. They
advocate integration and globalisation on equal bases, not on bases of
Because of its original principles in the struggle against
colonialism, the Movement of the NonAligned found itself under the blows
the creators of the new world order.
The advocates of the forceful globalisation of the world do not
want talks between equals, they want to preserve the political,
technological and general economic domination over the poor and
In order to justify the military interventions all over the
the architects of the rule over the world resources try to win for
themselves the world public opinion and the voters in their countries by
financial and mediatic manipulation.
They establish special headquarters for information war and for
mediatic manipulation.
In order to achieve their goals, they use various methods and
biggest news agencies of the world, the global radio and TV stations,
daily newspapers, periodicals and professional magazines.
The concept of "information domination", according to which it
possible to rule over foreign countries by the control of information,
if necessary, combine information with military interventions, imposes
need to intensify the activities of the Pool of News Agencies of
It is interesting to note that a great number of scientists,
theoreticians and politicians in the NATO countries speaks about the
gradual disappearance of the war as we have known it in the past. They
talking about the new way of waging wars, with the emphasis on the
circuit of information and intelligence data about the strategic,
operational and tactical situations. That shows that the promoters of
global colonialism do not refrain from violence as a means to achieve
domination; they invest enormous means in the development of new
technologies for new forms of conquest and subordination.
Therefore, the key question is the question of the struggle for
truth and for the conscience about the society in which we live. In
information plays a very important, unavoidable role. The media in the
modern society have the possibility to discover truth, to influence the
reality, and, by destroying illusions and manipulation, to increase
knowledge and change people and societies.
If the basic assumption of a society is based on cheating and
instrumentalization of humans as beings, then such a society can not be
democratic, regardless of its selfproclamation; that society wants to
impose its own criteria of democracy to the entire world.
Were that society, in substance, democratic and prosperous, its
principles would be accepted willingly by all, the society would not
sanctions, isolation, black lists, bombing, information and media war in
order to impose such principles.
The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia said a resolute "NO" to the
world order, in spite of threats, sanctions, bombing and other numerous
pressures and special war.
We did not yield under the aggressor's attack of the strongest
military power of the world the NATO forces of 19 countries, which
us, criminally, senselessly, violating all international legal norms,
during 78 days, incessantly.
The global NATO machinery tried to conceal the crimes committed
the strongest military power against innocent civilians, against
and communal facilities, against traffic infrastructure.
However, in spite of all these endeavors, in spite of the
censorship without precedent imposed by NATO on the reports about the
bombing of Yugoslavia, the world saw the atrocities done by the Alliance
our country.
In spite of that, NATO and the most powerful countries of the
world still do not want to admit the war crimes they committed in The
Mediatic Role of the NonAligned The last decade of the XX century is
marked, in the field of information and communication, as the period of
accelerated development of the media.
Due to the dynamic development of multimedia and of Internet,
of the world network of direct and uncontrolled communication, the
meaning of the world information got a new significance. Information
a first class product devoted to the broadest mass of consumers from
business people to simple consumers.
At present, the political and economic systems are greatly
on communication networks and on available information systems. The
establishment of such systems, the manipulation of information and the
elimination of undesirable competitive communication networks,
a new form of war, new according to its methods, but old according to
concept and its goals.
A new kind of war the information war was created and
Therefore, it is extremely important to agree here, at this
meeting, about the revitalization of the pool of News Agencies of
NonAligned Countries. Otherwise, we will continue to be the victims of
globalisation, of the designed and dosed information.
The information is conditioned by the laws of the development
the human society, and by the need to preserve and link generations,
cultures and creativity. At present, it represents the prerequisite of
management of states, of businesses, of family budget.
The mediatic colonization and the terror of the global
media, however, try to eliminate the right to one's own views.
the concept of the globalisation of information, which they try to
could achieve a greater importance, could produce greater effects than
classical war or economic domination.
Therefore, the information is heading to the first priority in
development of the human society. It becomes the mostly wanted raw
material, although it is not a classical material good.
Unfortunately, the great agencies and other information systems
are dominant and developing. They are the systems which belonged, and
of them still belong, to the highly developed, to the economically and
militarily strongest countries. Usually, the dominant news agencies are
agencies from the metropola which were until recently the colonizers of
present nonaligned and independent countries. That applies especially
independent African states. It is easy to assume what are editorial
policies and the propaganda activities of those agencies and of other
information systems of those countries.
The mutual information among the nonaligned and other
countries is still nonadequate. There exist information lacunas in many
nonaligned countries, which represent a fertile soil for the activities
the big news agencies of the powerful western countries.
That was best seen recently during the last year's criminal
aggression of NATO against Yugoslavia. And now as well in the
of the strong economic, diplomatic, political, media, psychological and
military pressures against the independent and sovereign Yugoslavia.
We are witnessing the media manipulation without precedent,
tries to bring legitimacy to the NATO aggression against our country,
to take off the responsibility of the orderers and executors of war
against civilian population of Yugoslavia.
These and similar events in other provoked foci in the world,
confirm the necessity of the establishment of the Pool of News Agencies
NonAligned Countries in 1976.
Unfortunately, the most recent examples show that there is
still a
lot of space, a lot of necessity for the activities of the Pool, that
Pool did not fulfil its task, due to obvious reasons.
Our objective is to establish information without
who deform the information in accordance with their own interests, thus
being harmful to all of us.
The Pool of News Agencies of NonAligned Countries has an
unavoidable, important rule in the strengthening of the prestige and of
influence of the Movement of the NonAligned in international relations
its adaptation to the new international relations.
The Yugoslav state agency TANJUG is ready to give its maximum
contribution to that objective. By signing, recently, agreements on
cooperation with state agencies and media houses in Iran, Iraq, India
other countries, it made a huge step toward the exchange of information
without intermediaries.
The Development of the Telecommunication Infrastructure
In order to establish direct, rapid and timely exchange of
information in the framework of the Pool of News Agencies of NonAligned
Countries, it is indispensable to work on the expansion, development and
strengthening of the telecommunication infrastructure.
The existing network is usually monopolized by strong, powerful
world agencies, which do not hesitate to remodel original true
according to their own interests which are most often contrary to the
interests of the nonaligned and developing countries.
The crimes committed by NATO during the last year's aggression
against the FRY are the best illustration of how the independent
information technology and network troubles the developed West.
After destroying 300 radio and TV transmitters, and 19 big
transmitters, and the magnificent architectural work of world
importance the TV tower at the Avala mountain near Belgrade, NATO
committed, on April 23, 1999, the greatest crime in the history of free
press and journalism. On that night, the airplanes of the strongest
military power of the world bombed, without warning, the building of the
Radio and Television Serbia, it the center of Belgrade. 16 journalists
other TV creators of the information program of the state electronic
which broadcasted, from that studio, authentic pictures about the war
crimes committed by NATO in Yugoslavia, Serbia, in Kosovo and Metohija,
were killed in the bombing.
By developing their own telecommunication network, the news
agencies of the nonaligned countries will have the necessary conditions
exchange, without intermediaries, authentic, true information.
That will also represent a possibility to avoid the pitfalls of
the western variant of the global information society, in which modern
technology is used for the production of enormous quantities of news and
information. The aim is obvious they try, by the quantity of naked
information to imprison the human mind and the human capacity to
data and facts.
The western information society offers enormous, versatile
quantity, using the technological perfection to the detriment of the
and of the liberty of human thinking and understanding.
The quantity of cheap information is the most expensive deceit
the modern civilization, of the future of the human mind, of the freedom
thought and expression.
Allow me, at the end of my expose, to express once more our
resoluteness to contribute as much as possible to the strengthening of
role of the Pool of News Agencies of NonAligned Countries in the spirit
the reaffirmation of the original principles of the Movement of the
NonAligned, adapted to the present international relations.
I am deeply convinced that we will mark, in an appropriate way,
next year, the 40th anniversary of the Movement of the NonAligned, and
25th anniversary of the Pool of News Agencies of NonAligned Countries.
I am also convinced, that we will succeed, until that time, in
implementing a good part of the agreements we will reach today and
at this meeting.
Distinguished members of the Coordination Bureau of the Pool of
News Agencies of NonAligned Countries,
I wish you a pleasant and successful time in our Capital City
Free Belgrade.
e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj
BELGRADE, Sep 15 (Tanjug). Yugoslav Minister of Information Goran
Matic Friday opened a meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the
News Agencies' Pool hosted by Yugoslav news agency Tanjug, which focuses
the need for reinforcing mutual ties, exchanging information and
correspondents, and overcoming barriers imposed by the large world
information systems.
Matic welcomed the participants on behalf of the Yugoslav
government. The following is the official translation of his address:
It gives me great pleasure to have the honer to greet, as
Minister of Information, this important gathering, in the framework of
great family of the Pool of News Agencies of the Nonaligned Countries,
behalf of the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
My satisfaction is even greater because of the fact that this
special meeting of the members of the Coordination Bureau is devoted to
revitalization of the Pool of News Agencies of the NonAligned Countries
taking place in the Capital City of my country Yugoslavia, which was,
years ago, together with Egypt and India, the founder of the Movement of
the NonAligned, and, in 1961, the host of the First Summit Meeting of
Head of States and Governments of the NonAligned Countries.
Next year, as you know, will mark one quarter of a century of
existence of the Pool of the News Agencies of NonAligned Countries.
The World at the threshold of the new millennium
The modern world faces new, difficult ordeals, at the threshold
the Third Millennium.
Instead of diminishing, the differences between the rich and
countries and peoples are increasing.
The last decade of the XX century will be marked in the history
the decade of the efforts of one country to be the master of the entire
world, to establish the new world order. That is, in fact, the cruel,
ruthless, almost always naked, criminal endeavour of the economically
technologically most developed country of the world, to establish, under
the mask of globalization, a modern colonization of the enormous
of countries and peoples. Of all those who have natural, human and
Between the two millennia, the paradox of the new colonization
the world is even greater, because this century accomplished the closest
links between countries.
The subordination of the world to the moral, economic and
interests and principles of one country is accompanied by the hidden,
struggle against the culturalhistorical and spiritual national values of
ancient countries and peoples.
The globalization tries to destroy the enormous, real, treasury
the world its multicivilisational and multicultural values.
The economically developed Europe, blinded by the enormous
of instant information, by the consumers' mentality and dependent on the
increase of the capital of the multinational companies, has an
attitude towards the globalization of the world, and the present
governments of some Western European countries accept the role of
satellites in the modern colonization of the world, in order to satisfy
promote their personal interests.
In that way, those Western European governments struck the most
terrible blow to the civilisational achievements, to the tradition and
the treasuries of their countries and of their historical peoples which
created the modern world.
Similar tendencies are directed against the countries which
represent the cradle of the civilization, like Egypt, Iran, India and
The protagonists of the modern colonization use all possible
to achieve, as soon as possible, their global objective to rule the
from one single center. They threaten countries by diplomatic means,
impose sanctions, they maintain lowintensity conflicts, and when all
does not succeed they intervene with military power. As the
militarily and technologically strongest country of the world, they
the most important international political, financial, and trade
organizations. They do not respect the international legal system, the
United Nations and all others who hinder the achievement of their
objective to govern, from one place, the movements of commodities, of
people, of ideas and of capital, in order to enrich ruthlessly the small
economic and military elite of the world.
The basic instruments for the achievement of the dominant
globalization are the provoking of regional crisis and of internal
in countries all over the world, the lowintensity conflicts, the
security, violence, the fear of terrorism, the armed interference and
ruthless interference into the internal affairs of sovereign countries.
That is usually done under the excuse of the prevention of humanitarian
problems and catastrophes, and under the excuse of the alleged defense
human rights and liberties.
The policy of globalisation "floats" on the low intensity
conflicts, it provokes poverty, it favours the groups which support the
policy of violence and of modern colonialism and it is against those who
want to preserve the basic national and state interests and liberties.
Opposing that, the enormous majority of the countries, the
countries with the biggest population, want freedom and peace. They
advocate integration and globalisation on equal bases, not on bases of
Because of its original principles in the struggle against
colonialism, the Movement of the NonAligned found itself under the blows
the creators of the new world order.
The advocates of the forceful globalisation of the world do not
want talks between equals, they want to preserve the political,
technological and general economic domination over the poor and
In order to justify the military interventions all over the
the architects of the rule over the world resources try to win for
themselves the world public opinion and the voters in their countries by
financial and mediatic manipulation.
They establish special headquarters for information war and for
mediatic manipulation.
In order to achieve their goals, they use various methods and
biggest news agencies of the world, the global radio and TV stations,
daily newspapers, periodicals and professional magazines.
The concept of "information domination", according to which it
possible to rule over foreign countries by the control of information,
if necessary, combine information with military interventions, imposes
need to intensify the activities of the Pool of News Agencies of
It is interesting to note that a great number of scientists,
theoreticians and politicians in the NATO countries speaks about the
gradual disappearance of the war as we have known it in the past. They
talking about the new way of waging wars, with the emphasis on the
circuit of information and intelligence data about the strategic,
operational and tactical situations. That shows that the promoters of
global colonialism do not refrain from violence as a means to achieve
domination; they invest enormous means in the development of new
technologies for new forms of conquest and subordination.
Therefore, the key question is the question of the struggle for
truth and for the conscience about the society in which we live. In
information plays a very important, unavoidable role. The media in the
modern society have the possibility to discover truth, to influence the
reality, and, by destroying illusions and manipulation, to increase
knowledge and change people and societies.
If the basic assumption of a society is based on cheating and
instrumentalization of humans as beings, then such a society can not be
democratic, regardless of its selfproclamation; that society wants to
impose its own criteria of democracy to the entire world.
Were that society, in substance, democratic and prosperous, its
principles would be accepted willingly by all, the society would not
sanctions, isolation, black lists, bombing, information and media war in
order to impose such principles.
The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia said a resolute "NO" to the
world order, in spite of threats, sanctions, bombing and other numerous
pressures and special war.
We did not yield under the aggressor's attack of the strongest
military power of the world the NATO forces of 19 countries, which
us, criminally, senselessly, violating all international legal norms,
during 78 days, incessantly.
The global NATO machinery tried to conceal the crimes committed
the strongest military power against innocent civilians, against
and communal facilities, against traffic infrastructure.
However, in spite of all these endeavors, in spite of the
censorship without precedent imposed by NATO on the reports about the
bombing of Yugoslavia, the world saw the atrocities done by the Alliance
our country.
In spite of that, NATO and the most powerful countries of the
world still do not want to admit the war crimes they committed in The
Mediatic Role of the NonAligned The last decade of the XX century is
marked, in the field of information and communication, as the period of
accelerated development of the media.
Due to the dynamic development of multimedia and of Internet,
of the world network of direct and uncontrolled communication, the
meaning of the world information got a new significance. Information
a first class product devoted to the broadest mass of consumers from
business people to simple consumers.
At present, the political and economic systems are greatly
on communication networks and on available information systems. The
establishment of such systems, the manipulation of information and the
elimination of undesirable competitive communication networks,
a new form of war, new according to its methods, but old according to
concept and its goals.
A new kind of war the information war was created and
Therefore, it is extremely important to agree here, at this
meeting, about the revitalization of the pool of News Agencies of
NonAligned Countries. Otherwise, we will continue to be the victims of
globalisation, of the designed and dosed information.
The information is conditioned by the laws of the development
the human society, and by the need to preserve and link generations,
cultures and creativity. At present, it represents the prerequisite of
management of states, of businesses, of family budget.
The mediatic colonization and the terror of the global
media, however, try to eliminate the right to one's own views.
the concept of the globalisation of information, which they try to
could achieve a greater importance, could produce greater effects than
classical war or economic domination.
Therefore, the information is heading to the first priority in
development of the human society. It becomes the mostly wanted raw
material, although it is not a classical material good.
Unfortunately, the great agencies and other information systems
are dominant and developing. They are the systems which belonged, and
of them still belong, to the highly developed, to the economically and
militarily strongest countries. Usually, the dominant news agencies are
agencies from the metropola which were until recently the colonizers of
present nonaligned and independent countries. That applies especially
independent African states. It is easy to assume what are editorial
policies and the propaganda activities of those agencies and of other
information systems of those countries.
The mutual information among the nonaligned and other
countries is still nonadequate. There exist information lacunas in many
nonaligned countries, which represent a fertile soil for the activities
the big news agencies of the powerful western countries.
That was best seen recently during the last year's criminal
aggression of NATO against Yugoslavia. And now as well in the
of the strong economic, diplomatic, political, media, psychological and
military pressures against the independent and sovereign Yugoslavia.
We are witnessing the media manipulation without precedent,
tries to bring legitimacy to the NATO aggression against our country,
to take off the responsibility of the orderers and executors of war
against civilian population of Yugoslavia.
These and similar events in other provoked foci in the world,
confirm the necessity of the establishment of the Pool of News Agencies
NonAligned Countries in 1976.
Unfortunately, the most recent examples show that there is
still a
lot of space, a lot of necessity for the activities of the Pool, that
Pool did not fulfil its task, due to obvious reasons.
Our objective is to establish information without
who deform the information in accordance with their own interests, thus
being harmful to all of us.
The Pool of News Agencies of NonAligned Countries has an
unavoidable, important rule in the strengthening of the prestige and of
influence of the Movement of the NonAligned in international relations
its adaptation to the new international relations.
The Yugoslav state agency TANJUG is ready to give its maximum
contribution to that objective. By signing, recently, agreements on
cooperation with state agencies and media houses in Iran, Iraq, India
other countries, it made a huge step toward the exchange of information
without intermediaries.
The Development of the Telecommunication Infrastructure
In order to establish direct, rapid and timely exchange of
information in the framework of the Pool of News Agencies of NonAligned
Countries, it is indispensable to work on the expansion, development and
strengthening of the telecommunication infrastructure.
The existing network is usually monopolized by strong, powerful
world agencies, which do not hesitate to remodel original true
according to their own interests which are most often contrary to the
interests of the nonaligned and developing countries.
The crimes committed by NATO during the last year's aggression
against the FRY are the best illustration of how the independent
information technology and network troubles the developed West.
After destroying 300 radio and TV transmitters, and 19 big
transmitters, and the magnificent architectural work of world
importance the TV tower at the Avala mountain near Belgrade, NATO
committed, on April 23, 1999, the greatest crime in the history of free
press and journalism. On that night, the airplanes of the strongest
military power of the world bombed, without warning, the building of the
Radio and Television Serbia, it the center of Belgrade. 16 journalists
other TV creators of the information program of the state electronic
which broadcasted, from that studio, authentic pictures about the war
crimes committed by NATO in Yugoslavia, Serbia, in Kosovo and Metohija,
were killed in the bombing.
By developing their own telecommunication network, the news
agencies of the nonaligned countries will have the necessary conditions
exchange, without intermediaries, authentic, true information.
That will also represent a possibility to avoid the pitfalls of
the western variant of the global information society, in which modern
technology is used for the production of enormous quantities of news and
information. The aim is obvious they try, by the quantity of naked
information to imprison the human mind and the human capacity to
data and facts.
The western information society offers enormous, versatile
quantity, using the technological perfection to the detriment of the
and of the liberty of human thinking and understanding.
The quantity of cheap information is the most expensive deceit
the modern civilization, of the future of the human mind, of the freedom
thought and expression.
Allow me, at the end of my expose, to express once more our
resoluteness to contribute as much as possible to the strengthening of
role of the Pool of News Agencies of NonAligned Countries in the spirit
the reaffirmation of the original principles of the Movement of the
NonAligned, adapted to the present international relations.
I am deeply convinced that we will mark, in an appropriate way,
next year, the 40th anniversary of the Movement of the NonAligned, and
25th anniversary of the Pool of News Agencies of NonAligned Countries.
I am also convinced, that we will succeed, until that time, in
implementing a good part of the agreements we will reach today and
at this meeting.
Distinguished members of the Coordination Bureau of the Pool of
News Agencies of NonAligned Countries,
I wish you a pleasant and successful time in our Capital City
Free Belgrade.
e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj