Il governo anti-serbo (ed antijugoslavo) guidato da Zoran Djindjic,
colluso con i bombardieri della NATO e resosi gia' responsabile di
gravi violazioni dell'ordine costituzionale (ad esempio attraverso
il sequestro dell'ex Presidente della Repubblica Milosevic), dopo
aver steso il tappeto rosso per accogliere gli eredi della monarchia
Karadjordjevic ha compiuto un ulteriore passo di grande rilevanza
anche emblematica introducendo l'ora di religione persino nelle
scuole elementari.
Ricordiamo che questa banda di reazionari oggi al governo della Serbia
e' stata salutata, nella sua presa del potere, da tutta la "sinistra"
italiana, specialmente con urla di giubilo dalle prime pagine di
"Liberazione" ed "Il Manifesto", giornali che hanno esplicitamente
fatto il tifo per la coalizione di destra con a capo Kostunica, lo
"specchietto per le allodole" usato come copertura per
Djindjic. Come spiegheranno "Liberazione" ed "Il Manifesto" ai
loro lettori l'ennesima scelta di segno ultraconservatore da parte
del governo della DOS?
(Italo Slavo)
BELGRADE, July 25 ( Beta) -On July 24, the Serbian government
adopted a decree regulating the introduction of religious
instruction and an alternative course in ethics as optional
subjects in elementary and secondary schools in the republic.
The Serbian government said in a press release that religious
instruction and the alternative course in ethnics will be
taught in grades one of all elementary and secondary schools
starting Sept. 1. (...)
Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> http://www.domeus.it/circles/jugoinfo oppure:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/messages
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
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Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>
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Il governo anti-serbo (ed antijugoslavo) guidato da Zoran Djindjic,
colluso con i bombardieri della NATO e resosi gia' responsabile di
gravi violazioni dell'ordine costituzionale (ad esempio attraverso
il sequestro dell'ex Presidente della Repubblica Milosevic), dopo
aver steso il tappeto rosso per accogliere gli eredi della monarchia
Karadjordjevic ha compiuto un ulteriore passo di grande rilevanza
anche emblematica introducendo l'ora di religione persino nelle
scuole elementari.
Ricordiamo che questa banda di reazionari oggi al governo della Serbia
e' stata salutata, nella sua presa del potere, da tutta la "sinistra"
italiana, specialmente con urla di giubilo dalle prime pagine di
"Liberazione" ed "Il Manifesto", giornali che hanno esplicitamente
fatto il tifo per la coalizione di destra con a capo Kostunica, lo
"specchietto per le allodole" usato come copertura per
Djindjic. Come spiegheranno "Liberazione" ed "Il Manifesto" ai
loro lettori l'ennesima scelta di segno ultraconservatore da parte
del governo della DOS?
(Italo Slavo)
BELGRADE, July 25 ( Beta) -On July 24, the Serbian government
adopted a decree regulating the introduction of religious
instruction and an alternative course in ethics as optional
subjects in elementary and secondary schools in the republic.
The Serbian government said in a press release that religious
instruction and the alternative course in ethnics will be
taught in grades one of all elementary and secondary schools
starting Sept. 1. (...)
Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> http://www.domeus.it/circles/jugoinfo oppure:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/messages
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>
---- Spot ------------------------------------------------------------
Vuoi comprare - ma anche vendere - on line?
da oggi su Domeus hai una piazza tutta per te, 24 ore su 24.
Fatti un giro e vedrai che non te ne pentirai.
Per cancellarti da questo gruppo, invia un messaggio vuoto a: jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...
Subject: Circle Of Deception: Mapping The Human Rights Crowd In The
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 23:12:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Rozoff
[As the following contains scores of indispensible
hyperlinks, it's best viewed in its original version
at: http://www.swans.com/library/art7/ga110.html )
The Circle of Deception
Mapping the Human Rights Crowd in the Balkans
by Gilles d'Aymery
July 23, 2001
Following a conversation with a Serbian acquaintance
we investigated a report on the Destruction of
Evidence on Crimes against Kosovo Albanians that was
posted on balkanhr, the Balkan Human Rights List, that
he had found through the Balkan Academic News.
>>From there, one thing leading to another and following
Ariadne's thread, an unambiguous picture developed.
Some people and some organizations are at the center
of a vast circle of deception. They all look genuine,
many are certainly well-intentioned but behind the
veil of legitimacy and humanitarian concerns can be
found the same powerful people and organizations such
as the Open Society Institute of the billionaire and -
as always characterized - philanthropist, George
Soros, the Ford Foundation, the United States
Institute of Peace, the National Endowment for
Democracy and many more, financing and using a maze of
well known NGO's such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty
International, the International Crisis Group, etc.,
as well as more obscure entities such as the Southeast
European Politics (SEEP), the Balkan Academic News
(BAN), the Consortium of Minority Resources (COMIR),
the Minority Rights Group International (MRG), the
Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM) and myriad others. But,
among all of them, shining as the Southern star, is
George Soros who, like an immense Jules Verne octopus,
extends his tentacles all over Eastern Europe,
South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus as well as the
republics of the former Soviet Union. With the help of
these various groups, their partners and associates,
all having laudable names, all receiving lavish
funding, and again quite possibly most of them
well-intentioned, they are able not only to shape but
to create the news, the agenda and public opinion to
further their aims which are, in short, the control of
the world, its natural resources and the furtherance
of their uniform ideal of a perfect world polity made
in America.
This paper goes through a maze of connections. As said
it starts with a report about the Destruction of
Evidence on Crimes against Kosovo Albanians that was
posted on the balkanhr Distribution List in May, 2001
and that covered the story -- disseminated by the main
media later on in June -- of a refrigerated truck full
of corpses that was pulled out of the Danube at the
Iron Gates near Kladovo, in Serbia, on 6 April 1999.
The report was unsigned. Its provenance, the message
said, was the Humanitarian Law Center by the way of
the Greek Helsinki Monitor. The next logical move was
to visit the Greek Helsinki Monitor that is a part of
The BALKAN Human Rights Web Pages. There, the report
was linked....back to the Balkan Human Rights List
(which was founded in February 2000 by....The BALKAN
Human Rights Web Pages)!
Facing our first circle we decided to visit the
Humanitarian Law Center but, after an hour or so, we
could not find the original report (at least
originally -- please see the Note at the end of this
report). So we went back to square one and decided to
visit the Balkan Academic News (BAN). BAN is part of
the Consortium of Minority Resources (COMIR) and
affiliated with Southeast European Politics (SEEP). It
is hosted by the Southeast European Politics (SEEP).
BAN has its own distribution list on Yahoo. The
creator of BAN is one Florian Bieber who happens to be
a co-editor of SEEP. SEEP is sponsored by the Albanian
Political Science Association, Tirana, Albania, the
Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary, Central
European University, Budapest, Hungary, and
Independent Macedonian Political Science Association,
Skopje, Macedonia (no Web site). SEEP's Web site also
happens to be hosted by the Central European
University (CEU). CEU was founded in 1994 by George
Soros. CEU's related institutions are the Open Society
Institute-Budapest and the Soros Foundations Network.
"The Open Society Institute-Budapest was established
in 1993 to develop and implement programs in the areas
of educational, social and legal reform in Central and
Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
OSI-Budapest is part of the Soros foundations network,
a group of autonomous organizations created and
supported by George Soros," says the Web site. Florian
Bieber, the co-editor of SEEP and creator of BAN
worked from October 1998 to June 2000 at CEU. He holds
a M.A. in Southeast European Studies from CEU (he
currently is a lecturer, Regional Masters Program in
Democracy and Human Rights at the University of
Sarajevo). If you take the time to carefully read his
resume you will notice his many connections.
The other two sponsors of SEEP are The Independent
Macedonian Political Science Association, Skopje,
Macedonia that has no Web site and the Albanian
Political Science Association, Tirana, Albania
(ALPSA). ALPSA, was founded in 2000 to "contribute to
the establishment and advancement of studies in all
branches of political science (comparative politics,
political economy and public choice, international
relations, political theory, public policy, area
studies, etc.) in Albanian-language institutions and
universities in Albania and elsewhere." ALPSA does not
provide any information about its funding. However,
two of its board members have a diploma from CEU and
the site mentions that the organization is a "joint
publisher of SEEP"
As said, BAN, aside from being affiliated with SEEP,
is part of the Consortium of Minority Resources
(COMIR). COMIR, says the Web site, is "an
Internet-based cooperative project that aims at
promoting the free flow of information and dialogue in
the field of ethnic relations, multicultural politics
and minority rights. COMIR aims to establish a
clearinghouse of information and activities relevant
to Europe (OSCE region) to support democratic
governance of multiethnic and multinational societies.
To this end, COMIR develops and promotes virtual
libraries, mailing lists, a database of full text
documents, training materials, etc. Major initiatives
include a Virtual Library, coordinated mailing lists,
a meta-search engine across founders' web sites, a
Minority Rights Practitioners Resource Pack, a best
practice database, curriculum development and advocacy
training." COMIR is hosted by The Local Government and
Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI). LGI "was
launched in January 1997 by the Board of the Open
Society Institute-Budapest. The Initiative replaces
the Institute for Local Government and Public Service
and builds on its achievements," says the Web site.
"The development of democratic and effective
government at sub-national levels [emphasis added]
remains one of the central tasks of the transition.
The sharing of expertise between countries can
contribute significantly to the reform process in the
region. The primary mission of LGI is to foster such
cross-border cooperation and to support and
disseminate throughout the region potentially
important policy studies which should have a
significant impact on public policy reform." COMIR is
theretofore hosted by George Soros' Open Society
COMIR's partner sites are: Center of Documentation and
Information on Minorities in Europe - Southeast
Europe; Minority Rights Group MRG LGI MMCP; Local
Government and Public Service Reform Initiative;
European Centre for Minority Issues; Roma Rights
Center; Forum Institute for Social Studies; Balkan
Academic News; Human Rights Watch; Constitutional &
Legal Policy Institute; European Academy Bolzano/Bozen
and World Organisation Against Torture.
COMIR being a partner of the Greek Helsinki Monitor
(GHM), we decided to revisit GHM.
According to the Web site, "Greek Helsinki Monitor
(GHM) was founded in 1993 by members of Minority
Rights Group - Greece, affiliated to Minority Rights
Group - International since 1992. In 1993, GHM became
the Greek member of the International Helsinki
Federation. In 1998, GHM became a member of the
International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX);
and in 2000 of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights
Network (EMHRN) and the Southeast Europe Media
Organization (SEEMO). GHM monitors, publishes and
lobbies on human rights issues in Greece and,
occasionally, in the Balkans. It has participated in
and often coordinated the monitoring of Greek and
Balkan media for stereotypes and hate speech. It has
prepared detailed reports on ethnonational,
ethnolinguistic, religious and immigrant communities,
in Greece; and on the Greek minorities in Albania and
Turkey. [...] Since 1997, in cooperation with the
European Roma Rights Center (ERRC), it runs a Roma
Office for Greece. Since 1997, it also operates the
Athens editorial office of the Alternative Information
Network (AIM), while in 2000 it launched the
electronic monthly "Dikaiomatika!" (Rightly!) in
Greek. In 1998, GHM was a co-founder of the Center of
Documentation and Information on Minorities in Europe
- Southeast Europe (CEDIME-SE) which operates a web
site (http://www.greekhelsinki.gr) and two web lists
covering human rights issues and comprehensive and
comparable presentations of all minorities in the
region. In 2000, CEDIME-SE was one of the co-founders
of the Consortium of Minority Resources (COMIR)."
"Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group -
Greece would like to acknowledge the sponsorship of
Open Society Institute, European Union's PHARE and
Euromosaic programs, Austrian Government - Federal
Chancellery, Nikos Dimou, "Artos Zois" Foundation,
European Roma Rights Center, Berghof Foundation for
Conflict Research, Aspen Institute Berlin,
International Helsinki Federation, Communication and
Political Research Society, Greek General Secretariat
for Youth, and a few others."
So, GHM is funded, among others, by OSI. But what of
the various "organizations" with which GHM is
Minority Rights Group International (MRG): MRG is a
"non-governmental organization based in London, UK,
MRG promotes the rights of ethnic, linguistic and
religious minorities." MRG does not disclose funding
and sponsorship but GHM mentions that at least
MRG-Greece is supported, among others, by OSI (see
above). It has a link to COMIR on its front page.
The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC): ERRC is "an
international public interest law organisation which
monitors the human rights situation of Roma and
provides legal defence in cases of human rights
abuse." Major sponsors are: Open Society Institute,
Ford Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation,
Ruben and Elisabeth Rausing Trust, Rockefeller
Brothers Fund, and J.M. Kaplan Fund.
Please note that while GHM is partly "sponsored" by
OSI, it is also partly "sponsored" by ERRC which in
turn is partly "sponsored" by....OSI!
International Freedom of Expression exchange (IFEX):
IFEX "was born in 1992 when many of the world's
leading freedom of expression organizations came
together in Montreal to discuss how best to further
their collective goals." IFEX support organizations
are: Canadian International Development Agency,
Canada; Open Society Institute, U.S.A.; Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Denmark; The Ford Foundation, U.S.A.;
Freedom Forum, U.S.A.; Humanistic Institute for
Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos), The
Netherlands; Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation, U.S.A;
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland; Robert R.
McCormick Tribune Foundation, U.S.A.; Swedish
International Development Agency, Sweden; and United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO).
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN):
EMHRN, established in January 1997, "is a network of
human rights organisations based in more than 20
countries from the Euro-Mediterranean region."
Funding/sponsors are not disclosed. Among its members
are Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch (see
GHM is also related to the Institute for War & Peace
Reporting (IWPR). "Founded in 1991, IWPR is an
independent educational charity based in the United
Kingdom." "IWPR supports democratisation and
development in crisis zones by providing an
international platform, professional training and
financial assistance to independent media, human
rights activists and other democratic voices." The
IWPR Web site acknowledges the following "private and
governmental foundations and agencies supporting its
regional reporting and media development activities:"
Carnegie Corporation of New York; Department for
International Development (UK); European Commission,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Freedom Forum; Ford
Foundation; National Endowment for Democracy;
Community Fund (UK); Open Society Institute; Press
Now; Samuel Rubin Foundation; Swedish International
Development and Cooperation Agency; US Institute for
Peace and Winston Foundation for World Peace.
GHM disseminates the reports of Human Rights Watch
(HRW) and is related to HRW at least through COMIR and
EMHRN. George Soros is known as the "financier of
HRW." For the readers who are not familiar with HRW we
recommend the report by Paul Treanor, Who is behind
Human Rights Watch? The European section of the Board
of HRW (or committee), called the Europe and Central
Asia Division is affiliated with the International
Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (the latter, by
the way, is financed by, among others, the Ford
Foundation. See
The Council for the Defense of Human Rights and
Freedoms (funding unknown) publishes a weekly report
on the "situation of human rights and freedoms in
Kosova" [please note the spelling]. These reports are
disseminated by, among others, GHM and BAN.
So are the reports and analysis of the International
Crisis Group (ICG). ICG "is a private, multinational
organisation committed to strengthening the capacity
of the international community to anticipate,
understand and act to prevent and contain conflict."
Readers may recall the ICG report dated November 26,
1999 on Trepca: Making Sense of the Labyrinth which
advocated that UNMIK and KFOR take control of the
Trepca mining complex - which they did. ICG is an
intriguing organization that would deserve to be
reviewed on its own. ICG states on its Web site that
"Maintaining a diverse funding base is critical to
preserving ICG's political independence and
credibility." It adds that "ICG raises funds from
governments, charitable foundations, companies and
individual donors. The following governments currently
provide funding: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, Norway, the Republic of China (Taiwan)
[ed. please note how they characterize Taiwan],
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Foundation
and private sector donors include the Ansary
Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation,
the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Open Society
Institute, the Ploughshares Fund, the Sasakawa
Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Ford
Foundation and the U.S. Institute of Peace."
The best way to form an opinion in regard to ICG's
"political independence and credibility" is to look at
its Board. Among its 50+ members are the following
names: Stephen Solarz (Vice-Chairman, ICG and former
U.S. Congressman); Morton Abramowitz (former U.S.
Assistant Secretary of State and former U.S.
Ambassador to Turkey); Kenneth Adelman (former US
Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Ambassador to the UN);
Richard Allen (former Head of US National Security
Council and National Security Advisor); Louise Arbour
(Supreme Court Judge, Canada and former Chief
Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for former
Yugoslavia); Wesley Clark (former NATO Supreme Allied
Commander, Europe); Allan J. MacEachen (former Deputy
Prime Minister of Canada); Barbara McDougall (former
Secretary of State for External Affairs, Canada);
Wayne Owens (President, Center for Middle East Peace
and Economic Co-operation); George Soros (Chairman,
Open Society Institute); and Mortimer Zuckerman
(Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, U.S. News and World
So, from little-known organizations or people such as
SEEP, COMIR, BAN, GHM, IFEX, ERRC, etc. and Florian
Bieber to bigger fish like ICG, HRW, IPWR, etc., and
Louise Arbour, Morton Abramowitz or Wesley Clark -- to
cite just a few -- the agenda, the ideology, the
sources of funding are the same. They originate with
the Ford Foundation, the National Endowment for
Democracy, the US Institute for Peace, the Open
Society Institute and many, many more wealthy
institutions; and George Soros can invariably be found
at the epicenter of this concentric maze (which will
not surprise the readers who have read our August 2000
essay, Armies of Compassion: The Missionary, the
Businessman and the Military).
Not only do they shape and form opinion, they create
the news, they pay for -- they literally buy -- the
news to be shaped and created (remember the
"suitcases" of cash being funneled to the opposition
-- DOS, Otpor, B92, etc. -- before the Yugoslav
elections in October 2000?), to control how public
opinion is shaped and created; a public who has little
or no idea of how the news and their opinions are
created, sculpted like a fake Rodin, and from where
they really come. Total manipulation, total deception
and total mind control.
Pathetic, isn't it?
Note: To demonstrate the above with a case study we
are reviewing the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) and
the report, "Destruction of Evidence on Crimes against
Kosovo Albanians," that was found on balkanhr, the
Balkan Human Rights List (but that originated with
HLC) in our next commentary, The Fabrication and
Dissemination of Deception.
Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> http://www.domeus.it/circles/jugoinfo oppure:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/messages
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>
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Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 23:12:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Rozoff
[As the following contains scores of indispensible
hyperlinks, it's best viewed in its original version
at: http://www.swans.com/library/art7/ga110.html )
The Circle of Deception
Mapping the Human Rights Crowd in the Balkans
by Gilles d'Aymery
July 23, 2001
Following a conversation with a Serbian acquaintance
we investigated a report on the Destruction of
Evidence on Crimes against Kosovo Albanians that was
posted on balkanhr, the Balkan Human Rights List, that
he had found through the Balkan Academic News.
>>From there, one thing leading to another and following
Ariadne's thread, an unambiguous picture developed.
Some people and some organizations are at the center
of a vast circle of deception. They all look genuine,
many are certainly well-intentioned but behind the
veil of legitimacy and humanitarian concerns can be
found the same powerful people and organizations such
as the Open Society Institute of the billionaire and -
as always characterized - philanthropist, George
Soros, the Ford Foundation, the United States
Institute of Peace, the National Endowment for
Democracy and many more, financing and using a maze of
well known NGO's such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty
International, the International Crisis Group, etc.,
as well as more obscure entities such as the Southeast
European Politics (SEEP), the Balkan Academic News
(BAN), the Consortium of Minority Resources (COMIR),
the Minority Rights Group International (MRG), the
Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM) and myriad others. But,
among all of them, shining as the Southern star, is
George Soros who, like an immense Jules Verne octopus,
extends his tentacles all over Eastern Europe,
South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus as well as the
republics of the former Soviet Union. With the help of
these various groups, their partners and associates,
all having laudable names, all receiving lavish
funding, and again quite possibly most of them
well-intentioned, they are able not only to shape but
to create the news, the agenda and public opinion to
further their aims which are, in short, the control of
the world, its natural resources and the furtherance
of their uniform ideal of a perfect world polity made
in America.
This paper goes through a maze of connections. As said
it starts with a report about the Destruction of
Evidence on Crimes against Kosovo Albanians that was
posted on the balkanhr Distribution List in May, 2001
and that covered the story -- disseminated by the main
media later on in June -- of a refrigerated truck full
of corpses that was pulled out of the Danube at the
Iron Gates near Kladovo, in Serbia, on 6 April 1999.
The report was unsigned. Its provenance, the message
said, was the Humanitarian Law Center by the way of
the Greek Helsinki Monitor. The next logical move was
to visit the Greek Helsinki Monitor that is a part of
The BALKAN Human Rights Web Pages. There, the report
was linked....back to the Balkan Human Rights List
(which was founded in February 2000 by....The BALKAN
Human Rights Web Pages)!
Facing our first circle we decided to visit the
Humanitarian Law Center but, after an hour or so, we
could not find the original report (at least
originally -- please see the Note at the end of this
report). So we went back to square one and decided to
visit the Balkan Academic News (BAN). BAN is part of
the Consortium of Minority Resources (COMIR) and
affiliated with Southeast European Politics (SEEP). It
is hosted by the Southeast European Politics (SEEP).
BAN has its own distribution list on Yahoo. The
creator of BAN is one Florian Bieber who happens to be
a co-editor of SEEP. SEEP is sponsored by the Albanian
Political Science Association, Tirana, Albania, the
Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary, Central
European University, Budapest, Hungary, and
Independent Macedonian Political Science Association,
Skopje, Macedonia (no Web site). SEEP's Web site also
happens to be hosted by the Central European
University (CEU). CEU was founded in 1994 by George
Soros. CEU's related institutions are the Open Society
Institute-Budapest and the Soros Foundations Network.
"The Open Society Institute-Budapest was established
in 1993 to develop and implement programs in the areas
of educational, social and legal reform in Central and
Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
OSI-Budapest is part of the Soros foundations network,
a group of autonomous organizations created and
supported by George Soros," says the Web site. Florian
Bieber, the co-editor of SEEP and creator of BAN
worked from October 1998 to June 2000 at CEU. He holds
a M.A. in Southeast European Studies from CEU (he
currently is a lecturer, Regional Masters Program in
Democracy and Human Rights at the University of
Sarajevo). If you take the time to carefully read his
resume you will notice his many connections.
The other two sponsors of SEEP are The Independent
Macedonian Political Science Association, Skopje,
Macedonia that has no Web site and the Albanian
Political Science Association, Tirana, Albania
(ALPSA). ALPSA, was founded in 2000 to "contribute to
the establishment and advancement of studies in all
branches of political science (comparative politics,
political economy and public choice, international
relations, political theory, public policy, area
studies, etc.) in Albanian-language institutions and
universities in Albania and elsewhere." ALPSA does not
provide any information about its funding. However,
two of its board members have a diploma from CEU and
the site mentions that the organization is a "joint
publisher of SEEP"
As said, BAN, aside from being affiliated with SEEP,
is part of the Consortium of Minority Resources
(COMIR). COMIR, says the Web site, is "an
Internet-based cooperative project that aims at
promoting the free flow of information and dialogue in
the field of ethnic relations, multicultural politics
and minority rights. COMIR aims to establish a
clearinghouse of information and activities relevant
to Europe (OSCE region) to support democratic
governance of multiethnic and multinational societies.
To this end, COMIR develops and promotes virtual
libraries, mailing lists, a database of full text
documents, training materials, etc. Major initiatives
include a Virtual Library, coordinated mailing lists,
a meta-search engine across founders' web sites, a
Minority Rights Practitioners Resource Pack, a best
practice database, curriculum development and advocacy
training." COMIR is hosted by The Local Government and
Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI). LGI "was
launched in January 1997 by the Board of the Open
Society Institute-Budapest. The Initiative replaces
the Institute for Local Government and Public Service
and builds on its achievements," says the Web site.
"The development of democratic and effective
government at sub-national levels [emphasis added]
remains one of the central tasks of the transition.
The sharing of expertise between countries can
contribute significantly to the reform process in the
region. The primary mission of LGI is to foster such
cross-border cooperation and to support and
disseminate throughout the region potentially
important policy studies which should have a
significant impact on public policy reform." COMIR is
theretofore hosted by George Soros' Open Society
COMIR's partner sites are: Center of Documentation and
Information on Minorities in Europe - Southeast
Europe; Minority Rights Group MRG LGI MMCP; Local
Government and Public Service Reform Initiative;
European Centre for Minority Issues; Roma Rights
Center; Forum Institute for Social Studies; Balkan
Academic News; Human Rights Watch; Constitutional &
Legal Policy Institute; European Academy Bolzano/Bozen
and World Organisation Against Torture.
COMIR being a partner of the Greek Helsinki Monitor
(GHM), we decided to revisit GHM.
According to the Web site, "Greek Helsinki Monitor
(GHM) was founded in 1993 by members of Minority
Rights Group - Greece, affiliated to Minority Rights
Group - International since 1992. In 1993, GHM became
the Greek member of the International Helsinki
Federation. In 1998, GHM became a member of the
International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX);
and in 2000 of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights
Network (EMHRN) and the Southeast Europe Media
Organization (SEEMO). GHM monitors, publishes and
lobbies on human rights issues in Greece and,
occasionally, in the Balkans. It has participated in
and often coordinated the monitoring of Greek and
Balkan media for stereotypes and hate speech. It has
prepared detailed reports on ethnonational,
ethnolinguistic, religious and immigrant communities,
in Greece; and on the Greek minorities in Albania and
Turkey. [...] Since 1997, in cooperation with the
European Roma Rights Center (ERRC), it runs a Roma
Office for Greece. Since 1997, it also operates the
Athens editorial office of the Alternative Information
Network (AIM), while in 2000 it launched the
electronic monthly "Dikaiomatika!" (Rightly!) in
Greek. In 1998, GHM was a co-founder of the Center of
Documentation and Information on Minorities in Europe
- Southeast Europe (CEDIME-SE) which operates a web
site (http://www.greekhelsinki.gr) and two web lists
covering human rights issues and comprehensive and
comparable presentations of all minorities in the
region. In 2000, CEDIME-SE was one of the co-founders
of the Consortium of Minority Resources (COMIR)."
"Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group -
Greece would like to acknowledge the sponsorship of
Open Society Institute, European Union's PHARE and
Euromosaic programs, Austrian Government - Federal
Chancellery, Nikos Dimou, "Artos Zois" Foundation,
European Roma Rights Center, Berghof Foundation for
Conflict Research, Aspen Institute Berlin,
International Helsinki Federation, Communication and
Political Research Society, Greek General Secretariat
for Youth, and a few others."
So, GHM is funded, among others, by OSI. But what of
the various "organizations" with which GHM is
Minority Rights Group International (MRG): MRG is a
"non-governmental organization based in London, UK,
MRG promotes the rights of ethnic, linguistic and
religious minorities." MRG does not disclose funding
and sponsorship but GHM mentions that at least
MRG-Greece is supported, among others, by OSI (see
above). It has a link to COMIR on its front page.
The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC): ERRC is "an
international public interest law organisation which
monitors the human rights situation of Roma and
provides legal defence in cases of human rights
abuse." Major sponsors are: Open Society Institute,
Ford Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation,
Ruben and Elisabeth Rausing Trust, Rockefeller
Brothers Fund, and J.M. Kaplan Fund.
Please note that while GHM is partly "sponsored" by
OSI, it is also partly "sponsored" by ERRC which in
turn is partly "sponsored" by....OSI!
International Freedom of Expression exchange (IFEX):
IFEX "was born in 1992 when many of the world's
leading freedom of expression organizations came
together in Montreal to discuss how best to further
their collective goals." IFEX support organizations
are: Canadian International Development Agency,
Canada; Open Society Institute, U.S.A.; Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Denmark; The Ford Foundation, U.S.A.;
Freedom Forum, U.S.A.; Humanistic Institute for
Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos), The
Netherlands; Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation, U.S.A;
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland; Robert R.
McCormick Tribune Foundation, U.S.A.; Swedish
International Development Agency, Sweden; and United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO).
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN):
EMHRN, established in January 1997, "is a network of
human rights organisations based in more than 20
countries from the Euro-Mediterranean region."
Funding/sponsors are not disclosed. Among its members
are Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch (see
GHM is also related to the Institute for War & Peace
Reporting (IWPR). "Founded in 1991, IWPR is an
independent educational charity based in the United
Kingdom." "IWPR supports democratisation and
development in crisis zones by providing an
international platform, professional training and
financial assistance to independent media, human
rights activists and other democratic voices." The
IWPR Web site acknowledges the following "private and
governmental foundations and agencies supporting its
regional reporting and media development activities:"
Carnegie Corporation of New York; Department for
International Development (UK); European Commission,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Freedom Forum; Ford
Foundation; National Endowment for Democracy;
Community Fund (UK); Open Society Institute; Press
Now; Samuel Rubin Foundation; Swedish International
Development and Cooperation Agency; US Institute for
Peace and Winston Foundation for World Peace.
GHM disseminates the reports of Human Rights Watch
(HRW) and is related to HRW at least through COMIR and
EMHRN. George Soros is known as the "financier of
HRW." For the readers who are not familiar with HRW we
recommend the report by Paul Treanor, Who is behind
Human Rights Watch? The European section of the Board
of HRW (or committee), called the Europe and Central
Asia Division is affiliated with the International
Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (the latter, by
the way, is financed by, among others, the Ford
Foundation. See
The Council for the Defense of Human Rights and
Freedoms (funding unknown) publishes a weekly report
on the "situation of human rights and freedoms in
Kosova" [please note the spelling]. These reports are
disseminated by, among others, GHM and BAN.
So are the reports and analysis of the International
Crisis Group (ICG). ICG "is a private, multinational
organisation committed to strengthening the capacity
of the international community to anticipate,
understand and act to prevent and contain conflict."
Readers may recall the ICG report dated November 26,
1999 on Trepca: Making Sense of the Labyrinth which
advocated that UNMIK and KFOR take control of the
Trepca mining complex - which they did. ICG is an
intriguing organization that would deserve to be
reviewed on its own. ICG states on its Web site that
"Maintaining a diverse funding base is critical to
preserving ICG's political independence and
credibility." It adds that "ICG raises funds from
governments, charitable foundations, companies and
individual donors. The following governments currently
provide funding: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, Norway, the Republic of China (Taiwan)
[ed. please note how they characterize Taiwan],
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Foundation
and private sector donors include the Ansary
Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation,
the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Open Society
Institute, the Ploughshares Fund, the Sasakawa
Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Ford
Foundation and the U.S. Institute of Peace."
The best way to form an opinion in regard to ICG's
"political independence and credibility" is to look at
its Board. Among its 50+ members are the following
names: Stephen Solarz (Vice-Chairman, ICG and former
U.S. Congressman); Morton Abramowitz (former U.S.
Assistant Secretary of State and former U.S.
Ambassador to Turkey); Kenneth Adelman (former US
Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Ambassador to the UN);
Richard Allen (former Head of US National Security
Council and National Security Advisor); Louise Arbour
(Supreme Court Judge, Canada and former Chief
Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for former
Yugoslavia); Wesley Clark (former NATO Supreme Allied
Commander, Europe); Allan J. MacEachen (former Deputy
Prime Minister of Canada); Barbara McDougall (former
Secretary of State for External Affairs, Canada);
Wayne Owens (President, Center for Middle East Peace
and Economic Co-operation); George Soros (Chairman,
Open Society Institute); and Mortimer Zuckerman
(Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, U.S. News and World
So, from little-known organizations or people such as
SEEP, COMIR, BAN, GHM, IFEX, ERRC, etc. and Florian
Bieber to bigger fish like ICG, HRW, IPWR, etc., and
Louise Arbour, Morton Abramowitz or Wesley Clark -- to
cite just a few -- the agenda, the ideology, the
sources of funding are the same. They originate with
the Ford Foundation, the National Endowment for
Democracy, the US Institute for Peace, the Open
Society Institute and many, many more wealthy
institutions; and George Soros can invariably be found
at the epicenter of this concentric maze (which will
not surprise the readers who have read our August 2000
essay, Armies of Compassion: The Missionary, the
Businessman and the Military).
Not only do they shape and form opinion, they create
the news, they pay for -- they literally buy -- the
news to be shaped and created (remember the
"suitcases" of cash being funneled to the opposition
-- DOS, Otpor, B92, etc. -- before the Yugoslav
elections in October 2000?), to control how public
opinion is shaped and created; a public who has little
or no idea of how the news and their opinions are
created, sculpted like a fake Rodin, and from where
they really come. Total manipulation, total deception
and total mind control.
Pathetic, isn't it?
Note: To demonstrate the above with a case study we
are reviewing the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) and
the report, "Destruction of Evidence on Crimes against
Kosovo Albanians," that was found on balkanhr, the
Balkan Human Rights List (but that originated with
HLC) in our next commentary, The Fabrication and
Dissemination of Deception.
Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
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le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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1. nuovi articoli su "Emperor's Clothes"
2. testo in inglese della intervista di
Djindjic a "Der Spiegel"
3. dispaccio Reuters in francese sulla
suddetta intervista
4. solo 75 milioni di euro sui 300 promessi
in arrivo per ora... e serviranno a
ripagare il debito!
1. nuovi articoli su "Emperor's Clothes"
> http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/warn.htm
* Text of Zoran Djindjic's Interview with
'Der Spiegel'
* Comments by Jared Israel [19 July 2001]
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/
by Jared Israel [19 July 2001]
2. testo in inglese della intervista di
Djindjic a "Der Spiegel"
TITLE: Djindjic schl�gt Alarm (Djindjic
sounds the Alarm)
SUBTITLE: Wir brauchen aufrichtige
Hilfe" ("We need sincere help")
DATE: 16.7.2001
PUBLISHER: Der Spiegel
CONTENTS: Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic
feels the west has made a fool of him. In
this interview he complains about Brussels'
grotesque blockade maneuver concerning the
paying of the international reconstruction
help and warned of new crises in the
Spiegel: You took the risk of delivering
Milosevic to the War-Crimes Tribunal. Was it
worth it?
Djindjic: We set no conditions for the
extradition. That way we wanted to show our
good will for the integration into the
international community. At the same time, I
must admit that I am shocked over the farce
of "western aid", that is supposed to be at
$1.3 billion.
Sp.: ...What do you mean by Farce? That is a
whole lot of money.
Dj.: It would have been better if the Donor
Conference never had taken place and they
would have given us 50 Million DM in the
hand. We are trying to reform this country
and to espouse a pro-western course - in
spite of the NATO bombing – and in
Brussels 10 bureaucrats are sitting who
function in accordance with the motto: "when
the light goes out, apply the brakes."
Sp.: Would you explain what you mean?
Dj.: In August we were supposed to get a
first installment of 300 Million Euro.
Suddenly we were informed that from this
sum, 225 million Euro were being withheld
for outstanding debts, some of which date
back to Tito's time. Two-thirds of the sum
are "penalty interests" because Milosevic
refused for the past 10 years to pay back
this credit. The remaining 75 million Euro
we will be given - at the earliest - in
November. That is how western principles
are, we were told. That means: the dying man
gets the medicine, once he is dead. Our
crisis months are July, August and
Sp.: Are you fearing the downfall of your
Dj.: If we don't immediately get financial
aid, we will be confronting demonstrations
and social unrest by September at the
latest. Because we cannot keep our promises,
330 000 families living below 40 DM per
month, 600 000 refugees are weighing heavily
on our budget, and due to the reforms of the
economy demanded by the western creditors,
100 000 people are going to lose their jobs
There are no investments, nothing is being
worked on, nothing constructed. On the other
hand, Milosevic' old socialist cadre are
still sitting in the decisive functions in
the economy and want to see this land sink
into chaos.
Sp.: The socialists are evidently gaining
ground again. Could they again become a
danger for the DOS democratic governing
Dj.: Socialists and Radicals will certainly
win more votes. Added to this Yugoslavia's
President, Kostunica, with his skeptical
attitude toward the west and his constant
warning, that nothing of the promised money
will ever be seen....
Sp.: ... and who labeled you a putschist
because of your extradition of Milosevic,
who brought disgrace to the nation.
Dj.: A bit more loyalty from [Kostunica]
would certainly do me good. But dangerous
is, if because this type of quasipatrotic
statements the anti-western trauma is
reawakened in the population. Then I would
not exclude that a new government –
perhaps even the radical leader Seselj that
will receive the first installment of the
Aid package. I wanted to set other
priorities with the economy and weaken other
problems. And I solemnly warn the west: if
my government falls, this will cost the
international community $10 million.
Sp.: Will there be war?
Dj.: There will be crises, in Vojvodina, in
Montenegro, in Kosovo, in Sandzak, in
Southern Serbia. The cooperation with The
Hague Tribunal will no longer exist. And as
always, hundreds of thousands of refugees
will leave. But for that the west has enough
money in their budgets. No one will ask:
Couldn't someone have prevented this crisis?
Everyone will join in singing the tune, that
the Balkans have not calmed down. What we
need is sincere help, not hollow
declarations of sympathy. When I was in the
opposition, the European Union promised us
three billion DM in cash to overthrow
Milosevic. Where are they?
Sp.: You wanted to step down if the
Milosevic extradition to the Tribunal had
not succeeded. Will you give up if the
finance ministers don't come around?
Dj.: I cannot constantly speak to the people
about help coming from the west if none of
it here is tangible. I would lose my
credibility and will not be able to
stabilize the country. Why should I take the
risk of having my family killed with an car
bomb, if everything will be set back to
point zero anyway.
Sp.: Will you hand over General Mladic to
the Hague Tribunal, if he comes again to his
Belgrade home?
Dj.: All of the problems of this region do
not have to be carried out on my back. I
hope that I don't run into him.
3. dispaccio Reuters in francese sulla
suddetta intervista
Berlin, le 14 juillet 2001 (Reuters) - Le
premier ministre serbe, Zoran Djindjic a
vivement critiqu� l'Ouest pour le retard du
versement de l'aide qu'il avait promise en
r�compense de la remise de Slobodan
Milosevic au Tribunal Criminel de La Haye
"Nous n'avions pos� aucune conditions pour
livrer Milosevic. Nous voulions montrer
notre bonne volont� d'int�grer la Communaut�
Internationale." a dit Djindjic �
l'hebdomadaire allemand Der Spiegel dans une
interview devant �tre publi�e ce dimanche
[15 juillet].
"Mais je dois reconna�tre que je suis choqu�
devant la farce de l'aide occidentale, qui
devrait s'�lever � 1.3 billion de dollars",
dit-il. "Si nous ne recevons pas d'injection
financi�re imm�diatement, nous allons avoir
des manifestations et des troubles pour
septembre au plus tard."
Djindjic, un des leaders du bloc r�formiste
serbe qui avait chass� Milosevic de la
pr�sidence yougoslave l'ann�e pass�e, a �t�
l'objet de lourdes critiques de la part de
ses anciens coll�gues, et de manifestants �
Belgrade pour avoir livr� clandestinement
Milosevic le mois pass�.
Apr�s que Milosevic fut arriv� � La Haye,
les responsables occidentaux avaient promis
1.28 billions de $ pour aider � arr�ter la
mis�re �conomique de la Yougoslavie, et �
reconstruire un pays ravag� par la campagne
de bombardement de l'OTAN en 1999
Djindjic a d�clar� que Belgrade s'�tait
attendu � recevoir un premier versement de
300 millions d'euros (255 millions de $)
pour ao�t, mais s'�tait aper�u que sur ces
255 millions, 225 iraient directement pour
payer d'anciennes dettes, tandis que les 75
millions restants seraient seulement
transf�r�s en novembre au plus t�t.
"C'est comme donner � une personne gravement
malade le m�dicament quand il est mort. Les
mois critiques pour nous sont juillet, ao�t
et septembre" a d�clar� Djindjic au
Djindjic a dit que le support pour les
socialistes et les radicaux augmenterait si
il n'y avait pas de transfert financier
imm�diat, sp�cialement si le pr�sident
yougoslave Vojislav Kostunica continuait �
�lever des doutes sur le fait que L'Occident
verserait bien l'argent...
"J'averti s�rieusement l'Occident. Si mon
gouvernement tombe, alors cela co�tera � la
communaut� internationale 10 billion de $"
Djindjic a mis en garde sur un possible
renversement de son gouvernement par les
radicaux, un retour des socialistes et une
nouvelle crise des Balkans, qui mettrait un
terme � la coop�ration avec le tribunal de
La Haye et engendrerait des centaines de
milliers de r�fugi�s
"Je suis en train de perdre ma cr�dibilit�
et je ne peux pas maintenir le pays dans la
stabilit� plus longtemps." dit-il. "Ce dont
nous avons besoin, c'est d'une aide sinc�re,
pas de vides d�clarations de sympathie.
Quand j'�tais dans l'opposition, l'Union
Europ�enne nous avait promis trois billions
de Deutch Mark en cash pour la chute de
Milosevic. O� est cet argent?"
Original en anglais:
14 Jul 2001 15:14
Serb PM attacks West over aid delay-report
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/
4. solo 75 milioni di euro sui 300 promessi
in arrivo per ora... e serviranno a
ripagare il debito!
BERLIN, July 23 (Tanjug) Bavarian Premier
Edmund Stoiber on Monday strongly criticised
the EU for channelling most of the pledged
assistance for Yugoslavia into the settling
of existing debts, while only a small part
represented direct financial assistance. In
a letter to European Commission President
Romano Prodi, Stoiber said that he had been
shocked to learn about the EU decision to
give Yugoslavia just 75 million of the
recently pledged 300 mission euros of urgent
assistance. Stoiber also criticised the fact
that even these 75 million euros would be
sent to Belgrade in November. This policy
causes damage to citizens and political
stability in Yugoslavia and undermines the
European Union's good reputation, Stoiber
Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> http://www.domeus.it/circles/jugoinfo oppure:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/messages
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Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>
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1. nuovi articoli su "Emperor's Clothes"
2. testo in inglese della intervista di
Djindjic a "Der Spiegel"
3. dispaccio Reuters in francese sulla
suddetta intervista
4. solo 75 milioni di euro sui 300 promessi
in arrivo per ora... e serviranno a
ripagare il debito!
1. nuovi articoli su "Emperor's Clothes"
> http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/warn.htm
* Text of Zoran Djindjic's Interview with
'Der Spiegel'
* Comments by Jared Israel [19 July 2001]
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/
by Jared Israel [19 July 2001]
2. testo in inglese della intervista di
Djindjic a "Der Spiegel"
TITLE: Djindjic schl�gt Alarm (Djindjic
sounds the Alarm)
SUBTITLE: Wir brauchen aufrichtige
Hilfe" ("We need sincere help")
DATE: 16.7.2001
PUBLISHER: Der Spiegel
CONTENTS: Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic
feels the west has made a fool of him. In
this interview he complains about Brussels'
grotesque blockade maneuver concerning the
paying of the international reconstruction
help and warned of new crises in the
Spiegel: You took the risk of delivering
Milosevic to the War-Crimes Tribunal. Was it
worth it?
Djindjic: We set no conditions for the
extradition. That way we wanted to show our
good will for the integration into the
international community. At the same time, I
must admit that I am shocked over the farce
of "western aid", that is supposed to be at
$1.3 billion.
Sp.: ...What do you mean by Farce? That is a
whole lot of money.
Dj.: It would have been better if the Donor
Conference never had taken place and they
would have given us 50 Million DM in the
hand. We are trying to reform this country
and to espouse a pro-western course - in
spite of the NATO bombing – and in
Brussels 10 bureaucrats are sitting who
function in accordance with the motto: "when
the light goes out, apply the brakes."
Sp.: Would you explain what you mean?
Dj.: In August we were supposed to get a
first installment of 300 Million Euro.
Suddenly we were informed that from this
sum, 225 million Euro were being withheld
for outstanding debts, some of which date
back to Tito's time. Two-thirds of the sum
are "penalty interests" because Milosevic
refused for the past 10 years to pay back
this credit. The remaining 75 million Euro
we will be given - at the earliest - in
November. That is how western principles
are, we were told. That means: the dying man
gets the medicine, once he is dead. Our
crisis months are July, August and
Sp.: Are you fearing the downfall of your
Dj.: If we don't immediately get financial
aid, we will be confronting demonstrations
and social unrest by September at the
latest. Because we cannot keep our promises,
330 000 families living below 40 DM per
month, 600 000 refugees are weighing heavily
on our budget, and due to the reforms of the
economy demanded by the western creditors,
100 000 people are going to lose their jobs
There are no investments, nothing is being
worked on, nothing constructed. On the other
hand, Milosevic' old socialist cadre are
still sitting in the decisive functions in
the economy and want to see this land sink
into chaos.
Sp.: The socialists are evidently gaining
ground again. Could they again become a
danger for the DOS democratic governing
Dj.: Socialists and Radicals will certainly
win more votes. Added to this Yugoslavia's
President, Kostunica, with his skeptical
attitude toward the west and his constant
warning, that nothing of the promised money
will ever be seen....
Sp.: ... and who labeled you a putschist
because of your extradition of Milosevic,
who brought disgrace to the nation.
Dj.: A bit more loyalty from [Kostunica]
would certainly do me good. But dangerous
is, if because this type of quasipatrotic
statements the anti-western trauma is
reawakened in the population. Then I would
not exclude that a new government –
perhaps even the radical leader Seselj that
will receive the first installment of the
Aid package. I wanted to set other
priorities with the economy and weaken other
problems. And I solemnly warn the west: if
my government falls, this will cost the
international community $10 million.
Sp.: Will there be war?
Dj.: There will be crises, in Vojvodina, in
Montenegro, in Kosovo, in Sandzak, in
Southern Serbia. The cooperation with The
Hague Tribunal will no longer exist. And as
always, hundreds of thousands of refugees
will leave. But for that the west has enough
money in their budgets. No one will ask:
Couldn't someone have prevented this crisis?
Everyone will join in singing the tune, that
the Balkans have not calmed down. What we
need is sincere help, not hollow
declarations of sympathy. When I was in the
opposition, the European Union promised us
three billion DM in cash to overthrow
Milosevic. Where are they?
Sp.: You wanted to step down if the
Milosevic extradition to the Tribunal had
not succeeded. Will you give up if the
finance ministers don't come around?
Dj.: I cannot constantly speak to the people
about help coming from the west if none of
it here is tangible. I would lose my
credibility and will not be able to
stabilize the country. Why should I take the
risk of having my family killed with an car
bomb, if everything will be set back to
point zero anyway.
Sp.: Will you hand over General Mladic to
the Hague Tribunal, if he comes again to his
Belgrade home?
Dj.: All of the problems of this region do
not have to be carried out on my back. I
hope that I don't run into him.
3. dispaccio Reuters in francese sulla
suddetta intervista
Berlin, le 14 juillet 2001 (Reuters) - Le
premier ministre serbe, Zoran Djindjic a
vivement critiqu� l'Ouest pour le retard du
versement de l'aide qu'il avait promise en
r�compense de la remise de Slobodan
Milosevic au Tribunal Criminel de La Haye
"Nous n'avions pos� aucune conditions pour
livrer Milosevic. Nous voulions montrer
notre bonne volont� d'int�grer la Communaut�
Internationale." a dit Djindjic �
l'hebdomadaire allemand Der Spiegel dans une
interview devant �tre publi�e ce dimanche
[15 juillet].
"Mais je dois reconna�tre que je suis choqu�
devant la farce de l'aide occidentale, qui
devrait s'�lever � 1.3 billion de dollars",
dit-il. "Si nous ne recevons pas d'injection
financi�re imm�diatement, nous allons avoir
des manifestations et des troubles pour
septembre au plus tard."
Djindjic, un des leaders du bloc r�formiste
serbe qui avait chass� Milosevic de la
pr�sidence yougoslave l'ann�e pass�e, a �t�
l'objet de lourdes critiques de la part de
ses anciens coll�gues, et de manifestants �
Belgrade pour avoir livr� clandestinement
Milosevic le mois pass�.
Apr�s que Milosevic fut arriv� � La Haye,
les responsables occidentaux avaient promis
1.28 billions de $ pour aider � arr�ter la
mis�re �conomique de la Yougoslavie, et �
reconstruire un pays ravag� par la campagne
de bombardement de l'OTAN en 1999
Djindjic a d�clar� que Belgrade s'�tait
attendu � recevoir un premier versement de
300 millions d'euros (255 millions de $)
pour ao�t, mais s'�tait aper�u que sur ces
255 millions, 225 iraient directement pour
payer d'anciennes dettes, tandis que les 75
millions restants seraient seulement
transf�r�s en novembre au plus t�t.
"C'est comme donner � une personne gravement
malade le m�dicament quand il est mort. Les
mois critiques pour nous sont juillet, ao�t
et septembre" a d�clar� Djindjic au
Djindjic a dit que le support pour les
socialistes et les radicaux augmenterait si
il n'y avait pas de transfert financier
imm�diat, sp�cialement si le pr�sident
yougoslave Vojislav Kostunica continuait �
�lever des doutes sur le fait que L'Occident
verserait bien l'argent...
"J'averti s�rieusement l'Occident. Si mon
gouvernement tombe, alors cela co�tera � la
communaut� internationale 10 billion de $"
Djindjic a mis en garde sur un possible
renversement de son gouvernement par les
radicaux, un retour des socialistes et une
nouvelle crise des Balkans, qui mettrait un
terme � la coop�ration avec le tribunal de
La Haye et engendrerait des centaines de
milliers de r�fugi�s
"Je suis en train de perdre ma cr�dibilit�
et je ne peux pas maintenir le pays dans la
stabilit� plus longtemps." dit-il. "Ce dont
nous avons besoin, c'est d'une aide sinc�re,
pas de vides d�clarations de sympathie.
Quand j'�tais dans l'opposition, l'Union
Europ�enne nous avait promis trois billions
de Deutch Mark en cash pour la chute de
Milosevic. O� est cet argent?"
Original en anglais:
14 Jul 2001 15:14
Serb PM attacks West over aid delay-report
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/
4. solo 75 milioni di euro sui 300 promessi
in arrivo per ora... e serviranno a
ripagare il debito!
BERLIN, July 23 (Tanjug) Bavarian Premier
Edmund Stoiber on Monday strongly criticised
the EU for channelling most of the pledged
assistance for Yugoslavia into the settling
of existing debts, while only a small part
represented direct financial assistance. In
a letter to European Commission President
Romano Prodi, Stoiber said that he had been
shocked to learn about the EU decision to
give Yugoslavia just 75 million of the
recently pledged 300 mission euros of urgent
assistance. Stoiber also criticised the fact
that even these 75 million euros would be
sent to Belgrade in November. This policy
causes damage to citizens and political
stability in Yugoslavia and undermines the
European Union's good reputation, Stoiber
Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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Today, more than ever, our young people are
going abroad to seek employment.
Tuitions have been imposed on high school.
Enormous tuitions have been imposed at
universities. In science and culture, in
publishing, in the media and in institutes
those who are 'politically acceptable'
The new authorities say they value expertise
and professionalism. That does not prevent
them from appointing people who are
untrained and unable to perform basic duties
to ministerial, managerial and diplomatic
posts. For these rulers, the Supreme
principles are obedience, membership in the
'right' parties and nepotism.
Unprecedented pressure is being applied to
the judiciary as well as Orwellian control
of the media. Judges are exposed to the most
severe pressures and blackmail. If they do
not hand down the decisions DOS desires they
lose their jobs. If they lose the jobs, they
are forbidden to practice law as attorneys,
their only profession.
The total redistribution of our country's
foreign policy interests is carried out in
such a way that these are completely
surrendered to the West, e.g. NATO. In the
politics of the country, Anglo-Saxon and
German factors dominate, while each has its
direct proponents in the top leadership of
the state. Relations with other countries,
especially with those who extended support,
cooperation and solidarity to our country
and people when it was most difficult, are
completely forsaken or reduced to a mere
At the same time these authorities are
preparing the internationalization of
autonomism and separatism in Vojvodina. It
seems that what is apparent and completely
clear to every sane person is not clear or
known to the highest representatives of DOS.
The state is facing disintegration. People
do not know who is ruling the country. The
Constitution and laws are simply not
The President of the federal state, Vojislav
Kostunica, astonishes the Yugoslav and
foreign publics by claiming he was not
informed about fateful decisions. He
publicly asserts that a coup d'etat has been
executed by the republican Prime Minister
Zoran Djindjic, but that does not prevent
Kostunica from sitting with Djindjic at the
same table immediately after said coup, and
cooperating with him as if nothing had
happened. As if a coup d'etat is an everyday
occurrence in democracies. Prime Minister
Djindjic publicly admits that he has usurped
the domain of the Federal State. He only
complains in the German 'Die Spiegel' that,
while he did 'honestly' what was requested
of him the West is late with the promised
President Kostunica and Prime Minister
Djindjic are publicly contesting who would
have personal control over the Army of
Yugoslavia (AoY). Some leaders of DOS are
trying to dismantle AoY, to weaken it and
its morale since that is NATO's wish. They
are confronting the Army and police. They
are threatening a new wave of political
persecution and more extraditions of our
citizens to NATO.
It is clear that such authorities may not
suffer a long existence. Even those who
financed and organized DOS did not plan to
keep them around for long. But, for the
citizens of this country the question is:
what shall remain of the country, of the
state and of our economic resources after
such authorities leave? What will new
authorities have left at their disposal?
Dear guests,
The SPS is a party of free, creative and
courageous people, organized on the ideas of
social justice, multiparty parliamentary
democracy, mixed economy, freedom and
equality. Within the Party and its
leadership there is much room for different
opinions, especially on methods of
implementing the program's options.
Of course, full internal democracy in
working out political positions requires
total party discipline and responsibility
for public confirmation and implementation
of agreed-on political positions. All
members are subject to such Party
discipline, especially leaders of the SPS.
This basic principle is important to any
political party in all conditions. When
applied to a Party like the SPS, that by its
program covers the entire political space
from the center to the far left, to a Party
that is exposed to political persecution
never before recorded in the political
history of Serbia, then the strengthening of
unity and the honoring of party discipline
has the greatest and most fateful
importance. Our unity shall grow from
strength to strength in relation to
strengthening the Party's activities based
on implementing our Program's options.
>From time to time in the public the idea
that it is necessary to change the SPS
Program is put forward. It is presented in
the form of 'well intentioned" suggestions,
advocacy of 'respect for new realities',
'modernization', 'engaging with' the private
sector, with the intelligentsia, with the
youth, and so on. Actually, the real motives
of such 'well intentioned' theses and
suggestions lie somewhere else.
Allow me, in respect of this, to refresh
your memory on one position from the SPS
"In its basic programmatic principles, the
Socialist Party of Serbia draws from the
development of socialist ideas in our
country and throughout the world, as well as
from the generally acknowledged positive
results of the democratic political practice
of socialist forces, especially in Western
Europe and from our own development since
the Second World War. Part of its political
and moral strength is drawn from the results
of the all-peoples' democratic and patriotic
movement in Serbia at the end of the 1980s.
Before the changes in Eastern Europe, this
mass struggle of ordinary people supported
the policy of democratization, national
emancipation and socialist reforms. It was
that mass movement and that policy that
showed the need to establish the Socialist
Party of Serbia".
This is why the SPS was and remains a strong
political party widely accepted in all
social structures and among all generations.
Its influence and importance have grown
because general developments within the last
ten months have caused even deeper concern
among the vast majority of citizens
regardless of their political views, their
age, or the party to which they might
It should be noted at this point that when
our opponents say the SPS should change its
Program, they say so because they are
conscious of the strong historical
foundations of our party. That bothers them.
They know that these foundations are rooted
in the freedom-loving and humanist spiritual
traditions of our people. They are rooted in
the more than two centuries of development
of socialist thought in Europe and Serbia,
but also in today's concrete circumstances.
When some of our comrades say the Program
should be changed, that indicates that they
do not understand what in the historical
sense is most advantageous for our Party.
For their sake and the sake of the general
public, it should be clearly stated what
programmatic and political potentials of our
Program have not been sufficiently utilized
and what programmatic oversights have now
mostly been overcome.
Why exactly have our people and our party
become the target of most brutal, most
illegal and most dishonorable methods of
contemporary imperial policy?
Above all because we implemented in an
authentic manner democratic and economic
reforms. We were first in Eastern Europe to
commence with reforms. However, we worked in
the interest of our people, and not
neo-colonial power centers. Ine the late
1980s we took power away from the corrupted
elements who had lost touch with the people.
During the 5th of October putsch, these same
elements, dregs of the old League of
Communists, who had betrayed its basic
principles, came back to power either
directly or through their children, anxious
to regain their never-forgotten privileges
and commissions and to impose authoritarian
rule by means of lawlessness, crime and
By defending national dignity and
sovereignty, by defending what are in fact
the most progressive European principles, as
embodied in its Program, the Socialist Party
of Serbia has led the nation along the only
possible path. This is the path of
preserving and developing economic potential
as the basis for social justice and
spiritual development, to renew and develop
integrative connections with our neighbors.
In that way we would enter the European
Home, not the pantry in the European
economic courtyard.
The SPS has not had problems in its Program
or in its basic political organization, but
in the practical implementation of its
Our program opposes the transformation of
the economic and financial power of any
individuals into political power. First, a
Party of the Left, born of the people,
should not allow arrogant and immodest
displays by its better-off members.
Secondly, the party and government, once we
regain it, should not be influenced by
careerists, profiteers and those who seek
shelter from the storm, nor give power to
forces without popular support.
These are lessons we have learned quite
well. Those who put their personal interests
over the general good have either left our
Party and joined the powers-that-be to
preserve their fortunes or else we ourselves
have removed them. To them and others that
would wish to emulate them, there is no
longer a place in the Socialist Party of
Serbia. In addition, we have decided that we
shall finally dispense with ill-founded
pre-election coalitions. Every party should
have power only in proportion to its real
popular support.
The position of the SPS was and remains
clear: the preservation of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, as a sovereign and
independent state, a community of equal
citizens and republics of Serbia and
Montenegro, is an expression of their
historical interests, the precondition of
their independence and modern economic
development. Struggle against separatism,
terrorism and organized international crime,
and a stronger drive for regional economic
integration are unthinkable without the
preservation of the Federal Republic of
The last 10 months of totalitarianism,
lawlessness, persecution and darkness,
though difficult, have helped our party in
many respects.
We understood where we were mistaken and
also where our unused potentials lie.
We paid the price of opportunism towards
those who were with us only for their own
benefit because the SPS was in power.
We understand the importance of daily
contacts with the people and respect for
their desires.
Enriched with this knowledge and experience
the SPS shall strengthen its relations with
all the social strata acting as a factor of
unity that contributes creativity, wisdom,
energy and �lan for the benefit of general
progress. Openness and responsibility shall
be expressed above all towards the
membership and sympathizers who stood fast
with the policy and Program of the SPS when
this was most difficult. At the same time
that shall be the most important criteria in
selecting nominees for electoral lists.
We owe it to the young, not only in words,
but in practice also to give them much wider
possibilities for participation and
influence in the Party's life. They earned
that by their contribution in affirming our
policy and defending its values as well as
in the protests that have taken place within
the last few months.
The Federal Government fell because of the
violation of the state's Constitution and
laws. The SPS deems that in the new
Government there should not be a place for
those directly responsible for the
unconstitutional decree on extradition.
Expressing the mass requests of the citizens
of Serbia, the SPS demands the resignation
of the republican Government that is
responsible for the violation of the
Constitution of Yugoslavia and Serbia, of
the decision of the Federal Constitutional
Court, for usurpation of authority that does
not belong to it, for the abduction and
extradition of Slobodan Milosevic to NATO.
Elections must not be delayed further.
No one should interfere with new elections -
not the US, nor the EU nor Soros nor similar
The many difficulties we have endured and
struggled with have made us stronger. We are
facing old and new difficulties, challenges
and new possibilities.
If the SPS has been a support for Serbia and
Yugoslavia in defence of the state, of
freedom and of social justice up to now,
then the SPS shall be even more needed in
the future, exactly because those basic
values are even more jeopardized.
In the coming period it is our duty to pay
much more attention to the analysis of
economic and social problems and to
spreading SPS influence among workers, the
people who suffer most due to such problems.
Issues involving agriculture and rural areas
must be approached in a more organized
manner, a manner befitting the Party that
has always had its greatest support in rural
The intelligentsia is a natural support for
the SPS as a widely based, open Party with a
Left orientation. Even though daily more and
more intellectuals - scientific, cultural
and public workers - accept and support our
positions on actual issues, our actions and
have the same positions regarding the future
of the state and the people, we have to
contribute much more to fully activate that
potential support.
People's energy, stimulated by mass
protests, has to be maintained. The ideas
and requests of people's rallies must be
even more decisively affirmed and struggled
for via parliamentary caucuses, the media,
and through international contacts.
Above all this applies to persistence in
demanding that responsibility be established
for those who violated the Constitution,
laws, moral and international rules in
connection with the abduction of President
Slobodan Milosevic. The vast majority of
Yugoslav people also demand the abolition of
the Hague Tribunal as an extended hand of
NATO. At the same time, this is a demand of
the international public and especially
scientific, cultural and legal
For crimes in Yugoslavia the address is
NATO, not the defenders of freedom!
Whatever the intention of its master, until
the Hague 'Tribunal' is abolished it will be
a stage on which the conquering, Imperial
nature of NATO exposes itself.
The Socialist Party of Serbia calls upon all
citizens, all democratic parties and
organizations, all cultural and scientific
institutions to demand early elections, free
democratic life in the country, an end to
dictatorship, a dignified entrance into the
circle of free countries of Europe and the
world, without protectorate and colonial
servility, with belief in its own spiritual
strength and economic and creative
Our Party has strength, decisiveness and
enough expert cadres to contribute towards
such a perspective for Serbia and
To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the
world of equals)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international
committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic)
Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> http://www.domeus.it/circles/jugoinfo oppure:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/messages
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>
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Today, more than ever, our young people are
going abroad to seek employment.
Tuitions have been imposed on high school.
Enormous tuitions have been imposed at
universities. In science and culture, in
publishing, in the media and in institutes
those who are 'politically acceptable'
The new authorities say they value expertise
and professionalism. That does not prevent
them from appointing people who are
untrained and unable to perform basic duties
to ministerial, managerial and diplomatic
posts. For these rulers, the Supreme
principles are obedience, membership in the
'right' parties and nepotism.
Unprecedented pressure is being applied to
the judiciary as well as Orwellian control
of the media. Judges are exposed to the most
severe pressures and blackmail. If they do
not hand down the decisions DOS desires they
lose their jobs. If they lose the jobs, they
are forbidden to practice law as attorneys,
their only profession.
The total redistribution of our country's
foreign policy interests is carried out in
such a way that these are completely
surrendered to the West, e.g. NATO. In the
politics of the country, Anglo-Saxon and
German factors dominate, while each has its
direct proponents in the top leadership of
the state. Relations with other countries,
especially with those who extended support,
cooperation and solidarity to our country
and people when it was most difficult, are
completely forsaken or reduced to a mere
At the same time these authorities are
preparing the internationalization of
autonomism and separatism in Vojvodina. It
seems that what is apparent and completely
clear to every sane person is not clear or
known to the highest representatives of DOS.
The state is facing disintegration. People
do not know who is ruling the country. The
Constitution and laws are simply not
The President of the federal state, Vojislav
Kostunica, astonishes the Yugoslav and
foreign publics by claiming he was not
informed about fateful decisions. He
publicly asserts that a coup d'etat has been
executed by the republican Prime Minister
Zoran Djindjic, but that does not prevent
Kostunica from sitting with Djindjic at the
same table immediately after said coup, and
cooperating with him as if nothing had
happened. As if a coup d'etat is an everyday
occurrence in democracies. Prime Minister
Djindjic publicly admits that he has usurped
the domain of the Federal State. He only
complains in the German 'Die Spiegel' that,
while he did 'honestly' what was requested
of him the West is late with the promised
President Kostunica and Prime Minister
Djindjic are publicly contesting who would
have personal control over the Army of
Yugoslavia (AoY). Some leaders of DOS are
trying to dismantle AoY, to weaken it and
its morale since that is NATO's wish. They
are confronting the Army and police. They
are threatening a new wave of political
persecution and more extraditions of our
citizens to NATO.
It is clear that such authorities may not
suffer a long existence. Even those who
financed and organized DOS did not plan to
keep them around for long. But, for the
citizens of this country the question is:
what shall remain of the country, of the
state and of our economic resources after
such authorities leave? What will new
authorities have left at their disposal?
Dear guests,
The SPS is a party of free, creative and
courageous people, organized on the ideas of
social justice, multiparty parliamentary
democracy, mixed economy, freedom and
equality. Within the Party and its
leadership there is much room for different
opinions, especially on methods of
implementing the program's options.
Of course, full internal democracy in
working out political positions requires
total party discipline and responsibility
for public confirmation and implementation
of agreed-on political positions. All
members are subject to such Party
discipline, especially leaders of the SPS.
This basic principle is important to any
political party in all conditions. When
applied to a Party like the SPS, that by its
program covers the entire political space
from the center to the far left, to a Party
that is exposed to political persecution
never before recorded in the political
history of Serbia, then the strengthening of
unity and the honoring of party discipline
has the greatest and most fateful
importance. Our unity shall grow from
strength to strength in relation to
strengthening the Party's activities based
on implementing our Program's options.
>From time to time in the public the idea
that it is necessary to change the SPS
Program is put forward. It is presented in
the form of 'well intentioned" suggestions,
advocacy of 'respect for new realities',
'modernization', 'engaging with' the private
sector, with the intelligentsia, with the
youth, and so on. Actually, the real motives
of such 'well intentioned' theses and
suggestions lie somewhere else.
Allow me, in respect of this, to refresh
your memory on one position from the SPS
"In its basic programmatic principles, the
Socialist Party of Serbia draws from the
development of socialist ideas in our
country and throughout the world, as well as
from the generally acknowledged positive
results of the democratic political practice
of socialist forces, especially in Western
Europe and from our own development since
the Second World War. Part of its political
and moral strength is drawn from the results
of the all-peoples' democratic and patriotic
movement in Serbia at the end of the 1980s.
Before the changes in Eastern Europe, this
mass struggle of ordinary people supported
the policy of democratization, national
emancipation and socialist reforms. It was
that mass movement and that policy that
showed the need to establish the Socialist
Party of Serbia".
This is why the SPS was and remains a strong
political party widely accepted in all
social structures and among all generations.
Its influence and importance have grown
because general developments within the last
ten months have caused even deeper concern
among the vast majority of citizens
regardless of their political views, their
age, or the party to which they might
It should be noted at this point that when
our opponents say the SPS should change its
Program, they say so because they are
conscious of the strong historical
foundations of our party. That bothers them.
They know that these foundations are rooted
in the freedom-loving and humanist spiritual
traditions of our people. They are rooted in
the more than two centuries of development
of socialist thought in Europe and Serbia,
but also in today's concrete circumstances.
When some of our comrades say the Program
should be changed, that indicates that they
do not understand what in the historical
sense is most advantageous for our Party.
For their sake and the sake of the general
public, it should be clearly stated what
programmatic and political potentials of our
Program have not been sufficiently utilized
and what programmatic oversights have now
mostly been overcome.
Why exactly have our people and our party
become the target of most brutal, most
illegal and most dishonorable methods of
contemporary imperial policy?
Above all because we implemented in an
authentic manner democratic and economic
reforms. We were first in Eastern Europe to
commence with reforms. However, we worked in
the interest of our people, and not
neo-colonial power centers. Ine the late
1980s we took power away from the corrupted
elements who had lost touch with the people.
During the 5th of October putsch, these same
elements, dregs of the old League of
Communists, who had betrayed its basic
principles, came back to power either
directly or through their children, anxious
to regain their never-forgotten privileges
and commissions and to impose authoritarian
rule by means of lawlessness, crime and
By defending national dignity and
sovereignty, by defending what are in fact
the most progressive European principles, as
embodied in its Program, the Socialist Party
of Serbia has led the nation along the only
possible path. This is the path of
preserving and developing economic potential
as the basis for social justice and
spiritual development, to renew and develop
integrative connections with our neighbors.
In that way we would enter the European
Home, not the pantry in the European
economic courtyard.
The SPS has not had problems in its Program
or in its basic political organization, but
in the practical implementation of its
Our program opposes the transformation of
the economic and financial power of any
individuals into political power. First, a
Party of the Left, born of the people,
should not allow arrogant and immodest
displays by its better-off members.
Secondly, the party and government, once we
regain it, should not be influenced by
careerists, profiteers and those who seek
shelter from the storm, nor give power to
forces without popular support.
These are lessons we have learned quite
well. Those who put their personal interests
over the general good have either left our
Party and joined the powers-that-be to
preserve their fortunes or else we ourselves
have removed them. To them and others that
would wish to emulate them, there is no
longer a place in the Socialist Party of
Serbia. In addition, we have decided that we
shall finally dispense with ill-founded
pre-election coalitions. Every party should
have power only in proportion to its real
popular support.
The position of the SPS was and remains
clear: the preservation of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, as a sovereign and
independent state, a community of equal
citizens and republics of Serbia and
Montenegro, is an expression of their
historical interests, the precondition of
their independence and modern economic
development. Struggle against separatism,
terrorism and organized international crime,
and a stronger drive for regional economic
integration are unthinkable without the
preservation of the Federal Republic of
The last 10 months of totalitarianism,
lawlessness, persecution and darkness,
though difficult, have helped our party in
many respects.
We understood where we were mistaken and
also where our unused potentials lie.
We paid the price of opportunism towards
those who were with us only for their own
benefit because the SPS was in power.
We understand the importance of daily
contacts with the people and respect for
their desires.
Enriched with this knowledge and experience
the SPS shall strengthen its relations with
all the social strata acting as a factor of
unity that contributes creativity, wisdom,
energy and �lan for the benefit of general
progress. Openness and responsibility shall
be expressed above all towards the
membership and sympathizers who stood fast
with the policy and Program of the SPS when
this was most difficult. At the same time
that shall be the most important criteria in
selecting nominees for electoral lists.
We owe it to the young, not only in words,
but in practice also to give them much wider
possibilities for participation and
influence in the Party's life. They earned
that by their contribution in affirming our
policy and defending its values as well as
in the protests that have taken place within
the last few months.
The Federal Government fell because of the
violation of the state's Constitution and
laws. The SPS deems that in the new
Government there should not be a place for
those directly responsible for the
unconstitutional decree on extradition.
Expressing the mass requests of the citizens
of Serbia, the SPS demands the resignation
of the republican Government that is
responsible for the violation of the
Constitution of Yugoslavia and Serbia, of
the decision of the Federal Constitutional
Court, for usurpation of authority that does
not belong to it, for the abduction and
extradition of Slobodan Milosevic to NATO.
Elections must not be delayed further.
No one should interfere with new elections -
not the US, nor the EU nor Soros nor similar
The many difficulties we have endured and
struggled with have made us stronger. We are
facing old and new difficulties, challenges
and new possibilities.
If the SPS has been a support for Serbia and
Yugoslavia in defence of the state, of
freedom and of social justice up to now,
then the SPS shall be even more needed in
the future, exactly because those basic
values are even more jeopardized.
In the coming period it is our duty to pay
much more attention to the analysis of
economic and social problems and to
spreading SPS influence among workers, the
people who suffer most due to such problems.
Issues involving agriculture and rural areas
must be approached in a more organized
manner, a manner befitting the Party that
has always had its greatest support in rural
The intelligentsia is a natural support for
the SPS as a widely based, open Party with a
Left orientation. Even though daily more and
more intellectuals - scientific, cultural
and public workers - accept and support our
positions on actual issues, our actions and
have the same positions regarding the future
of the state and the people, we have to
contribute much more to fully activate that
potential support.
People's energy, stimulated by mass
protests, has to be maintained. The ideas
and requests of people's rallies must be
even more decisively affirmed and struggled
for via parliamentary caucuses, the media,
and through international contacts.
Above all this applies to persistence in
demanding that responsibility be established
for those who violated the Constitution,
laws, moral and international rules in
connection with the abduction of President
Slobodan Milosevic. The vast majority of
Yugoslav people also demand the abolition of
the Hague Tribunal as an extended hand of
NATO. At the same time, this is a demand of
the international public and especially
scientific, cultural and legal
For crimes in Yugoslavia the address is
NATO, not the defenders of freedom!
Whatever the intention of its master, until
the Hague 'Tribunal' is abolished it will be
a stage on which the conquering, Imperial
nature of NATO exposes itself.
The Socialist Party of Serbia calls upon all
citizens, all democratic parties and
organizations, all cultural and scientific
institutions to demand early elections, free
democratic life in the country, an end to
dictatorship, a dignified entrance into the
circle of free countries of Europe and the
world, without protectorate and colonial
servility, with belief in its own spiritual
strength and economic and creative
Our Party has strength, decisiveness and
enough expert cadres to contribute towards
such a perspective for Serbia and
To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the
world of equals)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international
committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic)
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Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
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