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e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj

Nel nostro paese pluralista, abituato ad esportare la liberta' di parola
all'estero con mezzi indiscutibili come gli embarghi o i bombardamenti
sui petrolchimici, nessun commentatore per bene potrebbe mai azzardarsi
a formulare l'ipotesi che il Ministro della Difesa della Repubblica
Federale di Jugoslavia venga assassinato perche' e' Ministro della
Difesa della Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia.

Eppure questa tesi banale, oltreche' logica (anzi: sillogica), sarebbe
confortata dal fatto evidente che la RFJ, per sua disgrazia, ha tanti
nemici, e quindi a maggior ragione il suo esercito ed il suo Ministro
della Difesa hanno tanti nemici.

Viceversa, in occasioni come quella dell'assassinio di Pavle Bulatovic
i commentatori devono dar sfoggio alla piu' intricata ed acrobatica
dietrologia, affermando contemporaneamente: che Bulatovic era un
fedelissimo di Milosevic; che tuttavia tra Milosevic e Bulatovic c'erano
contrasti; che comunque i contrasti rappresentavano un gioco delle
parti; ma di questo Bulatovic era cosciente, dunque sapeva troppo; che
era il "braccio destro" e allora andava eliminato. In sostanza,
l'assassino e' Milosevic perche' Milosevic e' l'assassino - e se un
giorno Milosevic verra' ucciso, si sara' sicuramente suicidato perche'
era pazzo.

Infatti, per chi non lo sapesse ancora, Milosevic e' pazzo: questa
incontestabile verita' viene dimostrata "quasi" scientificamente anche
in un articolo apparso sull'ultimo numero di LIMES (1/2000), intitolato
"Psicopatologia di Slobodan Milosevic". Milosevic e' pazzo perche' i
suoi genitori erano partigiani e si sono suicidati - laddove non mi e'
del tutto chiaro se l'aggravante stia nel fatto che si siano suicidati o
nel fatto che erano partigiani. Ma questo e' un problema mio che non ne
so abbastanza di psicanalisi.

D'altronde, e' in base a questa logica scientifica stringente che "i
serbi hanno perso le Krajne perche' Milosevic non ne aveva piu' bisogno"
anche se "la guerra in Croazia scoppio' perche' Milosevic voleva
annettersi le Krajne"; inoltre, benche' Milosevic sia "un centralista ed
accentratore che non concede l'indipendenza a nessuno" e' ben noto che
Milosevic e' anche "un nazionalista serbo che ha sfasciato la Jugoslavia
perche' voleva ritagliarsi uno Stato tutto per se". Come ben sappiamo,
Milosevic e' un tipo inaffidabile per cui "se e' disposto a trattare non
c'e' mai da fidarsi", tanto e' vero che Milosevic non tratta mai col
nemico perche' "non e' uno da scendere a compromessi" e se si mette in
testa di raggiungere uno scopo folle (ad esempio: impedire la
frantumazione del suo paese), piuttosto che non raggiungerlo "manda alla
rovina tutto il suo popolo", cosi' "fa anche la parte del martire
facendosi bombardare". Il fatto che Milosevic abbia contribuito ad
accordi di pace come quelli di Dayton e di Kumanovo, o che abbia rotto
con i serbi di Bosnia, significa precisamente che e' "attaccato al
potere" e per il potere venderebbe sua madre (se fosse ancora viva). In
economia, Milosevic e' talmente "comunista e statalista" che e' pure un
agente "della Banca Mondiale e del Fondo Monetario Internazionale",
poiche' ha studiato negli USA dove ha imparato "come si fanno le
privatizzazioni, il liberismo ed il capitalismo". Ma, naturalmente, e'
anche fascista. Per concludere - come ebbe occasione di scrivere il
raffinato giornalista de "Il Piccolo" Mauro Manzin circa venti giorni fa
- se a Belgrado c'e' l'epidemia dell'influenza chiaramente la colpa e'
di Milosevic visto che a lui "non importa nulla", e non perche' ha fatto
il vaccino antiinfluenzale ma perche' "pensa solo al potere e tutto il
resto se lo dimentica".

Per tutti questi motivi in Italia e' fortemente sconsigliato formulare
l'ipotesi che il Ministro della Difesa della Repubblica Federale di
Jugoslavia venga assassinato perche' e' Ministro della Difesa della
Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia: si rischia di passare per "avvocati
di Milosevic". Bisogna essere piu' pazzi di lui per correre un rischio

Italo Slavo, 10/2/2000

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj

ci giunge la segnalazione di una utile GUIDA SONORA PER L'APPRENDIMENTO
Purtroppo, la base e' inglese, ma per molti questo non dovrebbe essere
di impedimento. Nel messaggio sotto riportato si trovano i link per
accedere ai servizi suddetti. CRJ

> ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
> For readers with sound-capable machines who like myself are trying to
> learn b/h/s from a distance, a page on domovina.net gives useful
> pronunciation practice:
> http://www.domovina.net/Media
> Also, some may enjoy using a little freeware Serbian/English dictionary
> written by Davor Magdic. To read about it, click on "free software" on
> Davor's home page,
> http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~davor/index.html
> and then download windict.zip (840 KB) if you like.
> If for some reason the web doesn't bring you to the Belgrade U. site where
> Davor keeps the dictionary, I've put (for the time being) a copy of
> windict.zip at
> http://pnbalkans.home.igc.org/rjecnik
> Tip: Davor's readme/procitaj.me files state that hitting <ENTER> closes
> the program. He means <ESC>. -- ed



------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date sent: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 10:11:15 -0800 (PST)
From: Aleksandar Gubas <gutwine@...>
Subject: <nettime> Yugoslavia on documentary film
To: nettime-l@...

Yugoslavia on documentary film since 1995

Since 1995 Belgrade and Serbia were visited by many professional
journalists, artists, adventurers, war tourists... All of them were
interested in the black hole called Serbia, and they have made some
documentaries expressing their points of view to this land of

REMONT and LOW-FI VIDEO will organize Cinema Safari Festival in the
fall of 2000, where all those films would be shown. We'd like to see
how the others see us, and we invite all who visited Yugoslavia since
1995 with their cameras to contact us and to submit their films (no
entry fee).

Also, we invite everybody who knows about some of those authors and
films to tell us whom we should contact, because in 1999 there was so
much cameras here that we didn't manage to contact all those people, and
every help in looking for their films will be welcome.

You can contact us at:

Thanks in advance,
Darka Radosavljevic
Aleksandar Gubas

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj

* Il vice-presidente Sarovic assume gli incarichi presidenziali (Tanjug
26 gennaio) dopo mesi di stallo a causa della dismissione di Poplasen da
parte dell'Alto Rappresentante. L'Alto Rappresentante internazionale
Petritsch si oppone anche alla nuova scelta (FreeB92 27 gennaio).

* Il signor Holbrooke chiede a Radisic (attuale componente serbo della
presidenza collegiale, socialista) di rispettare i diktat internazionali
oppure dimettersi (FreeB92 31 gennaio).

* L'"erede al trono" Alessandro Karadjordjevic incontra l'opposizione
filooccidentale serbobosniaca; plauso del premier Dodik (FreeB92 27
gennaio). Per l'occasione, meeting "internazionale" dell'opposizione
liberale e monarchica proveniente dalla RFJ e dall'estero (FreeB92 18

* Isolamento e criminalizzazione dei leader "storici" della RS: l'ex
componente serbo della presidenza collegiale bosniaca Krajsnik si
nasconde, i radicali non possono presentarsi alle elezioni ne' andare
all'estero, il presidente Poplasen bandito da ogni carica dal
super-governo occidentale (IWPR 8 ottobre 1999).


BANJA LUKA, January 26 (Tanjug) - Republika Srpska (RS) Vice-President
Mirko Sarovic, acting in keeping with the Constitution, assumed on
Wednesday evening presidential duties at a Parliament session in Banja
Sarovic informed the deputies that he is ready, on the basis of Article
80 of the RS constitution, to assume presidential duties - to represent
RS, to propose a mandator for the RS Government, to propose the
president and judges of the Constitutional Court, to declare laws and
carry out duties in the sphere of security.
Following Sarovic's address, Parliament Speaker Petar Djokic concluded
that the RS National Assembly has "duly noted" Sarovic's readiness to
contribute to the resolution of the political crisis in RS.
Djokic scheduled the continuation of the ninth session of the RS
Parliament for February 8 when the issue of the election of the new RS
Government is expected to be resolved.

B92 27/01/00 ---

Petritsch on Sarovic

SARAJEVO, Thursday - The decision of Republic of Srpska Vice-President
Mirko Sarovic to assume presidential authority was unconstitutional and
illegal, International High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch said
Petritsch described Sarovic's action as an attack on the legal
institutions of the Bosnian Serb Republic with the clear and obvious aim
of destabilising the entity and undermining the Dayton Agreement.

Prince meets opposition in Republic of Srpska

BANJA LUKA, Thursday - The exiled Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic of
Serbia today met Kosovo Serbs and representatives of the Serbian
opposition in Banja Luka, capital of the Bosnian Serb Republic. Republic
of Srpska Prime Minister Milorad Dodik described the meeting as being
aimed at joint efforts to prevent a Serbian tragedy and reach an
agreement for a better future.
The meeting concluded that the priority for Serbia at the moment was
democratisation and removal of the regime which had brought only tragedy
to the country.

B92 18/01/00 ---

Royal visit to Banjaluka

LONDON, Tuesday - The heir-in-exile to the Serbian throne, Prince
Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, is to visit the Republic of Srpska next week,
his London office announced today. Prince Aleksandar is to attend
religious services commemorating St Sava, founder of the Serbian
Orthodox Church.
Representatives of political parties and cultural institutions in Serbia
are also expected to travel to the Bosnian Serb Republic for meetings
with the prince. During Prince Aleksandar's visit, Banjaluka will host a
meeting of Serbian opposition leaders and representatives of Serbs
living abroad.

B92 31/01/00 ---

Holbrooke lays down the law

SARAJEVO, Monday - US Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke
has demanded that the Serb member of the Bosnian Presidency, Zivko
Radisic, assent to legislation on border services for Bosnia, according
to Sarajevo media today. Daily "Dnevi avaz" writes that Holbrooke has
written to Radisic demanding that he perform his duties or withdraw from
the three-man presidency. Serb members of the Bosnian Parliamentary
Assembly voted against the legislation in the parliament last month.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 00:57:21 +0000
From: The Institute of War and Peace Reporting <info@...>
To: info@...




Fearing war crimes charges, Momcilo Krajisnik of the hard-line Bosnian
Serb SDS is reportedly in hiding. Meanwhile, leaders of the Bosnian Serb
Radical Party have been banned from next year's elections.

By Janez Kovac in Sarajevo (Published on October 8, 1999)

The two most extreme Bosnian Serb political parties have suffered a
double blow this week that will certainly effect their participation and
chances in next year's elections.

In the wake of media speculation about a possible indictment for war
crimes, the leader of the Serb Democratic Party (SDS) and the Serb
member of the first post-war Bosnian tripartite presidency, Momcilo
Krajisnik, has reportedly taken refuge somewhere in Serbia, fearing

Meanwhile, in an unrelated development, three leaders of the Bosnian
Serb Radical Party (SRS) have been banned from competing in next year's

Although the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague has made no
official comment about Krajisnik's indictment, nobody is answering the
telephone in Krajisnik's office and none of his friends or aides appears
to know his current whereabouts.

This follows the appearance of an article in the Sarajevo daily Dnevni
Avaz citing western diplomats alleging that Krajisnik's name was on one
of the Tribunal's latest sealed indictments.

In recent months The Hague Tribunal has grown in confidence, issuing
indictments among others against Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic
and four of his inner cabinet, and receiving in custody several
high-ranking war crimes suspects, including the active head of the
Bosnian Serb army.
Moreover, new prosecutor Carla Del Ponte has made it clear that she
intends to focus on the most senior indictees.

During the 1992-95 Bosnian war, Krajisnik, who is popularly referred to
as 'The Eyebrow' as a result of his principal physical attribute, was
one of the closest allies of leading Bosnian Serb war crimes suspect,
Radovan Karadzic and a notorious profiteer.

After Richard Holbrooke persuaded Karadzic to withdraw from public in
July 1996, Krajisnik took over control of the party and became its
leading candidate in the September 1996 elections.

The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the
international agency which supervises elections in Bosnia, banned Nikola
Poplasen, the president of the SRS, and two other senior party members
from standing in next year's poll after reviewing the material which the
party presented to register. OSCE officials said that they would be
penalising parties which violate local laws, the Dayton Peace Agreement
and the election rules and regulations.

After winning most votes in the 1998 presidential elections, Poplasen
became the president of Republika Srpska but was dismissed this March by
Bosnia's then High Representative, Carlos Westendorp, for obstructing
the peace process. The SRS now has until October 22 to resubmit its
registration documentation, including candidates and membership lists,
after removing Poplasen, Mirko Blagojevic and Ognjen Tadic, or it will
not be allowed to participate in the ballot.

In response, Poplasen rejected the OSCE's demand in a statement that was
read out on Bosnian Serb television, describing the OSCE's move as "an
obvious example of a totalitarian behaviour of a fascist type, which
bans parties and people who think differently".

In the wake of these two blows, the key Bosnian Serb hard-line parties
find themselves in a no-win situation. Even if The Hague Tribunal has
not indicted Krajisnik, it is unlikely to deny the report and thus
reassure him. As a result, Krajisnik will likely be obliged to keep a
low profile and leave the decision-making and management of the SDS to

If the Radical party does eventually yield to the OSCE demand, their
election prospects will be seriously affected by the absence of their

Meanwhile, the SDS and the SRS have increasingly been coming into
conflict with each over. The rift is especially acute at the local
level, where officials of both parties have in some places begun to work
with parties from the Muslim-Croat Federation in order to win
international, reconstruction projects.

The two hard-line parties have also failed to agree a common approach on
the question of the president of Republika Srpska and whether Mirko
Sarovic, the vice president who is also a member of the SDS, should
accept the position in place of Poplasen. While the SDS believes that
Sarovic should become president, the SRS insists that Poplasen's
dismissal should simply be ignored.

A rift has also emerged within the SDS party itself, between the
followers of Krajisnik and a more moderate faction headed by one of the
party's vice presidents, Dragan Cavic. If Krajisnik does decide to keep
a lower profile in the wake of his reported sealed indictment, western
diplomats believe that the Cavic faction is likely to come out on top.

Janez Kovac is a pseudonym for a journalist from Sarajevo.


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> Balkan Crisis Report is supported by the Department for International
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e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj