* Sulla presenza militare straniera in Kosovo e Metohija:

- Descrizione della ripartizione del territorio in cinque settori
- Chi era il signor Bondsteel cui gli statunitensi hanno dedicato la
loro base militare presso Urosevac? Biografia di uno dei massacratori
della popolazione vietnamita
- Anche la KFOR ha la sua mailing list: KFOR Press Update...
- Il signor Kouchner sta facendo impazzire persino i militari francesi!
- "Peacekeeper" malato di AIDS rifiutato dall'ospedale di Camp Bondsteel
muore a Skoplje
- "Da Camp Swampy a Camp Bondsteel", di S. Jatras

* Altri link utili:

- Mappa del Kosmet secondo la CIA:
- Sistematica demolizione del patrimonio culturale del Kosmet:
- Lavori in corso nella base USA di Camp Bondsteel:



There are five sectors in Kosovo:

- the south, incl. cities of Prizren (2nd largest in Kosovo, some
10,000 Serbs ethnically cleansed from there since "liberation") and
Djakovica, is under the German formal control.

- the west (region we call "Metohija", pronounced cca Me-to-khia),
the city of Pec, with its 20,000+ Serbs cleansed (Pec is 3rd largest in
Kosovo) and the old Pec Patriarchy of
Serbian Orthodox Church, is the so-called Italian zone.

- the central part is occupied by the British. This part includes
Kosovo's capital, Pristina, from where 40,000 Serbs and another 20,000
non_Albanians were cleansed.

- the east sector is under the US control/occupation. It includes
Gnjilane (a place where a lot of trouble happened after "liberation",
though not a single person got killed prior to March 24, 1999) and
Kosovska Kamenica. This sector is the closest to Bujanovac and Presevo,
municipalities outside of Kosov where the KLA is stirring up the trouble
lately. This is also where the US is building one of their largest
military bases outside of the US.

- finally, NORTH sector is under the French control. This sector
includes a couple of municipalities that maintained its local Serbian
majority (Leposavic, Zvecani, Zubin Potok) and also includes Kosovska
Mitrovica, with the river Ibar dividing its north part (where the Serbs
are still hanging on) and its south part (thoroughly cleansed of nearly
10,000 Serbs, many Roma and Slavic Muslims).

The Russian troops are divided among the German, American and (to the
best of my recollection) British sectors.

Hope this helps,




Bridgehead Sentinel - Articles

Medal of Honor history - Staff Sergeant James Leroy
Bondsteel, Vietnam

Staff Sergeant James Leroy Bondsteel first joined the
HQ and HQ Co, 1st Brig, 1st ID, in Vietnam in Oct.

SSG. James L. Bondsteel had already distinguished
himself as a soldier of the highest caliber when he
was awarded the Soldier’s Medal.

>From the morning of 23 May through the night of 24
May, elements of the 2nd Bn [Mech], 2nd Inf clashed
with the 141st Reg, 7th NVA Div. A Co had been
"scrambled" with the mission to proceed to Minh Duc as
a Ready Reaction Force with the Recon Platoon of the
2nd Bn. A Co’s infantry dismounted and broke out of
the bamboo. The infantrymen received intense fire from
a bunker complex well fortified and concealed behind
large berms. Armored personnel carriers had to push
almost on top of the bunkers to chop into them with
the fire of fifty caliber machineguns, which enabled
the infantry to maneuver and neutralize the enemy
strongholds with fragmentation grenades.

SSG Bondsteel was serving as platoon sergeant with Co
A. He organized the men of his platoon and spearheaded
the attack by destroying four enemy bunkers. He then
raced some 200 meters to rally an adjoining platoon
and assist their wounded. SSG Bondsteel then returned
with munitions to his own sector and destroyed four
bunkers and a machinegun which had threatened his
platoon. Although painfully wounded by a grenade, he
refused medical attention and continued to neutralize
two more bunkers. While searching one of these
emplacements he narrowly escaped death when an enemy
soldier detonated a hand grenade at close range. SSG
Bondsteel then ran to the aid of a severely wounded
officer and struck down an enemy soldier who was
threatening the officer’s life. SSG Bondsteel then
continued to lead his men through the entrenched enemy
until his company was relieved. His personal courage
throughout the 4-hour battle ensured the success of
his unit, and resulted in the saving of numerous
lives. By individual acts of bravery he destroyed 10
enemy bunkers and accounted for a large toll of the
enemy, including two key enemy commanders.

A Co and the Recon Plt. had encountered the very heart
of a reinforced battalion size NVA base camp and were
up against a superior force. A Co had suffered
casualties equivalent to one platoon.

C Co swept in behind to redouble the assault into the
bunker complex and completely overwhelm the enemy. The
NVA force had suffered total devastation. A search by
C Co found a body count of over 100, including the NVA
battalion commander and several of his aides.

SSG Bondsteel served with Co A, 2nd Bn, 2nd Inf from
Dec. 1967 to Feb. 1970. He then transferred to the 1st
Arm Div, but rejoined the 1st ID in May of 1973, when
he served with the 121st Signal Bn, at Ft. Riley, KS.


-----Original Message-----
From: NATODOC <natodoc@...>
Date: Friday, March 10, 2000 5:18 AM
Subject: KFOR Resending press update March 9

>Dear readers of the daily press update in NATO and other military. Some of
>you have called us to inform us that you have not received the daily press
>update. Hope this works better.
>KFOR Combined Press and Information Center, Pristina, Kosovo
>Phone: +381-38-503 603-6600 Fax: +381-38-503 603-6610
>Satphone : +871 382 060 323
>Official KFOR homepage: http://kforonline.com
> Press Update
> Delivered by Lieutenant Commander Philip Anido
> KFOR Spokesman
>PRISTINA - Thursday, 9 March 2000
>Significant Weapons Confiscations
>During the past two days, KFOR patrols have made a number of weapons
>confiscations during their searches of cars at vehicle checkpoints and
>houses. Two incidents are of particular importance and demonstrate KFOR's
>determination to rid all communities in Kosovo of illegal weapons.
>On Tuesday, Multinational Brigade North reported that KFOR Belgian troops
>and French Gendarmerie had discovered a number of weapons and military
>equipment during searches of several Serb owned houses and properties in
>village of Miolice. Miolice is located a few kilometres east of Lesak in
>the far north of Kosovo.
>The following weapons were found and confiscated: one AK-47 assault rifle,
>three shotguns, two pistols, seven full AK-47 magazines (30 rounds each),
>hundreds of rounds of rifle ammunition, three hand grenades, and a Serbian
>VJ army uniform.
>One man has been detained.
>Again on Wednesday, in Inatovce, an Albanian man was stopped at a vehicle
>checkpoint and detained for suspicious activity. The village is located 20
>km south east of Gnjilane close to the boundary with Serbia.
>The subsequent search of the man's house revealed one medium machine gun,
>100 rounds of ammunition, 50 X 40 mm high explosive grenades, one 40 mm
>smoke grenade, 12 mortar grenades, assorted uniforms, bandoleers and other
>pieces of military equipment.
>Possession, and the willingness of extreme elements to use these types of
>offensive weapons against fellow citizens, is diametrically opposed to the
>fundamental principles and desires of the international community and the
>majority of Kosovar people.
>KFOR will continue its search operations for weapons with great vigor
>throughout Kosovo. The peacekeepers welcome the support of the all good
>citizens in ridding the province of arms of revenge and destruction.
>Incidents During the Past 24 Hours
> Multinational Brigade West
> Yesterday morning in Dakova, KFOR Military Police arrested
>an Albanian man on suspicion of attempted murder.
> Multinational Brigade Centre
> On Tuesday evening in Stimlje, KFOR Finnish troops quickly
>extinguished a fire in an unoccupied Albanian house. This is the third
>in the house since 2 February. UNMIK police are investigating.
>Searches and Weapons Confiscations
> Multinational Brigade Centre
> On Tuesday evening in Pristina, KFOR British troops
>a suspicious house and confiscated one AK-47 assault rifle, two magazines
>and a KPC uniform. UNMIK police are investigating.
> Multinational Brigade East
> On Tuesday afternoon in Gnjilane, KFOR troops and UNMIK
>police searched the house of a man who had been arrested for brandishing a
>pistol in public. They found one mortar grenade launcher and one pistol.
>UNMIK police are investigating.
> Also on Tuesday evening in Agusovic Mah, KFOR and UNMIK
>Police searched a house and found an Ak-47 rifle and three magazines full
>30 rounds each. The owner was detained for questioning.
>Multinational Brigade West
> Yesterday afternoon in the vicinity of Klincina, a KFOR
>patrol found two rocket-propelled grenades and anAK-47 assault rifle. An
>investigation is underway.
>Voluntary Weapon Surrender
> Multinational Brigade East
> On Tuesday in Vitina, an Albanian man turned in 68 land
>mines to KFOR troops.
>For specific information related to brigade-level operations, please
>Brigade Information Offices:
>Multinational Brigade Centre +870-762103839 +870-762103843
>+870-762134991 +44-7808946390 +44-7801130055 +381-38- 501433-234
>Multinational Brigade North +871-762159078 +871-761294148
>+871-762159080 +381-28-31024 +381-28-31025 +381-28- 31022
>Multinational Brigade South +871-1122151 +871-761617247 +871-762069467
>+871-1122152 Piz_ge_kfor@...
>Multinational Brigade East +871-762069495
>Multinational Brigade West +871-762069491


Le Point?, 25 February 2000

There is a covert or openly manifested defiance which exists from a
some time. An annoyance that has been displaced from Beirut to Bosnia,
Somalia to Kosovo. French soldiers do not like Bernard Kouchner much.
theory about the necessity of intervention can be even accepted. The
military personnel has realized that they have no much choice, but the
person himself irritates them. He is too much of a comedian, too much in
the media, too much talkative, too much a politician. There is too much

The atmosphere in Kosovo is becoming tense. The intervention of Kouchner
requesting more policemen has not contributed to the calming down. The
of the problem is that the soldiers consider that the Special
Representative of the Secretary General expresses the opinions which are
too favorable for the Albanian community, while he is too vigorous in
condemning the perpetrators of the incidents on Serbian side.

Of course, nothing is being said. Everything is subtle, insistent but
discrete. French soldiers are quite aware of the superiority of
to take risk of directly confrontation with a government ? their own
government ? which has proposed and supported the candidacy for Kosovo
its former Secretary of State for Health . But when indiscrete observers
cannot read the messages sent by the military, the tone is changed.

In one of the daily reports in COIA (General Army Operative Centre), the
French general Lemierre, assistant head of KFOR, overreacted. In his
of 11 February, a few days before serious incidents in Mitrovica, he
that Bernard Kouchner is ?true to his extremely political personality?
has announced ?may be too prematurely? the unhacement of security
And finally, it is assessed that his ?speech mainly spontaneous and
on security does not include social and economic dimension accompanying
necessarily the semblance of a political solution?. Therefore it would
better, they assess in short, if some one would like to take Bernanrd
Kouchner from the embrace of French soldiers. The least we need is the
French-French battle on the Kosovo front.


Jean Guisnel
"Le Canard Enchaine", 1 March 2000


The military adore Bernard Kouchner, so they say. On 25 February the
General Staff issued an embarrassing statement to explain how much it
appreciates the work done in Kosovo by the Un Secretary-General's
Representative. The reason for releasing such kindly-worded statement
reporting the same day in the paper "Le Point" the statement in which
French military criticize, through their commander on the ground, Gen.
Lemierre, that civilian whom they hate.
As can be seen from another telex marked "confidential-defence" (our
document), which also originated from the Military Intelligence
(DRM), Gen. Lemierre did not react on the spur of the moment. This
was in principle not dangerous because this communication addressed to
General Staff only was not meant to get into the hand of civilians.
What was Kouchner's crime? In the opinion of these military critics, his
conduct was anti-Serb. Luckily, that displeased both people in the
Staff in Paris and the commanders deployed in Kosovo, who do not think
of Kosovar Albanians. The French officers call them "Arabs" and "rags".

Masked soldiers
This is not without blunder. On 13 February, after two French KFOR
soldiers had been wounded, a four dozen persons were arrested in
The arrested Albanians were taken to an unheated gym adjoining the
headquarters. The lot had food and drink. Five of them belonged to UCK,
paramilitary group recruiting only angels, some twenty of them had
and the rest were rounded up at random.
One of the latter group was a metre twenty and the other had a limp. The
people of URI (Research and Investigation Unit), a military intelligence
unit, took over. While they interrogated the sick ones without the masks
on, those who could be blamed for something were brought before groups
two or three masked investigators.
The explanation was the security of French militaries. The "suspects"
not beaten, not in the least but, for thirteen of them, detention lasted
for a full week. In order to give these interrogations the semblance of
legality, they sent for gendarmes, who only have the right to intervene
whose status as judicial police is an acceptable cover. The procedure
otherwise, invalid as it took place out of France.

Objections were abundant. A young woman, an army NCO, said without
hesitation:"I don't like these Albanians. They stink." But before she
anything more, an embarrassed colleague of hers interjected:"Keep your
opinion to yourself." Because of the expenses, they were all eventually
released at the end of the week. "How do you think not to be seen as an
army of occupation after this incident?" "Our mission is to reduce the
tensions and not to incite them", said a young and too emotional
"We are not in Belfast." Nor in Algeria, in the good old times.

Kasbah Mitrovica
Nevertheless, it appeared that we were close, when the commander of the
French contingent General Poncet, organized a meeting last autumn in
Mitrovica. Also present were Commander-in-Chief of COS (Special
Command), General Rondo, Alain Richard's adviser, colonels-
of DGSE, DRM, KFOR and Kouchner's legal advisor, a gendarmerie officer.
"If necessary, we shall fight a battle for Algiers in Mitrovica" (a
reminder of the city's division during the war of Algeria). There is no
legal framework. "People are getting killed, and that is it", says
Poncet. Kouchner's associate is startled:"General, I feel free to remind
you that there is a legal framework, that is UN resolution 1244 (1999)
Military Technical Agreement, whose Annex E specifically defines all
Poncet shoots a glance at the intruder, but keeps silent.
The change will leave traces. Although Kouchner wishes to keep this
gendarme as a special adviser, General Staff refuses to extend his stay
more than scheduled. Last February 4, despite orders of Kouchner's
his participation at the meeting in Paris primarily dedicated to the
Albanian mafia eroded from within by UCK was prevented.

Generous earnings
Against the background of ethnic conflict, bloody stand off rages on
in Kosovo. The army criticises, because of the attacks on its morale all
those who question its readiness to maintain presence. Particularly
troops, "opex" (foreign operations) is an outstanding strategic stake.
"For a long time now, the opex became the only military testing ground.
the ground forces do not play their role adequately, there is no longer
reason for them to stay in. At the height of discussion on planning, in
order to get loans, we have to prove that we serve some purpose", is
maliciously commented by an air serviceman with a higher rank.
Namely, the ground forces have trouble fulfilling their tasks. It is
obvious that KFOR needs less courageous combatants and more agile
or CRS members. Because the largest task is maintenance of peace, and
army is not trained to do so. To acknowledge that would mean to be
condemned to the gloomy barracks in the capital. Goodbye generous
That is why this small world is alarmed not to lose this edge. Despite
Kouchner's pleadings, asking for cops and police officers, the genders
received orders to train soldiers at all cost to maintain order.
60 shields, 120 Robocop uniforms, 1200 tear gas bombs have been
to the soldiers. Then they pray to God that some of them do not finally
have to shoot.
"In this powder plant, one match is enough, General Staff is playing
fire", commander returning from Kosovo says, in disappointment. But if a
large number of officers find it difficult to become supercops, some
Generals are obviously eager to use the skills acquired outside the
boundaries of France, to deal with disorders in the country. On return
Paris, the one and only General Poncet even dared to recently mention
bizarre idea in the presence of the cream of the General Military
Operations Centre.
This statement does not seem to have been appreciated by Alain Richard.
should be a consolation. At least, a little one.



Il soldato S.M., 37enne, dello Zimbabwe, e' morto alla clinica di
Chirurgia di Skoplje. Era malato di AIDS. E' interessante, scrive
il quotidiano "Makedonija Danas", che questo soldato anziche' essere
curato nell'attrezzatissimo ospedale americano n.67 "Bondsteel" APO
AF 09340, per l'assistenza alle truppe KFOR in Kosovo e Metohija,
sia stato trasportato in Macedonia dove e' morto. La stampa macedone
si chiede apertamente se l'ospedale militare americano in Kosmet
si sia volutamente sbarazzato del soldato, gravemente malato. Lo
stesso giornale denuncia anche le difficolta' per il trasporto del corpo
verso l'Austria.
Il corpo del soldato si trova ancora nell'obitorio di Skoplje.
Dal comando KFOR a Skoplje insistono presso l'ospedale perche' vengano
rilasciati dei documento dai quali non si evinca la vera causa della
morte del soldato.

(da "Politika" del 31/3/2000)



From Camp Swampy to Camp
by Stella L. Jatras

A friend asked the following question: "James Rubin admits that
US considered the Kosovo Liberation Army and the Bosnian Muslims
‘allies’ . . . Why? What motive does the US have for picking
bums as pals?" A review of authoritative sources on this subject
makes the answer quite obvious.

At the beginning of the Balkan conflict, Acting Secretary of
Lawrence Eagleburger made it clear that a US goal in Bosnia was
mollify the Muslim world. In a MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour interview
on 6 October 1992, Eagleburger characterized the US government’s
pro-Muslim position in Bosnia as a counter to the Muslim World’s
perception of an anti-Muslim position regarding Iraq.

Dr. Ron Hatchett, Director, Center for International Studies at
University of St. Thomas, Houston, commented on the essay "The
Third American Empire," in The New York Times, 2 Jan 96:

"In a recent opinion piece in The New York Times, Jacob Heilbrunn

and Michael Lind of the New Republic editorial staff argue that
American commitment to the Islamic connection is so strong that
US design is to make the Islamic world part of a new American
empire and that American support of the Bosnian Muslims is part
the implementation of this plan."

Dr. Hatchett continues:

"General George Joulwan the American Commander in Chief of
NATO told the Washington Post . . . that NATO’s actions in Bosnia

are not about the future of Bosnia but the future of Europe. I
this is true. Bosnia is a test case for the new American designed

security architecture for Europe. If it achieves all American
goals here
at little or no cost [to us], then it will be applied elsewhere
and it
doesn’t take much imagination to predict where." [The Caspian,
maybe? The Middle-East? Colombia?]

In a Washington Times commentary of 4 Feb. 1996, Congressman
Duncan Hunter wrote, "Under Clinton’s policy, Bosnia will
to be our responsibility for the rest of the century and beyond.
This is
a much broader and deeper commitment than what the American
people realize. It runs far beyond mere ‘peacekeeping.’ ...
Administration officials have looked far and wide for somewhere
implement these notions [total, systematic restructuring of a
Bosnia is their new laboratory, providing a larger scope for
experimentation than either Somalia or Haiti." Let me repeat
that. The
"Administration officials have looked far and wide for somewhere
implement these notions. Bosnia is their new laboratory."

Yohanan Ramati, Chairman of the Jerusalem Institute for Western
Defense, wrote in his "The Cold War is Back!" (June 1996):

"The strategic goal is to turn Bosnia-Herzegovina into the main
American military base in Europe and transfer the U.S. forces now

stationed in Germany there. The confirmed contract (value $1.3
billion!) To build military barracks and latrines at Tuzla in the
part of Bosnia is far too big to relate to the 20,000 American
presently in Bosnia and supposed to be evacuated from there in
1997. Nor is it likely that so much American money is being
to build barracks for German or other European forces. So the
transfer of U.S. ground forces now stationed in Germany to Bosnia
by far the most reasonable assumption - especially since Germany
been pressing for their evacuation, regarding them as an
reminder of its defeat and occupation in World War II." Yohanan
Ramati’s accurate prediction that the buildup in Tuzla foretold
transfer of the major American bases from Germany to the Balkan
region has been reinforced by the buildup in Kosovo.

CAMP BONDSTEEL! Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo is becoming the
Mother of all Camps. "About 4,860 US troops, or roughly 77
of Americans deployed in Kosovo, are based here in what is, in
a 775-acre city being built at a cost of $32 million among the
hills near
the town of Urosevac." (The Times of London, 6 Oct 1999).

"‘It is an obvious sign that the Americans are making a major
commitment to the Balkan region and plan to stay,’ said a senior
British officer." (The Washington Post, 5 Oct. 1999). Camp
Bondsteel, complete with a library, a chapel, a hospital, and
recreation centers, was named after an American officer who
performed bravely in Vietnam. A fitness center and a Burger King
food court rivaling those in American shopping malls offer cheap
sweets and soft drinks. (The Times of London, 6 Oct 1999).

At a CATO Institute panel discussion, I asked Col. Harry Summers
why predictions of our GI’s coming back in body bags never
materialized? He said that it was because (to paraphrase), "GI’s
virtual prisoners and never allowed to leave the base because the

leaders know that if they did, they would be prime targets."
After all,
who would want to go after a "peacekeeper" from Turkey, or from
Nigeria? "They have dubbed the base ‘Disneyland’ and suggest the
concentration of so many soldiers in a single, isolated location
hinder their ability to perform peacekeeping tasks. ‘This was a
field,’ said Maj. Jimmie Kenan, the hospital’s chief nurse. ‘Now,
it’s a
metropolis’." (WP 5 Oct 99)

During a Congressional hearing, General John Shalikashvili,
of the Joint Chiefs, testified that the Bosnia deployment could
complete its mission in a year. When testifying before Congress,
Skalikashvili was obligated to tell the truth, not just support
administration policy. He was either lying or he was incompetent.
either case, he should have resigned or have been fired.

The bottom line is that C-A-M-P B-O-N-D-S-T-E-E-L spells a lot of

$$$$ dished out by American taxpayers, (from whom we will hear
little protest), and our GI’s spending a lot of time separated
from their
families in order to implement Clinton’s New World Order. It also

spells lucrative contracts and confiscation of Kosovo’s rich
wealth for multi-national contractors and arms dealers, not to
control of Caspian Sea oil pipelines. "With the Middle-East
increasingly fragile, we will need bases and fly-over rights in
Balkans to protect Caspian Sea oil." (WP, 28 Feb 99)

Seen from this perspective, the reasons for the Kosovo War, based
exaggerated and often false claims of "humanitarian" crises, take
on a
different light. There is an old saying that goes, "When you
understanding why something is being done, follow the money."

As a career military officer's wife, Stella Jatras has traveled
and has lived in many foreign countries where she not only
about other cultures but became very knowledgeable regarding
affairs and world politics. Stella Jatras lived in Moscow for two

years where her husband, George, was the Senior Air Attache), and

while there, worked in the Political Section of the U.S. Embassy.

Stella has also lived in Germany, Greece and Saudi Arabia. Her
travels took her to over twenty countries. She is the author of
'Open Letter to General Michael Short', which antiwar.com carried

on 11/3/99.

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