Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 17:13:35 -0400
From: "Miroslav Antic"

Subject: Correspondence sa Susan Manuel re:
Kosovo energy fraud

------ Forwarded message follows -------

From: Sonja Myers <wiggler@...>

To: manuel-unmik@...

Subject: (Fwd) Four million dollars lost in
Kosovo energy fraud: EU

Send reply to: wiggler@...

Date sent: Wed, 1 May 2002 11:51:23 -0500

Dear Ms Manuel,

It's been a long time since I have contacted you
with regards to KEK. I have raised many
questions in my letter dated December 10, 2001
that are still to be answered. Among them was
the question specifically related to the lack of
electricity for the entire Serbian villages as
well as Kosovo in general, versus the $260
million dollars given by the EU/USA for the
improvement of electricity supply in Kosovo and
repair/replacement of NATO destroyed/damaged
power stations. I have asked you then, to tell
me if UNMIK/KEK have any records of bills paid
to show where did the EU and US tax payers money
go and have they been audited. I also asked if
anyone knew how much money was really spent for
this purpose, where is the rest of it and what
is being done to rectify this situation before
the next winter.

If the information released by the Agence
France-Presse is correct, UNMIK was aware of
corruption at KEK but did not have evidence at
the time, which is presumably why you could not
address my questions at all. Needless to say, it
makes me sick to my stomach, as I am sure it
makes you, to see that an "international", a
former member of UNMIK administrationa that was
supposed to help, was participating with the
local Albanians in the theft of 4.5 million US
dollars and profiting out of the misery of
Kosovo people, all of them, Serbs, Roma and
Albanians alike.

However, despite the theft of 4.5 million US
dollars, there is still the 255.5 million US
dollars which should be accounted for. Is Mr.
Steiner planning on finding out what happened to
that money and who benefited from it since those
who should have - did not!


Sonja Myers,

Houston, Texas

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Four million dollars lost in Kosovo energy
fraud: EU

Tuesday, 30-Apr-2002

-Despite imports of energy over the past three
years, local media reported that Kosovo only
enjoyed four full days without any power cuts
last year.

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, 30 April (AFP) -
Fraudsters have creamed off 4.5 million euros
(four million dollars) from the budget of
Kosovo's electricity company, an EU official
said Tuesday, adding that an international
member of the UN mission in the territory was
suspected of involvement.

Andy Bearpark, a top economic official in the
UN-administered province, said he had evidence
of possible corruption in Kosovo's KEK
electricity company, which both produces energy
locally and imports it from outside.

He said the money was stolen from international
aid provided to allow the territory to import
energy, which comes mainly from elsewhere in
Serbia and from Bulgaria.

"I have known for many months that there are
rumours about corruption in KEK... I now have
evidence," Bearpark said at a press conference.

"From people possibly concerned one is an
international that at one stage was working for
my organization," Bearpark said adding that he
had notified the European anti fraud office in

The official, who heads the EU's economic
program in Kosovo, declined to give further

The province's economy has struggled to recover
since Kosovo came under UN administration in
1999 after NATO military action ended Slobodan
Milosevic's crackdown on ethnic Albanians in the

Despite imports of energy over the past three
years, local media reported that Kosovo only
enjoyed four full days without any power cuts
last year.

"In the last three years a substantial amount of
electricity was imported into Kosovo. Most of it
came from Bulgaria and some from Serbia,"
Bearpark said.

KEK is run by a local managment and supervised
by international staff in the province.

The province's UN administrator, Michael
Steiner, who took up his post earlier this year,
said that fighting corruption and crime was one
of his priorities.

"What we heard today shows that we mean it.
There is zero tolerance for crime," Steiner said
at Tuesday's press conference.



From: Sonja Myers <wiggler@...>

To: manuel-unmik@...

Subject: (Fwd) Four million dollars lost in
Kosovo energy fraud: EU

Send reply to: wiggler@...

Date sent: Wed, 1 May 2002 11:51:23 -0500

Postovana gospodjice Manuel,

Mnogo vremena je proslo od kada sam Vam pisala u
vezi sa Elektrodistribucijom Kosova (EK). U svom
pismu od 10. decembra 2001, postavila sam veliki
broj pitanja koja jos uvek cekaju na odgovor.
Pored ostalih, postavila sam pitanje koje se
odnosilo na nestasicu struje u srpskim selima
kao i na celom Kosovu, uprkos velikim
investicijama Evropske zajednice i Sjedinjenih
americkih drzava, tacnije 260 miliona americkih
dolara pomoci za poboljsanje elektricne mreze na
Kosovu, kao i za popravke/zamene elektricnih
centrala koje je NATO unistio ili ostetio. Tada
sam Vas pitala da mi kazete da li UNMIK/EK
raspolazu bilo kakvim dokumentima ili placenim
fakturama koje pokazuju na sta je novac poreskih
obveznika EU i SAD-a utrosen, kao i da li je tu
dokumentaciju neko knjigovodstveno pregledao.
Pitala sam takodje da li bilo ko zna koliko
novca je stvarno bilo utroseno u ovu svrhu, gde
je ostatak novca i sta se cini da se situacija
sa snabdevanjem elektricnom energijom sanira pre
dolaska sledece zime.

Ako je donja informacija Frans Pres-a tacna,
UNMIK je dakle znao za korupciju u EK ali nije
imao dokaza sto je, pretpostavljam, bio razlog
zbog koga Vi niste odgovorili na moja pitanja.
Ne moram da vam kazem da mi je bilo mucno, a ne
sumnjam da je i Vama, zbog cinjenice da je jedan
"internacionalac", bivsi clan UNMIK-ove
administracije koji je trebalo da pomogne,
zajedno sa lokalnim Albancima, ucestvovao u
kradji od 4.5 miliona americkih dolara i
profitirao na bedi ljudi sa Kosova - Srba, Roma
i Albanaca.

Medjutim, uprkos ovoj kradji od 4.5 miliona
americkih dolara, jos uvek se ne zna sta se
desilo sa preostalih 255.5 miliona americkih
dolara. Da li gospodin Steiner planira da trazi
odgovor na to pitanje i nadje ko je od tih para
imao koristi, posto oni koji je trebalo - nisu
imali nikakve koristi!

Sa postovanjem

Sonja Myers

Houston, Teksas