> http://www.realitymacedonia.org.mk/web/news_page.asp?nid=1993

Former CIA Spook Promotes Legitimating of Ethnic Cleansing in Favor of
Some Balkans Peoples

Voice of America informed that Steven Meyer, former-deputy chief of
CIA's Balkans department, proclaimed that border changes in the Balkans
should not be a taboo at his lecture on the Impact of U.S. Policy on the
Balkans held on June 19 at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for
Meyer, who allegedly left CIA, has worked as a professor at the
Department of Political Science, Industrial College of the Armed Forces,
National Defense University for the last two years. He stated that the
errors of American foreign policy can be changed by redefinition of the
borders. He called for a new congress of Berlin, akin to the one of
1878, but now, the people of the region should take part in the changes,
alongside the Great Powers. According to VOA, Meyer favors new borders
which go alongside the "ethnic reality."
Considering the source, this comes as no surprise, since the CIA has
been quite involved in creating the new "ethnic reality" at the Balkans,
through support of ethnic cleansing committed by its proxy armies: the
refugee exodus of Serbs from Croatia in 1995, the cementing of the
internal borders of divided Bosnia & Herzegovina, forged through covert
influx of Iranian and U.S. arms, the ethnic cleansing of non-Albanians
from Kosovo by CIA-created KLA, and the same "reality" in Western
Macedonia, result of KLA's sister-organization NLA.
According to VOA, Meyer explained that "there's nothing wrong with
multiethnic communities," but only for those who like that kind of
association. For the others, comes his solution, which should take place
in the "Serbian Republic (Republika Srpska - Serbian part of Bosnia),
Serbia, Macedonia, Herceg-Bosnia (Croatian part of Bosnia) and some
other parts" of former Yugoslavia.
When VOA asked him whether his suggesting a division of Macedonia, he
answered that the borders should be rearranged, and that Macedonia's
survival should become an open question. Meyer advocates that the U.S.A.
should remain in the Balkans to deter the threat of Islamic terrorism,
citing the following examples: Bosnian passports given to Al-qaeda
members [by U.S. supported Muslim government], Trebosh massacre of
Macedonian policemen committed by [U.S. supported] NLA, Rashanski Lozja
incident where the Macedonian police shot seven South Asians, and the
Islamic influence over KLA [the main beneficiary of the NATO bombing
campaign against F.R. Yugoslavia and the subsequent occupation of
The former spook overlord warned that the Balkans may become a transit
route for terrorism, so the U.S.A. should deal only with it, and stop
with actions aimed at democratization of the region. Also, some of the
former actions' main purpose was to boost NATO's credibility.

Editorial comment:

This VOA report came over their Macedonian-language e-mail bulletin, and
did not even appear in the Macedonian section of the VOA web site (the
search of the English version also does not retrieve it). Unavailable to
the U.S. public, seems more like this infomercial is someone's message,
part of preparation of the terrain for upcoming activities. Of course,
such activities are preventable. Those who desire the destruction of
democracy would not put so much effort into persuading people in the
inevitability of theirfavored outcome if it would have been so certain.