Date:29 July 2002


By Vladimir Krsljanin, former Ambassador
Member of the International and Yugoslav committees for
defense of Slobodan Milosevic
Member of the Head Committee and International Secretary
of the Socialist Party of Serbia
Belgrade, 27 July 2002

On the 5th of October 2000 freedom and democracy were
abolished in this country. On St. Vitus' day 2001 the
President Slobodan Milosevic was treacherously abducted
by the regime and surrendered to the aggressors' NATO
tribunal in the Hague. It opened the way to the definite
brake-down of Yugoslavia and its occupation. Today,
foreign controllers are sitting in all our state
institutions and major firms, while a puppet regime sells
out the resources of our country and obediently executes
the orders of their foreign masters. The Federal
Constitutional Court ruled as anti-constitutional all the
executive authorities' decrees, which served as a pretext
for the abduction and surrender of President Slobodan
Milosevic to the aggressors. But the occupying forces pay
no heed and continue with the practices of violating
constitution and democracy. Aggressors and their Gestapo
inquisitors from The Hague with a generous assistance of
the ministries of the regime opened the new hunting
season on Serbs. Recently, the representatives of the
Hague "prosecution" visited Belgrade and brought along
tens of "secret indictments" as means of intensifying the
pressure on the former officials if they refuse to
testify, namely lie against the President Slobodan
Despite the propaganda of the regime, which clumsily
attempts at hiding it, Washington threatens to continue
the sanctions and pressures pending the secession of
Kosovo and square down with the "President Milosevic's
supporters". The Presidential "Notice on continuation of
emergency with respect to the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), signed by George Bush
on May 27th 2002 says that the sanctions against and
freezing of the Yugoslav assets in the American banks
shall continue... "because the crisis with respect to the
situation in Kosovo and with respect to Slobodan
Milosevic, his close associates and supporters and
persons under open indictment for war crimes by the ICTY
has not been resolved."
It demonstrates that the regime of DOS, which is falling
apart, and its foreign mentors are in panic because of
the superior struggle for truth, freedom and dignity of
our nation waged by President Milosevic before the
aggressors sham "court". They are in panic because they
are aware that the vast majority of our people support
that struggle. In the period of hopelessness and darkness
created by DOS, President Milosevic helped many to
realize what was going on and regain their
self-confidence and faith in the prospects of better
The people rightly expect that all the politically
responsible patriotic forces in our country, that rallied
on the occasion of the anniversary of abduction of
President Milosevic, on the 28th June in Belgrade, will
unite efforts to topple down the puppet regime and call
for early elections at all levels. The people rightly
expect the Socialist Party of Serbia to play the most
decisive and active role in that process.
September 11th is a global Tonkin Gulf, followed by
declaration of global war to the world at large. The
American troops are deployed in 150 countries. Nuclear
weapons have been used in Afghanistan. The Caspian oil is
no actual cause. They target Russia. On the other hand -
failures: Belarus, Moldova, Venezuela, Palestine, brakeup
of the vassal social democrats in Europe, and even the
Afghanistan. Empire is in agony.
Hitler wrote to Chamberlain on 23 September 1938 that
ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia were exposed to
"torture" and that 120 000 of them "were forced to flee
their own country", and that "security of more than three
million human beings was at stake" and that they were
"prevented to realize their national right to
self-determination alike". Thus Hitler laid the
foundation to "humanitarian intervention", of which NATO
boasted as if the greatest achievement of its summit held
in Washington a month after thousands of tons of bombs
were pouring over Yugoslavia.
Financial connections of the Bushes with Nazi Germany and
family of Bin Laden show that the history of 20th century
is going to be rewritten.
In this light the struggle of President Slobodan
Milosevic for truth against merciless
intelligence-propaganda of NATO machinery ineptly cloaked
in court-room gown becomes synonymous of historical
An insane attempt to take the Serbian nation to trial at
a fake NATO court as the most notorious proponent of
nationalism, chauvinism, ethnic hatred and genocide in
20th century, and blame the tragedy of Yugoslavia on
those who defended it, is falling apart in face of
intellectual and political superiority and political
consistency of President Milosevic, who is backed up by
his people and truth.
Fear from defeat in historical and political struggle
that can't be won by lies, makes the mentors of the
"tribunal" fight President Milosevic by physical
exhaustion, prison torture, denial of medical care and
blatant violation of his basic rights. In the same vein
goes hiding from the view of the public the allegedly
public "trial".
The enormous moral degradation is testified to by the
fact that the persons contracted or blackmailed to
execute such anti-civilization act violating the rights,
are veiled in their gowns of judges and prosecutors. As
if the lack of good morals was the sine qua non for
getting a job in The Hague "tribunal".
Everything is known about moral and judicial heroine, the
so-called "chief prosecutor" Carla del Ponte. She shares
the pedestal of brazenness with the so-called
"prosecutor" Geoffrey Nice and the so-called "judge"
Richard May, both Britons, as one of the "amici curiae"
Stephen Kay. They pay no attention to law in carrying out
their political assignment rewarded by enormous salaries.
While it is known and evidenced in the course of "trial",
who the real authors of "indictment", ordered by
Madeleine Albright are - the British intelligence and
"Human Rights Watch".
The industry of lies, false documents and fake witnesses
concentrated in the Hague "prosecution", is unparalleled
to anything in the history of judiciary. Because after
five months of whole day "trials" and about hundred
"witnesses" that, so-called "prosecution" has managed to
prove nothing, any fair judge would stop that farce long
ago, dismiss the "indictments" and acquit President
The so called "Judge" May has directly assisted the fake
witnesses, limiting cross examination to illogically
short time, interrupting questioning whenever he doubts
the false witness will be compromised completely, or when
a single fact about the crimes of NATO is hinted at or
allows to the "prosecution" last minute changes of the
order of appearance of "witnesses", to call as
"witnesses" own staff and associates, to submit thousands
of pages of "materials" without translation, etc.
On the occasion of that ethical crash, shameless ridicule
of law and primarily because of dangerous and criminal
abuse of rights of President Milosevic, entailing
criminal liability, the Association FREEDOM - The
Yugoslav committee for defense of Slobodan Milosevic
addressed the letter of appeal to the Ambassadors of all
the UN Security Council member countries in Belgrade,
holding that body of the universal organization formally
most responsible for sanctioning lawlessness of the Hague
"tribunal". The letter was handed over to the US and
British Embassies in Belgrade, following the
demonstrations of several thousand citizens on 28 May
2002, the day when the Russia - NATO summit was held in
Rome. The citizens of Belgrade have joined the wave of
protests all over Europe against the tour of the chief
administrator of the Empire and showed that the center of
struggle for freedom and dignity of Europe is still based
in Belgrade.
We are inviting all the fighters for peace and against
imperialistic domination of the world to support the
struggle of President Milosevic as their own, and to help
by petitions, demonstrations and other forms of protest,
the release of President Milosevic becomes the start of
liberation of Europe.
We are calling on the associations of jurists, lawyers
and judges, universities and institutes, organizations
for human rights - to exercise permanent pressure on
their governments - to move an initiative with the United
Nations to end political and legal brutality of The Hague
"tribunal" over President Milosevic. In view of the fact
that the latter institution is illegal, in view of the
fact that there is no mechanism within the UN system at
all to control its work and that this so called
"independent international court" reports only to its
political bosses and financiers - the governments of
"democracies" like USA, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia,
their secret services and private and "independent "
executors of their politics, such as George Soros
Foundation or "Human Rights Watch", from whose ranks most
of the staff of the "tribunal" has been recruited.
We are calling on all friends to help compile the data,
documents and witnesses who may help unmask NATO and its
crimes against peace and people of Yugoslavia.
We are calling on all who cherish truth and justice to
daily write and inform the public about the development
of "process" in which a global policeman wants to judge
the nation that dared defend its freedom and the man who
spearhead the defense, the "process" which the political,
moral and intellectual valor of President Milosevic
turned into the trial of the crimes of Empire.
The defense of life, health and fundamental rights of
President Milosevic constitutes the defense of freedom
and rights of all.
The struggle for freedom, human rights and rights of
nations and for historical justice headed by President
Slobodan Milosevic would go on till the final triumph.