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by Francisco J. Gil-White and Jared Israel
[Posted 23 September 2002]
This is also the Appendix to "The Freezer Truck Hoax:
How NATO framed Slobodan Milosevic, Part 1"
which can be read at

According to the Freezer Truck Story, Yugoslav forces
transported dozens of freezer trucks full of murdered
Albanian civilians over hundreds of kilometers of
roads, many of them partly bombed-out, and often over
mountains, out of Kosovo and deep into upper Serbia.

This was done, we are told, in the midst of
around-the-clock NATO bombing.

The idea of trying to hide bodies by transporting them
hundreds of miles in freezer trucks (Mercedes Benz, no
less!) is grotesquely absurd. But in addition we must
factor in the risk, given what NATO was doing at that
time to Serbia, including Kosovo.

This is described in text and pictures in the "White
Book on NATO Aggression Against Yugoslavia." The White
Book is based on evidence compiled by forensic
technicians and magistrates and was published by the
Yugoslav government. You may access it at

The White Book makes clear that NATO could bomb
anything that moved in Kosovo. Anything.

Had Serbian forces attempted to drive dozens of
slow-moving freezer trucks cross-country, some surely
would have been bombed while others would have been
ambushed by Kosovo Liberation Army terrorists. The KLA
terrorists had excellent rapport with the Western
media. Within hours the news would have been broadcast
worldwide. Anybody attempting such a hair-brained
cover-up could be certain that some of their trucks
would be bombed and others would end up illustrating a
Carlotta Gall article in the New York Times.

* NATO Bombs an Albanian Refugee Column *

The first case the White Book explores is the bombing
of a column of Albanian refugees who, according to
Yugoslav officials, were attempting to return to their
homes when NATO incinerated them.

This internationally reported war crime took place 13
April 1999 near Djakovica in the Kosovo section of

As you may recall, NATO first denied it had bombed the
refugees, suggesting that the slaughter was the work of
Yugoslav forces. In response, the Yugoslav government
brought reporters to the scene. They examined pieces of
missiles and identified US markings.

This was a bit embarrassing, but no problem: NATO
simply changed the official story. According to the new
story, yes, NATO pilots did bomb the refugees, but it
was a mistake. They had attacked military vehicles
responsible for burning an Albanian village and in the
confusion they also bombed a refugee convoy. (Thus the
Serbs, not NATO, were ultimately responsible...)

To back up the new story, NATO held a press conference
in which they played a tape of a voice, supposedly that
of the pilot, explaining the confusion that led up to
bombing the refugee column. Here's how Deutsche
Presse-Agentur reported the NATO press conference:

"*In a tape recording played at the daily briefing at
NATO headquarters, the unidentified NATO pilot* made no
mention of tractors or other signs of civilian life
during the attack.

"He said he was convinced he was targeting Yugoslav
forces responsible for the burning of villages."
--Deutsche Presse-Agentur (our emphasis)
April 15, 1999, "Convoy tragedy 'will not undermine
NATO resolve'"

Because of what NATO would say in their *next* story,
it is important to determine whether the mass media
(such as Deutsche Presse-Agentur) was correct in
reporting that NATO had indeed claimed that the voice
on the tape was the *actual voice* of the *actual
pilot* involved in the attack.

Just to be clear on this, here is an excerpt from the
press conference at which the tape was played. In the
excerpt a reporter asks General Giuseppe Marani some
questions about the supposed pilot's description of the
attack. This part is irrelevant. The important things
to notice are that:

a) by asking a question about what "the pilot said,"
the reporter showed he believed he had just heard a
tape of the *actual pilot who attacked the convoy* and,

b) Note that in response to the reporter's question,
General Giuseppe Marani did *not* say, "that was not
the actual voice of the actual pilot." Instead he also
spoke of what "the pilot said" thus confirming that the
voice on the tape did indeed belong to the pilot who
had dropped bombs on a column of refugees:

[START, Excerpt from "NATO Briefing
Regarding Military Action In Yugoslavia" - 15 April

"QUESTION: I also note that *the pilot said* that he
saw three dark green, two-and-a-half ton vehicles,
which are obviously not tractors with trailers behind
them or horses and carts. Is there some discrepancy
here? Are we talking about two possible different

GEN. MARANI: *The pilot said* he saw the houses burning
on a road north of the road that we are talking about.
[Our emphasis]

[END, Excerpt from "NATO Briefing
Regarding Military Action In Yugoslavia" - 15 April

Unfortunately for NATO, the tape story also had
problems. First, some of the Western reporters whom the
Yugoslavs brought to the scene of attack actually
reported that they saw no evidence of anything but a
civilian convoy. Second, a few of the reporters
interviewed Albanian survivors who said there were no
military vehicles present. And Serbian TV (RTS) was
broadcasting these facts around the world 24 hours a
day. (RTS was bombed a few days later...)

So NATO did another flip-flop, claiming they had never
meant to say this was the *actual* tape of the *actual*
pilot. Rather, they had only presented the tape as an
*example* of what such a pilot might have said about
such an incident!

This remarkable claim was made by none other than
General Giuseppe Marani, the very NATO spokesperson
who, in the excerpt from the press conference, quoted
above, referred to the tape as being what "the pilot

Here's the admission that the tape was fiction

[START tortured admission from Agency France Presse]

"Alliance officials admitted that a pilot's statement
they released last week did not correspond to the
specific incident for which NATO has accepted

"This is contrary to what the world's media was given
to believe on Thursday when NATO broadcast a recording
of a pilot talking about how he had taken the decision
to bomb what he believed to be a military vehicle.

"NATO spokesman Brigadier General Giuseppe Marani said
the purpose of the broadcast was 'to clarify the
process of a pilot involved in an action of that type.'

"The alliance had not meant to imply there was 'a
relationship between that pilot and the narrative on
the tape and specific events on the ground.'"
- Agence France Presse, April 18, 1999

[END tortured admission from Agency France Presse]

In the popular image of the "free press," reporters are
hell-bent on exposing wrongdoing by the powers-that-be.
But note, in the real world, the strained gentleness of
AFP's words. Phrases like,

"Alliance officials admitted that a pilot's statement
they released last week did not correspond to the
specific incident [!] for which NATO has accepted


"contrary to what the world's media was given to

And consider the remarkable headline which AFP gave
this piece. Please keep in mind that, with any news
article, most people read *only* the headline, making
it crucial. What would have been an accurate headline?
How about:

"NATO Admits Pilot Tape a Hoax," or, "NATO Botches
Pilot Tape Lie."

Perhaps you may think of a better headline but we doubt
you can equal the one that AFP came up with. Here it

"NATO pilot was not responsible for bombing of refugee

Isn't that wondrous? It manages to be literally true -
that is, since the tape was a hoax it follows that
*that particular* NATO pilot (or whoever was the voice
on the tape!) did not bomb the refugees - while at the
same time communicating a lie - that *NATO* cannot be
held responsible for bombing the refugees.

One might ask, why *did* NATO bomb these particular

Yugoslav officials stated that the refugees were
attempting to return home.

According to Kosovo historian Cedomir Prlincevic, in
the spring of 1999 the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)
fascist-terrorists were attempting to take control of
the clans that exert an all-powerful influence over
Albanians in Kosovo. He explains the special features
of Albanian culture which rendered these centralized
clans especially susceptible to violent coercion. The
text of his interview, "Why Albanians Fled Kosovo
During NATO Bombing," can be read at

According to Prlincevic, the KLA had ordered all
Albanians out of Kosovo. The KLA, and its NATO
handlers, filmed the exodus and, using carefully
selected interviews, convinced the world that the Serbs
were "cleansing" the province of Albanians, thus
seeming to justify the NATO bombing.

The KLA served as bombing spotters for NATO air
attacks. If indeed these Albanians had rejected KLA
orders to vacate and were trying to return home, it is
possible that the KLA called in a NATO air strike as an
object lesson to other refugees who might also be
thinking of returning home. This would explain why, on
a perfectly clear day, NATO bombed what was obviously a
refugee column. The bombing would serve as a warning to
Albanians. The denial would mitigate bad publicity in
the West.

To see the horrifying results of what was perhaps
NATO's object lesson go to

-- Francisco Gil-White & Jared Israel

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JUDGMENT! Video Exposes the Phony 'Death Camp' Pictures
that Fooled the World...

In August 1992, millions of people were shocked to see
photographs of a supposed Bosnian Serb death camp.

The photos were produced by ITN, the British TV news
giant, from footage shot by an ITN film crew which
spent 15 hours in Bosnia.

Most of the photographs featured a tall, painfully thin
man, stripped to the waist, apparently penned in behind
barbed wire.

Travelling with the authorization of Radovan Karadzic,
the Bosnian Serb leader, the ITN crew filmed at a
detention center in Omarska and a refugee center in
Trnopolje. The ITN photos were broadcast worldwide
beginning August 6th, accompanied by sensational
captions and comments.

For example Ian Williams, one of the journalists who
accompanied the ITN crew, appeared on U.S. Public
Television's MacNeil-Lehrer Report on August 6th. Mr.
Williams referred to the Trnopolje refugee center as a
"camp," as in concentration camp, saying it was "at the
center of allegations of atrocities." Williams claimed

"Conditions at this camp were appalling. In 100 degree
heat hundreds of men were forced to eat and sleep
outside in the field behind barbed wire."
-- MacNeil-Lehrer Report, 6 August 1992

And indeed, the ITN photos seemed to show people living
outside, caged like animals behind barbed wire. But Mr.
Williams knew this impression was false. He knew the
Muslim refugees were moving about freely, that it was
the ITN people who were filming from inside a small
barbed wire enclosure. He knew the ITN pictures had
been doctored to create the illusion of a death camp.
This is *proved* in the Emperor's Clothes video,

How can 'JUDGMENT!' have proved this?

By luck, a news crew from Serbian State Television
(called RTS) covered the ITN visit. They went wherever
ITN went, filming what ITN filmed and filming the ITN
crew as well. Thus there is a visual record of what the
ITN people did and what they actually saw. Using this
footage, the 'JUDGMENT!' video shows, step by step, how
pictures of a humanitarian refugee center at Trnopolje
were transformed into 'death camp' photos that fooled
the world.

The 'JUDGMENT!' video proves that Ian Williams, now the
UN correspondent for the NATION magazine, and other
journalists who traveled to Bosnia with ITN, lied to
the public.

Mr. Bush Responds with Superhuman Speed

On 6 August 1992, just *20 minutes* after the pictures
were released, George Bush held a press conference at a
Colorado Air Base:

"Reports say that 20 minutes after the ITN footage was
shown in the United States, President George Bush
changed his hands-off policy and promised to 'press
hard for quick passage' of a UN Security Council
resolution authorising the use of force in the
-- "The Straits Times, August 16, 1992
"Holocaust images of Bosnia prison camps make the West
sit up," by Lee Siew Hua

Bush demanded that the Serbs be harshly punished,

"tighten[ing] economic sanctions on Serbia so that all
understand that there is a real price to be paid for
the Serbian government's continued aggression."

Bush also announced that the U.S. would recognize
Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia as independent from
Yugoslavia. He thus approved the break-up of Yugoslavia
and guaranteed that the Bosnian war would continue.

Consider the remarkable speed with which President Bush

Some photos are shown on TV.

Immediately, President Bush contacts his cabinet
members, who, coincidentally, have also seen the

They confer. Somehow they determine that the pictures
are genuine.

They contact leaders of, at least, Germany and England,
possibly other countries. They plan draconian anti-Serb
measures including economic sanctions that will cut
Serbia off from the world.

They contact congressional leaders. They agree that
Bush will announce the US intent to recognize no fewer
than three new Yugoslav secessionist states.

They call a press conference at a Colorado Air Base.
They write a press release. They compose Mr. Bush's

The mass media receives the press release. Film crews
travel to the Air base and set up their equipment.

And all this is done in...20 minutes?

Isn't it more likely that the timing of the TV
broadcast of these pictures was coordinated between ITN
and either the State Department, the CIA or some
similar body? That Bush scheduled his press conference
to be held just after the pictures were shown so
ordinary people would believe that these terrible
pictures compelled President Bush to endorse extreme

Perhaps ITN's trip to Bosnia, supposedly to
"investigate claims that concentration camps had been
set up" (Strait Times), was planned from the outset as
a hunt for footage which could be used to produce such
doctored evidence.

ITN had a prior history of aggressively anti-Serbian
coverage of the break-up of Yugoslavia. So one might
ask, why did the Bosnian Serb leadership give ITN
access to Trnopolje and Omarska, about which the
Western media (for example, NEWSDAY, 21 July 1992) were
already spreading nightmare tales? Perhaps they hoped
that if they just let the ITN people see for
themselves, ITN would be fair. They did not comprehend
the moral standards of the people with whom they were

Get a copy of 'JUDGMENT!' If after viewing this video
you don't think we've proved our case we'll refund
every penny.

We cannot bring back the dead. However, we can honor
them by telling the truth.

Instructions to Purchase 'JUDGMENT!' Video

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