Yugoslav Committee for the defense of Slobodan Milosevic
ICDSM International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

1. APPEAL: Donate and help the voice of freedom to be heard!
3. Valkanov on the Wladimiroff case (25/09/02)

=== 1 ===


Protect the life of Slobodan Milosevic!

Donate and help the voice of freedom to be heard!

Do you know that:

· Yesterday afternoon President Milosevic was forced to wait one
and a half hour to be transported from the "tribunal" to his prison
cell. It was the afternoon between the examination of Stipe Mesic,
President of Croatia, by the "prosecution" and the cross examination
of the same "witness" by President Milosevic.

· A day before that, Richard May, the "judge" announced that
the "trial chamber" can return on Thursday to earlier practice of
whole day long hearings. This was after the same "trial chamber" weeks
ago publicly admitted existence of serious health and life risks for
President Milosevic and declared that tempo of the "trial" will be
slowed down and President Milosevic will have more days for rest.

· At the same day, Geoffrey Nice, the "prosecutor" in charge,
tried to explain the problems "prosecution" has in bringing
appropriate "witnesses" to the "court", which caused lack of the
schedule of "witnesses" to come. In his explanation, he complained
because the "reserved witnesses" (who could 'fill the gaps' without
previous announcement) were not allowed.

· Today, the "judge" Richard May served as a counsel to Stipe
Mesic, in Tito's time imprisoned for Ustashi propaganda, the guy who
triumphantly shouted in Croatian Parliament: "I fulfilled my mission -
there is no more Yugoslavia!". By all means (cutting and "translating"
President Milosevic, shortening the time for cross examination,
allowing Mesic cynical and unlimited comments) May tried (without
success) to save his "client" from total disaster.

· President Milosevic, with malignant hypertension and heart
damages, still has no specialists' medical care.

· Death of six prisoners (all of them were Serbs) was caused by
the "tribunal" - in three cases it was due to lack of medical
assistance or due to improper medical care.

· With more than 100.000 pages of materials concerning Croatia
and Bosnia submitted to him by the "court" and more than seven months
of every day "trial" behind him and more than year and a half ahead,
President Milosevic still has no conditions to prepare his defense, in
cynical violation of the 'equality of arms' principle.

· Assistance in preparing facts and proofs for President
Milosevic to confront tons of materials prepared by thousand of
employees of the "tribunal" and by Western secret services is done by
group of volunteers in Freedom Association in Belgrade and in ICDSM.
Our funds and pockets are empty. After eight months since the Hague
process begun, there is almost no possibilities to collect money from
patriots in the impoverished country and with government which
produces only obstacles for our work.

But you certainly know that:

· President Slobodan Milosevic, undisputable leader of the
unconquered nation and the NATO war prisoner, is in unique and
extremely important position for all fighters for freedom and peace in
the World, to confront the Empire and its war machinery - NATO, with
truth and strong arguments.

· Only a part of the citizens of Yugoslavia are able to follow
every day TV transmissions from The Hague. As a result, unification of
the patriotic opposition is becoming a key factor on Serbian political
scene, despite the hard repression and all kinds of manipulations by
the current colonial regime in Belgrade.

Therefore, we dramatically appeal:

· Use all means to protest the killing conditions at the NATO-
Nazi dungeon in Scheweningen and in NATO martial court at The Hague.
Life of President Milosevic has to be saved! The only proper way to
avoid the threat is his release!

· Donate for our common struggle! Form your own foundations in
your countries, organize fund-raising campaigns! Keep part of
collected money to broaden actions and campaigns. Now President
Milosevic has only one assistant at The Hague. Without your help he
can stay even without that!

Here's how you can help...

* You can contribute by credit card. Soon we will have an ICDSM secure
server so you can contribute directly on the Internet.

For now, you can contribute by credit card in two ways: *

You can Contribute by Credit Card over the Telephone by calling:

ICDSM office, USA: +1 617 916-1705
SLOBODA (Freedom) Association office, Belgrade: +381 63 8 591 569

You can Contribute using PayPal at:
PayPal accepts VISA and MasterCard

You can Contribute by mail to:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

- OR -

You can Contribute by wire transfer to Sloboda Association

Zurich, Switzerland
Swift Code: UBSWCHZH

Account with:
/ 756 - CHF
/ 840 - USD
/ 978 - EUR
Komercijalna Banka AD
Sv. Save 14, 11000 Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia
Swift Code: KOBBYUBG


Account No. 5428-1246-16154-6
Rajiceva 16, 11000 Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia

- OR -

You can also send money to Belgrade using Western Union to our address:


Rajiceva 16, 11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia

In this case, don't forget to inform us about the amount of money
you've sent

by telephone +381 63 8 591 569 or by fax +381 11 639 152 or
send us e-mail to


Thank you!

=== 2 ===


Belgrade, September 24, 2002

In their common press conference the Chairman of the International
Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic professor Velko Valkanov and
the Chairman of the Yugoslav National Committee "Sloboda" Mr. Bogoljub
Bjelica sent an appeal to international public to react powerfully in
order to stop the mechanism for destruction of human lives and health
in The Hague dungeon.

They underlined that it is duty of the Yugoslav authorities as well as
of international organizations to prevent the evil machinery which
systematically undermines the health of the prisoners, up to most
tragic consequences.

Reminding about the exhausting treatment of President Milosevic
combined with the negligence about his heart problems by the
NATO "tribunal", Valkanov and Bjelica also presented the



February 1996, near Sarajevo - General Djordje Djukic was
arrested and taken to The Hague. He was released only a month before
his death caused by pancreas cancer.

June 1997, near Erdut - Former Mayor of Vukovar was
arrested after he left a meeting with Jacques Klein, despite security
guarantees granted by Mr. Klein. According to the "Tribunal"'s report,
he committed suicide in his prison cell at The Hague near the end of

July 10, 1997, Prijedor - Manager of Prijedor hospital dr
Milan Kovacevic was brutally arrested. He died from a heart attack
after a year spent in The Hague prison, because of the lack of medical
care and belatedly medical assistance.

End of August 1999, Vienna - Col. General Momir Talic,
Chief of the Republika Srpska Army Headquarters, was arrested, despite
his immunity as a participant of an OSCE Expert Seminar and guest of
the Military Academy in Vienna. He has been released recently from the
Hague prison for the reason of his serious illness (the lung cancer
which escalated due to the lack of medical care).

On July 10, 1997, Sima Drljaca, retired Chief of Prijedor
police, was killed in an "arrest attempt" by the British commandos
from SFOR, on the shores of Gradina lake. Mr. Drljaca was killed in
the presence of his juvenile son.

On January 09, 1998, on the road between Ustipraca and
Srbinje, in another "arrest attempt", Dragan Gagovic was brutally
killed by shot in the head by SFOR soldiers, who stated that they shot
in self-defense. All this happened before the eyes of four kids.

On April 12, 2002, in protest against the treason of the
Belgrade puppet regime, which adopted an unconstitutional law
on "cooperation" with the NATO tribunal, Vlajko Stojiljkovic, MP and
former Serbian Minister of Interior, committed a suicide on the stairs
of the Yugoslav Parliament building.

=== 3 ===

Data: 25/09/2002 00:05
Da: Vladimir Krsljanin
Oggetto: Valkanov: No Pardon for The Hague Tribunal!

Concerning the "Wladimiroff" case, an outrageous example of the NATO
tribunal arrogance and partiality, founder and co-chairman of the
International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic, well known
Bulgarian jurist and politician, former presidential candidate, long
time MP and president of the Bulgarian Antifascist Union, professor
Velko Valkanov have sent the attached letter to the "president of the
trial chamber", British missed politician, "judge" Richard May.
I apologize to all friends for the length of the attachment. I am
sending it as a facsimile, since it is a document which demands legal
respond, if there is any moral at The Hague.

To download the attachment "Valkanov on the Wladimiroff case"
(25/09/02) please click here:


To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper
advocating liberation)