
Communist Youth of Greece KNE
Central Council - International relations

No to the Criminalization of the Anti-NATO Struggle.
Solidarity with the Greek Peace Activists on Trial

Dear Friends and Comrades,

The Greek government, following its pro-NATO line, is trying to terrify
the people and to criminalize the struggles against the imperialist new
order.6 peace activists (N. Seitanidis, N. Nedopoulos, P. Makridis, I.
Manousaridis, Th. Vardalis and V. Tzikas) are being prosecuted under
alleged accusations, and are going on trial on November 26, because
they participated in the demonstrations against the dirty NATO
war on Yugoslavia on 1999.In particular they are accused because they
blocked the way and stopped a NATO convoy (a French one) that was
carrying weapons to the NATO troops through our country to Kosovo, in
violation of the Greek constitution and laws.

At the same time in the city of Kalamata, on November 11, 7 members of
KNE were convicted in 4 months of prison because last July they were
writing slogans against the visit to Kalamata of the US ambassador in
Greece, denouncing the US and NATO policy and presence.The provocation
of the Government is even bigger, if one takes into consideration the
shameful recent agreement with the US authorities that provides total
legal immunity to the US military personnel stationed in Greece for any
violations of the Greek laws!A wave of solidarity and protest,
including trade unionists, Municipalities, intellectuals, students’
unions etc has been rose in both cases, denouncing the ongoing
campaign of criminalization of the struggles and the resistance
against NATO and the imperialist “new order”. We appeal to the
peace-loving and progressive people in Europe to join us in protesting
against these anti-democratic and dangerous measures, to express their
solidarity and to demand from the Greek government:

-To stop the criminalization of the struggles

-To stop the prosecutions against anti-war militants

-To abolish all anti-democratic laws and clauses, especially the ones
that confine democratic liberties on the pretext of “combating

For solidarity messages: mailto:int@...

Send your protest to the Greek government through:

# the Greek embassies

# the office of the Greek prime minister Kostas Simitis:

# the Greek ministry of Justice:
mailto:minjust@... ,

The International Department of KNE



CP of Greece, Big Anti-imperialist Demonstrations in Greece
on November 17
From: Communist Party of Greece, Wed, 20 Nov 2002
http://www.kke.gr , mailto:cpg@...

Big anti-imperialist demonstrations in Greece on November 17

Thousands of people participated in the big
anti-imperialist, anti-NATO rallies that took place on 17
of November all around the country. The demonstrations,
which according to the press had been the most massive ones
during the last years, were held on the occasion of the
anniversary of the uprising of the Polytechnic University
of Athens on 17.11.1973 against the US and NATO led
military dictatorship.

The struggle against imperialism and NATO, the imperialist
plans for war on Iraq, the solidarity with Palestine, as
well as the demand for a fair solution to the Cyprus issue,
were some of the main focus of this year's demonstration.
"The enemy is one imperialism, "US-Murderers of the
people", "50 years of NATO the same story: dictatorships,
wars, terrorism", "the soldiers are children of our people
they have no job outside our borders", "out the NATO
bases", "Cyprus united and independent" were some of the
slogans that were shouted at the rallies.

In Athens the demonstration ended in front of the US
embassy, in spite of the "appeals" by the Secretary of
PASOK not to demonstrate in front of the American embassy ,
and it was notable the mass participation of young people
in the ranks of KNE, of "Action-Thessaloniki 2003", of PAME
and the various organizations of the popular movement.
Among them one could distinguish a group of soldiers in
uniform marching together with the people.

In Thesssaloniki, where an also impressive demo was held,
with the presence of the delegations that participated in
the preparatory meeting of the campaign
"Action-Thessaloniki 2003" which joined the demonstrators
that marched in front of the US embassy.
