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"Witness To Jasenovac's Hell"
by Ilya Ivanovic
[Posted 17 January 2003]

This text includes:
* Comments by Jared Israel
* Comments by editor of "Witness," Wanda Schindley
* Link to sample chapter ('Great Escape') * Order

Comments by Jared Israel:

Croatian President Franjo Tudjman was one of twelve
foreign leaders honored at the opening of the
Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC in 1993. This is
remarkable. *Who* invited him?

Tudjman was a Holocaust denier, a Serbophobe and an
apologist for the Croatian clerical fascists, the
Ustashas. [1] During World War II, their
'Independent' State of Croatia set up the first
Nazi death camp in Europe. It was called

An Associated Press dispatch reported that Tudjman
wrote: "...the 'main characteristics' of Jews were
'selfishness, craftiness, unreliability,
miserliness, underhandedness and secrecy."'

Who invited this anti-Semite to the Holocaust

The same Associated Press dispatch reported:
"...Naomi Paiss, communications director for the
[Holocaust] museum, said the State Department
recommended that Tudjman, as a democratically
elected leader, be given an invitation." (AP,

Ahh, "recommended." As in: they recommended; she

Two points about this.

First, even if Tudjman had been elected
democratically, which is highly debatable, [2] why
would that be relevant? It was no secret he was a
racist thug. This was obvious long before the
summer of 1995, at which time Croatian troops, led
by US 'advisers', drove the entire Serbian
population, mostly farmers, out of the Krajina area
of Yugoslavia. Tudjman went on a train tour to
celebrate. His racism - grimly reminiscent of
Nazism - was made clear in this excerpt from a
speech, broadcast by Croatian radio and monitored
by the BBC:

"And [applause] there can be no return to the past,
to the times when they the Serbs were spreading
cancer in the heart of Croatia, cancer which was
destroying the Croatian national being and which
did not allow the Croatian people to be the master
in its own house and did not allow Croatia to lead
an independent and sovereign life under this wide,
blue sky and within the world community of
sovereign nations." [3]

"Cancer destroying the heart of the Croatian
national being..." If this sounds like
anti-Semitism, it should be no surprise. In
Tudjman's 1989 book, "Wastelands - Historical
Truth," he endorsed the amazing claim that in the
Jasenovac death camp, Jewish prisoners:

"...jealously kept the monopoly of the management
inside the camp and took the initiative in
provoking not only individual but also mass
slaughters of the non-Jews, Communists, partisans
and Serbs..."
-- Franjo Tudjman, 1989, Wastelands--Historical
Truth, Zagreb, Croatia: Nakladni zavod Matice

Only a handful of people survived Jasenovac to
contradict Tudjman's infamous lie. For example,
most of the 80,000 Yugoslav Jews were murdered.

So if Tudjman was a Nazi apologist/thug, *why* was
he invited to the opening of the *Holocaust*

Which brings us to the second point: he who decides
the guest list runs the party.

Ms. Paiss' comment, quoted by Associated Press,
above, communicated with eloquence who had the
ultimate power. For the State Department to use the
opening of the Museum to whitewash Tudjman, who
blamed Jews for the deaths at Jasenovac, was
audacious. To be sure, some well-known Jewish
leaders were quoted in the days before the opening,
objecting to Tudjman's presence. But their
objections were flexible, like a safety valve; they
relented. On the night of the opening, they were

Outside the building, Holocaust deniers picketed.
Were they stupidly unaware that Mr. Tudjman, King
of the deniers, was inside, on stage? Or were they
there precisely to divert attention from the fact?

The Holocaust had been seized by State and would
henceforth be a weapon of US policy to glorify or
denigrate; the Museum was the showcase. That of
course is why the US government wanted it built in
Washington. Handy when needed.

Mr. Tudjman was on the 'to-be-glorified' list.

The Serbs, who had lost hundreds of thousands to
the Nazi death machine, were on the denigrated
list. Thus President Milosevic was conspicuously
*not* invited to the opening. And not only that;
President Clinton and Holocaust scholar Elie Wiesel
spoke, implicitly comparing the Serbian people to
the Nazis. Clinton threatened war against the

And while the Serbian people, whom the Ustashas had
slaughtered alongside the Jews, were denounced and
threatened with slaughter, no one spoiled the State
Department's show by mentioning that an heir to the
Ustashas, whom Hitler once called "our Nazis,"
shared the stage.

Why? Why did *nobody* object? Why was Elie Wiesel
silent? Is it because the dead lack clout? If they
do, it is not for lack of numbers. As many as one
million people (Serbs, Jews, Gypsies and Partisans)
were slaughtered at Jasenovac by Mr. Tudjman's
friends, slaughtered so terribly that the German
Nazis expressed shock.

Lest we forget, the camp was called 'JASENOVAC'.


To read comments by the editor of "Witness," Wanda
Schindley, see below. To order go to end of this

Read Sample Chapter - We have posted Chapter 38 of
the book. It describes the heroic escape of the
male prisoners. Go to

Comments by Editor of
"Witness to Jasenovac's Hell"

In the area of northern Bosnia and what was
Krajina, virtually every family was devastated by
internments in the Jasenovac prison camp and the
subsequent slaughter that happened there. On April
21, 1945, nine days before Hitler committed
suicide, and as Allies moved toward Berlin, the
Ustasha worked to destroy evidence of the camp and
witnesses to the horror. They blew up camp
buildings and burned the 760 surviving women until
well into the night. On the morning of April 22,
1,060 men and boys broke down the doors of their
prison, fought the Ustasha guards with their bare
hands, and ran for their lives. Eighty survived.
Ilija Ivanovic, a retired teacher, was one of the
eighty and is now one of eight witnesses who still
lives to tell the story of the escape.
-- Wanda Schindley, Editor

To read part of the chapter on the 1945 escape go

*Footnotes and Further Reading Follow the Order

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Footnotes and Further Reading

1) See, "Meet The Nazis The CIA Married: The
Croatian Ustashi," by Petar Makara And Jared Israel

2) Tudjman was elected amidst a reign of terror by
his neo-Fascist Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ).
The HDZ was supported by a worldwide network of
Ustasha veterans. Wanted for heinous crimes in
Yugoslavia, these Ustashas were maintained in
comfort by governments in Europe and the Americas.
Many Ustashas and their children were brought back
to Croatia in the late 1980s and early 1990s to
assist Mr. Tudjman's 'democratic' efforts. The
Western media suppressed the story of what was
going on in Croatia in the early 1990s because it
contradicted the official line that 'a democratic
Croatia is rising from the ashes of communism,' and
so on. Sometimes a *hint* of the truth leaked out.
See for example the (London) Independent article at

3) BBC Summary of World Broadcasts
August 28, 1995, Monday
Part 2 Central Europe, the Balkans; FORMER
Tudjman says Serbs fled Knin thanks to the Croatian
Source: Croatian Radio, Zagreb, in Serbo-Croat 1340
gmt 26 Aug 95

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