3: L'esagerato zelo di Ibrahim Rugova

Ibrahim Rugova nomina Bob Dole "console onorario della Kosova"

Abbiamo recentemente segnalato
(http://it.groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/2298) la
posizione di Ibrahim Rugova in merito ai piani statunitensi di
aggressione ed invasione dell'Iraq. Rugova - e con lui tutta la classe
dirigente albanese-kosovara - dichiara che la guerra e' necessaria, ed
anzi aggiunge che bisogna "ringraziare Dio" per l'intervento della
NATO nel 1999.
Alla faccia della nonviolenza!...
A queste dichiarazioni di Rugova non e' seguito alcun commento da
parte dei suoi "storici" sostenitori italiani: i "nonviolenti", i
"berretti bianchi", i pacifisti cattolici, tutti zitti. Noi invece
proseguiamo a fare un po' di luce su questo personaggio tanto stimato
in certi ambienti. Lo scorso novembre Rugova, "presidente della
Kosova", e' stato protagonista di una gaffe incredibile quando ha
nominato Bob Dole console onorario della "Kosova" negli USA. Bob Dole,
lo ricordiamo, e' quel senatore statunitense a capo della lobby
antijugoslava degli USA: sostenitore di tutte le cause secessioniste,
Dole e' stato in particolare impegnato a sostegno del nazionalismo
grandealbanese attraverso il suo fido Joseph Dioguardi e la "Lega
Civica Albano-Americana" (AACL).
Nonostante tanti sforzi e tanto zelo, Rugova e' tuttora un po'
snobbato dall'establishment statunitense, che preferisce come
referente l'ala dura e militarista del nazionalismo grandealbanese,
quella cioe' di matrice UCK.

(a cura di I. Slavo)


PRISTINA,Nov7 (Beta) Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova has appointed
U.S. Senator Bob Dole an honorary representative of Kosovo in the
U.S., Rugova's office said in a Nov. 7 news release.
The statement said Rugova had bestowed upon Dole the title of
"honorary ambassador of Kosovo" in the U.S.
Dole's office, according to the statement, will represent Kosovo's
interests with the U.S. administration in Washington, the Congress,
and the American business community.

Appointment of Dole as HONORARY Kosovo representative in US is
illegal, Brayshaw

PRISTINA, Nov 12 (Tanjug) - UNMIK Deputy Chief Charles Brayshaw
reiterated on Tuesday that the Kosovo transitional institutions are
not authorized to appoint the international representatives of Kosovo.
In a letter to Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova, Brayshaw described as
illegal the recent appointment of former senator and US presidential
candidate, Bob Dole, as Kosovo's honorary representative in the United
"Based on the Constitutional Framework, Kosovo's foreign policy is
within the competences of UNMIK chief Michael Steiner," Brayshaw set
Last Thursday, the Kosovo president appointed Dole as Kosovo's
honorary representative in the United States.
Rugova described Dole as "a great friend of the Albanian people and a
fighter for the independence of Kosovo."
In his letter, Brayshaw warned Rugova that his activities in the
international sphere should be conducted in agreement with the UNMIK
chief. Commenting this, UNMIK spokeswoman Susan Manuel said that all
appointments of Kosovo's international representatives, such as
honorary ambassadors, are invalid and would not be accepted.
Manuel recalled that this is Rugova's second unsuccessful attempt to
appoint Kosovo representatives in a foreign country.
She set out that a month ago Rugova had tried to open a Kosovo office
in the Republic of Albania, but that Steiner had declared this