Il governo Djindjic alla fine di febbraio ha lanciato un nuovo
messaggio agli speculatori di tutto il mondo, affinche' si facciano
avanti con le offerte per comprarsi la Zastava - a prezzi ovviamente

Strano... In base ad un preaccordo, lo statunitense Briklin entro
questo mese di marzo dovrebbe "accattarsi" l'azienda, rilanciare la
produzione, abbattere la disoccupazione nell'area di Kragujevac...
Erano tutte balle?



Economy and privatisation ministry calls for Zastava offers

February 20, 2003

Belgrade, Feb 20, 2003 - The Serbian Ministry of Economy and
Privatisation has called on all those interested in the acquisition of
Kragujevac-based car maker Zastava to come forward with their offers.

The Ministry has also called on Canadian company YUCAN, which has
expressed interest in Zastava. Zastava's governing board had earlier
emailed the Ministry and the Privatisation Agency to inform them that
they had received an offer from YUCAN.

If any company has serious intentions in the privatisation process in
Serbia, they must contact the responsible institutions, reads a
statement by the Ministry.

If YUCAN is genuinely interested in Zastava, the Ministry and the
Agency will invite them to visit its facilities and conduct a due
diligence procedure of the company, after which time they can make a
decision on future co-operation.

In October 2002, a letter of intent was signed with American company,
Nucarco, stipulating that a final agreement had to be signed within
six months. But this pre-agreement does not prevent the Privatisation
Agency from talking with other interested parties.