On the arrests which took place on April 1st in
various countries of the European Union (EU) and in Turkey
in the framework of an action which has been improperly
defined an "operation against terrorism",
the National Coordination for Yugoslavia (Italy):

- strongly denounces the repression against one of the
historical, best known groups of the Turkish Left, the
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party - Front

- recalls that DHKP-C has always been engaged
in the rightful struggle for the freedom of the own
country and of all oppressed peoples, against fascist and
militar regimes which ruled Turkey, against secret powers
and repressive NATO structures active on that territory, against
the present islamic-prowestern regime, as well as against
the Atlantic Alliance and its terroristic policies, including the
most recent aggression to Irak and the subsequent
colonialist occupation of that country;

- underlines that in the past years DHKP-C and
other connected groups and activities have been mostly
concentrating on campaigns to support Turkish political
prisoners (victims, among others, of tortures, abuses
and murders in the jails) and their families: campaigns
which often consisted in protest actions like the Death Fast,
costing several human lives;

- stresses that this wave of arrests takes place two years
after the official ban of this organization, decided by the EU:
a shameful, unjust decision, which by itself perfectly
illustrates the true reactionary nature of the "Europe" they
want to build.

As far as the Italian scenario is concerned,
the National Coordination for Yugoslavia:

- condemns the press campaign which has been
started together with the arrests to the aim - as usual
for similar unjustified repressive actions - of
creating panic in the public opinion and difficulties
to everybody involved in international solidarity and
the struggle against imperialism, colonialism and war;

- observes that such a "noisy" involvement of the
Campo Antimperialista in this action follows months
of press campaigns which have been filled with
journalistic desinformations, both in their method as well
as in their contents. The objective is to scare and to
split the movement which has been opposing the war,
by throwing slander on those components which
expressed explicit support to the rightful Iraqi
resistance or, simply and consequently, called for
the withdrawal of all Italian troops from Iraq. To deform
and to misuse the polemic discussions which arose
within the anti-imperialist movement (also with regard
to some choices of the Campo Antimperialista), as
somebody did, is nothing but a method of strategic

The National Coordination for Yugoslavia (Italy)
appeals to all those willing to express their
opposition to the war, to take action:

- for the immediate liberation of all arrested;
- for the abolition of all antidemocratic measures taken
by UE institutions against the Turkish Left;
- for the immediate stop to any Italian involvement
in the military occupation and pillage of Iraq.

Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia, 1/4/2004