La "Albanian American Civil League" - AACL, organizzazione lobbysta
degli irredentisti pan-albanesi guidata dal senatore USA serbofobo Bob
Dole attraverso il suo fido Joseph Dioguardi - ha cambiato simbolo.
Al posto della piantina della Grande Albania - comprendente oltre al
Kosovo pezzi di Montenegro, Serbia centrale, Macedonia e Grecia - la
AACL ha adottato adesso come effige la cupola della Casa Bianca e le
aquile statunitense ed albanese.
Nuovo look, stessi progetti.

Albanian-American Lobby Gets Makeover

The Albanian-American Civic League, wich has long displayed a map of
Greater Albania on its home page, recently commissioned a makeover: now
its main page ( features a new logo: two
eagles - American and Albanian - hovering over the Capitol dome.

Obviously, displaying a map showing an Albanian nation encompassing a
large chunk of Serbia, half of Macedonia, and parts of Montenegro and
Greece was not advertising a commitment to "freedom and democracy" but
something else altogether. However, the removal of the map did not
change the content of the website, indicating that the leopard may have
changed his spots, but not his nature...

(Source: )