L'appassionato discorso all'ONU del Presidente della Bielorussia Alexander
Lukashenko. Di seguito il discorso completo, preceduto da alcuni brani tradotti
in italiano.

Quindici anni sono passati dalla fine del mio paese, l'Unione Sovietica.
Quell'evento ha drammaticamente cambiato l'ordine mondiale. L'Unione Sovietica,
nonostante gli errori e gli abbagli dei suoi leader, era una sorgente di
speranza e supporto per molti stati e popoli. L'Unione Sovietica forniva
il bilanciamento del sistema globale. Oggi il mondo è unipolare con tutte
le conseguenze che ciò comporta.
La prospera Jugoslavia è stata devastata ed è scomparsa dalla mappa dell'Europa.
L'infinitamente sofferente Afghanistan è divenuto un focolaio di conflitti
e traffico di droga. La macelleria irachena sta continuando anche oggi. Il
paese si è trasformato in una enorme fonte di instabilità per la regione.
Iran e Corea del Nord, Colombia, Cuba e gli altri stati sono continuamente
sotto tiro.
Se non ci sono conflitti, vengono inventati. Se non ci sono pretesti per
interventi, ne vengono creati di immaginari. Per questo fine una bandiera
molto conveniente è stata scelta, quella della democrazia e dei diritti umani.
E non nel loro senso originale dei diritti dei popoli e della dignità personale,
ma solamente ed esclusivamente nell'interpretazione della leadership degli
Stati Uniti.
Spiacevolmente, le Nazioni Unite, benché appartengano a noi tutti, vengono
usate come uno strumento di questa politica. Sto dicendo questo con particolare
amarezza e dolore come Presidente di una nazione co-fondatrice dell'ONU,
che ha sacrificato le vite di un terzo del proprio popolo durante la seconda
guerra mondiale per amore della nostra libertà e della libertà dell'Europa
e del mondo intero.
I leader di stati sovrani quali Jugoslavia e Iraq sono stati messi dietro
le sbarre in seguito ad accuse infondate, assurde e inverosimili. Questa
è una maniera comoda e opportuna per nascondere la verità sull'annientamento
dei loro paesi. Il processo Milosevic è divenuto una farsa da molto tempo.
Saddam Hussein è stato abbandonato alla mercè dei vincitori, come al tempo
dei barbari. Essi dovrebbero essere rilasciati per poter difendere liberamente
i loro diritti, l'onore e la dignità umana.

Dobbiamo essere consci che la diversità delle vie per giungere al progresso
è un valore duraturo della nostra civiltà, l'unico che può assicurare stabilità
in questo mondo.

Mr. President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

To have an honest look at today?s world is the reason why state leaders have
convened here at the United Nations. Together we must gain the understanding
of the main thing: do we lead our countries and the mankind along the right
path? We should answer this question for ourselves and our nations. Without
that we have no chance to get out of the deadlock that we are in.
Fifteen years have passed since the break-up of my country, the USSR. That
event dramatically changed the world order. The Soviet Union, despite all
mistakes and blunders of its leaders, was the source of hope and support
for many states and peoples. The Soviet Union provided for the balance of
the global system.
Today the world is unipolar with all the consequences stemming from this.
The once prosperous Yugoslavia was devastated and disappeared from the map
of Europe.
The long-suffering Afghanistan became a hotbed of conflicts and drugs trafficking.
A bloody slaughter in Iraq is continuing to the present day. The country
has turned into a source of instability for the vast region.
Iran and North Korea, Columbia, Cuba and other states are looked at through
gun sights.
Belarus is a nation just like the majority represented in this hall. Having
emerged from the debris of the Cold War, Belarus has managed to become a
state of advanced science and technology inhabited by ten million of highly
educated and tolerant people. The UN ranked us as a developed country with
a high level of human development.
Like you, what we need from the world is peace and stability. Nothing more.
The rest we shall create ourselves through our own efforts. My country is
free from conflicts. Different nations and nationalities peacefully coexist
in Belarus each practicing religions of their own and having their own way
of life.
We do not cause any trouble for our neighbours, do not have any territorial
claims, do not try to influence their choice of the way of development.
We gave up our nuclear arms and voluntarily relinquished the rights of a
nuclear successor to the USSR.
Today we shall sign the Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear
Terrorism. We also declare that we have decided to sign the Additional Protocol
to the Agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the International Atomic
Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty
on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
We have established a lasting and successful union with Russia as our very
close neighbour.
We build our country using our own wits and on the basis of our own traditions.
But it is obvious that this very choice of my people is not to everyone?s
pleasure. It doesn?t please those who strive to rule the unipolar world.
Wonder how?
If there are no conflicts - they are invented.
If there are no pretexts for intervention - imaginary ones are created.
To this end a very convenient banner was chosen - democracy and human rights.
And not in their original sense of the rule of people and personal dignity,
but solely and exclusively in the interpretation of the US leadership.
Has the world really become so black-and-white, deprived of its diversity
of civilizations, multicoloured traditions and ways of life meeting aspirations
of people?
Of course not! The simple thing is that it is a convenient pretext and an
instrument to control other countries.
Regrettably, the United Nations, though it belongs to us all, allows itself
to be used as a tool of such policy. I am saying this with particular bitterness
and pain as President of the country that co-founded the UN, after sacrificing
the lives of one third of its people during the Second World War for the
sake of our own freedom and the freedom of Europe and the entire world.
The Human Rights Commission keeps mechanically stamping resolutions on Belarus,
Cuba and other countries. Attempts are being made to impose such resolutions
also on the UN General Assembly.
But how can the United Nations be minding imaginary "problems" while unable
to see true disasters and catastrophes? Those which nobody other than the
UN as community of civilized nations can cope with?
Quite recently, in the room next to ours we were shown maps and graphs allegedly
depicting weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Were those weapons found?
They do not exist. In the meantime, Iraq is bleeding, devastated, people
brought to utmost despair. Terrorists are threatening to use weapons of mass
destruction against cities in Europe and America.
Has there been an open and independent trial under UN supervision of the
Guantanamo prisoners? How many of them are there and who are they?
Who will defend the rights of the Abu Graib victims and punish all of their
torturers without exception?
Afghanistan was destroyed with rockets and bombs under the pretext of finding
Bin Laden. Was the world?s "number one terrorist" captured? Where is he now?
He is at large, but Afghanistan and Iraq territories began to generate hundreds
and thousands of international terrorists.
Foreign troops occupied the independent Afghanistan but the drugs production
grew ten-fold. Did those troops enter the country for this purpose?
Today, Belarus, Tajikistan, Russia and other former Soviet states are literally
flooded with a wave of "traditional" drugs from Afghanistan meeting a wave
of previously unknown synthetic drugs from Europe.
The leaders of the sovereign states of Yugoslavia and Iraq were put behind
bars on groundless, absurd and far-fetched accusations. This was a very opportune
way to conceal the truth about annihilation of their countries.
The trial of Milosevic was made into a caricature since long ago. Saddam
Hussein was abandoned to the winner?s mercy, like in barbarian times. There
is nobody to defend their rights except the UN, their states no longer around,
They should be released to be able to defend freely their rights, honour
and human dignity.
AIDS and other diseases are ravaging Africa and Asia.
Poverty and deprivation have become a real and not a virtual weapon of mass
destruction, moreover - racially selective one.
Who will be able to stop this?
Who will insist that the United States of America put an end to its attempts
against Cuba and Venezuela? These countries will independently determine
their lives.
Trafficking in persons has become a flourishing business. Sexual slavery
of women and children are seen as a common thing, almost a norm of life.
Who will protect them and bring to justice consumers of "live commodity"?
How can this disgrace to our civilization be done away with?
This, in short, is the distressing account of the transition to the unipolar
Was it for that purpose that we established the United Nations?
Is it not high time for the UN to put an end to internal corruption scandals
and get down in deed to address anguish and misery of the world? The answer
to this question, in our view, is very clear.
We cannot bury our head in the sand like an ostrich.
In the end, the UN is us.
Therefore, it is up to us to take the destiny of the world in our own hands.
We must realize that the unipolar world is a world with a single track, a
one-dimensional world.
VALUE OF OUR CIVILIZATION, the only one that can ensure stability in this
The freedom of choice of the way of development is the main precondition
for a democratic world order. This is exactly what this Organization was
established for.
I do hope that the mighty of the world will understand this too. Otherwise,
the unipolar world will ultimately strike them back. Great American Presidents
Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, who stood at the roots of the League
of Nations and the United Nations, were conscious of that.
Should we agree between us on this principal point, then we would succeed
in implementing the principles of multipolarity, diversity and freedom of
choice both in reality and the UN documents that we must abide by. We would
protect the world from terrorism and the vulnerable, women and children,
from slavery. We would protect all those unprotected.
It is then that the UN would become the organization of the genuinely united
nations. This, and not the numerical increase of the Security Council membership,
is precisely the core of the UN reform.
I thank you.

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