From:   iacenterla @

Leftbooks Exposes the Pretext
to U.S. Wars
(check out our FREE SHIPPING offer below!)

When the U.S. with NATO committed war crimes against the people of Yugoslavia during the 78-day bombing of that country many were fooled by fabricated stories made up in the back rooms of Washington and the Pentagon. These lies resembled those used to justify wars from Vietnam to Iraq.

How can you find the real motives for U.S. war? Listen to those closest to the conflicts whose statements are censored from the corporate media. You can get that other side in the new book The Defense Speaks for History and the Future: Opening Defense Statement at the Hague by Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic. But don't just take our word for it:

The U.S./Nato Court trying Slobodan Milosevic was always totally illegitimate. It could never be taken seriously as a court of justice. Milosevic's defense is powerful, convincing, persuasive and impossible to dismiss.
- Harold Pinter, author, playwrite and winner of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Literature.

This books is a vital antidote to the dehumanizing calumny heaped on the defenders of Yugoslavia. Many misled people would benefit greatly if they gave some respectful attention to the side that tried to avoid war and save a multi-ethnic social democracy
 - Michael Parenti

The Defense Speaks for History
and the Future
Opening Defense Statement at the Hague by
President of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic
With an introduction by Ramsey Clark

In Iraq, the whole world now knows, the charge of weapons of mass destruction - WMD - was a fraud and war propaganda. How many people know that the 78-day bombing of all of Yugoslavia, based on the charge of 'mass graves' in Kosovo, was also a fraud and war propaganda - a weapon of mass deception - to justify the U.S. military and corporate takeover of the entire region. Call for special deals on bulk orders of 10 or more! Call (323) 936-5467.

Get the companion books further exposing U.S. war in Yugoslavia:

LIAR'S POKER: The Great Powers, Yugoslavia

and the Wars of the Future

by Michel Collon

How was Belgian journalist Michel Collon able to predict the wars unleashed in Yugoslavia, Macedonia and Afghanistan?

By magic powers? Or by a powerful method of analysis?

Liar's Poker illuminates the fundamental interests of the Great Powers and their strategic interests in controlling oil routes and key areas of the world. It offers the reader an efficient guide for understanding international policy for next 20 years. And the true long-term goals of these powers: dominating Russia and China.

Using a unique graphic technique on its large-size pages, Liar's Poker also offers a brilliant demonstration of media lies. How is organized disinformation used to manipulate public opinion and sell a war? The revelations are shocking. Liar's Poker is like a manual, showing step-by-step how to defend yourself from media manipulation in the future.

HIDDEN AGENDA: U.S./NATO Takeover of Yugoslavia
by Ramsey Clark and Various Authors

Confused about why the U.S. bombed Yugoslavia? That's because you never heard about the hidden agenda the dismemberment of this multiethnic country.

Washington and NATO strategists invoked humanitarian principles to justify their war. But they practiced the divide-and-conquer tactics used by empires since the days of Imperial Rome.

Behind the facade of concern for self-determination, they sliced away most of the republics of Yugoslavia, one by one, through economic pressure, political threats and, finally, outright warfare.

This book presents evidence gathered by dozens of nongovernmental hearings in 1999 and 2000 that NATO countries engaged in a decade-long conspiracy to foment war in Yugoslavia in order to split it up.

Now NATO has military bases all over the Balkans, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. They are the Roman legions for Western transnational corporations and Big Oil.

In the 40+ essays presented here, leading anti-war activists and analysts from many countries take up the Hague Tribunal, the occupation of Kosovo, media lies, war crimes and the blatant illegality of NATO aggression. Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark writes on "Blaming the victim." Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, demonized in the Western press, stands up to the NATO tribunal based in the Hague.

NATO In the Balkans: Voices of Opposition
by Ramsey Clark and Various Authors

This book, released in 1998, will give you the secret background and hidden role of the U.S. and Germany in the dismemberment of Yugoslavia.

NATO in the Balkans shows how sophisticated "Big Lie" war propaganda nearly silenced popular debate and opposition.

Authors former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Sean Gervasi, Sara Flounders, Thomas Deichmann, Gary Wilson Richard Becker and Nadja Tesich will take you through the ins and the outs, the framework and media lies that led to the series of bloody conflicts that have characterized central Europe in the last years of this century.

And, here's an essential to start off the new year of struggle:

2006 Wall Calendars
(Now Discounted!)

Certain Days:
Freedom for Political Prisoners


Today's anti-war, anti-globalization, and anti-colonial movements are rooted in the history of earlier struggles for justice, including the mass movements of the 60s and 70s. Many of the Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War featured in this calendar were organizers during that period: members of the Black Panther Party, or the American Indian Movement; Puerto Ricans fighting for their homeland, or white anti-racist allies working in solidarity with oppressed peoples. Many of the Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War featured in this calendar have been in prison SINCE THAT TIME - 30 years or more. Yet these prisoners are not relics of past movements, they are still active in their political work. Free all Political Prisoners!

Buena Vista Cuba: 2006 Wall Calendar

This beautiful calender for 2006 features scenes from Cuba

Tushita, Format: Standard Wall, Size Opened: 11.75" x 23.5" Grid Size: Small Square

Colors from Palestine: 2006 Wall Calendar

"This calendar is dedicated to the memory of Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, a Pioneer Palestinian artist (1920-1994)." --Resistance Art

Culture and art are the soul of human civilizations. Throughout history, culture and art have always been the celebration of freedom under oppression. The blooming of Palestinian culture and art under harsh and thorny conditions is a true example of the strength and defiance of the Palestinian character.

The wall calendar features 12 months each on a 2 page spread with 12 paintings from Palestinian artists. Palestinian important dates are marked on the calendar.

Resistance Art, 2007 calendar included. Size when folded 12" x 12", opened 12" x 24"

Ché Guevara: 2006 Wall Calendar

This wall calendar for 2006 features mixed media images of Ché Guevara with quotations.

Tushita, Format: Standard Wall, Size Opened: 11.75" x 23.5" Grid Size: Small Square. The pictures shown on the left are also included in the Ché Pocket Planner featured earlier.


*Purchase $50 worth of items and receive FREE SHIPPING!!! - 
*Offer expires January 17, 2006

And yes, we're open 24 hours. So, what are you waiting for? Join the on-line activist community.




Los Angeles Office:
5274 W. Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(323) 936-7266

The International Action Center (IAC) was launched in 1992
by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark and many others
who had worked together against the Gulf War. The IAC organizes
against U.S. imperialism and war abroad and fights its
reflection of racism, injustice and poverty here in the U.S.