From: icdsm-italia @...
Subject: [icdsm-italia] Belarus parliament adopts statement on
Milosevic's death
Date: April 24, 2006 9:25:46 PM GMT+02:00
To: icdsm-italia

Belarus parliament adopts statement on Milosevic's death

1. SKOJ Declaration

2. NEWS:
Russian diplomat says Hague tribunal must be disbanded by 2010
Sweden to Audit Detention Unit at UN Court for Ex-Yugoslavia
Belarus parliament adopts statement on Milosevic's death

3. J.P. Maher: How to make a non-nationalist a Serb



April 11, 2006 - The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia has now spent over one billion dollars (and the meter's
still running). As far as I can determine it has accomplished little
except insofar as it has set back the idea of impartial, rules-based
international justice by several decades. To parse out some of the
ICTY's absurdities I talked with John Laughland ( ), an extremely
intelligent and well-spoken writer from the UK. We also talk about a
few points of recent Yugoslav history. This podcast ( ) runs
about fifty minutes. Enjoy!


by N. Steijnen
Article, published, partly, in the leading Dutch newspaper NRC
Handelsblad on 16 March 2006

Convincing evidence of deliberately undermining Milosevic's health; A
failure for NATO was threatening; Charge of chasing 'a Greater Serbia'
no longer persued; Further havoc to NATO's carefully spinned
positions; Motives on NATO's side; Milosevic's determination; More
than 200 pages appeals to the tribunal to stop it to endanger his
life; Not only medical negligence; Urgent questions; Bad faith by the
trial chamber anyhow; Refusal to allow treatment in Moscow; Deliberate
delay of the release of the medical reporting - more questions;
Milosevic pointed out the existence of the report to the outside
world, not the tribunal; Not directly being poisoned doesn't mean that
Milosevic was not deliberately killed; Alarming signals in November
2002; Alarming signals in August 2004; Legal steps against the
tribunal's officials


=== 1 ===

Former president of Serbia and FR Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic is dead

Slobodan Milosevic was antiimperialist fighter. He show the world the
truth about the aggression by the western powers against Yugoslavia,
he was simbol of resistance to the new fascism.
For this crime, the Hague tribunal is directly responsible, by its
denial to allow his medical treatment in Moscow, in spite of his
critical medical condition.
We demand from the UN General Secretary to immediately suspend the
works of this criminal institution, and from the UN Security Council
we demand to abolish it.
We demand from burgeoisies pro-Western Serbian regime to immediately
cut any cooperation with the imperialist Hague tribunal.
In this hard hour we wish strength to family, the people of Yugoslavia
and all independent minds that were and will be involved in the
struggle against enslavement, shallowness and imperialist arrogance.
The guilty ones must be punished.

CC League of Yugoslav Communist Youth (SKOJ)

=== 2 ===

Itar-Tass - April 1, 2006

Russian diplomat says Hague tribunal must be disbanded by 2010

UNITED NATIONS - The Hague International Tribunal for
War Crimes in the former Yugoslavia has failed to live
up to the expectations pinned on it, since its
activity is biased and its procedures revealed an
anti-Serb accusatory tendency from the very start,
Russia's deputy ambassador to the UN, Ilya Rogachov,
told Itar-Tass Friday.
"Serbs make up 80% of people the Tribunal has made
charges against," he said.
He spoke to Itar-Tass after a UN Security Council
briefing on the conditions for convicts in
Scheveningen prison outside The Hague.
Russia requested the information on conditions there
after several cases of deaths among people under
investigation kept there, the list of which includes
former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and the
former leader of Croat Serbs, Milan Babic.
Rogachov said the UN Security Council conceived The
Hague Tribunal "as an instrument of peace settlement
in the Balkans that was supposed to scale down
tensions there."
"We can state, however, it never reduced the
tensions," he said. "On the contrary, it fanned
passions in that boiling region of the world, and
that's why it clearly failed to perform its duties."
Rogachov indicated that the Tribunal, an agency with a
huge staff of about 1,100 people, has been operating
for 13 years and its budget for 2006 and 2007 stands
at around 300 million U.S. dollars.
"That's too expensive, and its efficiency obviously
doesn't match its costs," he said.
In 2003, the UN Security Council adopted a strategy of
completion of the Tribunal's functions that envisioned
termination of all investigative actions in 2004, the
ending of first-instance trials by 2008, and reviewing
of appeals by 2010.
Rogachov said, however, top officials at the Tribunal
have demanded a revision of the strategy, saying they
cannot meat the specified deadlines.
"Russia and some other members of the Security Council
tell them it's impossible to revise that strategy, but
our position only got firmer after the incident with
Slobodan Milosevic," Rogachov said.
"We believe the Tribunal must be disbanded by 2010
regardless of whether or not the leaders of Bosnian
Serbs, Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadjic are seized
and brought to The Hague," he said.
"The conflict in the Balkans is settled now, the
passions have calmed down and there're no obstacles
towards transferring the defendants' cases to national
courts in Serbia and Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia,"
Rogachov said.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - April 1, 2006

Nouvel Observateur: Sweden to Audit Detention Unit at UN Court for

Amsterdam - The United Nations International Criminal
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) announced
that the Swedish Government has accepted its request
to conduct an independent audit of the Hague-based
court's Detention Unit, where former Yugoslavian
President Slobodan Milosevic died on March 11, French
newspaper Nouvel Observateur reports.
"The Tribunal expresses its gratitude to the Swedish
government's support", reads a statement of ICTY.
The probe will cover all areas related to the
Detention Unit's management and administration,
according to existing agreements and other
Milosevic was found dead in his cell a week after Serb
prisoner Milan Babic committed suicide in the same
The day before he died, Milosevic wrote a letter to
the Russian authorities saying Babic might have been


Sofia News Agency - April 1, 2006

Sweden Audits UN Jail after Milosevic Death

Sweden has accepted the invitation of the
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia to audit of the detention unit outside of
The Hague where Slobodan Milosevic died of a heart
attack in mid-March.
The audit will include all areas relating to the
management and administration of the unit, but it may
not extend to actual conditions of detention, overseen
by the International Committee of the Red Cross.
The former Yugoslav leader was found dead in his
prison cell at The Hague in the middle of March. He
was on trial for alleged war crimes, crimes against
humanity and genocide.
According to lawyer Zdenko Tomanovic Slobodan
Milosevic feared he was being poisoned just a day
before he died.


Interfax - April 3, 2006

Belarus parliament adopts statement on Milosevic's death

MINSK - Both chambers of the Belarussian parliament
have adopted a joint statement calling for a trial of
the judges of the International Criminal Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) who rejected a request
for treatment submitted by former Yugoslav
leader Slobodan Milosevic before his death.
"The administration of The Hague tribunal was
interested in Milosevic's death since it was not able
to prove the accusations made against him," Nikolai
Cherginets, head of the upper chamber's international
affairs and national security committee, said.
The judges'refusal to allow Milosevic to travel to
Russia for medical treatment "was an official death
sentence," he said.
The lower chamber of parliament' said in an earlier
statement that "a detailed, comprehensive and
objective international investigation" should be
conducted into the ex-Yugoslav president's death,
questioning the wisdom of the tribunal's further
The Belarussian parliament demands that "ICTY judges
who rejected Milosevic's treatment request,
effectively denying him the right to
live, be brought to justice."
"It is obvious to us that the ICTY is a politicized
body, the functioning of which is plagued by double
standards and biased decisions," the statement reads.
"Milosevic was an outstanding figure. As head of a
sovereign state, he had the right and was duty-bound
to defend his country's integrity and ensure its
security," the document reads.
"The former Yugoslavia was used as a testing ground
for methods to destroy multinational states," it


Belarus parliament blames Hague tribunal for Milosevic's death

BBC Monitoring Kiev Unit - April 3, 2006, Monday
Excerpt from report by Belarusian news agency Belapan
Source: Belapan news agency, Minsk, in Russian 1240 gmt 3 Apr 06
Copyright 2006 British Broadcasting Corporation

Minsk, 3 April: The Belarusian National Assembly's House of
Representatives [parliament's lower house] adopted a statement on the
death of the former Yugoslav president, Slobodan Milosevic, on 3 April.
Presenting the draft statement, the chairman of the Standing
Commission for International Affairs and CIS Relations, Vadzim Papow,
said that Milosevic's death on 11 March 2006 "attracted the attention
of the international community" and caused "critical assessments of
the activities by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia [ICTFY]".
The statement by the House of Representatives reads that the
international community has repeatedly drawn the ICTFY's attention to
the fact that Milosevic was suffering from a coronary heart disease
and hypertension and needed specialized cardiological treatment.
However, in January 2006, he was denied the right to go to Moscow for
treatment despite the fact that the Russian government guaranteed his
personal security and his return to the Hague. "This refusal can be
viewed only as an inhumane and harsh act which led to the tragic
result," the statement reads. (...) [agency ellipsis] "Today, the
ICTFY is trying to disclaim responsibility for the former Yugoslav
leader's death and speaks about 'care of the accused individuals'.
However, Milosevic is not the only victim of the Hague tribunal. Serbs
account for the majority of those who died or committed suicide in
connection with the legal proceedings that were considered by the
tribunal. It is evident that the ICTFY cannot guarantee life security
for the people standing trial."
Belarusian MPs described the Hague tribunal as "a politicized body,
for which double standards and bias are typical when rendering
decisions". "The tribunal acts in the interests of those who conducted
the Balkan operation. The purpose of its existence is clear - to
justify NATO's confrontation in the region and shift responsibility
for what happened on the territory of former Yugoslavia to Milosevic
and other former leaders of the country," the statement says. (...)
[agency ellipsis] "Former Yugoslavia was used to test and fine-tune a
methodology for breaking up multinational states."
The MPs also deem the existence of the Hague tribunal inexpedient and
demand that the ICTFY be disbanded and all the cases being considered
by it be transferred to national judicial authorities.
The MPs also expressed their "feeling of solidarity and support for
the Serbian people's effort to preserve integrity of their country".



The lawyers responsible for assisting Slobodan Milosevic with his
defence case prior to his death in March have written to the president
of the Hague tribunal as part of their ongoing efforts to have records
of the court's dealings with him made public.
In the latest submission, Steven Kay and Gillian Higgins urge Judge
Fausto Pocar to assign a chamber of judges to the task of considering
whether the material in question can be unsealed.
The paperwork apparently consists of pleadings and medical records
relating to the medical treatment the former Yugoslav president
received in the court's detention unit and his efforts to secure a
period of release to receive care in Moscow. Kay and Higgins say
Milosevic told them before he died that he wanted the material made
The lawyers note that when they originally considered asking the
chamber that had been hearing Milosevic's trial to release the
material, they were informed by the court's registry that following
his death, those judges no longer had anything to do with the case.
When they approached another set of judges – those responsible for
deciding whether material from the proceedings could be made available
for the purposes of an inquest and an internal inquiry – they were
again told that they were speaking to the wrong people.
Kay and Higgins are currently in the process of appealing this
decision. In their simultaneous request for Judge Pocar to assign a
chamber to resolve the issue, they argue that the matter is
"particularly pertinent" given speculation regarding the circumstances
of Milosevic's death.
Tests carried out on a blood sample taken from Milosevic earlier this
year revealed the presence of a drug which was not prescribed to him
by court doctors and which is known to counteract medicines he was
taking for high blood pressure.
Following his death, it was revealed that Milosevic had written to the
Russian authorities, expressing concern that he was being poisoned.
The possibility has also been raised (SIC) that Milosevic might have
been taking the illicit medication in an effort to manipulate his own
health and secure release from the tribunal's custody.

IWPR'S TRIBUNAL UPDATE No. 449, April 21, 2006

=== 3 ===

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fwd: how to make a non-nationalist a Serb
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 03:39:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Peter Maher

I returned from Belgrade on 23 March, where I attended a conference on
Kosovo (16-18 March) at the Serbian Academy of Arts & Scoences. After
Sloba's death on 11 March, Austrian TV faked pictures showing him with
eczema. When I saw him on 8, 9, and 10 February his color was
excellent. His mood was proud and confident, ready to give a thrashing
to the post-Orwellian Mr Nice & Co. I was there to prepare testimony
especially on the non-destruction of Dubrovnik. While I was at
Scheveningen, judge Patrick Robinson, instantaneously closed down
testimony by Eve Ann Prentice that she and a correspondent for Der
Spiegel, sitting in the waiting room for an interview with the
Islamist Bosnian President, had seen Osama bin Laden enter and be
escorted directly into the office of "our SOB" , Alija Izetbegovic.
-- Either the tame colonial boy is a quick thinker or Prentice and
Sloba were bugged by the court while preparing her testimony. He had
his instructions to throw the switch. Unless we hold a tribunal on the
Tribunal and publish our testimonies, the truth will be buried with
him. In Belgrade Sloba's body arrived from the Netherlands. I was at a
rally in front of the Parliament, where 80,000 people assembled. The
crowd was civil, disciplined, un-cowed. Peter Handke, Russian
dignitaries and Ramsey Clark delivered eulogies. Handke spoke mostly
Serbian. Anti-Milosevic "protesters" at the Square of the Republic
numbered 600, which was magnified with a zero or two by the BBC and
CNN. They show-biz American eventwas like the "spontaneous"
demonstrations in the Ukraine, Georgia etc. The props were green and
blue balloons. They must have run out of orange T-shirts. The
citizens people filing past the coffin, in a minor museum, to pay
their respects numbered 102,000. The quislings blocked a proper
funeral. The funeral at Pozarevac was huge. Proof that Milosevic was
no nationalist is that the priest (Father Filaret) who waited to
perform the Orthodox burial ceremony at the grave was prevented from
doing so, and the interment took place, against Orthodox rubrics,
after sunset. More proof: that Milosevic was no nationalist:
the casket was draped with the communist Yugoslav flag, with red
star. There was no Serb Orthodox cross for a grave marker, but the
communist pentagonal wooden slab, the "pyramid". Milosevic was an
internationalist to the end. The only reason that Milosevic is dead is
the malfeasance of the ICTY kangaroo court, with its Dutch cops and
jail, British transvestites ambulance-chasers prancing about in effete
silken robes and, as in a cheap TV docu-drama. After the dirge, the
band played the 1960s' pop song "Moscow Nights". This, I presume, was
on Mrs Milosevic's orders. A nice piece of pop music, it was not the
thing for the national moment. Milosevic's daughter castigated her
family for the whole affair. Burial in the family garden was something
for the family canary, she said. Milosevic was betrayed by quislings
and kidnapped on the Serbs' most sacred day, the anniversary of the
1389 Battle on Kosovo Polje and the 1914 assassination of the
universally unloved Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which Austria used as a
casus belli to destroy and annex Serbia. -- Hitler wrote in Mein
Kampf how relieved he was to hear it was "Slav fanatics" and not
German students who had carried out the assassination. The only
reason Milosevic was in the Hague at all is that he was a Serb. They
made him one.

j p maher


Il j'accuse di Slobodan Milosevic
di fronte al "Tribunale ad hoc" dell'Aia"
(Ed. Zambon 2005, 10 euro)

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