(english / italiano)


Koco Danaj, consigliere del primo ministro albanese Sali Berisha, ha
dichiarato ieri al quotidiano Epoka e Re che entro il 2013 tutti gli
albanesi della regione saranno riuniti in un unico Stato. Questa
Grande Albania, che Danaj definisce "naturale" al contrario degli
attuali Stati di Serbia, Macedonia e Montenegro che Danaj definisce
"non naturali", dovrà dunque comprendere pezzi di Macedonia e
Montenegro oltrechè tutto il Kosovo. Ricordiamo però che anche
l'Epiro settentrionale ("Camerija"), ora appartenente alla Grecia, è
rivendicato dagli irredentisti pan-albanesi.

Le dichiarazioni di Danaj seguono di pochi mesi quelle del Ministro
degli esteri Mustafaj (vedi JUGOINFO 17/3/2006 - http://
it.groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/4821 ) secondo cui
la secessione del Kosovo - data per scontata a causa
dell'atteggiamento neo-nazista di NATO ed UE in materia - causerà
immediatamente la messa in discussione dei confini della Repubblica
di Albania.


ADN Kronos International (Italy)
August 22, 2006


Tirana - Albanians living in the Balkan region should
unite and be integrated into a "natural Albania" by
2013, a senior Albanian official said on Tuesday.

Neighbouring Macedonia, with a 25 percent Albanian
population, is likely to be partitioned first, if its
authorities fail to honour the five-year-old Ohrid
peace agreement - which gave Albanians more autonomy
and increased their political representation - Koco
Danaj, political adviser to Albania's prime minister,
Sali Berisha, told Pristina-based Albanian language
daily Epoka e Re.

“In politics it’s easier to face the painful truth,
than the painful lies,” said Danaj. “Therefore, I
emphasise again that disrespect of the Ohrid agreement
would mean partitioning of Macedonia,” he added.

Danaj said the greatest threat to the Ohrid agreement
- which in 2001 ended ethnic Albanian rebellion in
Macedonia - to power of the nationalist VMRO-DPMNE,
the Macedonian political party that won the 5 July
general election.

VMRO-DPMNE leader, Nikola Gruevski is expected this
week to form a coalition government with the
Democratic Party of Albanians, triggering protests
from the biggest ethnic Albanian party, the Democratic
Union for Integration [KLA's/NLA's Ali Ahmeti], which
also wants to participate in the government.

With Serbia’s southern Kosovo province seeming to be
moving towards independence, Danaj said that ethnic
Albanians in Macedonia and Montenegro should also have
the right to choose with whom to live.

Instead of having Albanians participate in those
countries' governments, it would be more natural that
they had one government in the Albanian capital,
Tirana, Danaj said.

After Montenegro, with a population of 620,000, voted
for independence and separation from Serbia at a
referendum on 21 May, 500,000 ethnic Albanians in
Macedonia should have the same right, Danaj said.

Neither Serbia, nor Macedonia and Montenegro were
"natural creations," Danaj pointed out.

Giving apparent credence to the fears of Serb and
other Slav politicians in the Balkan countries that
the creation of a Greater Albania is the main threat
to the region, Danaj said all Albanians will be united
“in natural Albania” by 2013.

(Source: Rick Rozoff via stopnato @yahoogroups.com)