In merito alla intervista al leader di Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah,
da noi diffusa lo scorso 27 agosto nella versione italiana dopo che
aveva circolato per molti giorni anche nelle versioni turca, inglese
e francese, ci perviene la notizia di una smentita da parte del
responsabile stampa di Hezbollah, Hussain Rahhal, secondo il quale
"Nasrallah non ha rilasciato alcuna intervista ad alcun giornalista
turco o non-libanese durante il mese di agosto".

Diffondiamo di seguito i dettagli sulla vicenda, ancora non chiarita,
raccolti dai compagni statunitensi di Workers World.



Hezbollah denies interview

Published Sep 3, 2006 9:42 AM

Workers World newspaper's editors learned on Sept. 1 that Hussain
Rahhal, Hezbollah's press liaison, while answering a question from a
correspondent of the Anatolian Press Agency regarding an interview
purported to be with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and published
Aug. 12 in the Turkish socialist newspaper Evrensel, said: "Our
secretary general Nasrallah has not given any interviews to any
Turkish or other non-Lebanese journalist during the month of August."

Soon after it had been published in Turkish, an English translation
of the original purported interview was made available on the
Internet. On Aug. 23, Workers World published excerpts from this
text. It was also published in English by Counterpunch as well as
other publications, and translated and published in other languages.

At the time of publication, some had questioned the authenticity of
the interview. Counterpunch's Alexander Cockburn wrote a reply
defending the publication of the purported interview, citing, in
part, the lack of any denial of the interview from Nasrallah or
Hezbollah. When excerpts were published in Workers World on Aug. 23,
some 11 days after the original Turkish publication, there still had
been no public denial of the interview.

What Workers World knows of the story behind the interview comes
mostly from the newspaper Evrensel, which has been publishing for 12
years and is a respected newspaper of the Turkish left. Two Turkish
filmmakers associated with the "Sheikh Bedreddin Film Collective,"
Roza Cigdem Erdogan and Mutlu Sahin, were in Beirut making
documentary films. The two had written other newspaper reports for
Evrensel before they turned in the purported interview with Nasrallah.

Evrensel apologized to its readers and to those who republished the
text for publishing the alleged interview and demanded an explanation
from the film collective. The film collective has replied with a
statement saying they are investigating the events. There was no
immediate response from the two filmmakers who had claimed to have
done the interview.

—WW editorial board, Sept. 2

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On Aug 27, 2006, at 2:58 PM, Coord. Naz. per la Jugoslavia wrote:

> Documentazione importante sulla crisi in Medio Oriente
> 1. Incontro straordinario dei PC ad Atene, 19-20 Agosto 2006:
> Dichiarazione alla stampa
> 2. Intervista esclusiva del quotidiano turco (di sinistra) "Evrensel"
> al leader di Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah
> di MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY (Global Research)
