(srpskohrvatski / english)

Pozarevac, Mihajlo Markovic remember Milosevic

1. Celebration in Pozarevac six months after Milosevic death.
Mihajlo Markovic remembers Milosevic and severely criticizes the
present "vassal government".

2. 20. avgusta: U dvorištu porodične kuće u Požarevcu obeležen
65. rođendan osnivača SPS

=== 1 ===


In Pozarevac, Serbia on Monday, September 11th, more than 1,000
people gathered at the grave of Slobodan Milosevic, the former
Serbian and Yugoslav president, to pay tribute six months after his
death according to the rites of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Milosevic died in a cell of the detention centre of the International
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague on 11
March during his trial.


BBC Monitoring International Reports - September 8, 2006 Friday

Text of report by Serbian independent news agency FoNet

Belgrade, 8 September: Academic Mihajlo Markovic, one of the founders
of the Socialist Party of Serbia [SPS] today assessed that Serbia was
"free and honourable" during the time of [former Serbian and Yugoslav
President] Slobodan Milosevic while it was now a semi-colony "whose
government is a vassal government with each ministry populated by
foreign intelligence officers and experts who now sit there drafting
bills and passing undesirable decisions".

During a presentation of the book of documents on the funeral of
Slobodan Milosevic published by the "Sloboda" Association under the
title "Slobodan means to be free [pun]", Markovic asked if ever in
the history of Serbia some of its authorities had behaved in "such an
irrational and irresponsible manner".

"The Serb people knew what they had lost when in Belgrade and
Pozarevac they staged a magnificent farewell to the slain president,
while those who had killed him turned him into a legend who would
never be forgotten," he noted.

According to Markovic, during the time of the Milosevic
administration, Serbia was "a military power", while now the soldier
who shot down the US stealth plane during the NATO bombing "was
thrown out of the military and proceedings are being conducted
against him over some alleged offence".

Markovic emphasized that "in allegedly authoritarian times" each
citizen had an opposition paper of his or her own, they had various
radio and a television stations, whereas these days "only those in
possession of capital own and possess the media, and this cannot be
called opposition".

He assessed that with the death of Milosevic, the epoch started on 27
March 1941 [military coup against Yugoslav authorities who signed
Tripartite Pact with Nazi Germany on 25 Mar 1941] during which the
Serb people were free had ended, while now this people lived "in
servility towards the new world order".

Leaflets saying "Slobo is alive, he is not dead, as long as Serbs and
Serbia live" were distributed during the promotion.

Source: FoNet news agency, Belgrade, in Serbian 1321 gmt 8 Sep 06

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Copyright 2006 BBC Monitoring/BBC Source: Financial Times Information

Posted for Fair Use only.

=== 2 ===

U dvorištu porodične kuće u Požarevcu obeležen 65. rođendan
osnivača SPS

Na grobu Slobodana Miloševića, u dvorištu porodične kuće u
Požarevcu, 20. avgusta su funkcioneri SPS, Udruženja "Sloboda", Nove
komunističke partije Jugoslavije i brojni građani položili cveće u
znak obeležavanja njegovog 65. rođendana. Pored Miloševićeve
večne kuće juče nije bio prisutan niko od članova njegove uže
porodice iz dobro poznatih razloga.
Čast da bude prva na Miloševićevom grobu dobila je delegacija
Udruženja "Sloboda", predvođena Bogoljubom Bjelicom, koja je u
dvorište ušla sa zastavom udruženja i transparentima sa slikom
Posle njih, cveće su na grob položili potpredsednik SPS Milorad
Vučelić, generalni sekretar Zoran Anđelković, Milutin Mrkonjić,
Bojan Kekić, Siniša Vučinić, Aleksandar Vulin i Uroš Šuvaković,
kao i lider Srpske partije socijalista Siniša Vučinić i lider Nove
Komunističke partije Jugoslavije Branko Kitanović.
Skupu nisu prisustvovali šef poslaničkog kluba SPS Ivica Dačić,
niti bilo ko od predstavnika Srpske radikalne stranke.
Cveće na Miloševićev grob položili su i predstavnici Opštinskog i
Okružnog odbora SPS, sa čelnim ljudima Miomirom Ilićem i Miletićem
Mihailovićem, u društvu predsednika opštine Dušana Vujičića i
njegovog zamenika Zvonka Blagojevića. Osim političkih i opštinskih
funkcionera, grob su obišli i građani iz nekoliko gradova Srbije i
Crne Gore.
Jedan od najvernijih Miloševićevih poštovalaca Uroš Šuvaković
ocenio da su "oni koji su namerno ubili Miloševića" zaboravili da su
fizičkom likvidacijom njemu samo podigli najlepši spomenik.
„Miloševićeve ideje se ne mogu ubiti i one će voditi Srbiju
boljem i srećnijem životu, jedinstvenoj zemlji, koja neće klečati
i moliti po evropskim foajeima za prijem, već će nju morati da mole
da uđe u evropske integracione procese“ - uveren je Šuvaković.

20. avgust 2006. god.