(francais / english)

Anti-NATO and anti-fascist struggles in Ukraine





Lancement d'une campagne baptisée "Crimée, base avancée anti-OTAN"

10:45 | 12/ 10/ 2006

KIEV, 12 octobre - RIA Novosti. Le comité de Crimée du Parti
communiste d'Ukraine a décidé de lancer à partir du 12 octobre une
campagne durable sous la devise "Crimée, base avancée anti-OTAN", a
annoncé jeudi le service de presse du comité régional du parti.

"Dans le cadre d'une action anti-OTAN durable, une cité de toile
équipée de tout le matériel nécessaire au travail d'explication et de
propagande sera installée demain sur la place principale de
Simferopol," a expliqué le porte-parole du comité régional.

Les manifestants veulent obtenir des autorités de la Crimée
l'organisation d'un référendum consultatif sur l'attitude de la
population de la presqu'île envers le rattachement de l'Ukraine à
l'OTAN, selon la même source.

Au mois de septembre dernier, un groupe de députés du parlement
criméen, communistes dans leur majorité, ont pris l'initiative
d'organiser un référendum sur l'OTAN. Ils ont préparé un projet de
résolution du Conseil suprême de l'autonomie criméenne soulignant,
entre autres, que "les événements qui ont eu lieu cet été à Feodossia
ont traduit clairement la position de la population de la Crimée qui
s'oppose à la politique pro-otanienne que le président ukrainien
Viktor Iouchtchenko cherche à imposer au pays".

Lundi dernier, le représentant du président ukrainien en Crimée a
déclaré que les résultats d'un référendum dans la presqu'île sur
l'adhésion à l'Alliance atlantique n'auraient aucune force juridique.

En mai dernier, le cargo "Advantage", de l'US Navy, avait débarqué
dans le port de Feodossia du matériel et des armements pour des
exercices militaires internationaux sous l'égide de l'OTAN, ce qui
avait provoqué une vague de protestations des habitants de la
presqu'île et d'une série d'organisations socio-politiques ukrainiennes.



Itar-Tass - October 14, 2006

Up to 5,000 block Kiev central street to prevent
nationalists' march

KIEV - People protesting against the planned march of
Ukrainian nationalists have blocked Kreshchatik.

Up to 5,000 representatives of the Communist Party,
Progressive Socialists and the Russian Community of
Ukraine have blocked Kiev's main street, thus
preventing supporters of the Ukrainian Bandera rebel
army and its veterans from marching there to mark the
64th anniversary since the formation of the army.

A column of about 2,000 Bandera supporters under
black-and-red and yellow flags was moving to Bogdan
Khmelnitsky Square, according to reports from Kiev.

The Russian Community's leader Konstantin Shurov told
Itar-Tass that "the fascist toadies" would not be let
go along Kreshchatik.

Special police units have blocked the city's entire
central part. Police try to prevent clashes. Such
clashes took place in Ukraine last year.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko
congratulated members of "the Ukrainian liberation
movement" in connection with the 64th anniversary
since the formation of the rebel army.

In his greeting address, Yushchenko said that tens of
thousands of participants of the national liberation
movement during World War II "accomplished heroic
feats defending independence of Ukraine. Among them
were members of the Ukrainian rebel army, who went to
fight with slogans "Freedom or Death" and gave their
life for the motherland."

Yushchenko said the army's glory was a legend written
down with golden letters in the state history and will
remain in the people's memory. He wished veterans of
the army good health and happy long life.

October 14, 2006

Police in Kiev try to prevent clashes, central part

KIEV - Special police units blocked all accesses to
Kreshchatik and Independence Square in central Kiev on
Saturday morning.

Kiev authorities and police have taken the measures in
response to the attempt of various political forces to
stage mass actions on Saturday.

Bandera veterans and their young supporters have
planned a march along Kreshchatik to mark the 64th
anniversary since the formation of the Ukrainian rebel

The left forces - the Communist Party and Progressive
Socialists - organise their action to mark the 60th
anniversary of the Nuremberg international tribunal
that convicted prime Nazi criminals and their

The places of deployment of demonstrators on the
opposite sides of Kreshchatik are divided by lines of
metal shields and members of special police units. The
Bandera camp is at Independence Square, and the left
have gathered at Bessarabskaya Square.

A Kiev district court, meeting the appeal of the
city's authorities, late on Friday banned mass actions
at Kreshchatik and Independence Square.

About 4,000 policemen are on duty to ensure order and
security in Kiev.

Last year, similar actions ended with clashes.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian presidential secretariat
prepares a presidential decree to declare Ukrainian
revel army members fighters for independence of
Ukraine in World War II, presidential adviser for
political issues Taras Stetskiv said on Friday.

Six western regions have declared rebel army members
fighters for Ukrainian independence.

The army was formed in late 1942 by a faction of the
Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists, the leader of
which was Stepan Bandera who was in a concentration
camp at the time. The army fought against Germans as
well as against the Polish army, the Red Army and
Soviet partisans in western Ukraine.



Channel 5 (Ukraine) - October 13, 2006

Yushchenko ready to use veto power on NATO issues – Hrytsenko

At an international conference on issues facing
Ukraine as it seeks a NATO Membership Action Plan,
Defense Minister Anatoliy Hrytsenko announced
President Yushchenko’s willingness to exercise his
veto power if the new Ukrainian government tries to
sway Ukraine from its Europe-oriented path.

On October 10, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych
recommended that within the next two weeks Cabmin
[cabinet of ministers] revise a law concerning
Ukraine’s foreign and domestic policy.

Hrytsenko said if someone tries to introduce a law
which diverges from the pre-election program of
President Yushchenko, it has no chance of being passed
because it will be vetoed.