(italiano / francais / english)

KSM is illegalized! Anticommunist decision of Czech government


Notizie gravissime dalla Repubblica Ceca: il Ministero dell'Interno ha ordinato lo scioglimento della Gioventù Comunista (KSM), nonostante la campagna internazionale di solidarietà che nei mesi scorsi era stata animata contro la repressione politico-ideologica dei comunisti in questo paese, che oggi fa parte dell'Unione Europea e della NATO.


From: "Radim Gonda" 
Date: October 16, 2006 10:40:33 PM GMT+02:00
To: Komunistický svaz mládeže 
Subject: KSM is illegalized! Anticommunist decision of Czech government.

Dear Comrades,
Today we have received a decision of Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic that makes the Communist Youth Union (KSM) officially dissolved. In attachement you find more information.
We ask you kindly for futher solidarity.
Comradely yours
International Department of the KSM



Politickych veznu 9
111 21 Prague 1
Czech Republic


fax: +420 222 897 449 
tel: +420 222 897 403


October 16, 2006

Dear Comrades,

The Communist Youth Union (KSM) in the Czech Republic has been officially dissolved by the state power on October 12, 2006. 

On October 16, 2006 the KSM has received a letter from the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic that announces that the Ministry of Interior finally dissolved the KSM. It happened in spite of a large campaign against the danger of illegalization of the organization of young communists in the Czech Republic. 

Thousands of citizens of the Czech Republic signed a petition against the endeavour of the Ministry of Interior to make the KSM illegal. The protest against the illegalization of the KSM was in the Czech Republic expressed for example by organization of former antifascist fighters, student organizations, political parties and civic associations. A great resistance was provoked by the endeavour of the Ministry of Interior to make the KSM illegal abroad. Hundreds of significant youth and student organizations, trade unions and political parties together with thousands of people protested at the Ministry of Interior and embassies of the Czech Republic in their countries. The solidarity with the KSM was expressed by a large number of members of parliaments, famous intellectuals and personalities like Nobel Prize winner Dario Fo, leader of zapatistas Marcos or singer Bono Vox from U2. Demonstrations in support of the KSM were organized in front of embassies of the Czech Republic in many countries of the world. World Federation of Democratic Youth initiated an International day of solidarity with the KSM on February 27, 2006.       

The Ministry of Interior originally impugned the status of the KSM as a civic association under pretext that the goals of KSM´s activity interfered with an area restricted to activities of political parties. The Ministry of Interior further stated that behaviour of the KSM was illegal because it was based on theoretical basis in Marx, Engels and Lenin and on proclaimed necessity of socialist revolution.

Nevertheless, the Ministry of Interior did not use any of those arguments for the dissolution of the KSM. The only reason that has led officially to the dissolution of the KSM is that the KSM reflects in its Program necessity of replacing of the private ownership of means of production with collective ownership of means of production. 

The KSM in spite of its official dissolution by the state power is going to carry on the struggle for the rights of majority of young people - students, young workers and unemployed – and for socialism! The KSM is going to challenge the decision of the Ministry of Interior in court. 

The illegalization of the KSM was committed in the atmosphere of militant anticommunist witch-hunt, various anticommunist campaigns and attacks and new calls for the criminalization of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM). The decision of the Ministry of Interior was realized only one week before local and Senate elections in which the KSCM participates.  

Dear comrades and friends,

It is necessary to stand up internationally against this illegalization and criminalization of the communist movement in the Czech Republic. We ask you therefore to express your solidarity with the KSM and to protest against this unprecedented move of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic at the embassies of the Czech Republic in your countries. Their addresses are on the following internet page: 

We ask you simultaneously to inform us about your activities on our e-mail: international@... or on fax: ++420 222 897 449. 

You may also sign following petitions: http://4ksm.kke.gr (initiated by the Communist Party of Greece), http://wfdy-ksm.kne.gr (initiated by the World Federation of Democratic Youth).

We ask you for publishing this information about antidemocratic act of the Czech state power in the media in your countries.

We ask you also for any other kind of solidarity.

With your international support it is possible and it is vital to defeat all the anticommunist and antidemocratic attacks!

Long live international solidarity! 

International Department
Communist Youth Union (KSM)


Si risvegliano in Europa i mostri dell’anticomunismo

Nella Repubblica Ceca, il governo ha messo fuorilegge l’organizzazione comunista giovanile
Solidarietà con l'Unione dei Giovani Comunisti


Comunicato stampa della Rete dei Comunisti


Quattro giorni fa, il Ministero dell’Interno della Repubblica Ceca, ha reso operativo il decreto legge con cui veniva richiesta la messa fuorilegge dell’Unione dei Giovani Comunisti, l’organizzazione giovanile del Partito Comunista di Boemia e Moravia, che rappresenta la terza forza politica del paese. Il 16 ottobre, i rappresentanti dell’organizzazione hanno ricevuto una lettera  del Ministero dell’Interno con cui se ne decreta lo scioglimento.
Una petizione che chiedeva di non procedere alla messa fuorilegge della Unione dei Giovani Comunisti, aveva raccolto migliaia di firme in tutto il paese, mentre appelli e manifestazioni contro l’illegalizzazione erano cresciuti nei mesi scorsi in molti paesi del mondo ed anche in Italia, dove a febbraio – insieme ad altre forze della sinistra – avevamo tenuto una apposita manifestazione davanti  all’ambasciata della Repubblica Ceca. Tra i firmatari dell’appello vi erano il Premio Nobel italiano Dario Fo, il sub comandante Marcos e il musicista Bono.
Il governo della Repubblica Ceca ha deciso di sciogliere l’Unione dei Giovani Comunisti, perché tra i suoi riferimenti teorici ci sono le opere di Marx, Engels, Lenin e perché proclamava la necessità della rivoluzione socialista. Si tratta di una messa fuorilegge di tesi politiche che sono dentra la storia dell’umanità e delle ambizioni al progresso sociale.
La sfida si sposta adesso nei tribunali presso cui l’UGC intende presentare ricorso contro il governo.
Ma la messa fuorilegge dell’UGC indica una atmosfera molto pericolosa e un rigurgito anticomunista nella Repubblica Ceca che può minacciare l’illegalizzazione dello stesso Partito Comunista di Boemia e Moravia. La decisione del Ministero degli Interni arriva ad una settimana di distanza dalle elezioni per il Senato alle quali il PCBM partecipa con i propri candidati.


Esprimiamo la nostra piena solidarietà con l’Unione dei Giovani Comunisti della Repubblica Ceca ma lanciamo anche un serio allarme sui tentativi di mettere fuorilegge le organizzazioni e il pensiero comunista nel cuore dell’Unione Europea. E’ bene che i partiti della sinistra, anche nel nostro paese, non sottovalutino ancora a lungo il risveglio dei mostri dell’anticomunismo.


Roma, 16 ottobre


p. La Rete dei Comunisti
Mimmo Provenzano
(responsabile relazioni internazionali)


7 Bloom Lane, Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 1





17th October 2006



Embassy Czech Republic.
Dublin 2.






Dear Ambassador.


We have just received information that your government has banned the Communist Youth Union (KSM) on the 16th October.  This is a grave attack upon democracy and the freedom of speech and assembly in the Czech Republic.    Surely this is somewhat hypocritical as these where the corner stones of the much proclaimed "velvet revolution."  


We have informed the Irish public, public representatives, trade unions and youth and student organisations of this action by your government in relation to this banning.   Further, we have written to all Irish MEP's requesting that they take up this matter at a European level. 


We request that you forward this letter to your government and inform them of our protest at the banning of the Communist Youth Union we view this act as a grave attack on freedom of assembly and free speech.


Many governments have attempted to ban workers organisations in the past all have failed as surely this banning will fail. It will not  break the resistance of Czech communists in their struggle in the defence of Czech workers.


Standing up for freedom of speech and assembly.



Eugene Mc Cartan
General Secretary




Les camarades de la JCT (KSM) nous informent que l'Etat "démocratique" tchèque vient de dissoudre leur organisation malgré la campagne internationale de solidarité avec les jeunes communistes tchèques. Cela en dit long sur la prétendue "révolution de velours antitotalitaire" à Prague; il s'agit bel et bien d'une contre-révolution de plus en plus ouvertement fascisante qui utilise des moyens dictatoriaux, dans le silence complice des grands "démocrates occidentaux", pour se débarrasser de ceux qui résistent au nouvel Empire européen et à la restauration de l'exploitation capitaliste à Prague. Cette décision s'inscrit dans la campagne euromaccarthyste ouverte par l'adoption du rapport Lindblad par le conseil de l'Europe, qui tend à criminaliser le communisme à l'égal du nazisme en diabolisant le premier et en banalisant le second au mépris des immenses sacrifices consentis par l'URSS et par les résistants communistes pour abattre le monstre fasciste. Le PRCF appelle les démocrates de France à condamner cette décision et à soutenir les jeunes communistes tchèques qui ne vont certainement pas rester inactifs face à cette mesure scélérate tournée contre la classe ouvrière de toute l'Union européenne.

Plus que jamais, il est impossible de se leurrer sur la possibilité de "réorienter" l'UE vers "l'Europe sociale". Il faut sortir la France de cet Empire fascisant, anticommuniste, antiouvrier et dangereux pour la paix et les libertés!

Communistes, démocrates de tous les pays, unissons-nous! travaillons à la reconstitution du Front anti-impérialiste mondial et du Mouvement communiste inter, détruits par l'opportunisme et par la trahison gorbatchévienne!

Daniel Antonini
Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France