Arruolato come spia per conto dell'MI5 britannico, il signor Stankovic, serbo di Croazia, è adesso sotto processo in Inghilterra per non aver ottemperato all'ordine di interrompere qualsiasi contatto con i rappresentanti del suo popolo. Rischia di dover pagare una multa di 500mila sterline.

Former major faces huge bill for failed action

Posted by: "Tim Fenton" 

Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:54 pm (PST)

Some might argue that having acted against the interests of his 
ancestral people he deserves little sympathy. But I prefer to see him 
(as so many of the Serbian diaspora I have met) as fiercely loyal and 
honourable to his adopted home despite their ingratitude, ignorance 
and perfidious sympathies. He is the victim of anti-Serbian hysteria 
which still retains its grip in Britain as well as elsewhere...

If you need reminding of the details, they were given in the House of 

Former major faces huge bill for failed action

Richard Norton-Taylor
Saturday November 10, 2007
The Guardian

A decorated former army officer hailed as a hero for his humanitarian 
work in Bosnia faces a huge legal bill after losing an action for 
damages over his arrest for spying.

Milos Stankovic, who conducted secret talks with Bosnian Serb leaders 
on behalf of Britain and the UN, sued the Ministry of Defence police 
for misconduct, malice, false imprisonment, and negligence. High 
court judge Mr Justice Saunders yesterday described Mr Stankovic as a 
"courageous and resourceful" man who had "suffered the effects of his 
time there more than most". He called the case "very tragic".

Article continues

The judge added: "On a number of occasions, Major Stankovic showed 
considerable heroism in carrying out humanitarian acts in Bosnia 
which had to be conducted in secrecy. These included the rescue of a 
Muslim woman at considerable risk to himself and he was involved in 
an operation called 'Schindler's List' which re-united Bosnians with 
their families."

However, the judge said that though Mr Stankovic was innocent, it was 
understandable that he aroused the suspicions of MI5 and then the 
police. He had brought back confidential papers about his dealings 
with Bosnian Serbs and had maintained informal contact with them, 
despite being told not to.

The judge dismissed his claim against the MoD and police for damages, 
though he said the only thing the army officer had been proved to 
have done wrong was to disobey one direct order.

Mr Stankovic, 44, from Surrey, was a Serbo-Croat interpreter and 
liaison officer with the Bosnian Serbs for senior British army 
officers. He had talks with General Ratko Mladic, commander of the 
Bosnian Serb army, and with aides to Radovan Karadzic, the Bosnian 
Serb leader, both now indicted for war crimes.

The former officer now faces a legal bill unofficially estimated at 
up to £500,000. He had earlier refused an offer of £100,000 to settle 
the case.