Il partito marxista cingalese JVP ha proposto una serie di provvedimenti per trasformare in senso plurinazionale e laico lo Stato dello Sri Lanka e per risolvere il dramma dei profughi Tamil, garantendo pari diritti a tutte le componenti linguistico-religiose e ripristinando la pacifica convivenza nel paese. Gli emendamenti alla Costituzione e gli altri provvedimenti proposti sono ispirati ai principi internazionalisti della fratellanza ed unità e si discostano quindi radicalmente sia dall'atteggiamento conservatore e militarista dell'attuale governo del paese, sia dai criteri usati dagli occidentali, tutti mirati alla etnicizzazione, divisione e tribalizzazione nei rapporti politico-sociali in Asia come altrove. (a cura di IS)

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Oggetto: JVP proposes practical initiative to minimize issues of Tamil masses

Data: 16 luglio 2009 16:15:52 GMT+02:00

JVP proposes practical initiative to minimize issues of Tamil masses

Wednesday, 15 July 2009 23:26

A practical programme to minimize the issues and difficulties confronted by the Tamils in Sri Lanka and to build national unity was presented to the government by the JVP.
The programme was presented to the media by the Leader of the JVP Somawansa Amarasinghe  at  a media meeting held at ‘Mahagedera,’ the Head Office of the JVP at Pelawatta today (15th). The media meeting was also attended by General Secretary of the JVP Tilvin Silva, Parliamentarian Anura Dissanayake and Deputy Chairman of Committees of  Parliament Ramalingam Chandrasekar.
The full text of the programme presented by the JVP is as follows:
The only wish of the Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, Burgher and Malay citizens of this country is to build the future of Sri Lanka when separatist terrorism has been defeated and the country is at a decisive juncture. In directing the country towards this noble task the most essential and foremost task is to build national unity. In building national unity it is essential to comprehend the national question and find correct solutions. We have to overcome this challenge by defeating communalism and separatism. To completely resolve the national question it is necessary to establish genuine democracy and remove socio-economic inequality among various communities. This may not be a challenge capitalist rulers could overcome. However, at this moment, when separatist terrorism has been defeated, an environment has been created to implement several essential introductory measures that these rulers cannot evade. We present here several immediate introductory practical steps that could be taken to build trust among different nationalities in Sri Lanka.

  1. As conferring privileges to one language in a multi-national state where several communities that speak several languages live would bring about differences and pressure on communities the clauses in the Constitution regarding languages should be amended and Sinhalese, Tamil and English should be pronounced as national languages. All three languages should be given equal status. To practically implement these rights immediately,  
I.              All circulars, documents that contain laws, regulations and resolutions of the government should be made available in Sinhalese and Tamil.  
II.            Displaying all notice boards and notices  in government offices, name boards of public roads, public vehicles and public places  in Tamil Language too should be made compulsory.
III.           Recruiting those with competence in Tamil to serve in state institutions should be expedited and priority should be given to such recruitments in areas where there is a Tamil speaking majority.   
IV.          Measures should be taken to hold seminars, lectures held for the public by various state institutions in Tamil as well.
V.           Steps should be taken to fulfill practical needs that is required for citizens to have education in their mother tongue in any educational institute.

  1. To normalize the living conditions of masses who were tormented by the war that continued for nearly three decades
I.              The ‘Task force to redevelop the Northern and Eastern Provinces’ consisting of representatives from all political parties that represent Parliament should be appointed immediately.
II.            All people’s representatives that represent Parliament should be given opportunity  to visit IDP camps, review their needs and find suitable solutions.
III.           A ‘programme of voluntary participation’ for redevelopment of the Northern and Eastern Provinces should be implemented.  
IV.          A reasonable compensation should be paid to all those families whose members lost their lives due to the war and special emphasis should be drawn to improve the standard of  life of those including widows who were tormented by the war in the North and the East.
V.           A special programme should be implemented for the old who have lost their relatives and orphans.
VI.          Steps should be taken to draw up a ‘National Defense Plan’ and remove, in several stages, the ‘High Security Zones’ that are a hindrance to daily livelihood and economic activities.
VII.          All armed groups that are still active in the North and the East in a manner that obstructs establishing democracy in those areas should be completely disarmed.
VIII.        A secretariat to collect data regarding all those citizens who were driven away from the North and the East should be implemented immediately in order to resettle them and a complete report should be submitted.
IX.          Financial and physical resources should be made available specially to areas that were battered by the war and also areas that suffer from poverty.   
X.           A general procedure should be followed that would not harm the dignity of residents when people are registered by police stations for security reasons.

  1. Considering the issue of the internally displaced due to the war as the main issue nationally and in order to give priority in its mediation,
I.              Steps should be taken to fulfill their basic needs and register them at least within 6 months
II.            A special mediation should be made to make available water, food, health and sanitary facilities in IDP camps that are being maintained and human resources including doctors, nurses and funds on par with the numbers in the camps and their needs should be made available with the understanding of the abovementioned “Council of Task Force. ’    
III.           Members of the same families who are detained in different camps should be united in one camp until they are resettled.
IV.          The mental environment and practical needs of the more than 50,000 students should be promptly made available and those students who sat the GCE A/L examination this year should be given an extra opportunity.
V.           A report containing all particulars of those who have been apprehended and surrendered due to terrorist war should be presented to the Parliament.
VI.          The fundamental rights of the people in IDP camps and also after they are resettled should be protected according to human rights regulations found in the Constitution.   

  1. In order to abolish enmity among nationalities and develop friendship and in order to protect their general rights,
I.              A mediation should be made to elevate cultural components of exclusive literary and aesthetic fields of Tamil and Muslim people to national level
II.            Broaden the radio and TV medium maintained in Tamil  
III.           Commencing, as an introductory measure, at least one bi-lingual school in Divisional Secretariat areas where the main nationalities live in large numbers
IV.           Establish a national centre and its branches in Divisional Secretariat areas to report injustices and unequal treatment based on nationality, religion and language and find solace to those victims in order to halt such injustices and unequal treatment.
V.           Implementing a special project to expedite the issue of birth certificates, identity cards of Tamil citizens required to confirm their citizenship
VI.          Establishing a   ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ to examine injustices that have occurred to various communities, study and propose measures to abolish animosity and distrust among various communities.  
Political Bureau,
Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna.