(english / italiano / romanes)

2 August: International Remembrance Day of Roma Victims of the Pharraimos

1) EUROPEAN UNION: 2 August 2009 Roma, Sinti victims of Holocaust remembered

Giorno Internazionale del Ricordo delle Vittime Rom del Porraimos (Olocausto) /
International Remembrance Day of Roma Victims of the Pharraimos (Holocaust) /
Internacijonalno Djes le Murdarde Romenge ando Pharraimos (Holocaust) 
+ links

3) Roma seek recognition at Holocaust conference

=== 1 ===

EUROPEAN UNION: 2 August 2009 Roma, Sinti victims of Holocaust remembered

The annual international day of commemoration for the Sinti and Roma victims of the Nazi Holocaust is a reminder each year that an estimated half-million of Europe's largest minority, often referred to as "gypsies," were killed in Nazi death camps in WWII. The day is marked with wreath layings in Roma-Sinti communities throughout the European Union, and 2 Aug might see the dedication of a Roma and Sinti Holocaust memorial in Berlin.

Ground was broken for the memorial in Dec 2008 after years of wrangling. Memorials to Jewish and homosexual victims have been erected in Berlin. The funding and location of the Roma-Sinti memorial was agreed in 2005, but disputes over the wording in the inscription are among issues that have delayed construction. Israeli sculptor-architect Dani Karavanwill won the contract to build the monument, which will be erected in Berlin's Tiergarten park close to the federal parliament, or Reichstag. It will be an obelisk mounted on top of a contemporary fountain.

The Nazis set up the "Gypsy Family Camp" at the Auschwitz-Birkenau site at the end of Feb 1943 and transported Sinti and Roma from 14 occupied countries there. During the night of 2-3 Aug 1944, the final 2,900 prisoners in the camp were killed upon the orders of SS head Heinrich Himmler.

Read more on http://www.newsahead.com/preview/2009/08/02/european-union-2-august-2009-roma-sinti-victims-of-holocaust-remembered/index.php

=== 2 ===


Giorno Internazionale del Ricordo delle Vittime Rom del Porraimos (Olocausto)

Quest'anno il 2 agosto diverrà il Giorno Internazionale del Ricordo delle Vittime Rom del Porraimos (Olocausto). Il2 agosto 1944 oltre 3.000 Rom e Sinti ad Auschwitz-Birkenau furono gasati e poi cremati.

Questo giorno di azione è stato suggerito dal Congresso Nazionale Rom e dall'Unione Internazionale Rom, da un'udienza del Forum Rom e Viaggianti Europei nel Consiglio d'Europa, tenutasi a Strasburgo il 29 giugno 2009. E' stata adottata da tutti i partecipanti all'iniziativa "Assieme contro l'Antiziganismo in Europa", che suggeriscono il 2 agosto alle ore 12.00 di scendere per cinque minuti nelle strade, ovunque in Europa, e farsi vedere con una candela accesa pregando per i morti.


Quest'anno il Giorno del Ricordo sarà dedicato ai bambini Rom e Sinti che hanno subito abusi o sono stati uccisi in Europa.



International Remembrance Day of Roma Victims of the Pharraimos (Holocaust) 

This year August the 2nd will be committed to a International Remembrance Day of Roma Victims of the Pharraimos (Holocaust). The second of August was the Day in 1944 where more than 3000 Roma und Sinti in Auschwitz-Birkenau, have been gassed and gone through the fire. 
This action day was suggested by the Roma National Congress and the International Romani Union, on a Hearing of the European Roma and Travellers Forum in the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg on June the 29th 2009. It was adopted by all participants. The Participants of the Hearing “Together against the Antiziganism in Europe” suggested 

On August the 2nd at 12:00 h 

To go for five minutes on the Streets, everywhere in Europe, to be seen, to pray for the murded, to lit a candle on the street, 


This year the Remembrance Day will be on the abused and killed Roma and Sinti children in Europe. 

Auschwitz Birkenauen – BII – Zigeuner Familienlager – Gypsy Family Concentration Camp

August the 2nd 1944

In this night 2885 – 6000 Roma and Sinti, mainly women and children where gassed.  Jewish Survivours reported that the crematory burned the whole night.  “It stayed bright the whole night because of the burning crematories”.

A surviving Jew said „The Women were fighting for the life of their children, even a couple of SS-people got injured by the Roma Women“. It was also a Day orebellion, that’s sadly ended in  Gas chambers and crematory.

On August 3rd, Ausschwitz – Birkenau was „Zigeunerfrei“  (Free of Gypsies)

RIP Robby und Robby

In February Robert Czorba (28) and his son Robert Czorba (4), fled their house that was set on fire by a Molotov cocktail, during fleeing the burning house, a Murder Commando dressed in Police uniform shot them dead with Shot Guns.

In the past nine month, 73 violent attacks has been reported towards Roma in Hungary, the dark figure will be much higher. It seems that the Attacks were performed by well trained Hungarian security forces.



Internacijonalno Djes le Murdarde Romenge ando Pharraimos (Holocaust) 

Kado bersh po 2.to Augusto avela o Internacijonalno Djes le Murdarde Romenge ando Pharraimos (Holocaust). O Dujto Augusto sas o djes ando 1944 bersh kaj maj but sar 3.000 Rom thaj Sintura sas murdarde ando Ausschwitz-Birkenau, kothe von sas bishade ando Gaso thaj pala kodo pabarde. Kerde ande amare manush Pharra. 
Kado djes pe Akcija sas akardo kathar o Roma National Congress thaj e Intrenational Romani Union, pe jekh hearingo kaj akardas o European Roma and Travellers Forum, ando Konzilo la Europako ando Strasurgo po 29. Juni 2009. Sa e participantura pende mishto pe kadi Akcija. E paritcipantura po kidipe “Khetane kontra/mamuj o Antiziganismo ande Europa” dine suggestija 

Po Dujto August kal 12:00 chasura 

Te djal pe avri pe Droma pe 5 minuti, te sikadjuvas, te mangas amen anda e Mule, te aven Jerthe, te pabaras lenge jekh momeli po drom, 


Kado bersh o djes, Djes le Murdarde Romenge ando Pharraimos avela spezialno le Romane chavorenge kaj keren lenge bislashimo thaj mudaren len ando Europa. 


Auschwitz Birkenauen – BII – Zigeuner Familienlager – Lageri pe Romane Familije

2. Augusto 1944

Ande kadi rachi 2885 - 6000 Roma thaj Sinti, maij but djuvla thaj savore sas bishade ando Gaso.  Bibolde penenas ke e Krematorije pabonas interego rachi.  “Chi kerdjilas tumneriko kadirachi pe pabarenas le manushen”.

Jekh aver bilboldo pendas “E djuvla marenas pe le SS-ovcenca anda trajo/djivipe peske chavorengo”.

Kado sas vi jekh djes la Rebellijake, kaj getajlas kaj areslas noma ando Gaso.

Po 3.to Augusto, Ausschwitz – Birkenau sas „Zigeunerfrei“  (Bi-Romengo)

Te aven Jerthe, Robby thaj Robby

Ando Februaro  Robert Czorba (28) thaj lesko chavo Robert Czorba (4), nashle anda kher kaj sas jagh dino, kana nashle anda kher, angla Vudar sas Gdaje urade sas Policija von dine le pushke angla lengo kher.

Ande kadala enja chon, 73 attaki sas kerde pe Rom ando Ungro, avena inke maj but attaki noma naj registracija pa lende. Dichol sar kadala attaki pe Roma sas kerdine kathar mishto sicharde Gadje.



Video Message on the http://www.facebook.com/l/;02.08.2009: Rudko Kawczynski - European Roma and Travellers Forum

Please join http://www.020809.ning.com and let us know what you are planning for the August 2nd 2009 - 12:00h


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=== 3 ===

Roma seek recognition at Holocaust conference

6/29/2009, 3:18 p.m. ET
The Associated Press

(AP) — PRAGUE - Gypsies attending an international conference on the Holocaust said Monday the suffering they endured at the hands of Nazis during World War II has never been fully recognized.

"We are still fighting for the recognition of the genocide of the Roma population during the war," said Cenek Ruzicka, a prominent Gypsy leader. The nomadic Caucasoid people found throughout the world also are known as Roma.

"The Romani Holocaust still has to be studied," said Ruzicka, who wants the Czech government to create a fund that would finance research of Roma suffering and properly compensate the few survivors still alive today.

Jan Istvan is one of them.

In December of 1942, he escaped from a place where the Nazis herded Czech Gypsies before transporting them to death camps. He was lucky and made it out alive. His parents and six siblings died.

"Nobody survived," the 88-year-old told The Associated Press in a recent interview.

Up to half a million European Gypsies, also known as Roma, are believed to have died at the hands of the Nazis during the Second World War-along with 6 million Jews. Others were sterilized or subjected to grisly experiments.

It is a little-explored and tragic part of history that many experts and survivors say deserves more attention.

"Roma were subject to the same Holocaust as Jews," said Felix Kolmer, a vice president of the International Auschwitz Committee and one of the organizers of the conference who invited Ruzicka to talk at the five-day gathering.

Ruzicka used the meeting to address a thorny issue-a communist-era pig farm and vacation resort on the grounds of two former camps where hundreds of Czech Roma died.

One of these camps was in Lety, 60 miles (95 kilometers) south of Prague, where some 1,300 Czech Roma were sent between August 1942 and August 1943. While 327 people died there, many others were taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland.

The second camp, known as Hodonin u Kunstatu, was located in the eastern part of what was then Czechoslovakia. Of the 1,360 Roma detained there, 207 died.

"Nobody can challenge the facts," Ruzicka said. "You don't build pig farms or enjoy your vacation at places like that."

The Czech Human Rights Ministry has been planning to build a center for studying Roma culture in Hodoninm, but there are no plans to remove the pig farm. Instead, the government has offered to upgrade a nearby memorial in honor of the victims.

To Istvan, still haunted by his ordeal, the reticence to officially recognize what he and his family went through is a slap in the face.

"I wonder from time to time how is it possible that it was me who survived?" he said. "That starvation, that poverty, that beating-that time when people ceased being humans."

The Nazis, together with Czech police, deported him and his family to Hodonin u Kunstatu in June 1942.

"Conditions in the camp were harsh," Istvan said, adding that family members were separated from each other and that many people died of starvation and infectious diseases.

Only about 10 percent of some 6,500 Gypsies living on occupied Czechoslovak territory are estimated to have survived. Of the roughly 5,000 who were transported to Auschwitz and other camps, 583 returned home.

To this day, Europe's 7 to 9 million Roma still face widespread prejudice.

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