(english / italiano)

Continuano gli omicidi di stampo razzista in Kosovo

1) Beka: i corpi di Trajanka e Bogdan Petkovic sono stati trasportati nell’Istituto a Pristina

2) Serb couple found dead in eastern Kosovo / Bodies of Serb couple taken to Priština 

=== 1 ===

Beka: i corpi di Trajanka e Bogdan Petkovic sono stati trasportati nell’Istituto a Pristina

08. agosto 2009.

Il portavoce della polizia kosovara Arber Beka ha dichiarato che i corpi di Trajanka e Bogdan Petkovic di 59 e 65 anni, i quali sono stati trovati morti nella loro casa nel villaggio Partes nel comune di Gnjilane, sono stati trasportati nell’Istituto per la medicina forense a Pristina. Beka ha detto che le indagini sulla loro morte sono in corso. L’unità speciale per i delitti etnici svolge le indagini, ha detto Beka. Il Ministro serbo per il Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic ha condannato aspramente l’uccisione dei coniugi Petkovic ed ha espresso la speranza che gli esperti internazionali accerteranno le cause della loro morte.

=== 2 ===

Source: Stop NATO



Associated Press - August 8, 2009

Serb couple found dead in eastern Kosovo 

Police say they are investigating the deaths of a Serb couple whose bodies were found surrounded by blood in a house in eastern Kosovo.

Police spokesman Arber Beka says the 65-year-old man and 60-year-old woman were likely killed by firearms on Friday night, but police have yet to comment on possible motives.

He says forensic investigators are combing the area for evidence.

Serbian official Goran Bogdanovic in Belgrade condemned the deaths as an ethnically motivated crime.

Tensions remain high between Kosovo's Albanian majority and Serb minority, though ethnic crimes have declined over the years.

Kosovo's declaration of independence last year is fiercely opposed by Serbia.



Beta News Agency - August 8, 2009

Bodies of Serb couple taken to Priština 

PRISTINA: The bodies of Trajanka and Bogdan Petkovic, who were found dead in their home in the village of Partes, near Gnjilane, on Friday, were transfer to Pristina. 

Kosovo police spokesperson Arber Beka said that police investigators worked until late last night at the scene where the bodies were found, adding that investigations of the crime scene are continuing on Saturday. 

He said that the Kosovo police will release a statement after the autopsy report on the two bodies is completed. 

Their bodies were found by a neighbor on Friday, who then informed the police. Blood was found next to the bodies, but Kosovo Police Captain Remzi Azemi, who was at the crime scene, was not able to confirm whether the couple was murdered. 

He added that the special unit for ethnically motivated crimes is investigating the case. 

Bogdanovic doesn’t believe Kosovo police

Serbian Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic condemned the “murder of the married couple,” adding that he expects the case to be investigated by an objective international group. 

“The murder of the Petkovics should be condemned and that is something that, unfortunately, is a consequence of years of events in Kosovo,” Bogdanovic told B92. 

Bogdanovic said that a possibility exists that the murder of the Serb couple was ethnically motivated. 

He said that it is very important to find out who perpetrated the crime, but that the Serbian government does not have any authority in Kosovo's police or courts. 

Bogdanovic said that he does not believe the Kosovo police because there are many crimes committed against Serbs that have never been solved. 

It is still not know who killed Slobodan, Radmila and Ljubinka Stolic in their home in Obilic, which was burned afterwards, he reminded, adding that other murders in Gracko and Gorazdevac have not been solved either.