(english / srpskohrvatski.
Di seguito una intervista a V. Jovanovic, ex Ministro degli Interni ed ambasciatore della Jugoslavia all'ONU, ed un appello internazionale contro la Risoluzione che il Parlamento serbo potrebbe ben presto approvare sulla questione di Srebrenica. Nella risoluzione si riconoscerebbe ufficialmente da parte serba la "strage di Srebrenica" e si chiederebbe scusa per essa: l'intenzione è dunque quella di assumersi colpe non proprie per fatti non chiariti, ed anzi profondamente distorti e gonfiati dalla stampa occidentale allo scopo di mantenere alta la tensione bellica, premendo sulla parte serba. Dal punto di vista politico-diplomatico tale riconoscimento da parte dello Stato serbo sarebbe una ulteriore, devastante concessione al punto di vista delle potenze imperialiste sulla distruzione della Jugoslavia. 
Sulla questione di Srebrenica si vedano i libri pubblicati e la documentazione raccolta alla pagina: https://www.cnj.it/documentazione/srebrenica.htm
[a cura di I. Slavo] )

Rezolucija o Srebrenici bila bi greška



=== 1 ===


субота, 06 фебруар 2010 21:58

Bivši ministar inostranih poslova SR Jugoslavije i ambasador u UN Vladislav Jovanović smatra da je rezolucija o Srebrenici, koju najavljuje Narodna skupština Srbije - pogrešna i ocjenjuje da je ona rezultat pritisaka na Srbiju. Intervju uradio: Neđo Đević

"Pojedini krugovi u međunarodnoj zajednici i Federaciji BiH (FBiH) sve čine da pojačaju obruč oko Republike Srpske (RS) i da se ona natera na neke ustupke u pregovorima o dopuni ili izmeni Dejtonskog sporazuma, ali to Srbija, kao potpisnik Dejtona, ne sme dozvoliti" - rekao je Jovanović u intervjuu Srni.

On je dodao da je javna tajna da je zahtjev za usvajanje rezolucije upućen iz međunarodne zajednice.

"Trebalo bi doneti rezoluciju kojom bi se osudio bratoubilački rat u BiH i za sve žrtve na svim stranama, uključujući i Srebrenicu, ali i za poginule srpske civile pre Srebrenice" - smatra Jovanović.

Prema njegovim riječima, veliki zločini su učinjeni nad Srbima u BiH i Hrvatskoj, ali niko iz međunarodne zajednice i FBiH ne osvrće se na te žrtve, što stvara osjećaj nejednakog tretmana žrtava.

Jovanović smatra da vlast u RS pokazuje odlučnost, principijelnost i odvažnost koja nije mala u ovim uslovima, služeći se retorikom koja je u interesu Dejtonskog sporazuma, a ne protiv njega.

"Svako imputiranje RS da radi protiv Dejtonskog sporazuma neosnovano je. To je podmetanje" - rekao je Jovanović i dodao da bi trebalo insistirati na ekonomskom razvoju RS i FBiH i na podizanju životnog standarda cijele BiH.

"BiH je dejtonska tvorevina, ali neki žele da Srpskoj oduzmu osnovna prava i da je svedu na provinciju, što RS i njene vlasti ne smeju dozvoliti" - rekao je Jovanović.

On je poručio da vlast u Srpskoj ne smije dozvoliti prenos nadležnosti na nivo BiH, jer Srbi kao konstitutivni narod moraju da odlučuju i da se pitaju o svemu što je važno za BiH.

"BiH ne može da opstane kao unitarna država; ako je Bošnjacima smetala unitarna Jugoslavija, zašto žele unitarnu BiH" - upitao je Jovanović.

Prema njegovim riječima, zemlja kao što je BiH, u kojoj postoje strani tužioci, sudije i OHR jeste protektorat, odnosno zemlja pod međunarodnim starateljstvom, što traje dugo.

"Jedna zemlja u centru Evrope pod kontrolom i stranim nadzorom može da ima samo štete i da proizvede suprotan efekat, a to je da umanji sposobnost naroda i domaće političke elite da pomažu i veruju u svoje sposobnosti" - smatra Jovanović.

Prema njegovim riječima, ako BiH treba i hoće da uđe u tzv. evropsku organizaciju, ona to može učiniti samo kao nezavisna zemlja, a ne kao zemlja pod protektoratom, koja nije samostalna.

Govoreći o referendumu u RS, Jovanović je ocijenio da je referendum demokratski vid odlučivanja i da ne može nikada i nikome biti osporen.

Prema Jovanovićevim riječima, odlučivanje naroda o svim pitanjima najviši je izraz demokratije, a to što će se u RS održati referendum na pitanje "da li podržavate Dejtonski sporazum" jeste nešto što ide u prilog Dejtonskom sporazumu, a ne protiv njega.

"Cilj raznih podmetanja na račun RS, što rade neki predstavnici međunarodne zajednice i bošnjački lideri jeste da je okarakterišu kao genocidnu tvorevinu i da joj ospore legitimitet" - zaključio je Jovanović u intervjuu Srni i dodao da je to bošnjačka politika koja se provodi još od ratnog vremena.

=== 2 ===


Dear Mr. President and honorable deputies,


              As concerned American and European intellectuals and citizens, we call on you to seriously reconsider the plan to adopt a parliamentary resolution that would treat the Srebrenica massacre of July 1995 as a paradigmatic event of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and in doing so to use language that could be interpreted as Serbia’s acceptance of responsibility for “genocide.”
              The execution of Moslem prisoners in July of 1995, after Bosnian Serb forces took over Srebrenica, was a war crime, but it is by no means a paradigmatic event. The informed public in Western countries knows that, at that time, forces attributed to the Republic of Srpska executed in three days approximately as many Moslems as Moslem forces, raiding surrounding Serbian villages out of Srebrenica, had murdered during the preceding three years. There is nothing to set one crime apart from the other, except that its commission was more condensed in time. In a vicious civil war, in which all sides commit crimes, all innocent victims are entitled to compassion but the victims of one ethnic group should have no special moral claim to unique recognition. Putting the suffering of one group on a pedestal necessarily derogates from the right of the other group – in this case Serbian non-combatants in the devastated villages surrounding the enclave of Srebrenica – to an equal measure of sympathy.
              More importantly, what really happened in Srebrenica in July of 1995 is an issue that is still not settled, or why it occurred, and who was behind it. The accepted version of events, shaped mainly by war propaganda and hyperbolic media reports, is becoming increasingly obsolete because it is being vigorously questioned and reassessed by critical thinkers in the Western world. Much reliable information on these events is still unavailable and needs to be researched, but without it responsible conclusions on the nature and scope of the Srebrenica massacre cannot be drawn. Both the event’s alleged scope and its legal description as “genocide” are intensely in dispute. It would therefore be very unwise for Serbia and its parliament to formally commit themselves to a version of events that is thin on evidence but long on moral and political implications that are extremely detrimental to Serbia and its people.
We are also troubled by the prospect of Serbia and its parliament might accept the thesis that the massacre in Srebrenica, regrettable as it may be, amounts to “genocide.” That would unpardonably diminish genuine genocide as a phenomenon of the 20th century, of which the Holocaust of the Jewish people and the mass extermination campaigns against Armenians, Kurds, and the Roma are some outstanding examples.
         We are concerned that the politicisation of human suffering and the frivolous usage of the grave legal category of genocide greatly cheapens these important concepts and constitutes an undeserved insult to innocent victims of political violence everywhere in the world. 
Not only would Serbia, by an act of its own parliament,  put itself in the same league with Nazi Germany if such a resolution were passed. It would also sanctify at Serbia's extreme disadvantage a propaganda narrative whose key components are factually unsupported. It would implicitly endorse the view that the Republic of Srpska was built on genocide and thus endanger its further existence and play into the hands of those pressuring for the centralisation of Bosnia. Finally, it would expose Serbian taxpayers to the possibility of a multi billion euro suit for damages which they are ill equipped at the present moment to pay [and have no obligation to do so, for that matter].
              For all these reasons, we appeal to you to refrain from passing the projected Srebrenica resolution. If you feel it your duty to perform an act of public compassion toward the victims of the Bosnian war, we recommend as the only proper method that you pass a single resolution, written in ethnically neutral language, encompassing all of the victims and honoring them equally.


Prof. Edward Herman,  academic, United States
Jurgen Elsaesser, author and journalist, Germany
Germinal Čivikov, author and journalist, the Netherlands
Alexander Dorin, author, Switzerland
Prof. Alexander Mezyaev, Russian Federation
Eckart Spoo, journalist and publicist, Germany
Diana Johnstone, political analyst and writer, United States and France
Daniel Salvatore Schiffer, philosopher and humanist, Belgium
Klaus von Raussendorff, ex-diplomat and publicist, Bonn/Germany
Klaus Hartmann, Chairman of the German Freethinkers Association,
Vice president of World Union of Freethinkers, Germany
Cathrin Schütz, journalist, political scientist, Author of "Der NATO-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien. Hintergründe, Nebenwirkungen und Folgen" (Braumüller Verlag, Wien), Germany
Prof. Dr. Velko Valkanov, president, National Peace Council of Bulgaria, Bulgaria
Nikola Zivkovic, author and political analyst, Germany
Dr. Patrick Barriot, political scientist, France

Additional remarks suggested by Professor Edward Herman: “(1) When is the EU going to insist on an apology to Serbs from Croatia and the United States and UN for Operations Flash and Storm, which involved the greatest ethnic cleansing operations in the Balkan wars, and ones where, in contrast with others, the victims have never been able to return?; (2) when will the EU and NATO apologize to the  Kosovo Serbs for the greatest "proportionate" ethnic cleansing of the Yugoslav wars carried out under NATO auspices after June 10, 1999? (and to the Roma for their ethnic victimization in the same period?); (3) when will the EU and United States apologize for introducing Al Qaeda into Bosnia and Europe to fight (and behead) Serbs, as described in detail in "Unholy Terror: Bosnia, Al Qaida, and the Rise of  Global Jihad," by John R. Schindler, Professor at the U.S. National War College and former National Security Council specialist in Bosnia?”

Additional remarks suggested by Prof. Daniel Salvatore Schieffer:

“Io firmo certo questo appello, in nome della giustizia per tutti popoli della Bosnia-Herzegovina, e quindi anche dei Serbi, che hanno certo diritto allo stesso trattamento morale et legale degli altri. Questo principio fa parte dell'articolo numero 1 della carta dellle Nazioni Unite dei diritti dell'uomo.”

Additional remarks suggested by Prof. Alex Mezyaev:

"Та форма и методы, которые использованы МТБЮ и Международным судом ООН для признания геноцида в Сребренице в июле 1995 года лишь подчёркивают отсутствие реальных доказательств вины сербских военных и сербских властей. В этих условиях принятие резолюции означает выступление на стороне антисербских сил. "

Additional remarks suggested by barrister Christopher Black:

“It is necessary to include a demand for an admission by all Nato countries that they committed war crimes against the people of Serbia in the massive aerial
bombardment of the spring of 1999 in which all rules of war were broken
and that the final agreement to cease that bombardment by allowing Nato
forces to occupy Kosovo was forced on the Serbian government under threat
of the mass murder of the the people of Belgrade by American B52's which
threat was made to president Milosevic and others by Mssrs. Athisaari and
Chernomyrdin as agents of the USA; a threat in which they promised to kill
500,000 people in Belgrade and flatten the city unless the terms they
presented were accepted. Srebrinica, even if the Nato propaganda were true
(which I do not accept) pales in comparison against such terror.”

Additional remarks suggested by Professor Velko Valkanov, Bulgaria:

“Решително не мога да се съглася, че това, което стана в Сребреница, може да бъде квалифицирано като геноцид. Това бе трагичен епизод от една гражданска война, която враждебни на сръбския народ сили разпалиха. Заставам твърдо зад един протест срещу евентуалното признаване на някакъв геноцид в Сребреница.”
Проф.д-р Велко Вълканов, 
председател на Българския национален съвет за мир

Additional remarks suggested by attotney David Peterson, Chicago USA:

Whatever the fate of the Srebrenica "safe area" population in July 1995, this most assuredly was not a case of genocide, notwithstanding a series of political judgments handed down by the ICTY,  and later reiterated by the ICJ.  The European Parliament's passage by a near-unanimous vote of a resolution proclaiming July 11 a Day of Commemoration of the Srebrenica Genocide only adds to the debasement of this important concept, and to the trivialization of real genocides past, present, and future. 

Additional remarks suggested by attotney Cathrin Schütz, Berlin, Germany:

“I am not happy with the part of the appeal that condemns the act of the forces of Republika Srpska as „war crime“ and speaks about an equal death toll on the sides of the Muslims and Serbs around Srebrenica. I fully support the appeal's  statement that ‘what really happened in Srebrenica in July of 1995 is an issue that is still not settled... why it occurred, or who was behind it.’ This is, in my view, the most correct way to address the issue. And if I have to admit that I do not know what happened, what is the purpose of  admitting to some „war crime“? Is there any reliable information about ‘Srebrenica’ to this date? Information other than from Western media, Western politicians and their so-called NGO’s?” 

Additional remarks suggested by Vladislav Kuprin, Russia:

Dear Mr. President and honorable Deputies, 
I ask you not to adopt a parliamentary resolution that would treat the Srebrenica massacre of July 1995 in such language that could be interpreted as Serbia’s acceptance of responsibility for “genocide”. 
All people of good will know that the description of those hard events as “genocide executed in Srebrenica by Serbs in relation to Moslems ” is a lie that is propagated by Moslems’ extreme nationalists and fanatics all over the world. 
I ask you to support  the truth, not lie for Serbia’s sake.

Additional remarks suggested by Andrey Tihomirov, Russia:

Необходимо полное изучение всех вопросов этой трагедии и привлечение всех сторон, а не одностороннее рассмотрение.