This videotape was secretly filmed by the 12th detachment of the Yugoslav Army’s counterintelligence service (KOS) in 1990 before the war in Croatia started. It shows Tudjman’s defense Minister Martin Spegelj and his Interior Minister Josip Boljkovac discussing preparations for war with the Yugoslav Peoples Army (JNA). They discuss the importation of weapons from Hungary, how they will murder JNA soldiers and their families, how they will slaughter the Serbs, and how they are receiving support from the United States. This video proves beyond any doubt that the Serbian war objective in Croatia was self-defense, and that the Croatian objective was ethnic cleansing and the creation of a Greater-Croatia. For those who don't speak Serbo-Croat here is a link to an English transcript of the video produced by the Hague Tribunal, and here is the link to the original video in Serbo-Croat