NOVOSTI 12.12.1997

> Uran ozracio i napadace.
> Pentagon krije, ali istina o radioaktivnoj municiji kojom su tuceni
Irak i Republika Srpska

L’uranio ha contaminato anche gli aggressori

Il Pentagono nasconde, però la verità su le armi
radioattive con le quali venivano colpiti l’Irak e la
Republika Srpska di Bosnia, si va affermando nel
Le bombe anticarro degli aerei A-lO, usate nella
“ “Tempesta del
deserto” nel l991 e contro la R.Srpska nel l995, sono radioattive.
Perciò ci sono stati molti gli ammalati, anche tra i soldati americani
impegnati in queste guerre. Di ciò esistono le prove e denunce.
Mentre in Jugoslavia si moltiplicano le perizie scientifiche, anche con
l’aiuto dei specialisti giapponesi, sulle conseguenze dell’uso di
munizioni radioattive anticarro da parte della NATO nell’estate del l995
in Bosnia, il Pentagono continua respingere ad accettare il fatto che
anche molti dei suoi militari si sono ammalati manipolando le munizioni
nella “Tempesta nel deserto” del l991.
L’americano John O’Connor, presidente del Fondo nazionale per la
lotta contro le materie tossiche di Boston, ha recentemente dichiarato
che “il problema delle armi usate dagli aerei A-10 “Tunderballt” sono
armati di canone rotativo a 7 canne GAU-8/A, calibro 30 mm, che lanciano
bombe a punta di uranio impoverito al 238 e 235. Perché il cannone di
calibro relativamente piccolo possa perforare l’armatura di uno spessore
fino ad 800 mm, si usano canne lunghe 6,7 m con punte delle bombe di
solidità speciale propria all’uranio.
L’aviazione militare americana, nella cui compagine volano gli
A-10, ha eseguito 6 anni fa dei est su 35 militari che caricavano i
canoni con questa munizione. I test hanno dimostrato una maggiore
quantità di uranio nelle urine. Ma i militari non sono stati avvisati di
questo, come nemmeno tutti quelli che venivano a contatto con le
munizioni che usano tali aerei. Le relazioni segrete del Pentagono
parlano che i militari vengono contaminati da 50 raggi X a contatto per
un’ora con le munizioni usate dagli aerei A-10.
Il caporale Caroll Pecow, infermiera alla base aerea di San Antonio
nel Texas, ha dichiarato di essersi ammalata da quando è finita la
Guerra del Golfo. Ha perso il controllo di alcune funzioni della parte
inferiore del corpo ed ha problemi con la memoria e la conversazione.
L’aviazione americana tenta di licenziarla “per ragioni di salute”. Il
medico canadese Patrick Collins, impiegato con gruppo ad Harwward, ha
dichiarato che le bombe dell’aereo A-10 possono essere la causa del
cancro e di alcune malattie intestinali, manifestatesi poi sui bambini
iracheni, anche dopo la “Tempesta nel deserto”.
A tutte queste accuse il servizio sanitario dell’Esercito americano
replica che “l’uranio usato per i proiettili anticarro, è classificato
da scarto nucleare e diventa innocuo dopo un certo periodo, dopo alcuni
giorni ad alcuni anni”, parole di Peter Esker, responsabile di questo
servizio al Pentagono. Però più tardi ha confessato che “gli esperti
militari ancora non hanno sufficente conoscenza a proposito”.
Il Pentagono, è più che evidente, nasconde la verità. Il complesso
militare industriale americano difende i suoi interessi, mentre la gente
sui territori bombardati si ammala....
Lazanski (Tradotto da I.P.)



Criminale di guerra numero tre:

Esattamente tre anni fa, in seguito al clamore suscitato da una
strage al mercato di
Sarajevo che non era stata commessa dai serbi, la "comunita'
internazionale", cui
apparentemente stanno a cuore solo i diritti umani, la pace e la
fratellanza tra i popoli,
organizzava e realizzava un bombardamento prolungato contro
obbiettivi, militari e
non, sul territorio controllato dai serbi di Bosnia.

In quella occasione nessuna voce di dissenso si alzo', ne' a destra
ne' a sinistra, ne' in
Italia ne' altrove. Solo due anni dopo alcuni organi di stampa (tra
cui la rivista italiana
"Guerre&Pace", vedi sotto) svelavano alcuni retroscena di
quell'azione: in particolare
si parlo' dell'uso di ordigni all'uranio impoverito che avrebbero
causato una
contaminazione del territorio che ancora persiste.

Pace all'uranio, di Gordon Poole (da Guerre&Pace n. 41, luglio 1997)

Tanjug, 1998-08-07

The Yugoslavia-based Association of Serbs from Bosnia-Herzegovina
will file
charges with the Hague International Tribunal against those who
ordered and
executed bombing using radiological ammunition of the territory of
Srpska in 1995, which is a violation of international humanita rian
laws and
conventions which ban the use of biological warfare, associ ation
Bogdan Jamedzija said.

Dr. Jamedzija told a press conference that all available scientific
and medical
documents had been prepared and that they would be sent, together
with the
charges, to the Tribunal which deals with crimes committed in t he
Yugoslavia since 1991.

"In the second half of September 1995, NATO planes used special
on whose cores contained U-238 in the bombing of military, but also
civil ian
targets, which resulted in high radioactivity in the territory of
Rep ublika
Srpska, and consequently the occurrence of a series of grave disea
ses in
humans, and also contaminated the environment," Dr. Jamedzija said

Medical experts recorded a higher incidence of miscarriages, fetal
death s,
premature births, and still-born children among the population of
Mili c,
Vlasenica, Han Pijesak, Sokoc, Pale, Vogosca, Rogatica, and other
plac es
throughout Republika Srpska. Experts also recorded more frequent
death s of
cattle in these areas, he said.

Moreover, herbs picked on Mt. Romanija showed a radioactivity of
1,100 b
ecquerels per kilo, while the maximum permitted level is 600 Bq/kg.

Dr. Jamedzija said the association's team of experts had data that
the e ntire
Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina showed a 400 percent increase in c
cancer following 1995.

The responsibility of the principals and executors of crimes against
the civilian
population of Bosnia-Herzegovina is based on articles 86 and 87 of
Protocol of the first Geneva conventions, and article 91 establis
responsibility for caused damages. The Association therefore
maintain s that
NATO members, or the member-states whose troops had been the parti
cipating parties, cannot be beyond the reach of justice.

BOSNIA 1995.
Tanjug, 1998-06-03

U.N. Liaison Office Spokesman Jay Carter said here Belgrade on
that the United Nations had not taken a stand on whether the
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia should launch an
investigation into
NATO's use of radioactive ammunition in the Republika Srpska.

Speaking at a news conference, he said that such a request should be
icially submitted to the United Nations.

Spokesman for the Belgrade Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for
gees Mons Nyberg spoke about the organisation's activities aimed at
helpi ng
the jeopardised in Kosovo and Metohija.

Carter said that the U.N. Secretary-General had decided to send a
team o f
experts to Albania in early June to work with Albanian authorities
on c ollecting
civilians' weapons and controlling the taking of arms from the

Speaking about the return of refugees to Croatia, Nyberg and Carter
quot ed
Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic as saying that about 30,000
requ ests
for the individual return had been submitted in keeping with the exi
procedure and that Croatia would present a comprehensive plan for t
return of Serb refugees by June 20.

Nyberg said that neither the UNHCR nor the international community
satisfied with the Croatian Government's document referring only to
indiv idual
return and that they would insist on making possibilities for the r
eturn of Serb
refugees and expelled persons in groups.

Tanjug, 1998-05-27

The bombing of civilian facilities and the use of ammunition
impoverished uranium in NATO air raids on Republika Srpska (RS)
operation 'Resolute Response', from late August to September 1995,
contrary to numerous international conventions and declarations on
war law
and conduct in war, is the joint assessment of a number of Yugoslav
The experts said that "those who gave orders, the direct and
participants of the bombing in RS, have violated many norms of
Law and should answer for this individually." The law experts set
out that the
participants of these events should be aware and "should bear in
mind that
there is a no statute of limitation for war crimes." The experts
told Tanjug that
according to the Statute of the Hague Tribunal, all persons
committing criminal
acts in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991, should be
responsible regardless of their nationality.

This means that, apart from the citizens of the former Yugoslavia,
the citizens
of other countries can not avoid criminal responsibility, including
members of
NATO, IFOR, SFOR and other international forces and organizations if
violated the norms of International Law. "We believe that the
violation of these
international declarations, also signed by NATO members whose
bombed RS without approval by the U.N. Security Council, represents
a solid
legal basis for the Belgrade Association of Serbs from Bosnia and
Herzegovina to rise charges with the Hague Tribunal against
persons from 16 NATO countries," the Yugoslav experts said.

They set out that one of the major international documents
"violated" by most
of the then signatories, now NATO members, who participated in
'Resolute Response', is the 1868 Petersburg Declaration on the
Prohibition of
the Use of Certain Missiles in War. Combined with the basic use of
cannon ammunition for the destruction of armoured vehicles and
points, its radioactive effect is not to be ignored and has been
recorded by
measuring the scattered parts of missiles found in the field after
the air raid.
The legal experts said that radioactivity does not "differentiate"
civilians and soldiers, nor between friends or enemies and that this
the basic postulates of International Law. "Another major document
by those who took part in the bombing of RS, are the 1992 Hague
Regulations whose Article 24. says that "air bombardment is legal
only if it is
directed against military facilities whose partial or entire
destruction brings
military advantage to the warring side," the experts said. They said
that the
document precisely named military facilities and that these do not
facilities targeted in RS by NATO planes, such as houses, roads,
pig farms, bridges or dams. "The regulations also stipulate that if
facilities are located in such a manner that their bombardment could
not be
carried out without harming the civilian population, the aircraft
must refrain
from bombing," the legal experts said pointing out that the
bombardment of
the Technical-Repairing Institute in Hadzici, which is surrounded by
facilities, is an example of the violation of these regulations
signed by the
United States whose A-10 bombers carried out the attack. Despite
claims by SFOR spokesman Peter Clark that ammunition made out of
impoverished uranium, which was used in RS, is not "atomic
ammunition' but
just like all other types of ammunition "with a minimum health
risk," the facts
speak differently. In the bombed regions in RS, there is an
increased number
of people suffering or dead from malignant diseases, and there were
cases of
the mass death of livestock or the birth of freaks. Also, changes on
have been recorded.


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