(english / srpskohrvatski / deutsch.

Sono caduti quest'anno il 5. anniversario dell'assassinio - 11 marzo 2006 - ed il 70. anniversario della nascita - 29 agosto 1941 - di Slobodan Milošević. La prima ricorrenza era stata segnata da una manifestazione pubblica a Vienna, dove una Nota formale di protesta è stata consegnata alla locale rappresentanza ONU - v. doc.4 e https://www.cnj.it/MILOS/ICDSM/index.htm#2011 . La seconda ricorrenza è stata celebrata a Požarevac, città natale e luogo di sepoltura dell'ex presidente jugoslavo. )

Slobodan Milošević 1941 - 2006 - 2011

1) Povodom 70. godina od rođenja nekadašnjeg predsednika Srbije i SRJ Slobodana Miloševića (Pečat)
2) ‘Milosevic put his accusers on trial’ / »Milosevic brachte seine Ankläger auf die Anklagebank« (junge Welt)
3) Remember the frame-up of Slobodan Milosevic -- the struggle continues (J. Catalinotto, S. Flounders, IAC)
4) Vienna 11/3/2011, Protest Note delivered to the ONU authorities (ICSM)

=== 1 ===


Slobodan Milošević (1941-2011)

Piše Uglješa Mrdić
Povodom 70. godina od rođenja nekadašnjeg predsednika Srbije i SRJ Slobodana Miloševića, u Požarevcu pored grobnice 20. avgusta otkrivena je bista sa njegovim likom

Da nekadašnji predsednik Srbije i SR Jugoslavije Slobodan Milošević nije usmrćen u ćeliji Haškog tribunala u Ševeningenu, u subotu bi proslavio 70. rođendan. Članovi udruženja „Sloboda“ tim povodom su na njegovom grobu u Požarevcu otkrili bistu od belog mermera, koju je naručila porodica pokojnog Slobodana Miloševića.
Zlatnim slovima napisano je: Slobodan Milošević 20.8.1941 – 11.3.2006, ubijen u haškom logoru.


Profesor dr Velko Valkanov, kopredsednik Međunarodnog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana Miloševića, povodom ovog događaja izjavio je da je nekadašnji predsednik Srbije i SRJ izgubio život od najamnih ubica 11. marta 2006. godine.
„U ova dva datuma uokviren je jedan neverovatan život posvećen dobrobiti jugoslovenskih naroda, dobrobiti srpskog naroda. Ali, kao i sve velike ličnosti, Milošević prevazilazi okvire svoje nacionalnosti, pretvorivši se u jedan od simbola borbe čovečanstva za pravdu i slobodu, takav simbol kakav su Patris Lumumba, Salvador Aljende, Nelson Mandela. Čovečanstvo meri svoj rast upravo kroz takve ličnosti, kod kojih je sopstvena sudbina podređena sudbini ljudi. Život Miloševića započeo je u nevelikom srpskom gradu Požarevcu, u porodici običnih radnih ljudi, da bi nastavio na službi istih tih običnih ljudi. Usvojio je najbolje osobine srpskog naroda – osećanje dostojanstva, odanosti, obaveze. Iznad svega je stavljao sudbinu svoga naroda, sudbinu naroda Jugoslavije. A kao svaki istinski patriota nije imao neprijateljskih osećanja prema drugim narodima. Bio je prožet svešću da je odnos prema drugim narodima – mera odnosa prema sopstvenom narodu. Jer, onaj ko mrzi bilo koji drugi narod – ne može voleti ni sopstveni narod.
Život Miloševića je završio u Hagu, u Holandiji, kuda je otpremljen kako bi pred nelegitimnim sudom odgovarao za tuđe zločine. U stvari, trebalo je da odgovara za zločine onih koji su napali njegovu zemlju i gotovo tri meseca uništavali ljude i imovinu bombama i raketama. Tokom pet godina natovsko pravosuđe je upotrebilo sva moguća sredstva kako bi slomilo volju ovog ponosnog Srbina, i u tome nije uspelo. Na kraju, da ne bi priznale svoju nemoć, te takozvane „sudije“, a u suštini – najmljene ubice u togama, ubile su ga.
Pomenuću jedan stih velikog bugarskog pesnika Georgija Džagarova, posvećen sudbini uhapšenog antifašiste: „On ne htede na kolena da padne, milije mu beše da zanavek očima gledati prestane“.
Ovaj stih se u punoj meri odnosi i na Slobodana Miloševića, koji je bez dvoumljenja birao radije smrt nego izdaju. I tako je u suštini postao besmrtan. Kako vreme teče, njegov život sve više će se pretvarati u legendu, a njegovo delo – u školu u kojoj se uči hrabrost. A nama ostaje ponos zbog toga što smo se dotakli njegove veličine“, napisao je Vlkanov.


Povodom ovog događanja potpredsednik Udruženja „Sloboda“ Dragoljub Kočović izjavio je da je Slobodan Milošević pre 11 godina silom oteran sa vlasti.
„Potom je na prevaru i pod lažnom optužbom isporučen Hagu. Odlazeći ponosne glave upozorio je srpski narod kakva ga sudbina čeka. Danas Slobodana nema, ali njegove reči surovo odzvanjaju u susretu sa tužnom realnošću i sve više pritiskaju njegove progonitelje. Protiv čoveka kojem je život oduzet u modernom nacističkom kazamatu, seju neistine i laži, sa namerom da ga potisnu iz sećanja i izbrišu iz istorije. U tu svrhu, junački otpor naroda stranom agresoru, kojem se Slobodan hrabro suprotstavio, nastoje da proglase za nacionalnu zabludu. Oni koji su branili zemlju, maltene se proglašavaju za izdajnike. Istorija je međutim odredila Slobodanu poseban list. Odabrala ga je za miljenika, dok je njegove rušitelje potisnula u zaborav. Slobodanova vizija i delo postali su deo istorijske svesti i pamćenja naroda. Od silne demokratije, koja je posle Slobodanovog zbacivanja s vlasti navodno preplavila Srbiju, od razuzdane slobode i od svakodnevnog napretka, Srbija nažalost sve više posrće i tetura se ka sunovratu. Njena privreda je na kolenima. Teritorija je osakaćena, a narod osiromašen i obezglavljen. Sela se prazne, a porodica rastaka. Ono što je suprotno duhu srpskog naroda pokušava da se nametne mladima – laka zarada, oružje, droga, nasilje i sluganstvo. Srbija je postala jedina država u svetu u kojoj se građani proglašavaju za izbeglice u sopstvenoj zemlji“, istakao je Kočović.


Možemo zaključiti da danas, na Slobodanov 70. rođendan, i te kako je vidljivo da je došlo drugo vreme. Nema sigurnosti na ulicama, preovladao je strah od svega i svačega, fabrike se gase, preduzeća zatvaraju, a radnici bez posla obilaze umnožene državne i paradržavne institucije, ne znajući ni ko im je sagovornik, ni gde ga mogu naći. Seljaci zaposedaju drumove, a politiku vode motkama. Sve vredno što je prethodni, navodno diktatorski sistem stvorio, odavno je prodato ili samo čeka kupca.
Sve se zaista promenilo, ali je jedno ostalo isto. I dalje traje potreba da se Srbija uspravi, da odbrani svoju teritoriju, da posveti pažnju seljaku i da omogući radniku da radi posao za koji se školovao. Njoj su jednako potrebni odbrana od zabluda i odmor od praznih obećanja. Srbija čeka na lidera koji će imati Slobodanovu hrabrost, snagu, volju i istrajnost.
Na skupu povodom Miloševićevog rođendana rečeno je da će uskoro pred ovim skromnim spomenikom, početi da dolaze i oni koji su predvodili Slobodanovo rušenje. Dolaziće da bi se izvinili. Mnogi građani i seljani čija je lakovernost iskorišćena i zloupotrebljena, već odavno su to učinili.

=== 2 ===

Published in Junge Welt, March 11, 2011. Translated from the German by John Catalinotto.



‘Milosevic put his accusers on trial’ / »Milosevic brachte seine Ankläger auf die Anklagebank«

By Rüdiger Göbel, Junge Welt  www.jungewelt.de

Cathrin Schütz, who holds a degree in political science and is a writer/analyst for Junge Welt, was a member of the defense team of Slobodan Milosevic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) from 2002 on. Among her contributions was "The destruction of Yugoslavia - Slobodan Milosevic replies to his accusers," published by the Zambon-Verlag

On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the death of Slobodan Milosevic you will be protesting this Friday (March 11, 2011) in at the Office of the United Nations in Vienna. Why not in The Hague where the former Yugoslav and Serbian president died in his cell during his trial before the Yugoslavia Tribunal (ICTY)?

The UN has created a monster with the ICTY and we’re demanding to finally remove this monster from the world. The governments of the United States and Germany set up the ICTY in 1993 as the first ad hoc tribunal in the UN Security Council, although the SC has no legal authority for such a step. A UN body, which judges citizens of member states, is in fundamental contradiction to the UN Charter. At the illegal establishment in The Hague we see no one to discuss this with.

What interest did the U.S. and Germany pursue with the establishment of the ICTY?

Because Yugoslavia stood in the way of their drive to expand in Eastern Europe, they led the way to its destruction; both states share responsibility for the outbreak and escalation of secessionist civil wars. With full awareness of the results of their plans, they had already in 1993 by diplomatic and covert operations covered their hands with Balkan blood, and then invented a "court" that could be used as a weapon to pressure the warring parties. And it should judge the crimes committed in former Yugoslavia - in true NATO-style: bring the recalcitrant Serbs to their knees and acquit the NATO countries of their responsibility. With this in mind, protected by the ICTY, NATO conducted an aggressive war against Yugoslavia in 1999 without a UN mandate. Because of its financial resources and political connections NATO spokesman Jamie Shea had described the military alliance as a "friend of the ICTY" and thus proactively explained why there would be no charges brought for NATO's war crimes -- crimes that have been certified by Amnesty International.

But there do exist international standards for fair trials.

In order to carry out the political mission, the ICTY had to disregard standards that normally apply. The Serbian opposition leader Vojislav Seselj has been held in custody for eight years. This is a clear breach of the European Convention on Human Rights. In any rule of law a defendant has a right to know what he is accused of. The ICTY has made basic changes in the particulars of the indictments several times, even after the trial had begun. It changed its own rules umpteen times and constantly violated them. Milosevic was refused his guaranteed right to defend himself. Radovan Karadzic is threatened with the same. The principle of giving equal treatment to prosecution and defense was violated every day. The prosecutor held weekly press conferences in the ICTY, and Richard Dicker of Human Rights Watch, a renowned producer of anti-Serb propaganda, rushed regularly to the foyer to attack Milosevic to the media. Meanwhile our colleague was ejected from the building when he distributed a handout to a journalist. The huge budget of the ICTY stood behind the accusers. The Milosevic-defense had to rely on donations alone. When the German government criminalized the fundraising campaign, froze our funds and also blocked my account, the ICTY refused us any support. This greatly limited our work.

You describe the ICTY as anti-Serb. But there were also Croats and Bosnian Muslims convicted...

Although this was a three-sided civil war, about 80 percent of all defendants are Serbs, including many top politicians and senior military. Not so with the Croats and Bosnian Muslims. The Croatian General Ante Gotovina was indeed found responsible for notorious "ethnic cleansing of Krajina," which removed hundreds of thousands of Serbs, but not his superior officers. The same applies to the Bosnian Muslim Naser Oric. Although he boasted during the war to the Western press with the severed heads of Serbs, the ICTY says that no one can prove he is responsible for the attacks of his soldiers on the Serbs around Srebrenica. The U.S. journalists, who were the first to see his human war trophies, were never called to testify by the ICTY. The pseudo trials against non-Serbs are meant to demonstrate to the outside world the impartiality of the ICTY.

Former ICTY chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte will now render a judgment in the case of organ trafficking by the Albanian Kosovar mafia. Serbs from Kosovo were deported to Albania and were systematically eviscerated.

Del Ponte has demonstrated in her autobiography the information needed to expose the organ trade, which led to the investigation and the report of the Special Rapporteur of the Council of Europe, Dick Marty. But I wonder if she in her current involvement wants to cover up a bigger scandal. Marty has namely discovered that under Del Ponte 2003the ICTY destroyed evidence of organ harvesting by the criminal gangs in Kosovo!

The majority of the local media [in Berlin] then described Slobodan Milosevic as they describe Muammar al Gadhafi today. Take your pick: Either he was a megalomaniac, evil, genocidal, yes, even a new Hitler. You were part of his defense team. What was it like?

Lord David Owen, former EU Special Envoy for the Balkans, described Milosevic as a "Yugoslav” who was anything but an ideologue for a Greater Serbia or promoter of "ethnic cleansing." I agree with Owen. Milosevic often took Croats and Bosnian Muslims under his protection, and he stressed how they were used by the West and misled. He also mentioned in his defense the support of the Bosnian Muslim forces by foreign mujahideen. However, he was opposed to any overestimation of the "Islamic terror." He stressed instead that the U.S. was responsible for the importation of Islamic fighters. It was no coincidence that the non-Serbs facing charges also respected him.
I was impressed by the reports of the defense witnesses, with whom I had close contact. They were Western politicians, diplomats, military officers, journalists who, in one way or another, witnessed the war. And all of their statements they confirmed that the allegations against Milosevic were as false as everything else that has been reported about Yugoslavia.

How did Milosevic experience his imprisonment and trial?

He probably never believed that the presumption of innocence would apply to him was that he would experience a legitimate trial. But he held his head high and put his accusers on trial. He made no compromise, no deal that would bring him privileges. He was free inside, as he himself observed. He could not help but see the ICTY as a repressive political instrument that was used to punish political leaders like him who refused to unconditionally surrender to imperialism. More and more harassment was used in order to weaken his defense. Finally the Tribunal in early 2006 refused to allow him treatment at a heart clinic in Moscow, which assured that he would not survive the Tribunal.

During the wars in former Yugoslavia, most of the media were uncritically anti-Serb. How did you find the journalists at the trial?

The press was never interested in the content of the trial. When it became clear that the prosecutors couldn’t prove their allegations, and on the other hand Milosevic could expose the arming of Croatian and Bosnian Muslim sides and later the Kosovo-Albanian side by Germany and the United States, the trial was hushed up. They did not allow the image of Serbia as the aggressor to falter. The German media did not even report it when a German witness was clearly shaken at the Kosovo portion of the trial. Ex-army officer Dietmar Hartwig was head of European observers in Kosovo and on the spot until the beginning of the NATO attack. He experienced terror, not from Serbs, but from the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). And Bo Adam of the Berliner Zeitung newspaper was told by local Albanians, that the "innocent Kosovars" at Racak* were really combat deaths.

Usually no journalists were there, with the exception of Germinal Civikov, whose reports provide valuable evidence.

*In January 1999, casualties from a battle between KLA commandos and Serb police and army in Racak, Kosovo, were disguised as civilian deaths and Western politicians and media used the incident to promote anti-Serb propaganda leading to the war.--Translator

Published in Junge Welt, March 11, 2011. Translated from the German by John Catalinotto.



Junge Welt, March 11, 2011

»Milosevic brachte seine Ankläger auf die Anklagebank«

Vor fünf Jahren starb Jugoslawiens Präsident in Den Haag. Das dortige UN-Tribunal verweigerte ihm adäquate medizinische Behandlung. Ein Gespräch mit Cathrin Schütz

Rüdiger Göbel

Cathrin Schütz, Diplompolitologin und jW-Autorin, war ab 2002 Mitglied im Verteidigungsteam von Slobodan Milosevic vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof für das ehemalige Jugoslawien (ICTY). Unter ihrer Mitarbeit erschien dazu im Zambon-Verlag »Die Zerstörung Jugoslawiens – Slobodan Milosevic antwortet seinen Anklägern«

Anläßlich des fünften Todestags von Slobodan Milosevic an diesem Freitag protestieren Sie vor der Vertretung der Vereinten Nationen in Wien. Warum nicht in Den Haag, wo der frühere jugoslawische und serbische Präsident in seiner Zelle während seines Prozesses vor dem Jugoslawien-Tribunal (ICTY) starb? 

Die UNO hat mit dem ICTY ein Monster kreiert und ist aufgefordert, es endlich aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die Regierungen der USA und Deutschlands haben 1993 die Einrichtung des ICTY als erstes Ad-hoc-Tribunal im UN-Sicherheitsrat durchgesetzt, obwohl dieser keine Befugnisse für einen solchen Schritt hat. Eine UN-Instanz, die über Bürger von Mitgliedsstaaten richtet, widerspricht grundlegend der UN-Charta. In der illegalen Haager Einrichtung sehen wir also keinen Ansprechpartner.

Welches Interesse verfolgten die USA und Deutschland mit der Errichtung des ICTY? 

Weil Jugoslawien ihrem Expansionsdrang im Weg stand, haben sie dessen Zerschlagung angeführt, sind mit verantwortlich für den Ausbruch und die Eskalation der sezessionistischen Bürgerkriege. Mit voller Absicht haben sie, die 1993 bereits durch diplomatische sowie verdeckte Operationen balkanisches Blut an den Händen hatten, ein »Gericht« erfunden, welches als Druckmittel jederzeit zur Steuerung der Kriegsparteien benutzt werden konnte. Und es sollte über die Verbrechen auf dem Gebiet Ex-Jugoslawiens richten – nach NATO-Manier: die widerspenstigen Serben in die Knie zwingen und die NATO-Länder von ihrer Verantwortung freisprechen. In diesem Sinne schützte das ICTY die NATO, die 1999 ohne UN-Mandat einen Aggressionskrieg gegen Jugoslawien geführt hatte. NATO-Sprecher Jamie Shea hatte das Militärbündnis wegen seiner finanziellen Zuwendungen und politischen Verbindungen als »Freundin des ICTY« bezeichnet und damit vorausschauend begründet, warum es keine Anklagen wegen der NATO-Kriegsverbrechen, die seitens Amnesty International attestiert wurden, geben würde.

Aber es existieren doch internationale Standards für faire Gerichtsverfahren. 

Die Erfüllung des politischen Auftrags verlangt es wohl, sich über geltende Normen hinwegzusetzen. Der serbische Oppositionspolitiker Vojislav Seselj wird seit acht Jahren in Untersuchungshaft gehalten. Das ist ein klarer Verstoß gegen die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention. In jedem Rechtsstaat hat ein Angeklagter das Recht zu erfahren, wessen man ihn bezichtigt. Das ICTY aber verändert Anklagen oft mehrfach und grundlegend, sogar nach Beginn eines Verfahrens. Es hat sein Statut x-mal verändert und verletzt ständig seine eigenen Regeln. Milosevic wurde das garantierte Recht auf Selbstverteidigung entzogen. Radovan Karadzic droht Gleiches. Die Verletzung des Prinzips der Waffengleichheit zwischen Anklage und Verteidigung ist Alltag. Die Ankläger halten wöchentliche Pressekonferenzen im ICTY ab, und Richard Dicker von Human Rights Watch, einer der anti-serbischen Stimmungsmacher schlechthin, hetzte regelmäßig im Foyer vor der Presse über Milosevic. Unser Kollege wurde des Hauses verwiesen, als er ein Informationsblatt an einen Journalisten verteilte. Hinter den Anklägern stand das riesige Budget des ICTY. Die Milosevic-Verteidigung aber war auf Spenden angewiesen. Als der deutsche Staat die Spendenkampagne kriminalisierte, Gelder einfror, auch mein Konto sperrte, verweigerte uns das ICTY jegliche Unterstützung. Unsere Arbeit wurde dadurch massiv eingeschränkt.

Sie beschreiben das ICTY als antiserbisch. Es wurden aber doch auch Kroaten und bosnische Muslime verurteilt … 

Obwohl es sich um einen dreiseitigen Bürgerkrieg handelte, sind ca. 80 Prozent aller Angeklagten Serben, darunter viele Spitzenpolitiker und hochrangige Militärs. Anders bei den Kroaten und bosnischen Muslimen. Der kroatische General Ante Gotovina ist zwar als Verantwortlicher für die »ethnische Säuberung« der Krajina von Hunderttausenden Serben berühmt-berüchtigt, aber kein führender Militär. Gleiches gilt für den bosnischen Muslim Naser Oric. Obwohl er sich während des Kriegs vor der westlichen Presse mit abgeschlagenen Köpfen von Serben brüstete, meine das ICTY, man könne ihm keine Verantwortung für die Angriffe seiner Soldaten auf die serbische Bevölkerung rund um Srebrenica nachweisen. Die US-Journalisten, die seine menschlichen Kriegstrophäen einst präsentiert bekamen, wurden vom ICTY nie als Zeugen geladen. Die Pseudoverfahren gegen Nichtserben sollen nach außen die Unparteilichkeit des ICTY demonstrieren.

Die frühere ICTY-Chefanklägerin Carla del Ponte will jetzt im Fall des Organhandels der kosovo-albanischen Mafia ermitteln. Serben aus dem Kosovo sollen nach Albanien verschleppt und dort regelrecht ausgeweidet worden sein. 

Zwar hat del Ponte in ihrer Autobiographie die nötigen Hinweise für den Organhandel geliefert, die zu den Ermittlungen und den Report des Sonderberichterstatters des Europarats, Dick Marty, geführt haben. Doch ich frage mich, ob sie mit ihrem aktuellen Engagement wohl den größten Skandal überspielen will. Marty nämlich hat herausgefunden, daß das ICTY unter del Ponte 2003 die Beweise für den Organraub durch die kriminellen Kosovo-Banden vernichtet hat!

Beim Gros der hiesigen Medien wurde Slobodan Milosevic damals beschrieben wie heute Muammar Al-Ghaddafi: Wahlweise war er größenwahnsinnig, teuflisch, Völkermörder, ja gar ein neuer Hitler. Sie waren Teil seines Verteidiger teams. Wie haben Sie ihn erlebt? 

Lord David Owen, Ex-EU-Sonderbeauftragter für den Balkan, bezeichnete Milosevic als »Jugoslawen«, der alles andere als ein Ideologe eines Großserbiens oder »ethnischer Säuberungen« gewesen sei. Dem schließe ich mich an. Die Kroaten und bosnischen Muslime nahm Milosevic oft in Schutz, und er betonte, wie diese vom Westen benutzt und irregeführt wurden. Zwar erwähnte er im Rahmen seiner Verteidigung die Unterstützung der bosnisch-muslimischen Kräfte durch ausländische Mudschaheddin. Doch jegliche Überbewertung des »islamischen Terrors« schien ihm zuwider. Er hob statt dessen hervor, daß die USA für die Einfuhr der Islamkrieger verantwortlich waren. Es kam nicht von ungefähr, daß auch nicht-serbische Angeklagte ihn schätzten.
Beeindruckt haben mich die Berichte der Verteidigungszeugen, zu denen ich engen Kontakt hatte. Westliche Politiker, Diplomaten, Militärs, Journalisten, die auf die eine oder andere Weise das Kriegsgeschehen miterlebten. Auch all ihre Aussagen bestätigen, daß die Behauptungen über Milosevic so falsch sind wie alles andere, was zu Jugoslawien berichtet wurde.

Wie hat Milosevic seine Haftzeit und seinen Prozeß erlebt? 

Er hat wohl nicht geglaubt, daß für ihn die Unschuldsvermutung galt und er einen echten Prozeß erfahren würde. Doch er stellte sich dem erhobenen Hauptes und brachte seine Ankläger auf die Anklagebank. Er hat keine Kompromisse gemacht, keinen Deal, der ihm Vorteile hätte bringen können. Damit war er innerlich frei, wie er selbst bemerkte. Das ICTY konnte er nicht anders als ein repressives politisches Instrument erleben, das dazu diente, politische Führer wie ihn, die sich dem Imperialismus nicht bedingungslos ergaben, zu bestrafen. Immer neue Schikanen sollten sein Auftreten schwächen. Schließlich hat ihm das Tribunal Anfang 2006 die Behandlung in der Moskauer Herzklinik verweigert und dafür gesorgt, daß er das Tribunal nicht überlebt.

Während der Kriege im früheren Jugoslawien waren die meisten Medien unkritisch und antiserbisch. Wie haben Sie die Journalisten im Prozeß erlebt? 

Am Prozeßinhalt war die Presse nie interessiert. Als klar war, daß die Ankläger ihre Vorwürfe nicht beweisen konnten, Milosevic aber die Bewaffnung der kroatischen und der bosnisch-muslimischen und später der kosovo-albanischen Seite durch Deutschland und die USA belegte, wurde der Prozeß totgeschwiegen. Das Bild von Serbien als Aggressor durfte nicht ins Wanken geraten. Die deutschen Medien haben nicht einmal berichtet, als deutsche Zeugen die Kosovo-Anklage schwer erschütterten. Ex-Bundeswehroffizier Dietmar Hartwig war als Leiter der europäischen Beobachter im Kosovo bis zum Beginn des NATO-Angriffs vor Ort. Nicht serbischen Terror hat er erlebt, sondern den der UCK. Und Bo Adam von der Berliner Zeitung erfuhr von ortsansässigen Albanern, daß die »unschuldigen Kosovaren« von Racak Gefechtstote waren. 

Meist waren gar keine Journalisten da, mit Ausnahme von Germinal Civikov, dessen Berichte wertvolle Zeugnisse sind.

=== 3 ===

International Action Center  55 West 17 Street, New York, N.Y. 10011  

tele: 212 633 6646 

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Remember the frame-up of Slobodan Milosevic -- the struggle continues


The International Action Center sends its greetings to and solidarity with the comrades and friends from around the world who are meeting in Vienna to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the untimely and suspicious death of President Slobodan Milosevic, leader of Yugoslavia and of the Socialist Party of Serbia and a demonized target of Western imperialism, especially the United States, Germany and Britain in the years from 1990-2006, when he died in Scheveningen prison in The Hague, Netherlands.


We will leave it to the representatives from the former Yugoslavia to evaluate the overall record of President Milosevic regarding his country and all its peoples. From the center of world imperialism we will say only that the most powerful nations and militaries on earth put Yugoslavia under severe attack in their drive not only to destroy the remaining socialist country in Eastern Europe but to tear it apart so that the weakened remnants of an independent country would become the vassals of West European and U.S. imperialism. We are heartened by news that workers’ strikes in Serbia are giving evidence of a potential reawakening of the struggle for self-determination in the region, which will undoubtedly again require the cooperation of the different peoples of the Balkans.


We also have to thank President Milosevic for his courageous struggle defending himself from the fraudulent attack by the phony international court -- really a creation of the U.S. and other NATO forces -- which was aimed at discrediting and punishing all fighters for independence of the former Yugoslavia and especially those from Serbia. His defense exposed the machinations of the NATO powers, the lies in the corporate and government media from these powers, including the pernicious role of the Vatican, and alerted at least a portion of progressive forces of just how the imperialists work: first spread the most atrocious lies and half-truths to demonize the enemy; then prepare for an alleged “humanitarian intervention” to eliminate what is now perceived as an “evil regime.” Every Pentagon invasion was preceded by a demonization of the country’s leader.


We have seen this imperialist strategy repeated with the horribly destructive invasion and occupation of Iraq. Whatever the Iraqi’s evaluation of the former Iraqi leader, no honest Iraqi these days will argue that the imperialist invasion of their country, the death of up to a million Iraqis and turning four million into refugees, the destruction of their infrastructure, their education system and their healthcare system, has done anything but harm to Iraq, and also to Afghanistan, whose invasion was sold as an intervention to “defend women’s rights.” And the imperialists have promoted the same propaganda against other targets -- Iran, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, and in the latest example, in preparation for an imminent U.S.-NATO military intervention against Libya and an attempt at “regime change” there. So we again thank the heroic self-defense of President Milosevic for exposing these imperialist tactics and preparing us for these future struggles.

Long live the memory of President Milosevic’s struggle! Long live Yugoslavia!


John Catalinotto, Sara Flounders, IAC  March 9, 2011

=== 4 ===

Vienna 11/3/2011, Protest Note delivered to the ONU authorities by ICSM secretary V. Krsljanin and lawyer Ch. Black:


N a t i o n a l  S o v e r e i g n t y • S o c i a l  J u s t i c e
www.icdsm.info Sofia-New York-Moscow-Belgrade www.free-slobo.de
Co-Chairmen: Velko Valkanov (Bulgaria), Ramsey Clark (USA), Sergei Baburin (Russia)
To the United Nations Office at Vienna, 11 March 2011

Protest Note

We bring to the attention of the Secretary-General and protest the following:
That the ICTY is a criminal tool of NATO acting under the cover of the UN symbol. That the Security Council has no jurisdiction under the UN Charter to create ad-hoc criminal tribunals,
That their existence is justified under Chapter VII of the Charter dealing with "peace and security" therefore the tribunals have a political purpose not a juridical purpose,
That the appointment of ICTY judges and prosecutors is controlled by the principal NATO aggressor against Yugoslavia-the USA,
That the prosecutors have engaged in selective prosecution on a massive scale - 80 percent Serbs, zero percent NATO officers and leaders,
That arrests and indictments are made for political and propaganda purposes, and therefore the prisoners are political prisoners of the UN,
That arrests are made without evidence and long pre-trial detentions are due to the need to fabricate evidence, as exemplified by the case of Dr. Sesejl,
That prosecutors rely on manipulated and intimidated witnesses, withholding of exculpatory evidence, intimidation of independent counsel trying to present strong defences, violations of right to equality of arms, full answer and defence,
That accused are manipulated to make deals,
That there is infiltration of the NATO intelligence agencies in all sections of the. ICTY,
That these illegal and immoral practices have 3 objectives:
- to propagate a false history of the events in the republics of Yugoslavia,
- to demonize and discredit the accused and the political, administrative and military institutions that tried to defend the integrity and sovereignty of Yugoslavia,
- to cover-up the criminal aggression against Yugoslavia by the NATO powers and all crimes connected to that aggression including the cover-up of the obscene murders of Serbs by the KLA proxies of NATO for the purpose of trafficking in organs as detailed in the Marty Report and condemned by the PACE.
That the death of President Milosevic, a head of state, was the direct consequence of the deliberate withholding of necessary medical treatment which resulted in his death, a criminal homicide.
That the same characterizations apply and practices are used at all the ad-hoc tribunals for Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Hariri - a cesspool of US injustice and persecution of political prisoners.

We therefore demand 
1. the immediate abolition of the entire system of ad-hoc tribunals, the immediate release of all political prisoners held by them, and a public inquiry by independent jurists and scholars into the practices, conduct and operations of these tribunals and those responsible,
2. public and independent inquiry into the killing of President Milosevic.

Klaus Hartmann, Chairman of the Board 
Vladimir Krsljanin, Secretary
For correspondence: Klaus Hartmann • Schillstrasse 7 • D- 63069 Offenbach am Main

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