MESSAGGIO SPEDITO DA Alberto Tarozzi <tarozzi@...> :

attenzione, il libro che la stampa jugo segnalava in portoghese è in
di origine francese ed è bartolomei a ri-segnalarmelo, si chiama appunto

> "Uranium Appauvri: La Guerre Invisible" by Martin Meissonnier,
> > Federic Loore and Roger Trilling. Robert Laffont; FF139.

... e segue la scheda

> > ..shtml) THE INDEPENDENT, London, 29 January 2001 Pentagon 'knew Nato
> > shells contained dangerous nuclear waste' By John Lichfield in Paris
> >
> > Some shells fired in the Gulf and Balkan wars contained a type of
> > recycled nuclear waste that is much more hazardous than depleted
> > uranium, according to a book to be published in France next week. The
> > book, Depleted Uranium: The Invisible War, could change the debate on
> > whether weapons used by the United States and Nato caused widespread
> > sickness among war veterans and civilians. The authors, a Frenchman, a
> > Belgian and an American, produce evidence that the US government knew
> > six years ago that its stocks of "safe" depleted uranium had been
> > contaminated by spent nuclear fuels. Whether this recycled material
> > was mixed up with the "classic" depleted uranium (DU) accidentally or
> > deliberately remains unclear. The book uncovers evidence that the
> > Pentagon knew in 1995 that its armour-piercing shells and bombs
> > contained substances more environmentally menacing than the "natural"
> > depleted uranium that Washington, London and Nato headquarters have
> > repeatedly defended. In other words, the entire DU debate has been
> > based on false premises. The findings of Martin Meissonnier, Frederic
> > Loore and Roger Trilling have been independently confirmed in the past
> > few days by researchers at a Swiss government laboratory, which
> > analysed spent US munitions from Kosovo. The lab found that the shells
> > contained traces of an isotope of uranium - uranium 236 - which occurs
> > only in nuclear waste. The Pentagon spokesman, Kenneth Bacon, admitted
> > last week - in reply to a question from one of the authors of the book
> > - that depleted uranium intended for armour-piercing weapons had been
> > contaminated by small amounts of plutonium at the defence department
> > nuclear plant at Paducah in Kentucky. The vigorous defence of DU
> > weapons by the US and other Nato governments has been based on the
> > argument that DU is a "natural" material of relatively low
> > radioactivity. DU, in its classic form, is the heavy metal left behind
> > - mostly uranium 238 - when the most fissile part of raw uranium,
> > mined from the earth, is removed for use as a nuclear fuel, so classic
> > DU is obtained before the nuclear reaction process. The book produces
> > evidence that at least some of the weapons used in the Gulf and
> > Balkans contained another kind of uranium, obtained by recycling spent
> > nuclear fuels after the reaction process. The danger is that this form
> > of uranium - sometimes called "dirty depleted uranium" - can contain
> > traces of highly radioactive materials, such as plutonium. Mr Trilling
> > said yesterday: "The whole debate should go back to square one. We are
> > not saying that we know for sure that DU caused Gulf syndrome
> > sicknesses, or the similar illnesses reported in the Balkans.
> > Personally, I
> >
> > doubt that depleted uranium weapons are the cause, or sole cause, of
> > the Gulf or Balkan syndromes, whatever these weapons may have actually
> > contained. "What we are saying is that the US government's defence of
> > depleted uranium has been, to be charitable, extremely misleading. The
> > book is a plea for more research - not research on abstract theories
> > about classic depleted uranium, but on the actual contents of US and
> > Nato weapons. Until then, everyone on all sides of the argument is
> > talking in the dark and should shut the hell up." The book is based on
> > two years of interviews and investigations originally done for a
> > French television documentary, which was shown last year. Extra
> > material has been discovered in the past few months. The writers allow
> > both sides of the argument about classic DU to make their cases in
> > great detail. But there are three important new pieces of information:
> > * Independent research by Dr Asaf Durakovic, an American of Croatian
> > origin, has found traces of uranium 236 in the urine or bodies of 42
> > American Gulf veterans. Uranium 236 is not present in the natural
> > world and should not be present in "clean" depleted uranium. * An
> > official report by the US Army Environmental Policy Institute in 1995
> > acknowledged the possibility that "depleted uranium used by the
> > Department of Defense contains traces of uranium 236". This implies
> > that some of the DU used in US weapons was created from spent nuclear
> > fuel, not from raw, mined uranium. * The nuclear plant at Paducah in
> > Kentucky was accused of "waste, fraud, abuse and bad management" by
> > the General Accounting Office, the official US government watchdog, in
> > 1992. The accounting office report protested that the plant was
> > recycling uranium from nuclear waste, without proper safeguards,
> > endangering its own workers. Paducah is one of the three sites in
> > America that produce the DU used by US and Nato weapons. It was the
> > site named by the Pentagon spokesman last week as a source of
> > contamination of some DU weapons with plutonium. Mr Trilling said
> > yesterday that the "charitable" interpretation of the evidence was
> > that clean and "dirty" forms of DU had been mixed up at Paducah, or in
> > US Department of Defense stocks, some time in the 1980s. A decision
> > had been taken to use up the stocks in the belief, or hope, that only
> > small quantities of highly radioactive material were involved.
> >
> >


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