BELGRADE, February 8 (Tanjug) Several hundred people rallied
Thursday near the Federation Palace in Belgrade, protesting against
European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana's visit to
Yugoslavia. The protesters carried placards and shouted
"Solana fascist", "Solana murderer", "Treason, treason", "Long live
Slobodan Milosevic", etc.
Apart from the placards, they also had pictures of former
President Slobodan Milosevic.
After a brief rally, the demonstrators blocked the traffic in
Nikola Tesla boulevard for a while and circled the Federation Palace.
The protesters took to the streets in downtown Belgrade on
Wednesday chanting against Solana's visit to Belgrade. Solana was NATO
secretarygeneral during the alliance's bombing of Yugoslavia.


From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <vlada@...> |
To: <Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.>
Subject: STOP OR ARREST SOLANA - big rally in Belgrade
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 20:55:49 +0100


About 20 000 people gathered tonight in front of the
Foreign ministry in Belgrade, protesting against the visit
of Xavier Solana to Yugoslavia. Demonstrators have burned
a doll in prison clothes with the face of Solana,
demanding that the verdict of Belgrade court should be
applied. Rally then moved to the American embassy
in Belgrade shouting slogans against NATO, Solana, Hague
NATO Tribunal and in favour of former president
Slobodan Milosevic. Several dozens of Greeks from
Thessaloniki, organised by Greek Communist Party
have joined the demonstrations, warmly welcomed by croud.
With leaders of leftist parties and patriotic
organizations in front, thousands of demonstrators than passed
through whole centre of the city, bocking the traffic, up
to the Republic Square, where rally was finished with
singing the national anthem. Before that the coloumn
stoped in front of Zoran Djindjic's Democratic Party
very angrilly protesting against new Prime-minister of
Serbia as a trator.
Obviuously being afraid from earlier announced
demontrations, Solana decided to shorten his stay in
Belgrade. He will arrive only thursday early morning and
will stay untill noon. All his talks (with Kostunica,
Djindjic and Svilanovic) will take place in the Federation
Palace, not far from the airport. Demonstrators have
been called to regather in the morning in front of the
Federation Palace.
In spite of totally controled media by prowestern
government, there is a huge public pressure on Kostunica
eighter to cancell the visit or to arrest Solana.


The URL for his article is
[Emperor's Clothes]

Don't entertain him - arrest him!
Javier Solano's Visit to Belgrade is an Outrage! 2-7-200

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Jared Israel (editor, Emperor's Clothes) and
Nico Varkevisser (President, Global Reflexion)

Today several thousand Yugoslavs of varying political beliefs
passionately protested against Javier Solano's visit to Belgrade. This
protest, loud and spirited, was held in the center of Belgrade, on Knez
Milosh Street, outside the Muinistry of Foreign Affairs. It represents a

most important act of defiance, held in the face of widespread violence
and intimidation following the U.S-backed coup in Belgrade, Oct. 5th.

Javier Solano was head of NATO during and after NATO’s 78 day bombing
campaign. He was convicted of mass murder by a Yugoslav court and
sentenced, in absentia, to 20 years hard labor. The court that made that

decision still has jurisdiction under Kostunica, who insists that he
stands for the rule of law.

Yet today Solano is in Belgrade. And the Kostunica/Djindjic regime is
not arresting him.

Now, all the media lies that were used as a pretext to bomb Yugoslavia –

from the lies about mass graves to the lies about the phony Racak
massacre - have been refuted by NATO’s own data as well as by official
organizations such as the FBI, Europol, the OSCE, the UNHCR and Finish
Forensic experts. And yet it is now, mocking Yugoslav justice, that the
new Belgrade regime, backed by NATO and the International Monetary Fund,

invites Solano to Belgrade. Not to arrest him, but to meet with him and
to celebrate, while at the same time they are hunting down those who
resisted NATO and indicting them for NATO ‘s crimes.

Solano is a criminal. He is guilty of:

Crimes against humanity – Javier Solano was head of NATO when, in
violation of its charter and all international law, it launched the
bombing war against Yugoslavia, including the use of nuclear-sheathed
weapons. It was Solano who was responsible for the destruction of the
homes and lives of Kosovo residents of all nationalities. It was
Solano’s NATO that has put 25 million people in the Balkans at risk by
bombing the area with low level nuclear weapons. Solano’s NATO oversaw
the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Yugoslavs from Kosovo after
the bombing.

Crimes against the truth - Solano was not only an organizer he was a
direct apologist for the war and the subsequent violent expulsions from
Kosovo. For example, after NATO bombed a group of returning Albanian
refugees in the town of Korisa, Solano went on TV declaring that the
Serbs were at fault for the deaths although in fact the killing was done

by NATO bombs.

This truly insane argument was invoked recently by Carla Del Ponte of
the kangaroo-court War Crimes Tribunal, who accused Milosevich of being
responsible for the deaths of 16 people when NATO bombed Serbian
television. Following Del Ponte’s lead, the Belgrade government has
threatened to indict Dragoljub Milanovic, director of Serbian TV at that

time, for the NATO bombing. Thus the Kostunica/Djindjic government
invites Javier Solano, a convicted war criminal, to be wined and dined
in Belgrade while trying to jail Yugoslav leaders for the bombs that
NATO dropped.

Many Yugoslavs voted for Vojislav Kostunica because they saw in him a
hope of peace with justice. But where is the justice when murderers are
entertained and the innocent are accused of their crimes? Now, when the
horrors of NATO’s use of depleted uranium are coming out, it is
incumbent on those who supported this regime to join with all others in
Yugoslavia and around the world to condemn the real criminals: Solano,
Clinton, Blair, Schroeder, Chretien and all other NATO heads of state
and heads of government and their Yugoslav political puppets.

- February 7, 2001

Further Reading

1) On NATO's carefully orchestrated campaign to turn neighbor against
neighbor before and during the bombing of Kosovo in 1999, see 'Why
Albanians Fled Kosovo During NATO Bombing' at

2) On NATO's involvement in expelling hundreds of thousands from Kosovo
after the bombing, see 'Driven from Kosovo: Jewish Leader Blames

NATO - Interview With Cedda Prlincevic' at

3) On NATO's conscious effort to punish Yugoslavia by creating
environmental disasters, see 'NATO Willfully Triggered Environmental
Catastrophe In Yugoslavia' by Michel Chossudovsky at and
'Chemical/Nuclear Warfare in Bosnia: Eyewitness To Hell' at

4) On NATO's attempt to replace international law with the rule of NATO,

see 'Humanitarian War: Making the Crime Fit the Punishment' by Diana
Johnstone at
and 'Mocking Tradition and Practice - NATO's War & World Security' by
Raju Thomas at

5) On the effort by distinguished Western lawyers to bring NATO to
justice, see 'Report: Meeting with Carla del Ponte on NATO Crimes of
War' by Michael Mandel at

6) On efforts to intimidate anti-NATO dissent in Yugoslavia, see "These
Djindjic People are Brownshirts," at

and "Report on the Dec. 23 Elections" by the British Helsinki Human
Rights Group at


Yugoslav Journalists' Fund

Emperor's Clothes is trying to assist a few families of Yugoslav
journalists. These journalists are among the many journalists who have
literally been thrown out of work when thugs took over all TV and radio
stations and newspapers during and after the Oct. 5th coup. These
attacks are part of the terror in 'democratic' Serbia. We are providing
some financial help; we need to provide more.

It's really a privilege to be able to help these brave men and women who

are trying to report 'the other side' within Yugoslavia and, through
Emperor's Clothes and other media, to the outside world.

Meanwhile, our own operating costs have increased. (For instance,
monthly fees for the superb search engine Lexis have more than doubled.
Lexis enabled us to find the two news stories posted above.)

If you can make a contribution either to our general expenses or
specifically to help the Journalists' Fund, please do. Any amount will
help. To use our secure server, please go to (If you use the
secure server and wish your contribution to go to the Journalists' Fund,

please send us a note at emperors1000@...

Or you can mail a check to Emperor's Clothes, P.O. Box 610-321, Newton,
MA 02461-0321.

Or call 617 916-1705 from 9-5, Eastern U.S. time and ask for Bob. Thanks

very much!

And please join our email list so we can keep you informed.
[Emperor's Clothes]


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