(srpskohrvatski / english / italiano / more languages)

Ukraine: Israeli Special Forces Supporting Antisemitic Mob

2) Rezolucija komunističkih i radničkih partija o događajima u Ukrajini: O fašističkoj opasnosti i organizaciji borbe protiv nje
3) Ukraine: Israeli Special Forces Unit under Neo-Nazi Command Involved in Maidan Riots (M. Chossudovsky)
4) Ucraina, la strategia della tensione (Manlio Dinucci)

=== 1 : MORE LINKS ===

Per aggiornamenti continui si vedano:


In evidenza:

Gli autori del massacro sono gli ispiratori delle belve fasciste che oggi imperversano a Kiev e nel resto dell'Ucraina, con il sostegno di UE e NATO 

A serie of photos of the Jewish pogrom in the city of Lvov (Lviv, Lwow or Lemberg) in Western Ukraine, organised by the Germans and "the Ukrainian people's militia" (the Ukranian Nazi collaborators from so called OUN - Organisation of Ukranian Nationalists)
EXCERPT: The boss of Ukraninan pogromists in the city of Lvov was Yaroslav Stetsko, one of the leaders of OUN, pro-Nazi Organisation of Ukranian nationalists. IN THE PHOTO: Yaroslav Stetsko after WW2. Yes, with George Bush, Sr.  In a Cold war times OUN was supported by US and CIA. As a result - US President  shaking hand to veteran-pogromist of 1941

CIA‘s Use of Nazi Strategy on Ukrainian Right-Wing Nationalists Unabated since Cold War
L'uso della CIA dei nazisti ucraini dalla Guerra Fredda



La video registrazione dell'iniziativa svoltasi ad Ancona il 28 febbraio, con la partecipazione, tra gli altri, del Professor Domenico Losurdo

Решения народного вече Донбасса. Срочно! Репост! [Manifestazioni di massa a Donetsk, Donbass, censurate dai media italiani]



Diciamo tutta la verità su chi sta provocando la guerra ai confini della Russia (Mauro Gemma)

L’histoire cachée des FEMEN (Olivier Pechter, 3 mars 2014)

The Crimean Conflict

Petro Simonenko: senza referendum per l'integrazione nell’UE, l’Ucraina è ora sull'orlo della secessione 

Во Львове появились фашисткие листовки «Тут живут москали» [Sulle porte di alcune alcune case e appartamenti di Lvov i fascisti del Pravyj Sektor affiggono manifestini come quello che vedete qui. C'è scritto "Qui vivono moskali", termine dispregiativo per indicare gli abitanti di Mosca, o per esteso, per indicare russi o persone di origine russa. Si tratta di gravissime provocazioni a sfondo razziale, simili a quelle della Germania nazista e dell'Italia fascista.]

US media escalates propaganda offensive on Ukraine

The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine (M. Chossudovsky)

Эмир Кустурица: Россия должна защитить русских, которые живут на Украине [Emir Kusturica: "La Russia deve difendere i russi, che vivono in Ucraina"]

Fermiamo i guerrafondai dell'Euromajdan!

I fascisti ucraini chiedono aiuto agli estremisti islamici

“Правый сектор” обратился к лидеру чеченских террористов с просьбой о помощи [Il capo di banderovcy Jarosh chiede appoggio al terrorista ceceno Dokka Umarov nella "comune lotta contro la Russia". Ricordiamo che uno dei capi del Pravyj Sektor ha lottato a fianco dei terroristi ceceni nella seconda metà degli anni '90]

US-backed Ukrainian regime mobilizes reserves, threatening war with Russia

U.S. imperialism’s new Cold War and Ukraine

U.S., EU out of Ukraine! Stop Washington’s threats!

Войска НАТО высадились во Львовской области
Truppe NATO arrivano nella regione di Lvov

The Massive PSYOP Employed against Ukraine by GCHQ and NSA
Le massicce PSYOP contro l’Ucraina da parte di GCHQ e NSA

=== 2 ===

Isto pročitaj:

NE FAŠIZACIJI UKRAJINE! Nova komunistička partija Jugoslavije (NKPJ) sa zabrinutošću gleda na najnovije događaje koji su potresli Ukrajinu i prete da ovu zemlju odvuku u haos i rat

IZRAŽAVAMO SOLIDARNOST S KOMUNISTIMA I RADNIČKOM KLASOM UKRAJINE. Pismo solidarnosti koje je NKPJ uputila Komunističkoj partiji Ukrajine (KPU) i Savezu komunista Ukrajine (SKU)



Rezolucija komunističkih i radničkih partija o događajima u Ukrajini:
O fašističkoj opasnosti i organizaciji borbe protiv nje

 Niz komunističkih, socijalističkih i radničkih partija Ukrajine i regije izdao je proglas o aktualnim događanjima u Ukrajini, prenosimo tekst u cijelosti:

"Politička kriza u Ukrajini je dostigla fazu neposredne borbe za vlast. Ishod te borbe počeo se rješavati u korist najreakcionarnijih, buržoasko-nacionalističkih i otvoreno pro-fašističkih sila.

Sadašnja kriza u Ukrajini je manifestacija žestokog sukoba unutar vladajuće buržoaske klase, napad krupnog financijskog i industrijskog kapitala Ukrajine, s ciljem preuzimanja vlasti i preraspodjele imovine koja je prethodno bila u rukama provladinih kapitalista. U toj borbi, na jedan ili drugi način uključeni su i zapadni i ruski kapital. Bez sumnje, predvodnici svjetskog imperijalizma, a posebno SAD i EU (u njoj prije svega Njemačka), kao i Rusija, žele okrenuti trenutnu kriznu situaciju u Ukrajini u svoju korist. Sadašnja izravna intervencija pod vodstvom SAD i EU u unutarnja pitanja Ukrajine je bez presedana: financiranjem takozvane opozicije, izazivanjem i pomaganjem u organiziranju pokušaja državnog udara, političkim i gospodarskim pritiskom sve do otvorenog pokušaja sastavljanja nove Vlade Ukrajine i nametanja osobe koja bi trebala biti postavljena za budućeg predsjednika Republike.

Ova politika vodećih imperijalističkih sila je očito nastavak nekažnjenih imperijalističkih agresija protiv Jugoslavije, Iraka, Libije, sadašnje intervencije protiv Sirije i drugih arapskih i afričkih zemlja, blokade i prijetnje Kubi, Venecueli, Sjevernoj Koreji, Iranu, te prakse korištenja "mekih" državnih udara primjenjene u nekoliko zemalja Latinske Amerike. Ta politika je manifestacija jednog od glavnih ekonomskih obilježja imperijalizma: borba za podjelu svijeta između imperijalističkih sila, što je karakteristično za monopolistički kapitalizam u svim njegovim etapama razvoja. U današnjim uvjetima imperijalizam poprima sve karakteristike svojstvene fašizmu: neposredna teroristička diktatura povezana sa rukovodstvom najreakcionarnijih i najšovinističkijih elemenata financijskog kapitala, u punom skladu s definicijom Kominterne.

Međutim, pored ove vanjske intervencije treba znati da je politika dotad vladajućega klana krupne buržoazije, na čelu s "Partijom regija" i njezinim pulenom predsjednikom Janukovičem, nastavila i pogoršala grabežljivu politiku njegovih prethodnika (Kravčuka, Kučme i Juščenka), dovela je do pogoršanja životnih uvjeta radničke klase i svih radnih ljudi i do čudovišnog povećanja korupcije. Sve je to dopustila "oporba" kako bi oživjela svoje napade i koristila u borbi za vlast zajedno sa svojim konkurentima: najmračnijim i najreakcionarnijim elementima, ali i velikom dijelu društva, sve do fašističke i nacističke desnice.

U pravilu, borba kapitalista za vlast, kao i borba sa bilo kojom krizom, ima tendenciju slabljenja vladajuće klase, koja stvara uvjete za jačanje politike rada, politike samih radnika. No, to se nije dogodilo u Ukrajini. Njezina radnička klasa je ušla u krizu idejno razoružana, dezorijentirana i sa podijeljenim organizacijama, bila je talac političara koji su je iskorištavali.Smatramo da je naša dužnost prepoznati i preuzeti odgovornost za slabost komunističkog i radničkog pokreta u Ukrajini i otvoreno reći naše čvrsto uvjerenje da jedan od glavnih uzroka stanja radničkog pokreta u Ukrajini, kao i u Rusiji, te u većini zapadnih zemalja, je najoštrija desna devijacija u komunističkom pokretu, objektivna politika suradnje s buržoaskom klasom, koju već desetljećima provode mnoge velike partije europske ljevice i bliske su joj u političkoj strategiji i taktici.

Kao što je oportunizam u vrijeme vlasti Gorbačova prepustio socijalizam kapitalizmu, danas nasljednici Gorbačova napuštaju svoje pozicije pred napadom fašizma. Radni narod je dezorganiziran i nastavlja se zavaravati parlamentarnim iluzijama i nadom u poštene izbore, pokušavajući stvoriti različite verzije vlada i sindikata lijevog centra, u navodno mogućoj progresivnoj građanskoj državi.

Te iluzije i obmane radnici moraju jasno odbaciti.

Radnička klasa i svi radni ljudi moraju voditi vlastitu klasnu borbu protiv kapitalizma i kapitalističke politike svih vrsta i klanova, za svoju vlast: vlast radnog naroda. Radnički klasni frontovi i proleterski odredi mogu i moraju postati centri antifašističke borbe svih poštenih ljudi i progresivnih snaga u svijetu, jer bez borbe protiv imperijalizma i potpore koje imperijalizam uživa u radničkom pokretu: oportunizma, borba protiv fašizma je isprazna i lažljiva fraza.

Komunisti i radni ljudi svih zemalja moraju biti prvi koji će započeti otpor rastućem fašizmu u Ukrajini, Siriji, u EU, SAD-u, i bilo gdje u svijetu.

Proleteri svih zemalja , ujedinite se!"

Savez Komunista Ukrajine
Ruska Komunistička Radnička Partija
Komunistička Partija Sovjetskog Saveza
Bjeloruska Komunistička Partija Radnika
Socijalistički Pokret Kazahstana
Marksistički pokret "Narodni otpor" (Moldavija)
Komunistička Partija Azerbajdžana
Komunistička Partija Grčke
Komunistička Partija Italije
Savez Revolucionara - Komunisti Francuske
Radnička Partija Mađarske
Partija Bugarskih Komunista
Komunistička Inicijativa Njemačke
Socijalistička Radnička Partija Hrvatske
Nova Komunistička Partija Jugoslavije
Komunistička Partija Bugarske

Ovu rezoluciju, bezrezervno podržava i partija Komunisti Srbije!

=== 3 ===

Sull'antisemitismo dell'Euromajdan si veda:

24 febbraio: bombe molotov contro la sinagoga di Zaporozhie

Ucraina liberata: i Nazi in piazza, gli Ebrei in fuga (Ennio Remondino)

Kiev, fascisti al potere: attacchi a comunisti ed ebrei. Che pensano all’evacuazione (Marco Santopadre)

Testfeld Ukraine. Jüdische Organisationen warnen vor einer neuen Welle des Antisemitismus… (GFP 24.02.2014)


Ukraine: Israeli Special Forces Unit under Neo-Nazi Command Involved in Maidan Riots

Global Research, March 03, 2014

Under the title “In Kiev, an Israeli army vet led a street-fighting unit”the Jewish News Agency JTA confirms that soldiers from the IDF were involved in the EuroMaidan protest movement under the direct command of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party.  The Svoboda Party follows in the footsteps of World War II Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera.

The leader of the “Blue Helmets of Maidan” is Delta “the nom de guerre of the commander of a Jewish-led militia force that participated in the Ukrainian revolution”. Delta is a Veteran of the notorious Givati infantry brigade, which was involved in numerous operations directed against Gaza including Operation Cast Lead in 2008-2009.

The Givati brigade was responsible for the massacres in the Tel el-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza. Delta, the leader of the EuroMaidan IDF unit acknowledges that he acquired his urban combat skills in the Shu’alei Shimshon reconnaissance battalion of the Givati brigade.

[PHOTO: Delta, the nom de guerre of the Jewish commander of a Ukrainian street-fighting unit, is pictured in Kiev earlier this month. (Courtesy of ‘Delta’)]

According to the JTA report, Delta was in command of a force of 40 men and women including several former IDF veterans. In the EuroMaidan, Delta was routinely applying his skills of urban warfare which he had used against the Palestinians in Gaza.

The Maidan “Street fighting unit” under Delta’s command was involved in confronting government forces. It is unclear from the reports whether the EuroMaidan combat unit was in liaison with IDF command headquarters in Israel:

The Blue Helmets comprise 35 men and women who are not Jewish, and who are led by five ex-IDF soldiers, says Delta, an Orthodox Jew in his late 30s

Delta, who immigrated to Israel in the 1990s, moved back to Ukraine several years ago … He says he joined the protest movement as a volunteer on Nov. 30, after witnessing violence by government forces against student protesters.

“I saw unarmed civilians with no military background being ground by a well-oiled military machine, and it made my blood boil,” Delta told JTA in Hebrew laced with military jargon. “I joined them then and there, and I started fighting back the way I learned how, through urban warfare maneuvers. People followed, and I found myself heading a platoon of young men. Kids, really.”

The other ex-IDF infantrymen joined the Blue Helmets later after hearing it was led by a fellow vet, Delta said.

In a bitter irony, Delta, the commander of the IDF militia unit was taking his orders directly from the Neo-Nazi Party Svoboda:

As platoon leader, Delta says he takes orders from activists connected to Svoboda, an ultra-nationalist [Neo-Nazi] party that has been frequently accused of anti-Semitism and whose members have been said to have had key positions in organizing the opposition protests.

“I don’t belong [to Svoboda], but I take orders from their team. They know I’m Israeli, Jewish and an ex-IDF soldier. They call me ‘brother,’” he said. “What they’re saying about Svoboda is exaggerated, I know this for a fact. I don’t like them because they’re inconsistent, not because of [any] anti-Semitism issue.”

Neither the Tel Aviv government nor the Israeli media have expressed concern regarding the fact that the EuroMaidan protests were led by Neo-Nazis.

With the formation of a new government composed of NeoNazis,  the Jewish community in Kiev is threatened.  This community is described as “one of the most vibrant Jewish communities in the world, with dozens of active Jewish organizations and institutions”. A significant part of this community is made up of family members of holocaust survivors. “Three million Ukrainians were murdered by the Nazis during their occupation of Ukraine, including 900,000 Jews.” (indybay.org, January 29, 2014).

“It’s bullshit. I never saw any expression of anti-Semitism during the protests”

In a bitter twist, the Blue Helmet IDF unit in the EuroMaidan has been the object of praise by the Israeli media. According to Ariel Cohen of the Washington based Heritage Foundation: “The commanding position of Svoboda in the revolution is no secret”. The participation of Israeli soldiers under Neo-Nazi Svoboda command does not seem to be an object of concern:

On Wednesday, Russian State Duma Chairman Sergey Naryshkin said Moscow was concerned about anti-Semitic declarations by radical groups in Ukraine.But Delta says the Kremlin is using the anti-Semitism card falsely to delegitimize the Ukrainian revolution, which is distancing Ukraine from Russia’s sphere of influence.

“It’s bullshit. I never saw any expression of anti-Semitism during the protests, and the claims to the contrary were part of the reason I joined the movement. We’re trying to show that Jews care,” he said.

See Svoboda and Right Sector militants honoring Stepan Bandera(image below)

Bandera was a Nazi collaborator involved in the Third Reich’s Einsatzgruppen (Task Groups or Deployment Groups) . These “task forces” were paramilitary death squads deployed throughout the Ukraine.

[PHOTO: Neo-Nazis Honoring Stepan Bandera]

The JTA article can be consulted at www.jta.org/2014/02/28/news-opinion/world/in-kiev-an-israeli-militia-commander-fights-in-the-streets-and-saves-lives

Copyright © 2014 Global Research


In Kiev, an Israeli army vet led a street-fighting unit

By Cnaan Liphshiz February 28, 2014 1:30pm

[PHOTO: Delta, the nom de guerre of the Jewish commander of a Ukrainian street-fighting unit, is pictured in Kiev earlier this month. (Courtesy of ‘Delta’)]

(JTA) — He calls his troops “the Blue Helmets of Maidan,” but brown is the color of the headgear worn by Delta — the nom de guerre of the commander of a Jewish-led militia force that participated in the Ukrainian revolution.
Under his helmet, he also wears a kippah.
Delta, a Ukraine-born former soldier in the Israel Defense Forces, spoke to JTA Thursday on condition of anonymity. He explained how he came to use combat skills he acquired in the Shu’alei Shimshon reconnaissance battalion of the Givati infantry brigade to rise through the ranks of Kiev’s street fighters.
He has headed a force of 40 men and women — including several fellow IDF veterans — in violent clashes with government forces.
Several Ukrainian Jews, including Rabbi Moshe Azman, one of the country’s claimants to the title of chief rabbi, confirmed Delta’s identity and role in the still-unfinished revolution.
The “Blue Helmets” nickname, a reference to the U.N. peacekeeping force, stuck after Delta’s unit last month prevented a mob from torching a building occupied by Ukrainian police, he said.
“There were dozens of officers inside, surrounded by 1,200 demonstrators who wanted to burn them alive,” he recalled. “We intervened and negotiated their safe passage.”
The problem, he said, was that the officers would not leave without their guns, citing orders. Delta told JTA his unit reasoned with the mob to allow the officers to leave with their guns.
“It would have been a massacre, and that was not an option,” he said.
The Blue Helmets comprise 35 men and women who are not Jewish, and who are led by five ex-IDF soldiers, says Delta, an Orthodox Jew in his late 30s who regularly prays at Azman’s Brodsky Synagogue. He declined to speak about his private life.
Delta, who immigrated to Israel in the 1990s, moved back to Ukraine several years ago and has worked as a businessman. He says he joined the protest movement as a volunteer on Nov. 30, after witnessing violence by government forces against student protesters.
“I saw unarmed civilians with no military background being ground by a well-oiled military machine, and it made my blood boil,” Delta told JTA in Hebrew laced with military jargon. “I joined them then and there, and I started fighting back the way I learned how, through urban warfare maneuvers. People followed, and I found myself heading a platoon of young men. Kids, really.”
The other ex-IDF infantrymen joined the Blue Helmets later after hearing it was led by a fellow vet, Delta said.
As platoon leader, Delta says he takes orders from activists connected to Svoboda, an ultra-nationalist party that has been frequently accused of anti-Semitism and whose members have been said to have had key positions in organizing the opposition protests.
“I don’t belong [to Svoboda], but I take orders from their team. They know I’m Israeli, Jewish and an ex-IDF soldier. They call me ‘brother,’” he said. “What they’re saying about Svoboda is exaggerated, I know this for a fact. I don’t like them because they’re inconsistent, not because of [any] anti-Semitism issue.”
The commanding position of Svoboda in the revolution is no secret, according to Ariel Cohen, a senior research fellow at the Washington D.C.-based Heritage Foundation think tank.
“The driving force among the so-called white sector in the Maidan are the nationalists, who went against the SWAT teams and snipers who were shooting at them,” Cohen told JTA.
Still, many Jews supported the revolution and actively participated in it.
Earlier this week, an interim government was announced ahead of election scheduled for May, including ministers from several minority groups.
Volodymyr Groysman, a former mayor of the city of Vinnytsia and the newly appointed deputy prime minister for regional policy, is a Jew, Rabbi Azman said.
“There are no signs for concern yet,” said Cohen, “but the West needs to make it clear to Ukraine that how it is seen depends on how minorities are treated.”
On Wednesday, Russian State Duma Chairman Sergey Naryshkin said Moscow was concerned about anti-Semitic declarations by radical groups in Ukraine.
But Delta says the Kremlin is using the anti-Semitism card falsely to delegitimize the Ukrainian revolution, which is distancing Ukraine from Russia’s sphere of influence.
“It’s bullshit. I never saw any expression of anti-Semitism during the protests, and the claims to the contrary were part of the reason I joined the movement. We’re trying to show that Jews care,” he said.
Still, Delta’s reasons for not revealing his name betray his sense of feeling like an outsider. “If I were Ukrainian, I would have been a hero. But for me it’s better to not reveal my name if I want to keep living here in peace and quiet,” he said.
Fellow Jews have criticized him for working with Svoboda.
“Some asked me if instead of ‘Shalom’ they should now greet me with a ‘Sieg heil.’ I simply find it laughable,” he said.
But he does have frustrations related to being an outsider: “Sometimes I tell myself, ‘What are you doing? This is not your army. This isn’t even your country.’”
He recalls feeling this way during one of the fiercest battles he experienced, which took place last week at Institutskaya Street and left 12 protesters dead.
“The snipers began firing rubber bullets at us. I fired back from my rubber-bullet rifle,” Delta said. “Then they opened live rounds, and my friend caught a bullet in his leg. They shot at us like at a firing range. I wasn’t ready for a last stand. I carried my friend and ordered my troops to fall back. They’re scared kids. I gave them some cash for phone calls and told them to take off their uniform and run away until further instructions. I didn’t want to see anyone else die that day.”
Currently, the Blue Helmets are carrying out police work that include patrols and preventing looting and vandalism in a city of 3 million struggling to climb out of the chaos that engulfed it for the past three months.
But Delta has another, more ambitious, project: He and Azman are organizing the airborne evacuation of seriously wounded protesters — none of them Jewish — for critical operations in Israel. Azman says he hopes the plane of 17 patients will take off next week, with funding from private donors and with help from Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel.
One of the patients, a 19-year-old woman, was wounded at Institutskaya by a bullet that penetrated her eye and is lodged inside her brain, according to Delta.
“The doctor told me that another millimeter to either direction and she would be dead,” Delta said. “And I told him it was the work of Hakadosh Baruch Hu.”

Cnaan Liphshiz is JTA's news and features correspondent in Europe. Based in the Netherlands, he covers the mosaic of cultures, languages and traditions that is European Jewry. Born in Israel, he used to work as foireign news editor for Ma'ariv and as a reporter for Haaretz.

=== 4 ===

Ucraina, la strategia della tensione

di Manlio Dinucci | da il Manifesto, 4 marzo 2014

La guerra per il controllo dell’Ucraina è iniziata: con una possente psyop, operazione di guerra psicologica, in cui vengono usate le sperimentate armi di distrazione di massa. Le immagini con cui la televisione bombarda le nostre menti ci mostrano militari russi che occupano la Crimea. Nessun dubbio, quindi, su chi sia l’aggressore. Ci vengono però nascoste altre immagini, come quella del segretario del partito comunista ucraino di Leopoli, Rotislav Vasilko, torturato da neonazisti che brandivano una croce di legno. Gli stessi che assaltano le sinagoghe al grido di «Heil Hitler», risuscitando il pogrom del 1941. Gli stessi finanziati e addestrati per anni, attraverso servizi segreti e loro «Ong», dagli Usa e dalla Nato. Lo stesso è stato fatto in Libia e si sta facendo in Siria, utilizzando gruppi islamici fino a poco prima definiti terroristi.

Dieci anni fa documentavamo sul manifesto (v. In Ucraina il dollaro va alle elezioni, 2004) come Washington avesse finanziato e organizzato, attraverso «Ong» specializzate, la «rivoluzione arancione» e l’ascesa alla presidenza di Viktor Yushchenko, che voleva portare l’Ucraina nella Nato. Sei anni fa, descrivendo l’esercitazione militare «Sea Breeze» tenuta dalla Nato in Ucraina all’insegna della «Partnership per la pace», scrivevamo che «la “brezza di mare” che spira sul Mar Nero preannuncia venti di guerra» (v. Giochi di guerra nel Mar Nero, 2008).

Per capire cosa stia succedendo in Ucraina non basta il fermo immagine di oggi, ci vuole tutto il film. La sequenza dell’espansione ad Est della Nato, che in dieci anni (1999-2009) ha inglobato tutti i paesi dell’ex Patto di Varsavia prima alleati dell’Urss, tre dell’ex Urss e due della ex Jugoslavia; che ha spostato le sue basi e forze militari, comprese quelle a capacità nucleare, sempre più a ridosso della Russia, armandole di uno «scudo» anti-missili (strumento non di difesa ma di offesa). Ciò, nonostante i ripetuti avvertimenti di Mosca, ignorati o derisi come «sorpassati stereotipi della guerra fredda».

La vera posta in gioco, in questa escalation, non è l’adesione dell’Ucraina alla Ue, ma l’annessione dell’Ucraina alla Nato. Quella Usa/Nato è una vera e propria strategia della tensione che, al di là dell’Europa, mira a ridimensionare la potenza che ha conservato la maggior parte del territorio e delle risorse dell’Urss, che si è ripresa dalla crisi economica del dopo guerra fredda, che ha rilanciato la sua politica estera (v. il ruolo svolto in Siria), che si è riavvicinata alla Cina creando una potenziale alleanza in grado di contrapporsi alla superpotenza statunitense. Attraverso tale strategia si spinge la Russia (come venne fatto con l’Urss) a una sempre più costosa corsa agli armamenti, con l’obiettivo di fiaccarla accrescendone le difficoltà economiche interne che gravano sulla maggioranza della popolazione, stringendola alle corde perché reagisca militarmente e possa essere messa al bando dalle «grandi democrazie» (da qui la minaccia di escluderla dal G8).

La rappresentante Usa all’Onu Samantha Power, paladina della «responsabilità di proteggere» spettante agli Stati uniti per diritto divino, ha chiesto l’invio di osservatori Osce in Ucraina. Gli stessi che – guidati da William Walker, già agente dell’intelligence Usa in Salvador – nel 1998/99 fecero da copertura alla Cia in Kosovo, fornendo all’Uck istruzioni e telefoni satellitari per la guerra che la Nato stava per lanciare. Per 78 giorni, decollando soprattutto dalle basi italiane, 1100 aerei effettuarono 38mila sortite, sganciando 23 mila bombe e missili. La guerra terminò con gli accordi di Kumanovo, che prevedevano un Kosovo largamente autonomo, presidiato dalla Nato, ma sempre all’interno della Federazione jugoslava. Accordi stracciati nel 2008 con l’autoproclamata indipendenza del Kosovo, riconosciuta dalla Nato. Quella che oggi accusa la Russia di violare in Ucraina il diritto internazionale.