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Encircling Russia

0) LINKS: US armor paraded 300m from Russian border / Arms supplies for Ukraine / New sanctions against Russia / Krieg mit anderen Mitteln / Conf. stampa di Putin 18/12/2014 / Rede Putins 2001 im deutschen Bundestag
1) A Ring around Russia (III) Ein Ring um Russland
2) I neo-nazisti ucraini addestrati dagli Usa (Manlio Dinucci,  9.2.2015)

=== 0 ===

Fonte: pagina FB di Rolando Dubini, 22/12/2014

In 7 minuti smontate tutte le menzogne dell'Occidente. Intuile ricordare l'inutilità e il servilismo della stampa nostrana.
Guardatelo e fate girare.
‪#‎Putin‬: Chi è l'aggressore?
7 minuti in cui il Presidente Russo smonta tutte le teorie occidentali su chi è l'aggressore, fa capire chiaramente gli intenti ostili di ‪#‎StatiUniti‬ e ‪#‎Nato‬e fa capire che la ‪#‎Russia‬ non si piegherà mai agli atlantisti.
Leggete molto bene e diffondete il più possibile.
(spezzone della conferenza stampa tenutasi il 18 Dicembre 2014)
Ringraziamo per la traduzione Elena e segnaliamo il suo canale ‪#‎YouTube‬:

Putin: Chi è l'aggressore? (Sottotitoli Italiani) - 18/12/2014


Division of Labor for Aggression (Debate on arms supplies for Ukraine - GFP 7/2/2015)
KIEV/BERLIN/WASHINGTON (Own report) - With informal talks on Ukraine at the Munich Security Conference approaching, German foreign policy makers are not ruling out their approbation for US arms deliveries to Kiev. Initiatives from within US government circles in Washington, to contemplate supplying anti-armor weapons and drones to the Ukraine's military, are considered by Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, to be "appropriate and important." German parliamentarians - in spite of the Chancellor's negative announcements - have made similar declarations. Washington's contemplations are based on the fact that Kiev has so far proven incapable of leading the West to victory in Ukraine's civil war. Some of Kiev's troops are in a desolate condition. Desertion is on the rise, as well as protests against the murderous combat. For western states, official delivery of lethal weapons to Ukraine is considered an option for turning the tide on the battlefield. Security Conference Director, Ischinger, finds a "division of labor" between Washington and Berlin conceivable...

Newsletter 2015/01/26 - The Usefulness of a Ceasefire (Debate on new sanctions against Russia; militarization of Ukraine – GFP 26/1/2015)
KIEV/BERLIN (Own report) - German foreign policy makers are proposing that tougher sanctions against Russia be discussed. In light of the escalating combat in Eastern Ukraine, we "unfortunately have to discuss tougher sanctions," declared several representatives of the German political establishment's transatlantic fraction. Berlin accuses the insurgents in Eastern Ukraine, and even Moscow of escalating the conflict. The escalation in Donetsk and Mariupol, however, followed the Kiev government's decision to launch another wave of mobilization and arms buildup, which, according to observers, could be the prelude to a major military offensive. Kiev has also launched a long-term militarization of the country: Adolescents, and even children, will not only have to undergo a "national patriotic education" in school, but also learn "how to use rifles and Kalashnikovs." Just a few days ago, the EU parliament passed a resolution to supply "defensive weapons" to Ukraine. Berlin had already authorized such supplies last year. Brussels is preparing a comprehensive propaganda campaign to accompany the escalation of the conflict...

War by Other Means (II) (The West's power struggle with Moscow – GFP 2015/02/09)
BERLIN/KIEV/MOSCOW (Own report) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel is convinced that the West will be "victorious" in the power struggle with Moscow. Merkel told the Munich Security Conference on the weekend that the Ukraine conflict "cannot be won" with military means. That is why "a new way must be found." Comparing the current power struggle to the Cold War, she reaffirmed, "I am a hundred percent convinced that, with our principles, we will win." Earlier, Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, had expressed a similar view proposing that a "double strategy" be applied in the West's power struggle with Russia. According to the journal of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), the power struggle, which currently cannot won with military means, should be returned "from the military to the economic level." To this effect, Berlin has launched a diplomatic offensive that should lead to talks in Minsk on Wednesday...

Krieg mit anderen Mitteln (II) (Ukraine-Russland-Konflikt – GFP 09.02.2015)
BERLIN/KIEW/MOSKAU (Eigener Bericht) - Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel rechnet mit einem "Sieg" des Westens im Machtkampf gegen Moskau. Wie Merkel am Wochenende auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz erklärte, sei der Konflikt aktuell militärisch "nicht zu gewinnen". Daher müsse man sich "etwas anderes ausdenken". Die Kanzlerin vergleicht den Machtkampf mit den Auseinandersetzungen im Kalten Krieg und bekräftigt: "Ich bin hundert Prozent überzeugt, dass wir mit unseren Prinzipien siegen werden." Ähnlich hat sich bereits der Leiter der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz, Wolfgang Ischinger, geäußert, der gegen Russland für eine "Doppelstrategie" des Westens plädiert. In der Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP) heißt es, man müsse den Machtkampf, den man gegenwärtig mit Waffen nicht für sich entscheiden könne, "vom militärischen Feld zurück auf das ökonomische" bringen. Berlin hat dazu nun eine diplomatische Offensive gestartet, die am Mittwoch in Minsk zu weiteren Gesprächen führen soll...

Der Gipfel von Minsk (GFP 12.02.2015)
14 Stunden nach Beginn dauern die Minsker Verhandlungen über eine Lösung im Ukraine-Konflikt an. War am frühen Morgen noch aus der belarussischen Hauptstadt zu hören gewesen, eine Einigung stehe unmittelbar bevor, hieß es wenig später, der ukrainische Präsident Petro Poroschenko habe "inakzeptable Bedingungen" der russischen Seite ausgemacht. Um neun Uhr mitteleuropäische Zeit ist nun eine neue Verhandlungsrunde gestartet worden; ein Ergebnis zeichnet sich noch nicht ab. Bereits vor der Zusammenkunft hatten die Vereinigten Staaten angekündigt, ein Bataillon ihrer Streitkräfte in die Ukraine zu entsenden, um ukrainische Soldaten zu trainieren. Während Berlin sich um Gespräche mit Moskau bemüht, hält Washington damit den Druck auf Russland aufrecht. Die Bundesregierung lässt zugleich keinen Zweifel daran, dass im Falle einer Eskalation das westliche Bündnis für sie Vorrang hat: Nach der Übernahme der Führung bei der neuen NATO-"Speerspitze" kündigt die Bundeswehr für März die Beteiligung an einem NATO-Manöver im Schwarzen Meer an. Explizit ist von einem "politischen Signal" die Rede...

US armor paraded 300m from Russian border (RT, February 25, 2015)
Estonia: NATO vehicles parade yards from Russian border (RT, 24 feb 2015)
Estonia celebrated their Independence Day Tuesday, with a military parade containing U.S NATO military combat vehicles, in the eastern border city of Narva, just 300 yards (274 metres), from the Russian border... 


Die bekannte Rede Putins 2001 im deutschen Bundestag, als die Medienhetze gegen Russland noch in den Kinderschuhen steckte (man beachte dazu den eher missmutigen Joschka Fischer) :
In deutscher Sprache wirbt Putin für eine starke Zusammenarbeit zwischen Europa und Russland. Spätestens mit der Orangenen Revolution 2004 in Kiew wird jedoch klar, dass der Westen nicht weniger als eine Unterwerfung der Atom-Grossmacht Russland anstrebt.

=== 1 ===

Auf deutsch: Ein Ring um Russland (III)
KIEW/TALLINN/CHISINAU/BERLIN (Eigener Bericht) - Mit martialischen Provokationen an Russlands nordwestlicher Grenze und mit der Ankündigung weiterer militärischer Trainingsprogramme für die ukrainischen Streitkräfte erhöht die NATO den Druck auf Moskau. Vor wenigen Tagen haben sich rund 100 NATO-Soldaten an einer Parade zum estnischen Unabhängigkeitstag beteiligt und sind in diesem Rahmen in Kampfmontur wenige Meter vor einem russischen Grenzposten aufmarschiert. Estland stellt einen Stützpunkt für die NATO-"Speerspitze", die derzeit unter deutscher Führung aufgebaut wird und binnen kürzester Frist gegen Russland einsetzbar sein soll. Zugleich kündigt Großbritannien an, sich gemeinsam mit den USA am Training der ukrainischen Streitkräfte zu beteiligen. Ungebrochen wird über Waffenlieferungen diskutiert. Drohgebärden der NATO treffen jetzt auch Moldawien. Es sei womöglich mit einer "russischen Aggression" dort zu rechnen, behaupten Medien unter Berufung auf NATO-Oberbefehlshaber Philipp Breedlove. Die durch nichts belegten Behauptungen zeigen exemplarisch, wie das westliche Kriegsbündnis mit Drohungen auf Einflussverluste reagiert: In der moldawischen Bevölkerung hat die EU zuletzt stark an Zustimmung verloren; wachsende Sympathien wenden sich Russland zu...


A Ring around Russia (III)

(Own report) - NATO is increasing its pressure on Moscow by organizing bellicose provocations at Russia's north-western border and announcing further training programs for the Ukrainian military forces. A few days ago, about 100 NATO soldiers participated in a military parade on the Estonian Independence Day, marching in full combat gear, just a few meters from a Russian border checkpoint. Estonia provides one of the NATO's "spearhead" rapid response force bases, currently being developed under German leadership. It should soon be ready for deployment against Russia. At the same time, Great Britain has announced, it will join the USA in training Ukrainian military forces. The discussion of arms deliveries continues. NATO is now also taking an aggressive posture toward Moldova. "Russia could target Moldova," the media affirms, quoting NATO's Supreme Commander, Gen. Philip Breedlove. These unsubstantiated allegations are good examples of the western war alliance's reaction to its waning influence. Disapproval of the EU and sympathy toward Russia have recently been growing within the Moldovan population.

Austerity for the EU and the Oligarchs

The Moldovan population's sympathy for the EU has clearly been waning over the past few years. In 2009, a government took office in Chişinău, advocating a rapprochement with Brussels, which was favored by 70 percent of the population. In return for an IMF loan, the government imposed tough austerity measures, promoted stronger relations with the EU, finally signed an EU association agreement on June 27, 2014, (ratified July 2 by the Moldovan parliament). Particularly these austerity measures, required for closer ties with the EU, have caused sympathy for Brussels to significantly drop in this desperately poverty-stricken nation. The Liberal democratic (PLDM) and the Democratic Party (PDM), the two most important pro-EU parties - both under the leadership of highly unpopular oligarchs - have also made their contributions to this development in public opinion. As a German daily admitted in late November, in Moldova, the EU is "associated with the oligarchs."[1]


These pro-EU parties, which receive support from German political party foundations (germa-foreign-policy.com reported [2]) could only win a parliamentary majority in the November 30 elections, though extensive manipulation. For example, a pro-Russian party, which, according to a survey, would have received up to 18 percent of the vote, was banned three days before the elections. Only 15,000 ballots were available at the polling stations abroad for the several hundred thousand Moldovans living in Russia. With their salaries earned in Russia, they contribute a double-digit percent of the gross domestic product. The large majority of these Moldovans were thus deprived of their right to vote. These manipulations, however, cannot hide the fact that those in favor of Moldova's closer ties to the EU have dropped by half, to 35 percent, while, in late 2014, 43 percent were in favor of closer ties to Russia, within the framework of the Eurasian Union. Through its interventions in Ukraine, the EU's popularity has not grown in Moldova outside the urban middle classes.


In spite of the signed agreement with Brussels, Moldova's EU association, in the long run, no longer seems assured. Since last week, the country has a new government. In spite of the manipulatively obtained majority, the three pro-EU parties have yet to agree on a prime minister. The current office holder, Chiril Gaburici, was elected with the votes of the parliamentary groups of the oligarch-dominated pro-western PLDM and PDM parties, along with the votes of the Communist Party, which would not support the country's permanent exclusive links to Brussels at the expense of relations to Moscow. Should this fragile government collapse and new elections be held, a pro-Russian victory could only be prevented with another massive manipulation. In this context German media is quoting NATO Supreme Commander Philip Breedlove's allegation that Moscow is waging "a strong information campaign,"[3] in Moldova. This means "Russia could target Moldova." This PR maneuver is meant to at least accuse Russian propaganda of being behind Moldova's tangible swing toward an anti-EU sentiment in opinion polls. It is unclear, whether this will serve as a justification for more extensive NATO measures.

Like the "Operation Horseshoe"

Similarly fictitious allegations are flanking current NATO provocations in the Baltic, where a force of around 100 NATO troops, including US soldiers in armored vehicles, participated in a parade celebrating Estonia's Independence Day on Tuesday. In full combat gear, they drove by a Russian border checkpoint only a few meters away. Narva, a city with a 95 percent Estonian Russian-speaking minority was the scene of this provocation. Estonia continues to refuse its citizenship to many of its Russian-speaking inhabitants. It is estimated that this is the case for nearly half of that minority, which accounts for approx. a fourth of the total population. NATO countries are justifying this bellicose attempt to intimidate the minority with the allegation that Moscow could be planning an aggression against Estonia. The dangerous speculation that Russia would seek to potentially unleash nuclear war by attacking a NATO member country, is as unsubstantiated as the German government's 1999 "Operation Horseshoe" fabrication, during the war on Yugoslavia.[4] Berlin is not only implicated simply as a NATO member in these provocations, but also as the leading force for developing NATO's "Spearhead" rapid response force, with its bases in several East European countries - including Estonia - capable of engaging within two days against Russia. (german-foreign-policy.com reported.[5]) Troops from the Netherlands, with which the Bundeswehr is closely cooperating, participated in this parade in view of the Russian border guards.

Training and Arms

While NATO is on parade in the North, at the Estonian-Russian border, not even 150 km from St. Petersburg, and is taking up position in Southern Moldova against Russia's growing influence, several NATO countries' armed forces are preparing to organize training programs for Ukrainian soldiers on Ukrainian territory. Canada's army could join the already announced 800 US and 75 UK soldiers, according to Ottowa. Additional supplies for the Ukrainian armed forces are being considered. The Canadian government has indicated that it had already delivered protective clothing last year and is prepared to supply night vision equipment. Last year, the German government also granted the supply of protective equipment. Arms supplies are still in discussion in Washington. Andriy Parubiy, The former "Commander of the Maidan" and later head of the National Security and Defense Council and currently Vice Chairman of the Ukranian parliament has arrived in Washington this week to plead for anti-tank missiles and other military equipment. In the 1990s, Parubiy was a Ukrainian fascist leader.[6] Today he can fulfill his dream of those days, and enter combat against Russia - with the help of NATO and its member countries, including Germany.

Other reports and background information on the West's policy of aggression toward Russia can be found here: The Alliance of the ThreatenedA Monroe Doctrine for Eastern EuropeWar by Other Means and War by Other Means (II).
[1] Karl-Peter Schwarz: Lieber zu Putin. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 28.11.2014.
[2] See Moldawiens europäische Wahl.
[3] Nato-Oberbefehlshaber warnt vor russischer Aggression. www.faz.net 25.02.2015.
[4] See From Račak to Maidan.
[5] See Ein Ring um Russland (II).
[6] See "Fascist Freedom Fighters".

=== 2 ===

L'arte della guerra. La rubrica settimanale di Manlio Dinucci

I neo-nazisti ucraini addestrati dagli Usa

di  Manlio Dinucci,  9.2.2015

In Ucraina gli Usa ini­zie­ranno in pri­ma­vera l’addestramento e l’armamento della Guar­dia nazio­nale: lo con­ferma uffi­cial­mente il Comando euro­peo degli Stati uniti, pre­ci­sando che il pro­gramma rien­tra nell’iniziativa del Dipar­ti­mento di stato per assi­stere l’Ucraina ad attuare «la difesa interna».

Il finan­zia­mento, già auto­riz­zato dal Con­gresso, viene for­nito da uno spe­ciale Fondo costi­tuito dal Pen­ta­gono e dal Dipar­ti­mento di stato per «for­nire adde­stra­mento ed equi­pag­gia­mento a forze di sicu­rezza stra­niere», così che «i paesi part­ner pos­sano affron­tare sfide impor­tanti per la sicu­rezza nazio­nale degli Usa». La mis­sione di adde­stra­mento in Ucraina serve a «dimo­strare l’impegno Usa per la sicu­rezza del Mar Nero e il valore delle forze Usa schie­rate in posi­zioni avanzate».

Le unità della Guar­dia nazio­nale ucraina, com­pren­denti secondo stime appros­si­ma­tive 45-50mila volon­tari, saranno adde­strate da istrut­tori Usa nel campo mili­tare Yavo­riv presso Lviv (Leo­poli, ndr) a circa 50 km dal con­fine polacco. La Guar­dia nazio­nale, costi­tuita dal governo di Kiev nel marzo 2014 con un primo finan­zia­mento Usa di 19 milioni di dol­lari, ha incor­po­rato le for­ma­zioni neo­na­zi­ste [ http://www.ilmanifesto.info/lestrema-destra-ucraina-dai-battaglioni-al-parlamento/ ], già adde­strate da istrut­tori Nato per il «putsch» di Kiev (come mostra una docu­men­ta­zione foto­gra­fica su mili­tanti neo­na­zi­sti adde­strati nel 2006 in Estonia).

I bat­ta­glioni Don­bass, Azov [ http://www.ilmanifesto.info/ucraina-tra-i-feriti-del-battaglione-azov/ ], Aidar, Dnepr-1, Dnepr-2 e altri, che costi­tui­scono la forza d’urto della Guar­dia nazio­nale, sono costi­tuiti da neo­na­zi­sti sia ucraini che di altri paesi euro­pei. Le atro­cità da loro com­messe con­tro i civili di nazio­na­lità russa nell’Ucraina orien­tale sono ampia­mente docu­men­tate da video e testi­mo­nianze (basta digi­tare su Goo­gle «atro­cità dei neo-nazi in Ucraina»). Ma, nono­stante che Amne­sty Inter­na­tio­nal abbia accu­sato il governo di Kiev di essere respon­sa­bile dei cri­mini di guerra com­messi da que­sti bat­ta­glioni, gli Usa hanno con­ti­nuato a soste­nerli, for­nendo loro anche mezzi blin­dati. E ora li poten­ziano con il pro­gramma di adde­stra­mento e arma­mento. Esso rien­tra nell’«Operazione fer­mezza atlan­tica», lan­ciata dal Comando euro­peo degli Stati uniti per «rias­si­cu­rare i nostri alleati, di fronte all’intervento russo in Ucraina, e quale deter­rente per impe­dire che la Rus­sia acqui­sti l’egemonia regionale».

Nel qua­dro del cre­scente dispie­ga­mento di forze Usa nell’Europa orien­tale, il Pen­ta­gono ha inviato «esperti mili­tari per accre­scere la capa­cità difen­siva dell’Ucraina» e stan­ziato altri 46 milioni di dol­lari per for­nirle «equi­pag­gia­menti mili­tari, tra cui vei­coli e visori not­turni». Washing­ton sta quindi già armando le forze di Kiev che, anche senza rice­vere armi pesanti dagli Usa, pos­sono pro­cu­rar­sele con i milioni di dol­lari messi a loro disposizione.

Men­tre Ger­ma­nia, Fran­cia e Ita­lia si dicono favo­re­voli a una solu­zione diplo­ma­tica e quindi con­tra­rie alla for­ni­tura di armi a Kiev. Ma allo stesso tempo, al ver­tice di Bru­xel­les, si impe­gnano, insieme a Gran Bre­ta­gna, Spa­gna e Polo­nia, ad assu­mersi i com­piti mag­giori nella for­ma­zione della «Forza di punta» della Nato, nel qua­dro della «Forza di rispo­sta», por­tata da 13mila a 30mila uomini e dotata di sei cen­tri di comando e con­trollo in Esto­nia, Let­to­nia, Litua­nia, Polo­nia, Roma­nia e Bulgaria.

Men­tre gli Usa, in pre­pa­ra­zione del ver­tice di Minsk sull’Ucraina (cui volu­ta­mente non par­te­ci­pano), assi­cu­rano per bocca del segre­ta­rio di Stato che tra gli alleati «non ci sono divi­sioni, siamo tutti d’accordo che non possa esserci una solu­zione mili­tare». Ma allo stesso tempo, adde­strando e armando i neo­na­zi­sti ucraini, gli Usa ali­men­tano le fiamme della guerra nel cuore dell’Europa.