The social platform changed its news feed algorithm in 2017
By Kim Lyons Oct 17, 2020
Facebook designed changes to its news feed algorithm in 2017 to reduce the visibility of left-leaning news sites like Mother Jones on its platform, the Wall Street Journal reported, and CEO Mark Zuckerberg had personally approved the plans.
But Mother Jones editorial director for growth and strategy Ben Dreyfuss wrote that in multiple meetings with Facebook executives in 2017 and 2018, they reassured him that while traffic might go down, “not in a way that favored or disfavored any single publication or class of publisher.”
According to the WSJ, some policy executives at Facebook voiced concerns in 2017 about pending changes to the news feed algorithm that they thought might have a larger impact on right-leaning news sites like the Daily Wire. So engineers made changes to the algorithm that would have a bigger impact on traffic to left-leaning sites.
A Facebook spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal “We did not make changes with the intent of impacting individual publishers.”
In 2019, Mother Jones editors wrote that the site had seen a sharp decline in its Facebook audience, which translated to a loss of around $600,000 over 18 months. CEO Monika Bauerlein tweeted Friday that that decline meant the organization couldn’t fill positions or pursue some projects. She added that she and others at Mother Jones didn’t think the site was being specifically targeted: “one reason this is so enraging is that I’ve so long insisted on giving Facebook some benefit of the doubt. I was convinced we were a random casualty of their broader trajectory, a fly on their windshield. But it’s always, always worse.”
To say that Facebook has a strained relationship with the news business is an understatement. Its ad business and the constant tweaks to its news feed have had a direct economic impact on the industry, particularly local news.
Its attempts to partner with the journalism industry have for the most part, been spectacular failures; there was the Google AMP competitor Instant Articles and the huge push for original video that resulted in mass layoffs at digital media companies. It turned out Facebook had inflated its video metrics.. In 2016, Facebook was accused of having anti-conservative bias in the articles it promoted in its Trending Topics section, which led to the removal of the section altogether, and opened the door to all kinds of questionable content from disreputable sources.
Mother Jones, an independent nonprofit site founded in 1976, has led numerous investigations into political corruption, private prisons, and the environment. In September 2012, it was Mother Jones that broke the story about Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” remarks. A video showed the GOP presidential nominee speaking at a private fundraiser saying that 47 percent of people who supported President Obama paid no income tax and would support Obama no matter what. Romney said the people were “dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them.” Romney later said his comments were “completely wrong.”
Facebook didn’t immediately reply to a request for comment from The Verge on Saturday.
Among Facebook's new partners are two SEE Check members, Raskrinkavanje and
The 3PFC program is already running in Croatia, where Facebook has partnered with another SEE Check member,
All three platforms are verified signatories of International Fact-Checking Network's Code of Principles."
U cilju borbe protiv dezinformacija Facebook surađuje s neovisnim, vanjskim fact-checkerima širom svijeta koji ocjenjuju tačnost objavljenog sadržaja. Ovi partneri Facebooka su certificirani od strane Međunarodne mreže za provjeru činjenica (International Fact-Checking Network – IFCN), koja primjenjuje načela poput nepristranosti i transparentnosti izvora informacija.
Facebook je danas najavio pokretanje programa provjere činjenica u Bosni i Hercegovini, koji će realizirati u saradnji s platformom Raskrinkavanje i Agence France Presse (AFP). Isti program danas je lansiran i u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Sjevernoj Makedoniji, dok će se u Hrvatskoj proširiti već postojeći program.
Saradnja funkcionira tako da vijest, koju je fact-checker prethodno ocijenio netačnom, Facebook prikaže znatno niže u News Feedu nego što bi inače bila. Na taj način lažne vijesti i dezinformacije dopiru do manjeg broja ljudi. Stranice i domene koje nastavljaju dijeliti netačne vijesti također će vidjeti da se njihov doseg smanjio te da im je ukinuta mogućnost ostvarivanja zarade i oglašavanja. Ukoliko je određeni post okarakterisan kao netačan, Facebook će upozoriti svoje korisnike/ce koji ga žele pogledati ili podijeliti.
Sretni smo što smo s našim partnerima, platformom Raskrinkavanje i AFP, pokrenuli program za provjeru činjenica u Bosni i Hercegovini. Borba protiv lažnih vijesti je odgovornost koju shvatamo ozbiljno. Upravo zbog toga svakodnevno radimo na tome da nađemo načine da zaustavimo širenje dezinformacija na našoj platformi,” rekla je Sophie Eyears, menadžerica za razvoj strateških partnerstava u Facebooku.
Program je usklađen s Facebookovim smjernicama za poboljšanje kvalitete i istinitosti priča u News Feedu, pri čemu se uklanjaju računi i sadržaji koji kršeStandarde zajednice ili pravila oglašavanja, smanjuje se distribucija lažnih vijesti i neautentičnog sadržaja poput clickbaita te korisnici imaju priliku pronaći više informacija o izvoru objavljenog članka i bolje procijeniti vjerodostojnost objavljenog sadržaja.
Drago nam je da je do ovog partnerstva došlo u ovom kritičnom trenutku kada se borimo sa navalom dezinformacija povezanih s COVID-19, a za nekoliko mjeseci nas očekuju i lokalni izbori. Učešće u programu 3PFC pomoći će nam da dosegnemo veći broj ljudi koji su bili izloženi dezinformacijama. Uvjereni smo da ćemo tako pomoći građanima/kama Bosne i Hercegovine da brže i efikasnije dođu do činjenica,” poručio je Emir Zulejhić, urednik platforme Raskrinkavanje.
Facebook trenutno ima više od 70 partnera koji provjeravaju sadržaj na više od 50 jezika širom svijeta i konstantno ulaže napore da iznađe načine za dodatno poboljšanje provjere plasiranih informacija.
di F. Q. | 25 NOVEMBRE 2020