

Si sono tenuti ieri 5 agosto 2000 a Pola i funerali del compagno Antun
Kapuralin, comunista jugoslavista e combattente per la liberta'.

Kapuralin partecipo' attivamente ai fatti epici della "Comune di Albona"
durante il biennio rosso (1921-'22) e fu tra i fondatori del Partito
Comunista d'Italia in Istria negli anni Venti. Militante antifascista,
fu incarcerato e sconto' la pena presso Cuneo; tuttavia in anni recenti
la cittadinanza onoraria della citta' gli e' stata negata da una giunta
Nel dopoguerra, dopo aver patito le violenze del fascismo e del nazismo,
la sua terra istriana divenne parte della Repubblica Federativa
Socialista di Jugoslavia, della quale Antun fu instancabile costruttore
insieme a tanti altri comunisti croati ed italiani della regione.
Alcuni anni fa Kapuralin fu intervistato su "Liberazione" dal compianto
Jure Canciani, nel ben diverso clima della Croazia indipendente. Nemmeno
la svolta reazionaria della Croazia ne aveva potuto fiaccare l'impegno e
la lucidita' politica.

Antun si e' spento a Pola per un ictus cerebrale all'eta' di
novantaquattro anni, sorprendendo tutti quelli che lo vedevano attivo e
pieno di energie partecipare sempre alle iniziative degli antifascisti
locali, ed a Trieste agli incontri del PRC e dei reduci partigiani
insieme al figlio Vlado e ad altri esponenti del Partito Socialista
Operaio e della sinistra. A loro ed a noi il compito di proseguire sulla
strada tracciata da Antun.

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


1990: inizia l'embargo ai danni della popolazione irachena, con
decisione del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU su istigazione
statunitense - dopo che gli USA avevano boicottato ogni possibilita' di
soluzione politico-diplomatica della crisi del Kuwait - e con
l'opposizione di Cuba e dello Yemen.
Il conflitto vero e proprio, noto come "Guerra del Golfo", sara'
scatenato il 17 gennaio 1991. L'embargo proseguira' anche dopo la sua
conclusione con il ritiro delle truppe irachene dal Kuwait. Negli anni
successivi, aerei britannici e statunitensi continueranno a bombardare
sporadicamente di propria iniziativa il territorio iracheno.



Consegnate a Violante 30.211 firme per chiedere che l'Italia si dissoci
unilateralmente dall'embargo all'Iraq.

Venerdì 21 luglio 2000, alle ore 11, una delegazione della Campagna
l'embargo" ha incontrato il Presidente della Camera dei Deputati,
Violante, al quale ha consegnato l'ultima parte delle oltre 30.000 firme
raccolte sulla petizione popolare che chiede al Parlamento italiano di
rompere unilateralmente l'embargo contro l'Iraq, abrogandone la legge di

La delegazione, composta dai rappresentanti di alcune delle principali
associazioni fra le centinaia che hanno aderito alla Campagna. ("Un
per…", che l'ha promossa assieme al Comitato Golfo, l'Associazione per
pace, il COCIS-coordinamento delle ONG, Mani Tese, il Servizio Civile
Internazionale, la UISP e altre), ha ricordato al presidente Violante la
tragedia del popolo iracheno e l'importanza che un paese come l'Italia
compia un passo coraggioso di dissociazione dal genocidio che ha ucciso
dieci anni oltre un milione di civili innocenti, in maggioranza bambini
sotto i cinque anni.

Una richiesta - dicono i promotori della Campagna - che oggi arriva da
parte largamente maggioritaria della società civile italiana.

Il Presidente della Camera si è dimostrato molto sensibile alle ragioni
della petizione, e ne ha assicurato che la trasmissionie immediata alla
Commissione Esteri perché venga messa in calendario per la discussione.

Violante ha aggiunto che intende recarsi in Iraq in autunno,
reciprocando la
recente visita in Italia del presidente del Parlamento iracheno Sadoon

La Campagna "Rompere l'embargo" ha intanto annunciato come prossima
iniziativa la convocazione di una Convenzione Nazionale a Roma per metà
ottobre, che radunerà tutti i firmatari e le associazioni che hanno
sottoscritto la petizione. L'occasione sarà lo scadere dei tre mesi
nell'ultima risoluzione approvata dalla Camera dei Deputati, che impegna
governo ad operare in modo concreto ed esplicito nelle sedi
per arrivare alla revoca delle sanzioni contro l'Iraq.

Per contatti e informazioni:



Il Sole 24 Ore di giovedì 29/6:

Uccisi due funzionari della Fao a Baghdad.
Per protestare contro l'embargo Onu verso l'Irak, un uomo armato ha
preso in ostaggio oltre 40 persone negli uffici Fao di
Baghdad, uccidendo due persone e ferendone sette prima di essere
arrestato dalla polizia.


BELGRADE, July 18 (Tanjug) The people of Iraq have not given up,
they are continuing their struggle and will fight until the final
Iraqi ambassador to Yugoslavia, Sami Sadoun Gatie Al Kinami, said in an
interview to Radio Yugoslavia on the occasion of Iraqi National Day
(July 17).
Speaking about IraqiYugoslav bilateral relations, whose trade has
reached dozens of millions of dollars in the past few years and is
to reach one billion dollars this year, the Iraqi ambassador set out
relations between these countries have been traditional and firm for
and are based on joint interests.
"We want this exchange to exceed one billion dollars during this
year and in the coming period within the U.N. oil for food program which
enables Iraq to import food and medications to cover its basic
requirements," he said.


The Times (UK)
June 8 2000

Sharp rise in RAF attacks on Iraq
RAF bombing of Iraqi air defence sites has increased sharply in the past
18 months, according to the latest figures published by the Ministry of
Since mid-December 1998 RAF bombers have dropped 78 tonnes of bombs on
Iraqi military targets; that compares with 2.5 tonnes between April
1991, after the Gulf War, and mid-December 1998.
The MoD's figures show that the average monthly release of bombs has
risen from 0.025 tonnes to five tonnes.
Menzies Campbell, the Liberal Democrat spokesman on Foreign Affairs and
Defence, who acquired the figures from parliamentary answers, said
yesterday: "The number of occasions on which ordnance has been released
together with the total tonnage raises questions about the true purpose
of these operations."
He added: "There is persuasive evidence that there is an attritional
campaign against the Iraqi ground-based air defence systems. This
represents a significant policy shift which has never been explained to
The MoD said yesterday that the reason for the increase was "because
we've been shot at and threatened far more since December 20, 1998, than
in the previous period."



The following article appeared in today's Guardian. It incorrectly
that the no-fly zones were "agreed by the UN" after the 1991 Gulf war,
despite the fact that previous articles in the Guardian (e.g. have stated that
no-fly zones have no legal basis.

The following discussion list posting discusses the legality
of the no-fly zones: (also see 352.html).

People might like to write to the Guardian to correct them on this


Step-up in bombing of Iraq questioned

Iraq: special report

Richard Norton-Taylor
Thursday June 8, 2000

British bomber pilots have dramatically increased their strikes on Iraq
the "secret war" against Saddam Hussein, official figures reveal.
An estimated 150 bombs - 78 tonnes of weapons - have been dropped on
southern Iraq by British aircraft since December 1998. This compares
2.5 tonnes over the previous six years.

"There is now persuasive evidence that there is an attritional campaign
against the Iraqi ground-based air defence systems that has gone way
beyond the original purpose of the no-fly zones," Menzies Campbell, the
Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman, said yesterday. "This
represents a significant policy shift, which has never been announced or
explained to parliament."

Mr Campbell was given the figures by Geoff Hoon, the defence secretary,
response to a series of written parliamentary questions. Mr Hoon
that on two occasions since December 1998, ordnance unleashed by British
aircraft "appears to have hit unintended targets".

He also disclosed that the British commander in the southern no-fly zone
had asked the government to "attack targets beyond his delegated

He refused to explain the circumstances but sources suggested yesterday
that permission was sought to hit Iraqi aircraft moving north, away from
the no-fly zone.

In military action which is rarely reported, Mr Hoon says that while
aircraft violating the no-fly zone accounted for 51% of the "threats" to
British and US war planes, 95% of the targets attacked consisted of
ground-based air defence systems.

Two no-fly zones, policed by British and American planes, were agreed by
the UN after the 1991 Gulf war. They were established to protect the
minority in southern Iraq and Kurds in the north.

"It's very good training but it is not achieving anything," Andrew
Brookes, of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, said
yesterday. He described it as a "sterile political mission of people who
can't think of anything better to do".

Mr Hoon said Britain and the US went to "exceptional lengths to ensure
that the right target is hit, including the employment of very strict
target clearance procedures and precision-guided munitions". However, he
acknowledged: "In practice, it is extremely difficult to give estimates
civilian casualties despite the painstaking battle damage assessment
the coalition routinely carries out".

Britain has 14 Tornado bombers stationed in Kuwait and Bahrain, and four
Jaguars based at Incirlik in Turkey.



International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, #206
New York, NY 10011
fax 212-633-2889

Which way for the anti-sanctions movement
By Brian Becker

It’s no surprise that there is increasing
worldwide opposition to the U.S.-imposed economic
sanctions against Iraq. Five thousand perfectly
blameless infants and children perish each month
in Iraq because they are unable to get clean
drinking water, adequate food and even the most
basic medicines.

There is now a worldwide movement demanding an
end to sanctions. Unfortunately, one sector of
this growing movement has injected a new demand
into its slogans: calling for the continuation of
“military sanctions” against Iraq.

Some of these same groups actually raised the
slogan “sanctions not war” back in 1990.

The International Action Center, which has
campaigned relentlessly for the last 10 years
against sanctions, has issued a powerful statement
explaining the disastrous effects of adopting a
demand that sanctions be reshaped instead of
immediately terminated (on the World Wide Web at

Unless this slogan is repudiated it could
seriously weaken and derail the movement.

“Those who want to stop the Iraqi people’s
suffering must direct their demand at the
aggressors, at the U.S. and Britain whose war
planes bomb Iraq routinely, almost daily, who have
dropped thousands of bombs on Iraq in the last
year,” says Sara Flounders, co-director of the IAC.

The United States and Britain are bombing Iraq.
Iraq has never bombed the cities of the United
States. The progressive movement must ask itself:
Does Iraq have the right to defend itself against
such attacks? Shouldn’t anti-war forces in the
United States call for demilitarizing the Pentagon
instead of demilitarizing the victims of U.S.

A tactic in a larger war

Why does the United States maintain the sanctions
and blockade of Iraq?

Is it just a mistaken policy by U.S. political
leaders that needs some “humanitarian” fine-
tuning? Or should sanctions be understood as a
tactic in a larger multi-pronged war to return
Iraq to the status of semi-colonial slavery?

Should the progressive movement oppose sanctions
because that tactic causes undue harm to
civilians? Or should it also reject the
imperialist goals and objectives that are the real
motivation for a destabilization strategy that
includes economic sanctions, routine bombings of
the country, CIA covert operations, plans to
assassinate the Iraqi leadership, creating no-
flight zones over most of the country, and placing
tens of thousands of U.S. troops, warships,
aircraft and advanced missiles on the outer
perimeters of Iraq?

The sanctions against Iraq began 10 years ago, in
August 1990. The Bush administration bullied the
United Nations into imposing economic sanctions as
a prelude to the full-scale 1991 air war against

The sanctions were initially put into place to
help evict Iraqi troops from Kuwait, according to
the propaganda of the Bush administration. Iraq
had invaded Kuwait, an oil-rich territory under
the domination of an U.S.-backed monarchy, in
August 1990, after a protracted and complicated
dispute between the two countries.

The original pretext for the economic sanctions
was a lie. It was purely for public consumption.
If the sanctions were meant only to drive Iraqi
troops from Kuwait then why, nearly a decade after
the last Iraqis left, does the United States
still impose the “most complete embargo of any
country in modern times,” in the words of Samuel
Berger, President Bill Clinton’s national
security adviser?

Two blockades: Iraq and Cuba

The unstated but fairly obvious reason that
Washington carries out the economic blockade of
Iraq is that it wants to destabilize the country,
overthrow the government of Saddam Hussein and
replace it with a pro-U.S. regime. The United
States has tried the same thing against socialist

The political leaderships in Iraq and Cuba are
very different. Cuba’s leadership is communist and
the Iraqi government is anti-communist. But both
governments have one thing in common. Iraq and
Cuba both suffered the impoverishment and
humiliation of colonialism and neo-colonialism
imposed by U.S. and British imperialism.

Both countries had far-reaching revolutions
within a year of each other–1958 and–1959. Both
revolutions immediately came under direct
aggression from the imperialist overlords who had
colonized or enslaved their countries.

The Iraqi Revolution in 1958 prompted Britain to
rush thousands of troops to fortify its hold on
tiny but oil-rich Kuwait. As it had with Hong Kong
in China, British colonialism sliced the key port
area of Kuwait out of Iraq and declared it a
British protectorate. While British troops secured
Kuwait in 1958, U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower
dispatched 10,000 U.S. marines to Lebanon the very
next day to shore up Washington’s own interests.

In the case of the Cuban Revolution in 1959,
Eisenhower ordered the CIA to begin planning the
assassination of Fidel Castro. Two years later,
under John F. Kennedy, the U.S. government
organized a mercenary invasion of Cuba by CIA-
trained counter-revolutionaries.

Cuba used socialist economic methods to bring
literacy, full employment and free universal
health care to its people. It was able to free
itself of economic neocolonial enslavement by
integrating into the trading bloc with the Soviet
Union, East Germany and the other socialist

Although Iraq nationalized its oil industry and
other economic sectors, its revolution never went
beyond the boundaries of capitalist property
rights. But because of its vast oil wealth and the
nationalist development model adopted by the
leadership, Iraq too was able to effect rapid
social and economic progress for the mass of the
population after the 1958 revolution.

Official U.S. policy has been hostile to both
Iraq and Cuba since their revolutions. The
“hostility” was remarkably consistent regardless
of whether a Republican or Democrat occupied the
White House.

The only exception to the policy of unmitigated
hostility was during the Iran-Iraq war between
1980 and 1988. The United States supplied weapons
to Iraq and encouraged Iraq’s initial military
actions against Iran in 1980. But this should be
understood for what it was: a cynical ploy to
weaken and exhaust the 1979 Iranian mass
revolution that had swept out the dynastic rule of
the shah—whose army had served as proxy and
gendarme for the Pentagon and CIA in the Persian

The United States armed Iraq to fight Iran in the
early 1980s—but it also sent arms to Iran, as was
revealed during the 1986 Iran-Contra hearings in
Congress. In the words of former Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger, “We wanted them to kill
each other.”

Once Washington had accomplished its objective of
weakening the Iranian Revolution through the war
between Iran and Iraq, Pentagon war doctrine was
reconfigured to target Iraq as the next “potential
enemy.” Plans and complex war games for a U.S.
war with Iraq were drafted in 1988, immediately
after the close of the Iran-Iraq war and two
years before Iraq fatefully sent its troops
against the Kuwaiti mon archy in August 1990.
(“The Fire This Time,” Ramsey Clark,
Thundersmouth Press, 1992)

Slogans should be consistently anti-imperialist

The U.S. government represents the interests of
Big Oil and the biggest imperialist banks. It
seeks to dominate the Middle East not to bring
“human rights” and “democracy” but to possess and
profit from the fabulous oil wealth
under the soil.

Iraq has 10 percent of the world’s known oil reserves. Combined with
Arabia, Kuwait and Iran, this region contains the largest share of oil
on the

Effective sanctions of any type, be they for economic or military
require the sanctioning countries to position military forces around
targeted country so that ships, trucks and airplanes can be interdicted
searched. Thus, calling for the United States or UN to maintain
sanctions on Iraq provides a political and even “legal” justification
for the
continued military occupation of the Gulf region by U.S. military

>From a practical point of view, if the demand for U.S./UN economic sanctions
to be replaced by “military sanctions” were realized, it would still
have a
devastating impact on Iraq’s civilian population. The United States
claim that almost anything that the civilian economy imports could
also be
used for military applications.

Referring to these items as “dual use” commodities, the United States
already halted or postponed 450 out of every 500 contracts that were
by the UN Sanctions Committee under the much touted Oil-for-Food

Washington will use the category of “military sanctions” as a technical
to prevent Iraq from acquiring commodities that are essential for
civilian economy and human life. For example, the United States has
pencils for schoolchildren because these pencils contain graphite,
which is
also a lubricant. It has banned batteries, X-ray machines and
because they could be used in military conflicts.

Iraq is now barred from importing adequate supplies of chlorine to
purify its
water. Why chlorine? It could be used as a component in a chemical

Computers too have potential military uses. So importing computers has
prohibited for 10 years.

It can only miseducate the broad public about the
real issues in the Middle East if the progressive
movement supports the imperialist powers in
demanding the demilitarization of Iraq. The
movement cannot be consistently progressive
without thoroughly exposing the true dynamics of
imperialist military and political strategy that
tries to re-colonize the Arab people.

International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter@...
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889



Aug 3, 2000 - 11:37 AM
Officer: U.S. Suspects Iraq Has Resumed Arms Program
By Hamza Hendawi
Associated Press Writer
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - The United States suspects that Iraq has taken
advantage of the absence of U.N. arms inspectors to rebuild its arsenal
of mass-destruction weapons, a senior U.S. officer said Thursday...

Subject: [iac-disc.] ACTION ALERT! - Stop the U.S. from Bombing
Iraq in Aug.!
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 21:42:48 -0400
From: "Ramsey Kysia" <mbakery@...>
To: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.

***please distribute widely***

ACTION ALERT – Stop the U.S. from bombing Iraq in August 2000!

1. Background
2. Mailing Address
3. Sample Letter


On Aug. 6th ‘90, the UN imposed broad, economic
sanctions on Iraq for invading Kuwait. Sanctions were
re-imposed on April 3rd 1991, after the Gulf War, to
force Iraq to destroy its “weapons of mass destruction.”
However, the Gulf War bombings of Iraq’s civilian
infrastructure & the ongoing sanctions blockade have
instead resulted in widespread poverty & skyrocketing
childhood mortality. The UN estimates that between
500,000 & 720,000 children have died because of the
sanctions. According to UNICEF, a child dies every
10 minutes in Iraq due to sanctions.

In Dec. ‘98, a series of confrontations between
UNSCOM weapons inspectors & the Iraqi government
resulted in “Desert Fox,” a U.S. bombing campaign
that killed 10,000 people according to Pentagon
estimates. One month after the bombings, the
Washington Post & the Boston Globe both reported
that Iraq’s main objection to the weapons inspectors,
namely that they U.S. spies, was in fact true. The
ensuing scandal over U.S. infiltration of UNSCOM led
to a year-long deadlock at the UN. In Dec. ‘99, the
Security Council passed (with France, Russia & China
abstaining) Resolution 1284, creating UNMOVIC, a
new inspection team. This team will be ready to begin
new inspections next month.

Since “Desert Fox,” the U.S. has continued regular
bombings of Iraq on the average of 3-4 times a week:
the longest running U.S. air war since Vietnam.
However, both Richard Butler, former head of UNSCOM,
and Scott Ritter, former chief weapons inspector, have
predicted that Iraq’s refusal to allow UNMOVIC into the
country next month will likely create a new crisis that
could result in an intensified U.S. bombing campaign
against Iraq – with thousands of casualties. Says Scott
Ritter, “The new commission, UNMOVIC, will not be
allowed into Iraq in August, three months away from the
election. You have got a Vice-President, Al Gore,
trailing behind in the polls and what better way to appear
tough and switch attention away to a so-called foreign
threat. The UN Security Council did not vote on Desert
Fox and we can expect the same thing to happen again.”

We MUST not let this happen again. Please take a few
minutes to write Sandy Berger, the U.S. National
Security Advisor & Clinton’s principle foreign policy
strategist, & demand that the U.S. stop killing civilians
in Iraq and end sanctions & bombings against Iraq –
rather than increase them.

For more information on a possible August bombing, please visit:
For more information on the Iraq crisis, please visit:


*** Iraq Action Coalition Discussion Forum ***

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Sull'episodio si veda anche:

Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo

August 4, 2000


It was a quiet Sunday, the morning of July 30th, when I logged onto and got the
following error message: URL NOT FOUND ON THIS SERVER. Huh? What's up
with that? (...)


Now that they have been so ignominiously busted, it will be extremely
interesting to see how these cretins react. And you can get a reaction
out of them – by emailing or phoning and telling them directly just what
you think of their unethical and illegal methods of political struggle.

Nedim Dzaferovic (phone) +387 71 264 080 (fax) +387 71 650 211 – e-mail:

Samir Mekic (phone) + 387 71 230 287 (fax) + 387 71 656 280 – e-mail:
Mekic@... (or you can try: mekic@...).

Nihad Borovina (phone) + 387 71 230 285 (fax) + 387 71 656 280 – e-mail:

I'm sure they'd love to hear from you. . . .

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


In seguito al nostro messaggio "Un 'traditore' nella NATO" sul
caso Bunel ( )
abbiamo ricevuto da M. Cristaldi il seguente commento:

> Constatata la mancata resurrezione delle BR, richiesta a gran voce dai
> responsabili di governo, siamo in attesa di un traditore della CIA che ci
> chiarisca altrettanto bene la vicenda dell'omicidio D'Antona eseguito a
> Roma durante l'attacco bellico alla Jugoslavia.

Sulla strategia della tensione a venti anni dalla strage della stazione
di Bologna segnaliamo invece da "La Repubblica" di oggi:

Maletti, la spia latitante
"La Cia dietro quelle bombe"

"Andreotti, Leone e i silenzi interessati della politica"
Dal Sudafrica parla l'uomo del Sid condannato per depistaggio. "Saldo il
debito di verità con l'Italia"

dal nostro inviato DANIELE MASTROGIACOMO

JOHANNESBURG - "Sono stanco di pagare per altri. Obbligato all'esilio,
condanne per 31 anni, nove ancora da scontare. Mi sembra un po'
troppo... so
di avere un debito di verità nei confronti dell'Italia". Gli occhi della
vecchia spia si perdono oltre il parco del quartiere residenziale di
Rosebank, Sudafrica. Bugie, misteri, faide e lotte intestine. E poi quei
morti, gli attentati, nelle banche, sui treni, nelle piazze. Gianadelio
Maletti, classe 1921, generale di divisione, cittadino sudafricano dal
assistito dall'avvocato Michele Gentiloni, è disposto a rivelare ciò che
La sua verità. Di sicuro ci sono le sue condanne: per depistaggio, per
aiutato i neofascisti Giannettini e Pozzan, per avere deviato le
sulla bomba di Bertoli alla questura di Milano. Propone la sua verità
"da dentro". Nel 1971 è nominato capo del reparto D: punta di diamante
nostro controspionaggio militare.
Generale, avrà saputo della relazione di minoranza della Commissione
Si afferma che la strategia della tensione fu di stampo atlantista.
"Ho saputo e letto qualcosa. E immagino che quall'atlantista stia per
americano. Usa".
Sì. Lei cosa ne pensa?
"Era una necessità della Nato raccogliere notizie ed elaborarne il più
possibile. Ma chi le usava e le manipolava era il Servizio americano, la
Ne ebbe prova diretta?
"Avevo personalmente rapporti con la Cia. Con Stone, detto Rocky, capo
stazione di Roma e Mike Sedinuoui, un agente di origini algerine.
Eravamo in
contatto per motivi di controspionaggio".
Lei sospettava che la strategia delle bombe avesse una regia
"Sospettavo, senza precisi riscontri".
E questo non era sufficiente per allarmarsi, per avviare un lavoro di
"Noi, come Sid, non eravamo in condizioni di fare nulla. Almeno nei
confronti degli americani. Poi il tempo ci portò le prime conferme. La
in Italia, aveva la più importante sezione sulla sicurezza di tutta
occidentale. Le informazioni venivano poi confrontate con l'altra
potentissima centrale presente in Germania".
"Sì, la Germania era stato un paese di reclutamento sin dalla fine della
seconda guerra mondiale. La Cia voleva creare, attraverso la rinascita
una nazionalismo esasperato e con il contributo dell'estrema destra,
nuovo in particolare, l'arresto di questo scivolamento verso sinistra.
Questo è il presupposto di base della strategia della tensione".
In che modo?
"Lasciando fare".
E i nostri servizi ne erano consapevoli o addirittura complici?
"Non c'era piena consapevolezza. Ma esisteva un orientamento nei servizi
favorevole a questo progetto".
In che modo la Cia utilizzò Ordine nuovo?
"Con i suoi infiltrati e con i suoi collaboratori. In varie città
italiane e
in alcune basi della Nato: Aviano, Napoli... La Cia aveva funzioni di
collegamento tra diversi gruppi di estrema destra italiani e tedeschi e
dettava le regole di comportamento. Fornendo anche il materiale".
Esplosivi, armi?
"Numerosi carichi di esplosivo arrivavano dalla Germania via Gottardo
direttamente in Friuli e in Veneto".
E il Sid cosa faceva? Assisteva inerte o subiva?
"Ne parlavo spesso con i collaboratori. Ma non tutti dimostravano di
consapevoli di questa situazione. O erano favorevoli al progetto".
E i suoi referenti politici?
"Li ho contattati, spesso scavalcando il mio capo, il generale Miceli.
Tanassi, Andreotti, Gui. Ma trovavo anche con loro un certo interesse
distaccato. Solo Andreotti...".
Cosa, Andreotti?
"Andreotti no, lui era invece molto interessato. Soprattutto del
di destra e dei tentativi di golpe in Italia. Anche se ogni mia
era vista come una fastidiosa ingerenza".
Ma avrà pure trasmesso, come capo ufficio D, una informativa al governo.
"Tantissime. Che restavano sempre lettera morta. Il Sid era visto con
Forse perché anche il Sid sapeva ma faceva finta di niente.
"Ad Andreotti parlai personalmente dei tentativi di golpe. Miceli non
che il rapporto sul golpe Borghese finisse nelle sue mani e mi dissuase
consegnarglielo. Aveva paura di quel rapporto perché risultava essere
in contatto con alcuni uomini del golpe. Io mi resi conto che nel
figuravano nomi di alti ufficiali seduti in posti di comando e che se
stato trasmesso alla magistratura avrebbe provocato un terremoto".
E lei, lo nascose.
"Io lo portai ad Andreotti e gli spiegai le mie perplessità".
In quel rapporto c'era una prima prova del coinvolgimento Usa nei
di golpe.
"C'era la prova del coinvolgimento di alti uffciali delle nostre forze
C'era stata piazza Fontana da poco. Lei credette alla pista di sinistra?
"Tutto lasciava pensare questo. Ma io sapevo benissimo che la matrice
era di
Ma continuò a svolgere il suo lavoro di intelligence e di infiltrazione
"La sinistra andava comunque controllata. Della destra sapevamo tutto".
Infiltravate anche Ordine nuovo?
"Certo. Bisognava ottenere quelle informazioni che la Cia conosceva
benissimo ma che noi ignoravamo".
Ma Ordine nuovo infiltrava anche voi del Sid. Chi, dunque, infiltrava
"Ebbi la sensazione di lavorare in un vero e proprio verminaio. Ma me ne
resi conto troppo tardi".
I suoi centri non le segnalarono mai niente su Ordine Nuovo?
"Molto spesso. Il problema era capire se le notizie erano vere o false.
1972 mi resi conto della gravità della situazione. Il centro di Padova
segnala che dalla Germania, via Gottardo, arrivavano carichi di
destinati a Ordine nuovo. Lo segnalammo a livelli più alti".
E cosa accadde?
"Niente. Ma scoprimmo e segnalammo anche che l'esplosivo usato a piazza
Fontana proveniva da uno di questi carichi".
Quindi è logico sostenere che il mandante di piazza Fontana sia la Cia?
"Non ci sono le prove dirette, ma è così".
E voi del Sid, lei generale Maletti, cosciente di questa strategia ha
accettato la sudditanza dei nostri servizi alla volontà della Cia. Anche
davanti alle bombe e ai morti innocenti?
"Abbiamo attivato le nostre fonti e abbiamo fatto tutto quello che si
fare Il potere politico, che non poteva non sapere, non ci ha mai dato
Non sarebbe stato meglio dimettersi?
"Mi hanno accusato di simpatie verso Israele. Ma la cattura dei 5
palestinesi a Ostia decisi a far saltare in aria un aereo della El Al
altre centinaia di morti".
Salvava alcune vite, ma ne sacrificava altre. Anche lei prigioniero del
potere dentro il Sid?
"Io sento un peso fortissimo, come italiano, di quello che è successo.
sento quasi umiliato di ciò che non abbiamo fatto per impedire tanti
Chi ha portato avanti questo progetto, che ha ucciso tanti italiani è
italiano. E lo ha fatto, aderendo ad un progetto portato avanti da un
servizio straniero, per ottenere un proprio vantaggio. Di potere".
Ma i politici dominanti del momento, sapevano?
"E' ovvio che sapevano. Anche se non ci saranno mai le prove per
incastrarli. Se i vari capi dei servizi, da Miceli a Casardi, hanno
informato i politici, come era loro interesse, lo hanno fatto anche
attraverso riunioni informali".
Un silenzio che conveniva?
"Da parte dei politici? No, sarebbe criminale. La vera responsabilità
politica nella strategia della tensione è che nessuno ha mai preso delle
decisioni, mai nessun uomo politico ha parlato e agito in termini
Forlani, l'ho conosciuto troppo poco e mi ha silurato quando ero
un fastidio. Andreotti, è un uomo intelligente e furbo. Due qualità che
raramente si incontrano assieme, nello stesso individuo. Mi ricorda il
grande vecchio creato da una certa pubblicistica".
E oggi cosa pensa?
"E' un ruolo che gli si addice".
Ma come poteva continuare ad avere i contatti con la Cia, generale, pur
sapendo cosa tramava?
"Non si può dire che la Cia avesse un ruolo attivo e diretto nelle
Ma che sapessero e conoscessero obiettivi e autori è vero".
La loro strategia, che puntava a fronteggiare il pericolo comunista, era
talmente cinica da passare sopra centinaia di morti innocenti?
"La Cia ha cercato di fare ciò che aveva fatto in Grecia nel '67 quando
golpe mise fuori gioco Papandreu. In Italia, le è sfuggita di mano la
situazione. L'effetto che alcuni attentati dovevano produrre è andato
Per piazza Fontana, che io sappia, è andata così. Devo presumere anche
piazza della Loggia, per l'Italicus, per Bologna. Riguardo ai politici,
voglio aggiungere una sensazione che per me è quasi una certezza. A quel
tempo, molti di loro, compreso il Capo dello Stato, Leone, furono
ad accettare il gioco. Perché ognuno aveva avuto la garanzia che il
non avrebbe superato certi limiti".
E lei, oggi, si sente con la coscienza a posto? Anche per Argo 16,
del Sid precipitato a Marghera?
"Su quell'aereo sono morte persone che conoscevo benissimo".
E' stato sabotato?
"Quando i 5 palestinesi presi ad Ostia vennero rinchiusi nel carcere di
Viterbo, il capo della stazione del Mossad a Roma, Asa Leven, mi venne a
trovare. Mi disse di aver saputo che il governo italiano aveva
intenzione di
restituirli alla Libia. Lui mi chiese di agire assieme, noi e loro, per
Nel carcere?
"Sì. Avevano già messo a punto un piano. Noi dovevamo procurarci un
documento giudiziario falso e con una scusa trasferirli dal carcere
verso un
presunto Tribunale. Loro, il Mossad, avrebbero pensato al resto.
assaltato il furgone, addormentato con un narcotico i 5, li avrebbero
bendati, caricati su un aereo pronto a decollare e trasferiti a Tel
E lei?
"Non se ne fa nulla. I 5, dopo un sommario processo, vengono trasferiti
Libia ma l'aereo fa uno scalo a Malta. Qui, tutti si fanno una bella
mangiata di pesce, e vengono notati da degli agenti del Mossad. Una
infelice. Forse, è stata la conferma definitiva, se ce n'era bisogno,
che i
5 avevano preso il volo. Lungo la rotta di ritorno, Argo 16 precipita".
Altri morti innocenti...
"Una sequela di morti. In un clima da scontro tra servizi che non si
sopportavano e non si fidavano l'uno dell'altro".
Ma le bombe continuavano a esplodere. E voi, del Sid, niente.
"Non c'era più alcuna strategia. I gruppi di estrema destra si erano
sganciati. Ormai c'era solo terrore".

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


1995: scatta la "Operazione Tempesta" per la cancellazione definitiva
della Repubblica della Krajna Serba dalle cartine geografiche.
Materialmente realizzata dall'esercito della Croazia indipendente,
l'operazione viene coadiuvata dagli USA e dalla NATO.

In Italia, l'"Operazione Tempesta" non trova che flebili voci critiche,
anche in una sinistra drogata dalla campagna antijugoslava ed antiserba,
e gia' favorevole a tutte le "autodeterminazioni" possibili tranne che
quella dei serbi in Croazia e Bosnia. Un mese dopo, l'Italia concedera'
il suo territorio come base di lancio per gli aerei che andranno a
bombardare la Repubblica Serba di Bosnia.




La nostra pagina su Republika Srpska Krajna e Slavonia Orientale


U.S.-trained forces massacre Serbs
By Gary Wilson

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 12, 1995
issue of Workers World newspaper

Details of a mass slaughter of Serbs in the Krajina region
of Croatia are slowly making their way into the U.S. media.

But the news reports remain strangely subdued. There are
no calls for air strikes against the Croatian capital of
Zagreb, as there are regular calls for bombs against the
Serbs. There are no editorials calling for trying the
Croatian leaders for war crimes.

According to investigators for the United Nations,
"Croatian army and police units allegedly burned 60 percent
of the houses" in the Krajina region, reported the Sept. 30
Washington Post. They also "executed elderly Serbs who
remained in the region." Unlike almost every other report of
genocide in the civil war in the former Yugoslavia, the Post
noted that these reports were "unusual in their first-hand

An open letter from the Belgrade-based Serbian-Jewish
Friendship Society to the American Jewish Committee says
that "anti-Serbian propaganda" is "a twin sister of anti-
Semitism." The letter states that today in Croatia a policy
of eliminating the Serbs is being carried out. This policy
is so thorough that "in Croatia there are [now] no more
Serbs than there are Jews in Germany or Poland." The letter
is signed by the chief rabbi of Yugoslavia as well as many
other prominent Jews of Yugoslavia. But this letter has not
been referred to in the U.S. media.

What's not widely known in this country is that the
Croatian and Bosnian armies are armed and directed by the
Pentagon. The Croatian offensive against the Krajina was
planned after 15 top U.S. military officers--including the
former head of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency--were
put in place as "advisers" to the Croatian military.

The Bosnian Army is being "helped" by U.S. military
advisers, including Gen. John Sewall and Gen. John Galvin, a
former NATO supreme commander. Television viewers may have
noticed that the entire Bosnian Army wears U.S. military
uniforms--provided by U.S. military contractors. In the
September/October issue of Foreign Affairs magazine, Gen.
Charles Boyd, the deputy commander in chief of the U.S.
European Command from November 1992 to July 1995, writes
that the much-publicized arms embargo is widely known to be
almost nonexistent. The U.S. discreetly insures a regular
flow of arms to the Bosnian Army.

U.S. media reports are regularly filled with anti-Serb
propaganda. Most refer to the Krajina as a region
"conquered" by the Serbs, implying that the Croatian Army is
simply retaking something that had been taken away.

But the truth is exactly the opposite. The following
exchange shows the propaganda view of the "liberal" media
and gives a response.

On the Aug. 11 broadcast of "All Things Considered" on
National Public Radio, news reader Noah Adams interviewed
author Misha Glenny:

"Adams: Why did Serbia take the Krajina four years ago, if
it is indefensible?

"Glenny: We've got to set one or two things straight here,
Noah, about Serbia taking the Krajina. The Krajina came into
being at the same time as the Croatian republic became
independent when Yugoslavia was collapsing. The Croats
wanted to leave Yugoslavia and the Serbs who lived in the
Krajina wanted to stay in Yugoslavia. So we simply can't use
terms like `Serbia occupying the Krajina' or something like
that. These people had been, until five days ago, living and
farming this territory for over 300 years."

What is happening in Bosnia is nothing like what's being
reported by the big business-controlled media.

It's like the Gulf War against Iraq. Many of the media
stories at that time turned out to be complete fabrications
to support the Pentagon's propaganda needs.

For example, according to Fairness and Accuracy in
Reporting, "most U.S. news outlets uncritically accepted the
story that 300 premature babies died when Iraqi soldiers
removed them from incubators." But after the war was over,
the New York Times (Feb. 28, 1991) put a two-sentence
retraction deep inside an article saying: "Some of the
atrocities that had been reported, such as the killing of
infants in the main hospitals shortly after the invasion,
are untrue or have been exaggerated, Kuwaitis said. Hospital
officials, for instance, said that stories circulated about
the killing of 300 children were incorrect."

Following is some background information on the history of
Yugoslavia and the officials in Croatia and Bosnia who are
backed by the U.S.


Yugoslavia was different from almost every other country
in the world in its ethnic diversity. It had no majority
nationality. It was a nation of minorities.

Socialist Yugoslavia had gone a long way toward uniting
the nationalities while recognizing the rights of self-
determination for the different peoples of the region. It
was only during the socialist era that the Balkans were free
from ethnic war.

That's because of the policies of the Yugoslav League of
Communists and its leader, Tito. According to the book "War
in the Shadows" by Robert Asprey, the Communist party's
promise of equal rights for all the nationalities "appealed
to a great many unaligned people who loathed the repressive
pre-war order represented by the [U.S.-backed] government-
in-exile through Mihailovic's Chetniks. The harshness of
German and Italian occupation policies further influenced
the population in favor of the Partisans, who possessed much
wider support than either Western allied observers or
Germans supposed."

The U.S. opposed the Communist government from the
beginning and supported Chetniks in exile for the entire
Cold War period. The Cold War was really a period when the
U.S. government pursued a policy of destroying socialism in
the Soviet Union as well as Eastern Europe, including
Yugoslavia. U.S. overt and covert subversion, sabotage and
treachery were more important factors in the destruction of
Yugoslavia than any ethnic animosities.


The most popular Muslim leader in Bosnia is not Alija
Izetbegovic. By popular vote, Fikret Abdic was the most
widely supported Muslim leader. But he was anti-U.S. and
against the breakup of Yugoslavia. He supported Muslim-
Serbian-Croatian cooperation.

With U.S. support, a narrow grouping around Izetbegovic
forced Abdic out of the Bosnian government, where he was
part of the collective presidency. The media call Abdic the
"renegade Muslim." He led an army opposing the Izetbegovic
regime that was allied with the Bosnian Serbs. Last spring,
he was captured by the Croatian Army in the Bihac region.


The regime of Alija Izetbegovic is thoroughly backed by
the U.S. government and military. In fact, its foreign
minister, Mohamed Sacirbey, is a U.S. citizen.

The government itself has carried out criminal attacks.
According to an article in The Nation by David Binder, the
two bloodiest bombings of the civilian marketplace in
downtown Sarajevo have been traced to the forces of the
Izetbegovic government.

Izetbegovic is a long-time anti-communist of the type
supported by the U.S. throughout the Cold War.

During World War II, he was a member of a group that
included many collaborators with the Nazi occupiers. In
1949, Izetbegovic was one of the leaders of a revolt against
the Tito government. He and several others were sent to

Izetbegovic continued his anti-communist activities once
he was out. He maintained close contact with U.S.-backed
exile groups.

In 1970, he published an "Islamic Declaration" that said,
"There can be neither peace nor coexistence between the
Islamic faith and non-Islamic social and political institutions."

In 1983, he and 12 others were convicted for counter-
revolutionary acts, including the advocacy of an "ethnically
pure Bosnia-Herzegovina."


Croatian President Franjo Tudjman is another darling of
the U.S. government. He has received considerable backing
from the Pentagon and State Department. When he spoke at the
opening of the Holocaust Museum in Washington as a Clinton-
invited guest of honor, many in the audience walked out.
This is the man who once declared, "Thank god my wife is
neither a Serb nor a Jew."

Tudjman is a Croatian nationalist and anti-communist. His
government has adopted the flag and currency of the fascist
Ustashe regime during World War II.

His book "Wastelands: Historical Truths" asserts that
"only" 900,000 Jews died in the Holocaust, not 6 million. He
also asserts that no more than 70,000 Serbs were killed in
the Ustashe death camps.

According to Alfred Lipson, a senior researcher at the
Holocaust Resource Center and Archives at Queensborough
Community College in New York, "more than 60,000 Jews died"
at the death camp in Jasenovac, Croatia, "along with 27,000
Gypsies; the Serbs, the most anti-Nazi ethnic group in
Yugoslavia, suffered the greatest losses--1.2 million."
(Forward, Nov. 11, 1994)

Although the U.S. has brokered a Croatian-Bosnian
federation between Tudjman and Izetbegovic, it is a shaky
alliance at best. Tudjman is violently anti-Muslim, to the
point of even denying the Muslims legitimacy. In an
interview in the Sept. 25 French daily Le Figaro, Tudjman
said that the Muslims are really Croatians who should
eventually be incorporated into Croatia.

Tudjman says in the Le Figaro interview that he sees his
task in the Croatian-Bosnian federation as "Europeanizing"
the Muslims and "bringing them into European civilization."

In his racist ravings, Tudjman sounds like Los Angeles cop
Mark Fuhrman. Except Tudjman heads up a country. According
to an Aug. 19 New York Times profile, Tudjman came to power
"helped by financing from anti-communist Croatian emigres in
the United States and Canada." What the Times doesn't
mention is that these groups are ultimately financed by the
CIA. It was this U.S.-based support that put Tudjman at the
head of the Croatian government.

- END -

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The Ottawa Serbian Heritage Society
3662 Albion Rd. South, Gloucester, Ontario, K1T 1A3,


Join us in commemorating ethnocide and genocide
committed on Serbs in
Krajina , Bosnia and Kosovo.
August 4th is Krajina Dan, the Memorial Day for
Serbian Krajina.
This commemorates the day that Knin, the capital of the
Serbian Krajina
region, fell to invading Croatian forces in 1995. Croatia
continues to
occupy the region today and of more than 250,000 Serbian
people whom the
Croatian Army either killed or ethnically-cleansed out of the
region in
August, 1995, the number who have returned is virtually zero
to this date.
Every August 4th a Krajina Dan Memorial is held to remember
the victims of
this genocide. This year's program is:
Memorial Prayer Service and a wrath laying at the
Human Rights
Memorial, Elgin and Lisgar streets, at 6:00pm - 6: 30pm.

For further information pls. contact Mrs. Radmila Swann

Slobodanka Borojevic, president
The Ottawa Serbian Heritage Society

As Croatian troops launched their assault on August 4 ,
1995, U.S. NATO
aircraft destroyed Serbian radar and anti-aircraft defenses.
American EA-6B
electronic warfare aircraft patrolled the air in support of
the invasion ....
The roads were clogged with Serb refugees, and Croatian
aircraft bombed
and strafed refugee columns....
A Red Cross representative in Banja Luka said, "I've never
seen anything
like it. People are arriving at a terrifying rate." Bosnian
Muslim troops
crossed the border and cut off Serbian escape routes.
Trapped refugees were
massacred as they were pounded by Croatian and Muslim
artillery. Nearly
1,700 refugees simply vanished. (3). ....
Massacres continued for several weeks after the fall of
Krajina, and UN
patrols discovered numerous fresh unmarked graves and bodies
of murdered
civilians. (7)...
UN spokesman Chris Gunness noted that UN personnel
continued to discover
bodies, many of whom had been decapitated. (8) British
journalist Robert
Fisk reported the murder of elderly Serbs, many of whom were
burned alive
in their homes. He adds, "At Golubic, UN officers have
found the
decomposing remains of five people... the head of one of the
victims was
found 150 feet from his body. (11)...
Following the invasion of Krajina, the U.S. rewarded
Croatia with an
agreement "broadening existing cooperation" between MPRI and
the Croatian
military. (18) U.S. advisors assisted in the reorganization
of the Croatian
Army. Referring to this reorganization in an interview with
the newspaper
Vecernji List, Croatian General Tihomir Blaskic said, "We
are building the
foundations of our organization on the traditions of the
Croatian home
guard" - pro-Nazi troops in World War II. (19) ...

This study is based on a paper presented in book "NATO in
the Balkans"
(ISBN 0-9656916-2-4), pages 131 - 140.

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Pierre-Henri Bunel, *Crimes de guerre à l’OTAN*,
Paris, Editions 1, $$$ p., 110 FF, parution juin 2000.


pubblicata dalla rivista marxista tedesca KONKRET n.8/2000


Il maggiore Pierre-Henri Bunel ha prestato servizio dal 1972 al 1999
nell'Esercito francese; e' specialista per il terrorismo islamico ed e'
stato ufficiale per le informazioni per 13 anni. Bunel ha partecipato
seconda guerra del Golfo, nel 1995-96 ha fatto parte del Comando delle
truppe di intervento rapido della NATO in Bosnia-Erzegovina e dal 1996
all'autunno 1998 ha lavorato nel Quartier Generale della NATO a
All'inizio dell'ottobre 1998 e' stato arrestato ed incriminato per alto
tradimento: avrebbe trasmesso piani segreti della NATO a Belgrado.
Dopo aver scontato 10
mesi di custodia cautelare e' adesso in attesa di processo.

D: Quando le e' stato chiaro che la NATO avrebbe attaccato la

R: Nel settembre 1998. Ho incontrato il primo segretario della missione
jugoslava presso la UE, Milanovic, esclusivamente il 23 luglio ed il
ottobre 1998. Il 23 luglio non era stata ancora presa nessuna decisione.
Ma gli statunitensi gia' lavoravano ai piani operativi. Solo dopo il mio
rientro dalle ferie, nel settembre, venni a sapere di cosa si trattava.
L'ufficiale che da noi si occupava di questo mi ha detto testualmente:
"Gli americani vogliono bombardare la Jugoslavia a qualsiasi costo" e
troveremo dinanzi ad una nuova catastrofe".

D: Lei ritiene che il governo francese l'abbia usata come "capro

R: Si. Il Ministro francese della Difesa disse che le informazioni che
trasmisi a Milanovic non potevano in nessun modo compromettere le nostre
operazioni ne' mettere in pericolo le nostre truppe. Purtuttavia mi ha
consegnato alla giustizia.
Io non ho operato di mia iniziativa. A Milanovic telefonai dal mio
ufficio. Io credevo che i francesi si sarebbero rapportati con gli
e che il fine della mia trasmissione di informazioni sarebbe stato
di indurre Milosevic a ritirare le sue truppe da Kosovo.

D: A quanto pare gli americani non volevano questo.

R: No! Loro avevano bisogno di Milosevic. Avevano bisogno quantomeno di
ottenere una vittoria su di un dittatore. Con Saddam Hussein non aveva
funzionato. Percio' la macchina da guerra americana stavolta doveva
colpire per costringere Milosevic a ritirare le sue truppe.

D: Questo pero' e' avvenuto solo il 24 marzo 1999. Tuttavia nell'ottobre
1998 Milosevic si era mostrato disponibile al ritiro dal Kosovo. Era un
risultato della vostra trasmissione di informazioni?

R: In ottobre Milanovic ha telefonato varie volte nel mio ufficio ma
senza trovarmi. Dunque sapeva bene che ero stato allontanato
e che cio' che gli avevo trasmesso doveva essere qualcosa di importante.

D: Dopo il ritiro dell'esercito jugoslavo nella meta' di ottobre 1998
l'UCK ha preso le sue posizioni. Ed alla meta' di gennaio si e' arrivati
al cosiddetto massacro di Racak.

R: Nel caso di Racak si e' trattato, cosi' come nel cosiddetto massacro
Markale a Sarajevo nell'agosto 1995, di una buona scusa per bombardare i
serbi. Come ex militare io so cos'e' una strage. Ci hanno fatto vedere
foto di Racak, sulle quali i cadaveri erano tutti perfettamente
Le ferite non erano tutte uguali. Se uno fa una strage, di regola le
vittime vengono uccise tutte allo stesso modo, ed hanno le stesse
Percio' sono giunto alla conclusione che i cadaveri fossero stati
e messi tutti in fila.

D: L'ambasciata cinese e' stata bombardata intenzionalmente durante la

R: Si! E' stata colpita cinque volte da missili comandati con il laser,
cinque volte! Se fosse stato un unico Tomahawk si sarebbe potuto credere
all'errore, perche' questi non hanno una grande precisione sul
E poi, io durante la guerra del Golfo ho visto come preparano le loro
carte gli americani, e come si procurano le munizioni. Per Belgrado nel
quartiere generale della NATO ci siamo comportati proprio nella stessa
maniera. Percio' io sapevo dove si trovava l'ambasciata cinese, perche'
questa era inclusa nella lista delle rappresentanze diplomatiche a
Belgrado. Questa lista l'ho avuta dal dipartimento informazioni della

D: Nel suo libro "Crimini di guerra nella NATO" lei descrive le
differenziazioni all'interno della NATO in Bosnia.

R: Non proprio nel cuore della NATO. I militari americani nel cuore
NATO non hanno mai giocato storto. Molto piu' problematico e' stato il
rapporto di tutti, all'interno della NATO, con la CIA.

D: Come si evidenziava questo?

R: Ad esempio nell'affare del campo terrorista musulmano a Pogorelica:
nostra operazione contro il campo e' stata tradita. Qualcuno ne deve
fatto menzione. Dopodiche' abbiamo condotto una indagine, per trovare
"punto debole" al nostro interno. E pur senza poterlo dire con estrema
sicurezza, tutto ci indirizzava sul servizio segreto statunitense.

D: Lei non parla di crimini di guerra "della" bensi' "nella" NATO. Quale
sarebbe la differenza?

R: Dal 1989 nei Balcani abbiamo fatto grossi errori. Innanzitutto
tollerato Milosevic. Poi - e di questo responsabile e' la Germania - si
sancita la frantumazione della Jugoslavia, riconoscendo Slovenia e
Croazia. Il cancelliere federale Kohl a quel tempo persegui' una nuova
"Ostpolitik". Percio' io parlo di crimini di guerra "nella" NATO, e non
crimini di guerra "della" NATO. La NATO e' solo una organizzazione con
funzionari civili e militari. Quelli che hanno commesso crimini di
sono i responsabili nei governi.

(trad. a cura del CRJ; distributed without permission, for fair use

--- (Click on Full Edition;
click on Friday, July 28, 2000)
Albanian Daily News
July 28, 2000

French Officer Says NATO Deliberately Bombed China

VIENNA - A former French intelligence officer who
served at the headquarters of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) forces during the Kosovo
crisis said in an interview with a German magazine
that the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in
Belgrade in May 1999 was done on purpose.

Maj. Pierre Bunel, who is facing trial for leaking
intelligence material to Yugoslavia while working at
the NATO headquarters, told the German monthly Konkret
that he had seen a NATO intelligence list of
diplomatic missions in Belgrade showing the correct
location of China’s embassy.

The United States, which carried out the bombing
mission, has called the attack a mistake, saying the
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency selected the bombing
target using an outdated map that did not show the
embassy on the site bombed by U.S. warplanes.

According to Bunel, preparations for the NATO bombing
operation had been completed by the fall of 1998 and
NATO chose the targets and prepared the ammunition
based on U.S.-supplied maps.

“I know where the Chinese Embassy was located because
it was on...the list I got from the intelligence
department of NATO,” Bunel told Konkret. The magazine
will be on sale Friday.

“The embassy was hit by five laser-guided rockets,
five! If it had been a single Tomahawk (cruise
missile), you could have believed it was a mistake,”
he said.

Bunel was arrested in October 1998 for passing secret
NATO maps to Belgrade. He was released on bail in
September last year pending trial on charges on high
treason. (Kyodo news agency)



La confession d’un "traître", ou l’OTAN vue du dedans.


Arrêté en automne 1998 sous l’acccusation d’avoir livré aux Serbes le
plan des
"frappes" de l’OTAN contre la RF de Yougoslavie, le commandant Bunel,
victime d’une accusation injuste, a choisi de s’expliquer publiquement
procès. Son livre nous apprend qu’au sein de l’armada démocratique, le
crime de
guerre est un procédé ordinaire et admis, et que la manipulation des
omniprésente, n’épargne même pas les manipulateurs.


Ah! comme le Pacte de Varsovie eût été aimable sans l’URSS! Hypothèse
évidemment, mais non moins absurde que de faire croire, aujourd’hui, à
fronde antiaméricaine au sein de l’OTAN.
C’est pourtant l’argument que le commandant Bunel a choisi pour fonder
défense dans un livre qui laisse une impression équivoque.
Oui, explique-t-il, il a bien livré des documents aux Serbes. Mais
d’abord, ces
documents n’étaient ni très secrets, ni dangereux. Et ensuite, il ne l’a
fait parce qu’il était proserbe, mais pour servir l’OTAN. Enfin, s’il a
dénoncé à tort, c’est qu’il s’est mis en travers du chemin d’un
mastodonte :
Etats-Unis, qui tiennent l’OTAN elle-même en esclavage.

A l’heure où Astérix renaît sous les traits de José Bové, un tel
touchera le public. Certains Européens exaspérés trouveront un
soulagement dans
cet ouvrage où les Américains apparaissent le plus souvent balourds,
superstitieusement technocrates, impérialement bureaucrates,
suspicieux, très lâches et passablement puérils.
Sous l’impulsion de ces gens-là, nous explique Bunel, c’est tout l’art
de la
guerre européen qui sombre de conserve avec les souverainetés et les
nationales. Leur devise: zéro mort. (côté U.S., bien entendu). Leurs
armes: des
canons contre des lièvres. Leur diplomatie: mentir, bombarder, puis
mentir et
mentir encore. Leurs mobiles: l’argent et la domination. Leur outil:
alliance dont ils ont dénaturé la finalité et qu’ils ont retournée
elle-même, c’est-à-dire contre l’Europe.

Bunel livre une relation subtile et bien documentée des dissensions
concernant le problème islamiste en Bosnie, Français et Britanniques
d’extirper la peste fondamentaliste-terroriste face à une administration

américaine qui, elle, s’ingénie à la couvrir. Il détaille ainsi
"Grouse", sommet des audaces européennes, qui permit de démanteler un
d’entraînement islamiste en Bosnie, créant quelque mauvaise presse au
gouvernement de Sarajevo, mais qui n’eut finalement qu’un impact
Au terme de la première partie de son livre, consacrée au problème
Bunel assassine à la fois les accords de Dayton et le rôle que les pays
Occidentaux jouent dans ce pays:

"Il faut se souvenir que, pour beaucoup [de Bosniaques, quels qu’ils
les accords de Dayton n’ont pas plus de valeur que l’armistice de 1940
pour les
patriotes français qui ont résisté pendant l’occupation nazie." (p.

Et le baroudeur du renseignement de conclure, désenchanté:

"J’avais touché du doigt ,une fois de plus, les incohérences des
dirigeants des
grands pays, causes des malheurs des peuples sur le destin desquels ils
interviennent sans qu’on leur ait rien demandé."

Mais c’est dans la seconde partie seulement que l’ouvrage justifie son
comparaison de l’agression qui se trame contre la Serbie, l’époque de
paraît un modèle de fair-play. En 1998, escomptant la minable publicité
"Dayton bis" à domicile, la France se poste en tête de la meute
antiserbe et,
pour prouver sa loyauté, sacrifie publiquement son "traître à l’OTAN".
obtiendra Rambouillet, où le sordide guet-apens des "accords de paix"
par Mme Albright et ses complices viendra ternir devant l’histoire l’un
emblématiques de la civilisation française.
La suite sera, selon Bunel, la seule chose que l’OTAN ait été entraînée
une "opération de guerre totale" (p. 198), préméditée dans le détail au
depuis 1997, dans un climat frénétique:

"Délibérément, les gouvernements des pays de l’OTAN acceptaient l’augure
frappes massives et sans nuances sur tout un pays, pour essayer de faire
son dirigeant honni. Une sorte d’hystérie colorait les propos des
aux réunions civiles et militaires lorsqu’ils parlaient des "Serbes".
Manifestement, ils perdaient de vue que s’ils devaient faire "jouer
l’opération", ils feraient frapper des civils, dont beaucoup ne seraient
serbes, et que, parmi les Serbes, tous ne soutenaient pas Milosevic."
(p. 198)

Le crime de guerre est sciemment intégré au programme:

"les plans prévoyaient de commencer par détruire toutes les
civiles stratégiques du pays, avant de s’attaquer ensuite aux forces

Quant aux mobiles réels de l’agression, Bunel avance une explication
de cynisme: pour être en règle avec les accords START signés avec les

"il fallait démanteler, entre autres types d’équipement, un certain
nombre de
missiles de croisière Tomahawk (...) Mais démonter des missiles de
déjà payés sur les budgets antérieurs est une dépense réellement
stupide. Il
vaut mieux les tirer. Cela fait un exercice pour les militaires et ne
rien au budget." (p. 184) (1)

D’où, sans doute, les salves tirées sans rime ni raison contre la
Somalie et
l’Afghanistan en été 1998 et la hâte des Américains, cette année-là, à
le premier venu. Deux cibles sont toujours à disposition: l’Irak et la
Cette dernière fait l’objet d’un chantage. Bunel mène alors son
pour tenter de persuader Belgrade que l’affaire est sérieuse. Par son
mérite ou
non, Belgrade s’en tire in extremis en retirant ses forces spéciales du
On est en octobre 1998. La Serbie a obtenu un sursis capital de cinq
d’hiver. L’Irak essuiera à sa place des mois de bombardements
injustifiés, si quotidiens que les médias ne les relèveront même plus.
Mais le Tomahawk, ce n’est pas le pire. Parmi les innombrables moyens
pour tuer sans coup férir un petit Etat ruiné, les "monstrueuses bombes
fragmentation", parade hypocrite au traité d’interdiction des mines

"...seules les munitions posées par voie terrestre étaient concernées
par le
traité d’Ottawa, et étaient donc désormais interdites. Les bombes à
sous-munitions restaient autorisées. Bel exemple de morale politique:
cluster bomb coûte le prix d’une "Clio" Renault, il faut pouvoir se la
(...) Avec cet accord, les pays riches ont donc désarmé les pays
pauvres, mais
restent libres de continuer à assassiner hardiment." (p. 191)

Quelque 1400 de ces containers à mines seront déversés en Yougoslavie:
ils ont
"pour objectif de "polluer" le terrain". Les soldats de l’OTAN
l’apprendront à
leurs dépens au Kosovo, où l’arjmée serbe leur a livré son plan de
tandis que les mini-bombes de l’OTAN, dispersées au hasard, continuent à
chaque jour... pour une fois, sans distinction ethnique.

La plupart des crimes exposés dans "Crimes de guerre à l’OTAN" étaient
Mais de par leur énormité même, ils échappaient à l’entendement du
public. Une
famille obsédée par la bienséance peine à croire que son rejeton premier
classe est un violeur et un malfrat. C’est aussi à cause d’un préjugé
moral de
ce genre, et non uniquement par devoir professionnel, que le procureur
du TPI,
la Suissesse Carla del Ponte, persiste à nier la qualification juridique

évidente des agissements de l’OTAN. Admettre ces faits, c’est précipiter

l’effondrement d’un modèle de société prospère fondé sur l’alliance de
l’exploitation et de la bonne conscience.
C’est le mérite de Pierre-Henri Bunel d’avoir, le premier, crié de
du palais que le roi est nu. Mais sa clairvoyance même nous inspire le
s’il était conscient de servir une alliance perçue comme une force
aux agissements contraires à l’intérêt des pays qui la financent, qui a

le crime de guerre à sa stratégie ordinaire, et qui est manipulée par
extraterrestres assoiffés de domination, pourquoi clame-t-il sa loyauté
vis-à-vis de l’OTAN?
Pour un officier français, ou pour n’importe quel homme d’honneur,
trahir le
monstre qu'il décrit était le seul moyen de ne pas trahir l’élémentaire
humaine. Bunel le sait, mais le moyen dont il use pour occulter ce
n’est pas élégant. En défendant l’OTAN contre elle-même et gonflant
artificiellement un "ennemi" d’outre-Atlantique, il n’est pas sincère..
livre, où chaque accusation contre l’OTAN est motivée, il relaie des
médiatiques gratuites contre les responsables serbes. A plusieurs
reprises, il
loue la distanciation de la politique chiraquienne vis-à-vis des
traditionnels de la France, selon lui encore valables sous Mitterrand
(vraiment?), au profit d’un alignement sur les volontés américaines.
Pour ne
dire du bien du peuple banni, Bunel force le trait contre l’autre camp,
soucieux de ménager les susceptibilités françaises, il inscrit le gros
l’addition au compte des Américains (rappelons que son éditeur est lié à

Hachette, donc à Matra, donc au pouvoir). Il sait pourtant que l’OTAN
désormais un organisme analogue au pacte de Varsovie: il n’y a qu’un
maître, mais la chaîne des responsabilités irrigue sans rupture les
nomenklaturas consentantes des pays affiliés.

Il est tragique que, dans le climat actuel, un témoin aussi crucial
doive se
censurer pour ne pas nuire à la portée de son témoignage. Gageons
qu’après son
procès, lorsque la désillusion ou la catastrophe aura ouvert les yeux
nombre de ses concitoyens, le commandant Bunel criera son attachement
valeurs humaines universelles plutôt qu’aux consignes de service d’une
organisation déshonorée.



Pierre-Henri Bunel, *Crimes de guerre à l’OTAN*, Paris, Editions 1, $$$
p., 110
FF, parution juin 2000.


(1) Cette explication est corroborée par un témoignage de première main:
1999, l’attaché militaire américain à Belgrade avait confié à un éminent

historien que son pays cherchait un prétexte quelconque à l’agression
pouvoir tirer ses missiles périmés. L’officier en était désolé, car il
sympathisait avec la nation serbe.


L I S E Z - M O I Ç A !
Le monde à livre ouvert.
Lisez et faites connaître !
Contenu: (C) 2000 by Editions L'Age d'Homme, Lausanne, Suisse.
Réactions et contributions :
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Subject: Urgent: Interview with a Nato-"traitor"
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 13:43:28 +0200
From: J.Elsasser@... (Juergen Elsaesser)

Look at my website:

Dear friends,

in the August issue of KONKRET we print an interview that might interest
With Commandant Pierre Henri Bunel, french liaison officer in the
Nato-Headquarter in Brussels from 1996 until October 1998. Then he was
because he handed over top secret military documents including attack
against Yugoslavia to the yugoslav embassy. Fifteeen years of jail are
for him...

In the interview he says that he already in fall 1998 was informed about
Nato-plans to attack Yugoslavia. Also he assures that the destroying of
chinese embassy in Belgrad was not a mistake, but was intended. He
thinks so
because in the Nato-Headquarter they had - and even he himself had -
plans of Belgrade which showed the location of the embassy correctly.

In other parts of the interview he talks about the CIA-support for the
Muslims (he was in the headquarter of the Rapid Deployment Force in
Bosnia from
1994 till 1996).

Don't you think, this is hot stuff for your newspaper/magazine? Wouldn't
it be
interesting for you to translate and print it?

KONKRET comes out at 29th of July - but you could get it already on
Monday the
17th of July, if you like. So you have enough time to check it, and
we'll easily
agree about the conditions of reprinting.

Please remail me, if you are interested.

Thank you very much,
your sincerely


e-mail: crj@... - URL:


1980: 85 morti e 200 feriti per una bomba fatta esplodere in pieno
giorno alla stazione di Bologna. L'atto piu' sanguinoso tra i tanti
episodi della guerra scatenata da eversione nera, mafia e massoneria,
quadri militari statunitensi e della NATO contro ogni ipotesi di governo
delle sinistre e di svolta democratica nel nostro paese.



Rinascita democratica, Elenco iscritti alla Loggia P2/ COMMISSIONE


ipertesto a cura di Stefano Sansavini
dell'Associazione sTRANO nETWORK
versione 3.0 - Dicembre 1998


Interventi su stragismo, strategie autoritarie, repressive e
antidemocratiche del potere occulto e palese, con particolare attenzione
ad Ustica ed alla strage di Bologna.


Strage di Piazza Fontana: spunta un agente Usa
Sito web di Repubblica sulla strage di Piazza Fontana.
Contiene il testo integrale della sentenza del giudice Salvini.


Associazione tra i familiari delle vittime della strage alla stazione di
Bologna del 2 Agosto 1980: Presentazione, Patrimonio documentale, Breve
riassunto di questi anni.


> Vent'anni fa la strage alla stazione di Bologna
> Ci furono 85 morti e 200 feriti provocati da uno dei più feroci
> attentati fascisti della nostra storia. Dopo vent'anni di indagini e
> di depistaggi, i processi non hanno ancora fornito alcuna seria
> ricostruzione dei fatti: la vera identità dei mandanti resta ben
> celata, al sicuro negli intoccabili centri del potere occulto, che dal
> dopoguerra ad oggi ha ordito, al seguito di una feroce repressione,
> trame ed attentati, attentando alle libertà democratiche e politiche
> nate dalla Lotta di Resistenza Partigiana.
> Il compagno Angiolo Gracci (Il Partito-Linea Rossa), già nel 1973-74
> condusse assieme al compagno Alberto Sartori l'inchiesta di
> controinformazione che rivelò la "trama nera" stragista: l'azione
> rivoluzionaria del com.te Partigiano (Carlo) Alberto Sartori, riuscì
> infatti a smascherare il gruppo fascista del Veneto (Freda-Ventura)
> collegato alla centrale imperialista e a fornire le prove necessarie
> alla magistratura che ben avrebbero potuto sventare gli attentati che
> seguirono (*). Il Partito Comunista d'Italia (m.l.) Linea Rossa, combattè
> da solo allora contro le centrali fasciste-imperialiste del complotto
> reazionario capitalista, della provocazione e della strage di stato e
> contro i vergognosi tradimenti dei dirigenti rinnegati revisionisti
> del Pci.
> La verità politica era già chiara allora: il sanguinoso massacro della
> stazione di Bologna si legava alla strategia del terrore ordita
> dall'imperialismo U$A.
> L'Italia era e doveva rimanere un paese a sovranità limitata!
> Nel commemorare le vittime innocenti della stazione di Bologna, La
> Linea Rossa rinnova l'impegno a continuare la lotta anche per loro:
> contro il complotto imperialista e fascista, contro il revisionismo
> politico e storico, per la libertà, per il socialismo e
> l'indipendenza!
> Costruiamo un vasto fronte antifascista- antimperialista, affinchè la
> lotta rivoluzionaria delle masse sconfigga qualsiasi nuovo disegno
> reazionario della borghesia!
> La Resistenza Continua!
> Linea Rossa
> (Genova)
> mercoledì, 2 agosto 2000

(*) Sull'episodio si veda il volume "Secchia, il PCI ed il '68", di
Ferdinando Dubla (Datanews)

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

A quasi 14 mesi dall'inizio della missione "umanitaria" coloniale
dell'Esercito italiano sul territorio del Kosmet ancora NEMMENO UN
INCHIESTA (inchiesta? neanche un accenno!!!) al passato coloniale
dell'Italia fascista in Kosovo!

A questi vigliacchi giornalisti, bugiardi e servili, tutta la nostra
ammirazione per il modo in cui svolgono integerrimi il loro quotidiano
lavoro di propaganda nascondendo i fatti che contano e dando in pasto
all'opinione pubblica solo quello che vogliono i loro padroni.






Albanian Terrorists
Milan V. Petkovic, 1998
Index: Introduction, Islamic Extremism and the European Quest, Growing
Iranian influence, The Albanian Initiative, The US Interest for
Terrorists in Kosovo and Metohija, TURKEY, ALBANIA AND THE "REPUBLIC
KOSOVA", Using religion, Turkey, Albania and Kosovo and Metohija,
Planning the "Republic of Kosova", The "Kosovo Liberation Army", What is
the "Kosovo Liberation Army"?, Profile of a terrorist, "Dogs of War" are
arriving, Profession - Terrorist


If your computer has audio (Web TV does), please check out the radio
program "Kosovo: Update On The Balkans Debacle And Shameful NATO
Failure" at the Washngton, D.C. radio station WAVA.
It features the Emperor's New Clothes' (and Stop NATO's own) Jared
Israel and former Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia James Bissett.
Highly recommended.
To hear it:
1. Go to
2. Click on DON KROAH (the host)
5. Click on Interviews Parts 1 and 2

Pavarësi për Kosovën Heroike - Independence for Heroic Kosova - Albanian
Links Page



Terrorism In Southern "Serbia Proper"
Increased fighting between rebels and Yugoslavian forces

Agence France Presse, July 27
[NOTE from Emperor's Clothes (7-29-00) - In the following story, Agence
France Presse (AFP) reports that NATO has "repeatedly warned the UPCMB
[terrorists] that they will not allow their troops to be drawn into
fighting" and suggests that NATO is trying to stop terrorist raids
against towns in ''Serbia proper.''
By referring to ''Serbia proper'' Agence France Presse (AFP) is trying
to solve what the rug cleaner who destroyed my rug called "a situation,"
namely that NATO entered Kosovo under UN Resolution 1244 which states
that Kosovo is part of Serbia, no ifs ands or buts. BUT in practice NATO
and the UN have engineered the terrorizing and expulsion of almost
everyone who a) isn't Albanian or b) hates the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA) not to mention the eradication of Serbian culture. (See footnote
1) Moreover, NATO and the UN have presided over the theft of Serbian
property, big, medium and small. AFP doesn't want to say Kosovo is
separate from Serbia and it doesn't want to say Kosovo is part of
Serbia, so it calls the area just north of the Kosovo provincial border
"Serbia proper.''
Anyway, AFP says NATO wants peace.
As you may recall, we heard the same thing from NATO leaders regarding
the Kosovo Verification Mission in the fall of 1998. Some of us argued
that the Verification Mission was dominated by US covert agents who
wanted to: 1) identify future bombing targets as well as 2) upgrade the
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) from gangsterism and terror to gangsterism,
terror plus the ability to fight battles, if lamely. (Footnote 2)
Now NATO and the UN have installed a regime made up of the same KLA
monsters, recycled as the Kosovo Protection Corps. As the article below
suggests, members of the wonderfully-named Kosovo "Protection" Corp are
the ones attacking Serbia. If NATO were sincere about stopping these
attacks, what could they do? Hint: how about arresting KPC chief Agim
Ceku for starters? "But gee, fellows, wouldn't that be, like, war-like?"
(footnote 3)
Over the past ten years the West has repeatedly 'warned' it will not be
dragged into fighting in Yugoslavia which is followed by the West being
'dragged' into fighting in Yugoslavia. This is because Humanitarian
Disasters reliably occur at the required moment, overriding promises of
non-intervention. Last time it was the Racak (non)-massacre. (footnote
4) This time it will be Something Terrible Serbia Does to Montenegro and
Something Terrible Serbia Does in Southern Serbia. Amazingly
cooperative, those Serbs.
Diana Johnstone says this is NATO's Humanitarian Trigger. (footnote 5)
Bertolt Brecht says: "When the leaders speak of peace the common people
know war is coming."
I say, take the 'Agence France Presse' with a generous pinch of salt.
And get the word out to as many people as possible.
We need to prevent a war. The article follows. Jared Israel.]
Fighting in southern Serbia between Yugoslavian security forces and
ethnic Albanian separatists has intensified in the past week, US troops
stationed nearby told AFP Thursday.
The commander of the KFOR peacekeeping force's Outpost Sapper, Captain
Tom Hairgrove, said that his troops had heard automatic gunfire and
explosions from over the administrative border in Serbia proper near the
village of Dobrosin on two nights this week.
As he spoke, his troops were reinforcing the fortifications surrounding
the checkpoint they man on the narrow country road beween Gnjilane in
Kosovo and Dobrosin with extra razor wire and barricades packed with
soil and rocks.
Dobrosin is in a pocket of Serbia controlled by the Liberation Army of
Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac (UPCMB), an ethnic Albanian guerilla
force fighting to separate the Presevo valley area and its 70,000-strong
Albanian majority from Yugoslavia.
Guerrillas in the village confirmed to AFP Thursday that there had been
recent fighting in the area but refused to discuss details.
"We have heard bursts of automatic gunfire and explosions, probably
mortars. There's definitely something going on," Hairgrove said.
KFOR sources said that the increased activity around Dobrosin in the
five-kilometre (three-mile) -wide Ground Safety Zone, a demilitarised
strip of land between UN-administered Kosovo and Serbia proper, was a
matter of concern.
The zone was set up under the Military Technical Agreement signed
between NATO and Yugoslavia in June last year to regulate the withdrawal
of Belgrade's forces from the disputed province.
Under the agreement, the Yugoslavian army is barred from entering the
zone, although Belgrade's well-armed interior ministry paramilitary
police force does patrol there and sometimes clashes with the rebels.
The UPCMB guerrillas move around openly in Dobrosin, where they are
clearly in charge. They are well armed with good quality Yugoslavian
manufactured Kalashnikov assault rifles and a variety of pistols,
grenades and sub-machine guns.
US soldiers stationed 200 metres (yards) from the village estimate their
strength in Dobrosin at any one time to be around 60.
KFOR patrols keep a close eye on the frontier to try and prevent arms
being smuggled to the rebel group, which is thought to have close links
with ethnic Albanian militants in Kosovo.
One of the rebels met by AFP was wearing the uniform of the Kosovo
Protection Corps (KPC), the civilian successor of the Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA). The man, who was unarmed, wore the shoulder flash of the
group's Second Region, that operating in the north of Kosovo near
Kosovska Mitrovica.
The KPC, which is commanded by former KLA leaders, was set up as a
civilian disaster relief force and receives funding from international
donors including the United States and the European Union.
Other rebels wore a variety of camouflage or black fatigues emblazoned
with the red, black and gold UPCMB badge, itself very similar to those
worn by the KLA and KPC.
>From the hill above Dobrosin, a small farming community huddled around a
tiny mosque, six-man UPCMB patrols can be seen strung out along dirt
tracks into the hills around the village.
KFOR has repeatedly warned the UPCMB that they will not allow their
troops to be drawn into fighting in the Ground Safety Zone or further
inside Serbia.
1) On the attempted eradication of Serbian culture in Kosovo, see Season
of Peace at (This
article has many pictures so it loads slowly)
2) On the now-exposed covert aims of the Kosovo Verification Mission in
the fall of 1998, see 'The Cat's out of the bag!' with introduction by
Jared Israel at
3) If you haven't read it, please read the amazing article, 'The UN
appoints an alleged war criminal in Kosovo' by Michel Chossudovsky at
4) 'Racak - The Impossible Massacre by Diana Johnstone at
5) See Diana Johnstone's "NATO's Humanitarian Trigger,' at



Saturday July 29 7:59 AM ET
U.S. Soldier Pleads Guilty to Murder of Kosovo Girl

By Steven Silber

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - U.S. Staff Sergeant Frank Ronghi pleaded guilty
late on Friday to the forcible sodomy and premeditated murder of an
11-year-old ethnic Albanian girl while on peacekeeping duty in Kosovo.

Sentencing is due to start on Monday at 1100 GMT, when a panel of
officers will hear testimony and deliberate on whether to give the
soldier a chance for parole.

A Weapons Squad leader in the 3rd battalion of the 504th Parachute
Infantry Regiment, Ronghi also pleaded guilty to indecent acts with a

The 36-year-old native of Niles, Ohio, faces a maximum penalty of life
imprisonment without chance of parole.

Ronghi was arrested in the Yugoslav province after the bruised and
lacerated body of Merite Shabiu was found in a woodland outside the town
of Vitina on January 13.

Shabiu's parents were present at the plea session, said Erik Gunhus,
spokesman for the 1st Infantry Division.

``They were very strong people. The interpreter sat between them and you
could see what was said affected them. The mother wept very quietly,''
Gunhus told Reuters after witnessing the plea.

The U.S. Army's 1st Infantry Division said court proceedings in
Wuerzburg, Germany, had been brought forward to Friday evening from next
Monday following an unexpected request to the military judge by the

Ronghi, a well-built man with short dark hair, remained calm at the
hearing, Gunhus said.

``He was composed throughout the hearing, his voice was strong and his
answers were sure. He didn't appear nervous,'' he said.

At a pre-trial hearing in February, a sergeant told of how a young
private under his command alleged that Ronghi had taken him in a Humvee
military vehicle to an apartment block, loaded up the vehicle out of his
sight and then driven out of town, where the two of them had dumped the
girl's body.

Ronghi, sent to Kosovo from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, has been held in
confinement by the U.S. Army in Mannheim, Germany.

The Army said last month that if found guilty, Ronghi would serve his
term at a federal prison in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

The trial would have had to be held in the United States if the army had
decided to push for the death penalty to punish the first serious crime
implicating one of the NATO-led KFOR peacekeepers charged with keeping
order in the Yugoslav province.

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OTPOR: "sotterrare il comunismo ancora vivo e vegeto in Serbia dopo

Kragujevac - Otpor observes July 7
Otpor activists staged a performance on Friday named "Let's Regain our
consciousness" in front of their premises in Kragujevac to observe the
Day of Uprising in Serbia. They placed three red painted pentagrams made
of ice on the sunlit side of the street and set candles beside them.
Otpor activist Ana Savic told Beta news agency that "thawing of the
five-pointed stars in the sun" symbolized "the entombment of Communism
still alive and vivid in Serbia after five decades."
(Fonte: )

TEPPISTI DA STADIO: "Stasera e' la nostra sera, stasera Slobo brucia,
lasciatelo bruciare, chi se ne frega e' solo un comunista"

(Slogan degli Ultras della Stella Rossa di Belgrado,
fonte: "Red mist in Belgrade", 27/7/00, )

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* Collaborazione tra Israele e la Croazia: l'interesse imperialista
israeliano alla frantumazione della RFSJ e' stato anteposto alla memoria
storica del nazismo!
(Sulle forniture di armi da Israele alla Croazia suggeriamo la lettura
del libro "Traffico di armi" di Gambino e Grimaldi, Editori Riuniti)

* Storico israeliano contesta la politica antiserba della NATO
* Avvocati ebrei in Israele e Svizzera in prima linea nella battaglia
per la restituzione da parte del Vaticano dei beni della vittime dei
clerico-nazisti ustascia
* Appello della Zionist Organization of America contro la politica
antiserba di Israele e delle principali organizzazioni ebraiche

Sulla politica "umanitaria" delle lobby sioniste in Jugoslavia si veda:
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Inc.

Per la puntata precedente si veda:
Introduction to the Vatican Bank Claims


Zagreb's VINA 3/7/00: "Croatia's First Deputy Prime Minister
Goran Granic and Israel's Deputy Defence Minister Ephraim Sneh
agreed in Zagreb on Tuesday [7 March] that the two countries
should start intensifying their cooperation immediately, the
Government said in a statement. In that regard, the two
officials agreed on a visit by a Croatian government delegation
to Israel."

Taken from:
Z . I . N . C .
Monday, March 13, 2000 5:00 AM EST (1000 UTC)
Editor: Michael C. Hoffman O&F: 301-681-0858
Email: michaelh@...
To go direct to ZINC's website, Click here:


Actually its funny that you should have noticeed the Israel-Croatia
cooperation story...This isn't just politics, according to an edition of
GLOBUS (Croatian magazine) dated April (Travnja), 2nd, 1999 (No.434) on
pages 26-28 we are told that the HV (the Croatian Army) should be
equiped in
two years time with Israel's "Galil" automatic weapon [Israel's version
the M-16] for Croatian infantry. The magazine points out the "Galil's"
compatibility with NATO weapons but then goes on to make a huge fuss of
fact that Croatia is buying Israeli weapons instead of serializing the
in Croatia" APS 95 which is produced by the arms-manufacturer "ARMA".



After the Rain - How the West Lost the East -

Israeli historian slams NATO policy

Edited by The Emperor's New Clothes -

Tel Aviv, February 24th 2000 (Tanjug) - NATO's attack on the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia is similar to Hitler's W.W.II onslaught argues
historian Anat Peri in her article, "Let the truth be heard", published
today in the eminent Israeli paper Haarec.

Along with the creation of the Independent State of Croatia under the
clerical-fascist Ustashi and the handing over of Kosovo to a fascist
Albanian regime, Hitler ordered that all the Serbs opposing Nazism be
expelled. According to Peri, Germany and the US have encouraged the
secession of Croatia and the expulsion of the Serbian population from
Croatian territory, just as Hitler did.

The US provided the fascistic, secessionist Albanian army with arms,
encouraged it to attack the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to take
control of parts of the southern Serbian province of Kosovo and to
Serbian soldiers. America supported ethnic Albanian gangster-terrorists
and accused ethnic Albanian intellectuals from Kosovo of cooperating
the Serbs, according to the Israeli historian.

Anat Peri states that Ibrahim Rugova, a leader of Kosovo ethnic
fears for his life because of the US-backed KLA terrorists. Under the
patronage of the US government, these terrorists have become the
not only of Serbs, but also of Albanians opposing their violence.
According to Peri, NATO's policies very much resemble Hitler's.

NATO's interest lies in provoking violence between the small nations
comprised Yugoslavia in order to enforce submission, says the Israeli

In contrast to its claims, NATO aggression wasn't to protect ethnic
Albanians; rather the purpose was to attack Russia's last ally in
After the arrival of KFOR and UNMIK, the majority of the Serbian
population has been expelled from Kosovo, the remaining Serbs are being
murdered daily, while KFOR representatives are unconcerned, says Ms.


Further reading

Some Jewish leaders have actively engaged in Serb-bashing and even
trivialized the Holocaust by comparing Yugoslavia's defense of its
soveriengty to Hitler's attempt to create a nightmare world. But other
Jewish intellectuals and leaders have spoken out in defence of truth and
against anti-Serbian (that is, anti-Slav) racism. Here are some
interesting examples:

Yugoslav Chief Rabbi on Serbophobia by Danon Cadik, at
Hijacking the Holocaust by Todd Emoff at
'A flimsy pretext of humanitarianism' by Michael Mandel, at
Unveiling Similarities: Anti-Serbism & Anti-Semitism by Jared Israel, at
Emperors-clothes relies on contributions to cover our expenses. If you'd
like to help with a credit card donation please click here or go to . Or you can mail a check
Emperor's Clothes, P.O. Box 610-321, Newton, MA 02461-0321. Thanks for
helping make our work possible.

To browse articles from, click here Or go to: []


>Dear friends,
>We have received this message from a source in Israel, regarding the
>status of a class-action lawsuit on behalf of all victims of the Ustasha
>(Croatian Nazis). If you or your family was victimized by the Ustasha
>the Second World War, the plaintiffs' attorneys named below would
>it if you would contact them. They are collecting testimony regarding
>Ustasha atrocities against Jews, Serbs, and Roma.
>Thank you very much.
>T.V. & Alida Weber
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Root & Branch Association, Ltd." <rb@...>
>Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 3:22 AM
>Please visit our website at
>This week's Conference on Yerushaliyim (May 14-17, 2000)
>was sponsored by the Jerusalem Embassy Initiative of the Root & Branch
>Please also visit the websites of our
>Conference Host:
>The Israel Center
>Conference Co-Sponsors:
>Arutz Sheva Radio
>The Jerusalem Post
>************R&B OMNIBUS************
>The ROOT & BRANCH INFORMATION SERVICE distributes news, features and
>commentary on Jews, Judaism and Israel. Views expressed in items that we
>distribute are those of the authors alone.
>Readers are welcome to re-publish this Root & Branch Information Service
>story in newspapers and magazines, post it on web sites, bulletin boards
>and news groups or redistribute it through email lists PROVIDED THAT
>they include the following notice --
>Reprinted from the Root & Branch Information Services
>*********READERS' LETTERS**********
>We WELCOME your comments and questions, which we will gladly forward to the
>authors (if living) of items distributed through our Information Services.
>We also plan to periodically publish your letters (with your permission) in
>a Readers Responses column. Please email us your comments and questions at
>Vatican Bank Claims website:
>Law Offices of Thomas Dewey Easton
>Jonathan H. Levy
>P.O.B. 6080
>Cincinnati, OHIO 45206
>Office Tel: 513-528-0586
>Email: resistk@...
>Tom Easton
>1335 Pebble Beach Drive
>Crescent City, CA 95531
>Office Tel: 707-464-4513
>Office Fax: 707-465-5389
>Email: tomeaston@...
>Crescent City, California, Yom Shishi (Sixth Day - "Friday"), 14 Iyar, 5760
>(Gregorian Date: May 19 2000) (Hijri Date: 14 Safar, 1421), Root &
>21, 2000
>We are still gathering testimonies of World War Two Ustashi atrocities.
>All testimonies are important because they demonstrate to the Judge the
>importance of our cause. If you would like to write your testimony for us,
>and sign it as a Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for our eventual use
>in federal court and to be added to the next pleading, we will be very
>appreciative. Your support is very important to the success of this case.
>Please send an original copy of your testimony by regular mail to: Tom
>Easton, 1335 Pebble Beach Dr, Crescent City CA 95531-3350.
>If you would NOT like your testimony to be publicized by any media, please
>make a notation at the end: DO NOT USE WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION.
>Below is the list of Class Plaintiffs in the First Amended Class Action
>Complaint of 21 January 2000 (mailed out on 19 January from Crescent City
>to San Francisco federal court), with the addition of Betsy Lalich's
>declaration of February 8 as an example of how we would like to utilize
>your testimonies as declarations that we can submit to the US District
>Court at a later time.
>PLAINTIFF EMIL ALPERIN was born June 3, 1922. Prior to the German invasion
>of Ukraine, he resided in Odessa, Ukraine at 63 Sverdlova Street, Apt. 11.
>Germans and allied Fascists believed to be Croatians looted and destroyed
>all the household belongings and personal property of Alperin. Plaintiff
>was held prisoner at Buchenwald Concentration Camp from March 1944 until
>April 1945 where he was prisoner #34646. He currently resides in Kharkov,
>Ukraine. Emil Alperin is Jewish.
>PLAINTIFF JEWGENIJA ROMANOVA, formerly Petruchina, was born December 7,
>1927. Before the German occupation, she resided in Nikolayev, Ukraine at
>13 Kolodeznaya Street. Germans and allied Fascists, believed to be
>Croatians, looted and destroyed all the household belongings and personal
>property of Romanova. Romanova was held prisoner at Ravensbruck
>Concentration Camp from March 1944 until April 1945 where she was prisoner
>#33543. Romanova currently resides in Kharkov, Ukraine.
>PLAINTIFF MARIA DANKEWITSCH was born January 29, 1922. Before the German
>occupation, she resided in Sevastopol, Ukraine in the Fudolf District.
>Germans and allied Fascists believed to be Croatians looted and destroyed
>all the household belongings and personal property of Dankewitsch.
>Dankewitsch was held prisoner at Ravensbruck Concentration Camp from
>February 1943 until May 1945 where she was prisoner #17406. Dankewitsch
>currently resides in Kiev, Ukraine.
>PLAINTIFF VLADIMIR MORGUNOV was born September 2, 1925. Before the German
>occupation, he resided in Mariupol, Ukraine in the 75 Kotovskoogo Street.
>Germans and allied Fascists believed to be Croatians looted and destroyed
>all the household belongings and personal property of Morgunov. Morgunov
>was held prisoner at Buchenwald Concentration Camp from March 1943 until
>April 1945 where he was prisoner #13341. Morgunov's current address is in
>PLAINTIFF VLADIMIR BRODICH was born March 1, 1931 in the Kingdom of
>Yugoslavia. As a young Serbian Orthodox boy, Vladimir resided in the town
>of Kostajnica, Krajina. In April, 1941 a German officer came to his home,
>because both of his parents were fluent in German (his father having lived
>in Austria and his mother having received her high school education in
>Salzburg, Austria). The officer showed them photographs of Ustasha
>atrocities, warning them that they should leave immediately for Belgrade
>beyond the reach of the Ustasha. The German officer prepared documents for
>the escape of the whole family. Unfortunately, the town mayor persuaded
>his father to stay. In August, 1941 the Ustasha took away his father
>Nickola, his 24 year old brother Dragomir, and his older sister to a
>detention center. Vladimir's father and brother were tortured, then
>murdered. Before their death, his father asked to embrace his son, and
>thus they were shot together. Five years later, their bodies were exhumed
>and identified because still embracing one another. At the detention
>center Vladimir's sister was gang raped by Ustasha. She only survived
>because of the efforts of a Chetnik partisan (who was later captured,
>tortured, and thrown alive into an oven to die by the Ustasha), and died in
>1997 without being able to bear children. Vladimir and his mother survived
>by escaping to Belgrade. Vladimir's family lost their two homes, and
>because Vladimir's brother was so wealthy, it took the Ustasha more than
>two years to auction all of his murdered brother's property. Vladimir came
>to the United States in 1949, is the only surviving heir to the family
>property, and currently resides in Arizona.
>PLAINTIFF WILLIAM DORICH was born July 17, 1939 in West Virginia.
>Plaintiff's father, Samuel Todorovic Sr., came to the United States at the
>end of World War One as a "displaced person," (along with plaintiff's
>brother George and their parents) from the village of Vojnic in the Krajina
>region, having been "ethnically cleansed" by Croatians who sided with
>Germany in World War One. Upon becoming a naturalized citizen Samuel
>Todorovic Sr., changed the family name to Dorich just prior to the birth of
>his two sons, Samuel Jr., and William. During World War One, the Ustasha
>burned to death 45 Serbian victims in the Orthodox Serbian church in the
>village of Vojnic, of which 17 victims were relatives of the Dorich family.
> Plaintiff has spent his lifetime speaking out against the Ustasha and is
>the author of numerous books on the Balkans. The only member of
>plaintiff's family still alive is his 83 year-old Serbian-American mother,
>Mary Savage Dorich. Plaintiff resides in California.
>PLAINTIFF IGOR NAJFELD was born June 28, 1944 in Yugoslavia, on the day
>that his mother, a Yugoslavian Jewish physician, and his father, a Polish
>Jewish physician, escaped from 3 years of forced labor by the Ustasha
>Regime beginning in 1941. Plaintiff's parents had been living in Zagreb on
>April 10, 1941 when the Nazi's invaded Yugoslavia, but by 4 October 1941
>the Ustasha Regime had imprisoned plaintiff's parents who were later sent
>as forced laborers to Bosnia. Plaintiff's grandparents, who were sent to
>Jasenovac and murdered there, owned a department store in Slavonski Brod
>that was looted and taken over by the Ustashi. 56 of plaintiff's mother's
>relatives were murdered by the Ustasha, many of whom perished in the
>Jasenovac Concentration Camp system. Most of plaintiff's relatives were
>prosperous and all lost property to the Ustasha looting. Plaintiff grew up
>in Yugoslavia and eventually emigrated to the United States, where he now
>resides in Vermont.
>is recognized by Ukrainian Ministry of Justice as an official
>representative of 8,500 former partisans and resistors of the Nazi
>occupation of Ukraine and concentration camp victims.
>300,000 former slave and forced laborers, prisoners, concentration camp,
>and ghetto survivors.
>non-profit (503-1) human rights organization and research institute
>registered in the state of Michigan committed to establishing the truth
>about the Holocaust in Yugoslavia and dedicated to the search for justice
>for its victims. The JRI promotes research and activities designed to
>enlighten the world to the crimes of genocide committed at Jasenovac and
>wartime Yugoslavia against Serbs, Jews and Romas and provides assistance to
>all groups and individuals who likewise seek justice for these victims.
>The JRI is also dedicated to fostering unity, justice and the survival of
>the Serbian people and of their cultural heritage worldwide, and it
>promotes cooperation and better relations between all peoples in the
>et al., USDC No. C99-4941 MMC
>I, Lizabeth Lalich, declare as follows:
>1. My paternal family (Lalich): In May 1945, 48 family members, all women
>and children from the Lalich family were murdered and placed in a mass
>grave. They were killed by Croatian Ustasha after they descended from
>hiding in the mountains above their village in Korencia, Lika (Krajina)
>Yugoslavia. The war had just been declared "over" and they thought it was
>safe to return home.
>2. My maternal family (Knezevic): Jovan Knezevic, brother of my
>grandfather Stojan Knezevic, was taken from his home and tortured and
>murdered by the Croatian Ustasha in May 1944, in Mutilich, Lika (Krajina),
>Yugoslavia. He was 30 years old.
>3. My cousin Dusanka Kovacevic (niece of my grandfather Stojan Knezevic)
>was taken from her home in Dalmatia to Croatian capital Zagreb, along with
>other kidnapped Serbs, and hung to death on Serbian Eastern Orthodox
>Christmas, January 7, 1942. She was a teenager.
>I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of
>California that the foregoing is true and correct and executed this 8th day
>of February, 2000, in Chicago, Illinois. /s/ Lizabeth Lalich
>The defendants Vatican Bank and the Franciscan Order have been served their
>copies of the lawsuit. We are awaiting their official responses to the
>Several attorneys have joined our legal team, each bringing with them
>unique knowledge and resources that will contribute to the success of the
>They are:
>K. LEE BOYD is an Associate Professor at Pepperdine University Law School
>and a graduate of Harvard Law School. Lee is the author of several
>articles on International Law and does pro bono work in international
>MILOSH D. MILENKOVICH came to the United States from Yugoslavia in 1954.
>He is the President of a worldwide Serbian organization and an attorney in
>Cleveland, Ohio.
>JOY ROTHENBERG has been recognized by the Governor of Ohio for her work
>with Holocaust survivors. She writes, travels, and lectures extensively on
>the issue of Holocaust restitution.
>Plaintiffs in Alperin v. Vatican Bank, a class action lawsuit filed by
>Serb, Jewish and Ukrainian Holocaust survivors seeking restitution of the
>Word War II Croatian-Nazi treasury, have named as defendants the Croatian
>Liberation Movement and other as yet unnamed Croatian groups in a motion
>filed May 3, 2000 in San Francisco Federal Court. Other defendants include
>the Vatican Bank and Franciscan Order of Monks in the class action lawsuit
>filed in San Francisco Federal Court.
>A 1998 U.S. State Department report implicated both the Vatican, and Swiss
>National Bank in the disappearance of hundreds of millions of dollars of
>gold, silver, and money looted by the 1941-1945 Croatian regime known as
>the Ustashe from Serbs, Jews, and others. Plaintiffs originally filed suit
>in November 1999 and later obtained wartime and postwar U.S. government
>documents under the Freedom of Information Act that indicated the
>involvement of Vatican and Swiss banks in concealing and transferring
>stolen gold and money between 1944 and 1952 including cash transfers to
>Croatian war criminals in Argentina.
>The Croatian Neo-Nazis known as the Croatian Liberation Movement were
>reestablished in Argentina in 1956 as the successors to the wartime
>Croatian Nazis. The WWII wartime leader of Croatia, Ante Pavelic, the war
>criminal responsible for the deaths of 750,000 Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies,
>served as the first leader of the Croatian Liberation Movement until his
>death in 1959. The Croatian Neo-Nazis committed terrorist acts worldwide
>and acted as hired mercenaries in South America and Africa until Croatia's
>secession from Yugoslavia in 1991. Their activities were funded with the
>remnants of the Nazi era Croatian Treasury. After Croatia's independence
>in 1991, the exiles filtered back to Croatia to engage in yet another round
>of violence and ethnic atrocities. Until last year the son-in-law of
>Pavelic headed the Croatian Liberation Movement while working as a Croatian
>diplomat in Rome.
>Plaintiffs in Alperin v. Vatican Bank, a class action lawsuit filed by
>Jewish, Serb and Ukrainian Holocaust
>survivors seeking restitution of the Word War II Croatian-Nazi treasury,
>have named the Swiss National
>Bank and other as yet unnamed Swiss Banks in a motion filed May 3, 2000 in
>San Francisco Federal Court.
>A 1998 U.S. State Department report implicated both the Vatican and Swiss
>National Bank in the disappearance
>of hundreds of millions of dollars of gold, silver, and money looted by the
>1941-1945 Croatian regime
>known as the Ustashe from Serbs, Jews, and others.
>Plaintiffs originally filed suit in November, 1999 and later obtained
>wartime and postwar U.S. government
>documents under the Freedom of Information Act that indicated the
>involvement of Swiss banks in concealing
>and transferring stolen gold and money between 1944 and 1952 including cash
>transfers to war criminals in
>The allegation filed May 3 reads:
>According to the Eizenstat Report, the Swiss National Bank acted as a
>depository for Ustashe loot. The
>Independent Commission of Experts -- Switzerland -- Second World War, known
>as the Bergier Commission, also links Swiss banks with Croatian wartime
>gold transactions (p. 21 of report). United States O.S.S. documents as
>early as 1944 indicate 500 kilograms of gold were deposited by the
>Croatians in the Swiss National Bank along with 2.5 million francs. A 1946
>United Treasury Department report estimates 12 to 16 million francs in gold
>deposits were still controlled by the Ustashi in Swiss bank accounts. A
>1949 C.I.A. document alleges that of 1945, the Ustashi had holdings of 2.5
>million Swiss francs, 1,700 kilograms of gold, and 40,000 kilograms of
>silver in Swiss accounts. A 1948 U.S. Army Intelligence reports confirmed
>that 2,400 kilos of Ustashi stolen gold were moved from the Vatican to one
>of the Vatican's secret Swiss bank accounts. Finally, a 1952 C.I.A.
>document indicates Pavelic, the Ustashi leader, transferred 5 million Swiss
>francs from Switzerland to Argentina.
>However, no Swiss bank has yet been named as a defendant. Plaintiffs'
>attorneys have requested
>clarification from counsel in the recently settled 1.25 billion dollar
>Swiss Bank Holocaust class action
>which released Swiss banks from liability for World War II era dealings
>with the Nazis. Plaintiffs however contend that postwar deposits, possibly
>from the Vatican Bank to Swiss Banks may be outside the scope of the
>The Vatican Bank Claims website is now working at:
>For further information, please contact:
>Law Offices of Thomas Dewey Easton
>Jonathan H. Levy
>P.O.B. 6080
>Cincinnati, OHIO 45206
>Office Tel: 513-528-0586
>Email: resistk@...
>Tom Easton
>1335 Pebble Beach Drive
>Crescent City, CA 95531
>Office Tel: 707-464-4513
>Office Fax: 707-465-5389
>Email: tomeaston@...
>Email: rb@...
>Web Site:

>To: pmsrev@...
This address here is for the Croatia Mission of NATO in Brussels!!!

--------- Forwarded Message ---------

DATE: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 22:55:48
From: "Jonathan Levy" <jlevy1@...>
To: <msdarkstar@...>

News for Immediate Release
Easton & Levy, Attorneys
Jonathan Levy (513) 528-0586

Swiss National Bank faces New Holocaust Lawsuit:
1.25 Billion Dollar Settlement May Offer No Protection

Plaintiffs in Alperin v. Vatican Bank, a class action lawsuit filed by
Holocaust survivors seeking restitution of the Word War II Croatian-Nazi
treasury have asked the court for leave to sue the Swiss National Bank
in a
motion to be filed August 1, 2000 in San Francisco Federal Court.

Lawyers for the Holocaust survivors and their families contend that Serb
WWII victims were purposely omitted from the 1.25 billion Swiss Bank
settlement. In WWII Croatia, the Nazi puppet government murdered
upwards of
700,000 Serbs because of their religion and expelled or forcibly
to Catholicism hundreds of thousands of others. The Serbs were
because of their Eastern Orthodox Christian religion, which was
heretical by the Catholic hierarchy. Just like the Jews, Serbs were
exterminated in concentration camps or subject to murderous pogroms.
Fanatic Croatian Catholics known as the Ustasha often supervised by
committed the atrocities.

Documents in the plaintiffs' possession show that the Swiss National
received substantial gold and silver deposits from the Croatian regime
responsible for the genocide of Serbs. The US State Department has
that much of the gold and other treasure sent to Switzerland by the
Croatians consisted of loot taken from victims of the Ustasha. Postwar,
gold trail becomes confused, although some loot was returned to Tito's
Yugoslavia, a substantial portion found its way to Argentina where with
from the Vatican escape route known as the "ratline", thousands of
war criminals and their supporters were resettled.

As late as 1952, the CIA reported Ustasha loot flowed to Buenos Aires
Switzerland. Plaintiffs are seeking an accounting and restitution from
Swiss National Bank and in particular information about Vatican accounts
Switzerland. The Vatican Bank is also accused of laundering substantial
quantities of Ustasha plunder.


----- Original Message -----
From: Milan B. Milojevic <mailto:milanbm@...>
To: jatich@... <mailto:jatich@...>
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 3:37 PM

Foreign Affairs News Keywords: SERBIA,KOSOVO,ZIONIST,ISRAEL
Source: Zionist Organization of America
Published: March 29,1999 Author: Elyakim Ha'etzni
Posted on 07/04/2000 15:15:24 PDT by


by Elyakim Ha'etzni
Arutz Sheva Israel National Radio
Broadcast on March 29, 1999 / Nisan 12, 5759

It is certainly unnecessary to explain to the listeners of Arutz-7
all about "hostile media." But did
you ever realize that there is another group suffering from
similarly hostile media? The Serbs, for
Without condoning the terrible war crimes no doubt committed by
the Serbs, we and they basically
find ourselves in the same boat. The world press under-states each
of our respective sides, while it
embellishes the Arab-Moslem case, and sweeps under the carpet its
faults, crimes, and inherent
dangers. Both the Serbs and the Israelis are given to
American-European pressure on behalf of the
We were forced in Wye Plantation to give over portions of our
homeland to the Arabs, and the Serbs
are being forced right now to hand over a sovereign region of
theirs, Kosovo, to the Moslem
The Serbs, in fact, call Kosovo their "Jerusalem" - would it be
that we would learn from them how
to stand fast in conviction and determination and strength when
the time comes for us to fight for our
[Ed. note: Arutz-7 commentator Rabbi Avraham Wasserman noted that
the Kotzker Rebbe said that
we should learn strong steadfastness even from Pharaoh, who did
not give in for the duration of nine
terrible plagues.]
The Serbs lost their holy Kosovo to the Turks 600 years ago, and
have dreamt and sung about it ever
since then. They have woven their national identity around Kosovo.
We have pined for Zion and Jerusalem more than three times as
long, and with it all, tell me if there is
one politician amongst us who would say about Jerusalem what
Serbian Deputy Prime Minister
Draskovitch said about Kosovo. Draskovitch, it should be noted,
does not agree with his Prime
Minister, but he and the entire Serbian nation are united around
the Kosovo issue.
Draskovitch said:
"Our faith was born there, as was our language, our nationhood,
our pride. It is incumbent upon us to
defend Kosovo even if we all die." An American reporter asked him
if he does not want his hungry
country to become a part of the West and to share in its wealth.
He answered, "Not if the price is
The hostile press does not tell us who the Serbs really are. From
amongst all the Yugoslavian
peoples, they bore the main brunt of the fight against the Nazis
in World War II. The Croatians
established a Nazi state, and murdered hundreds of thousands of
Serbs and tens of thousands of Jews.
Jews and Serbs are buried together in the Yasenovatz destruction
0From within Muslim Bosnia, with inciteful encouragement by the
Mufti of Jerusalem,
a Jew-killing SS Division arose. The Serbs kept dozens of German
occupied in battle, and caused them great losses. Serbia was the
only country in
Europe that threw off the German conquest on its own, paying a
terrible price
along the way: 1,700,000 dead - 11% of its total population.
The partisan army numbered a quarter of a million, including many
Jews, and it
saved thousands of Jews. How could Clinton possibly think that a
people who
went through all this would surrender to an air attack of the type
of which Saddam
Hussein made a mockery?
The hostile media hide from the public the fact that "ethnic
purifications" have
taken place all over Yugoslavia. The Croatians expelled 200,000
Serbs from the
Krajna district. From Kosovo itself, the Moslems - beginning the
moment they
received autonomy there in 1974 - pushed out a half-million Serbs,
while 400,000
Albanians spilled over the border, turning the Serbs into a 10%
minority in their
own homeland.
What are the Serbs fighting about? Milosevich agreed to restore
the autonomy to
the Moslems. He merely refused the NATO demand to bring in 30,000
troops to his country. What self-respecting country would have
accepted such a
dictate? Clinton had great difficulty explaining why he attacked a
country simply because of an internal dispute within its own
The situation there is not at all the same as Iraq's attempt to
wipe out a foreign
country. If the present attack is justified, why didn't NATO
intervene in China
against the oppression of the Tibetans? What about when Sudan
slaughtered 2.5
million Christian blacks in Khartoum? Why doesn't NATO force its
member state
Turkey to give to the Kurds what it demands for the Kosovo
Albanians? These are
merely a few of the many similar examples all over the globe.
In truth, the attack has nothing to do with ethics. Only pure
political pro-Arab interests are at stake
- oil. The U.S. intervened in Afghanistan on behalf of the Moslem
extremists - who are now
engaged in blowing up American embassies and using their
American-supplied Stingers to endanger
aviation all over the world.
Even worse, the Americans, all for the sake of Kosovo, are
themselves endangering
American-Russian relations and the precious gift that Gorbachev
gave the world - the lifting of the
Iron Curtain. Russia and the Serbs are bound by a historic
When NATO armed the Croatians and the Bosnians against the Serbs,
and even bombed the Serbs from
the air, Russia renewed its diplomatic and military relations with
Iran, Iraq, and Syria - and we,
Israel, are the victims of the renewal of the Cold War in the
Middle East. This is a direct result of the
defective American policy in Yugoslavia.
American diplomatic failures have left their blood-stained marks
of destruction all over the world:
in Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Beirut, Somalia, Panama, Bosnia, Arafat's
Palestine, and now Kosovo. This
new method of forcing a country to give up parts of its territory
under the threat of international
attack is now being tested. *Are we next in line?*
Israel's media are acting as if this has nothing to do with us.
The contrary appears to be true: just as the
press here is against us and in favor of Arafat, it is also in
favor of the Moslems in Yugoslavia. At the
behest of Yossi Sarid of Meretz, our left-wing government of a few
years ago sent humanitarian aid
to the Bosnians, of all people, and even absorbed Bosnian
We, the listeners of Arutz-7, are in favor of the Jews! We will be
alert and attentive to what is
happening in Kosovo, as it may be a general rehearsal for what
could happen here if we don't give the
Palestinian terrorists a state with Jerusalem as its capital.
But not only our own self-interest is at play here. The
gratefulness that we have to the
Serbs for their actions in World War II also demands that we
listen to both sides,
and to send aid also to the Serbian victims. Sarid is again
insisting that the Foreign
Ministry send aid only to the Moslems. I call upon the listeners
to demand that
Foreign Minister Sharon (fax: (972-2) 530-3506; sar@...)
put an end to
the one-sided leftist aid only to the Moslems, and send aid also
to the Serbs. A
public committee should arise to send aid to the Serbs, as well.

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* Alija Izetbegovic: his background and philosophies
(A briefing paper produced for Members for the 1992/3 Session of
Australian Parliament, Monday 21 December 1992)
* MUJAHIDEEN RESIST EVICTION (FreeRepublic, The Observer, StopNato)

* Sul passato politico di Izetbegovic e sulla presenza islamista in
Bosnia-Erzegovina si vedano anche le nostre pagine internet:



related texts thru

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* The text below was published in October 1991 in the Bosnian
* magazine Vox. With permission from the book "The Eradication of
* of Serbs" that provided evidence that led to indictments at The
* Hague. Authenticity can be confirmed by writing to P.O. Box 163,
* CDN, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3S 2S5.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The Declaration of the Sovereignity of the Republic of
zegovina is the basic constitutional act of the Moslems and all
ted and reasonable people of Herzeg-Bosna. Kitabun enzelnahu ileike
mubarekun lijeddebbem ajadhive li jetezekke ululelbabi-huden ve
li uteil-elbabi.

1.Bosnia-Herzegovina is the sovereign state of the Moslems and
other nations. It is the state of origin of the Moslems in the
2.The sovereignity of Bosnia-Herzegovina is indivisible and its
territorial integrity is inviolable.
3.Concurrent with the independence of the Republic of Slovenia
from Yugoslavia, the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina will
proclaim itself an independent state.
4. The Moslem nation which is the bearer of the sovereignity of
Bosnia-Herzegovina recognises cultural autonomy for Croats, Serbs
other nations of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
5. The citizens of the sovereign state of Bosnia-Herzegovina
also have a say in its defence affairs, based on patriotic
patriotism and co-existence.
6. The state of origin of the Moslems and other nations of the
Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina will resolve the national question
the Croats, Serbs and other nations on the basis of reciprocity,
is the guarantee recognised by intemational law, in a state ruled
law, human rights and human freedoms.
7. The Declaration of the Sovereign State of Bosnia-Herzegovina
will be proclaimed by the people at a referendum by a simple



Brother Moslems

With your permission and the help of Allah, the Moslem National
Council has been appointed to achieve the age-long dream of all
Moslems, to create a Moslem state in the Balkan Peninsula.
History teaches us that we are a nation without an identity, a
nation without a state of its own and a nation without a bright
Others have always written our history, studied our origins, taught
what we were and what we were not.
Our agas and beys kept telling us: "It is not yet time. Have
patience brother Moslems". How much longer, brother Moslems? If we
hold the same view that truth is eternal and unchangeable and the
truth is, brothers, that every fifth man in the world is a Moslem,
then this applies to the Balkans as well.
The Moslem National Council in Bosnia-Herzegovina was not
with pomp like the Serbian National Councils in Srb, Knin, Banja
and Ozren with the slogan: "Only concord saves the Serbs", and the
Serbian Democratic Party for Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
We are only a parallel for them and while they exist so will
Moslem National Council. Bratunac has not been chosen as the centre
this council without reason. It is the geographical centre of the
Moslems in Yugoslavia and that region still bears the extremely
negative marks of the war. The time has come to start with the
homogenisation of the Moslems, as other nations have done. What has
been achieved after the elections? Workers are still being
people do not receive their pensions, the people are poor and there
are no prospects. The "MNV" is here to draw conclusions. One of our
main tasks will be to establish Bosnia-Herzegovina as a sovereign
state of the Moslems and other nationals who live in it. The Serbs
Croats cannot have two or three states and the Moslems ask whether
they have one at all. We shall organise a rally during Bairam in
neighbourhood of Bratunac where we shall invite Izetbegovic,
Zulfikarpasic, Durakovic, Filipovic, Muhic and Mr. Karadzic will
be invited. It will not be a rally at which we shall throw flowers,
the Moslems will take a clear political stand. This is a unique
opportunity, it is a time that will not come again, and we are
late and are still divided.


1. To abolish the State Security Service (DB)
Explanation: The State Security Service of Bosnia-Herzegovina
currently employs 1,062 agents, 90% are Serbs.
2. For the Party of Democratic Action to pass a law to
disband the State Security Service.
3. For the Party of Democratic Action to pass a law on
tion and for the confiscated property to be restored to the
citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
4. For the Assembly of Bosnia-Herzegovina to pass and to start
dings to draw up a new constitution in which the Moslem nation
will be the bearer of sovereignity.


The day is nearing when the announced Islamic Republic of
Bosnia-Herzegovina will be proclaimed. The date which every
Moslem in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Sandzak is ardently waiting
for has been known for a long time to be the 31st December.
There are some indications that Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina
might oppose this historic event. In this connection, certain
measures have been taken which will be applied if the Serb
population of Bosnia-Herzegovina does not agree to this idea.

1. Every individual Serb must be aware of the responsibility
of the entire nation for his uncontrolled actions; the penalty
for crimes committed will be collective - for one demolished
Moslem house, ten Serb houses will be demolished - for one dead
Moslem, one hundred Serbs will be liquidated - for one wounded
Moslem (depending on the severity of the wound) 10-15 Serbs.

2. All Serbs will have a 12-hour working day. Their wages
will be proportionate to the loyalty of all the employees and
as a rule they will be paid 30% less than the wages of Moslems
who occupy the same post.

3. Serbs will have priority in the dismissal of redundant

4. Serbs cannot enter public institutions without special

5. Serbs will receive rations for food which they will obtain

special shops.

6. Serbs do not have national parties and if they do not
by the rules of political life, they will not be entitled to
political Organization or to vote.

7. In the Islamic Republic, the right of Serbs to produce
alcohol will not be withdrawn, but Moslems are entitled to apply
the Sheriat to all inhabitants of the state.

8. Serbs are equal to Moslems if, of their own will, they are
received into the Islamic faith of their forefathers. No one has
the right to refer to their previous life because they are not
guilty for being Serbs. No generation is accountable for the
actions of the previous one, or some other that preceded it.

9. A good Serb is a living and obedient Serb; or a dead,
disobedient Serb.


From Alija Izetbegovic. 1990. Islamska Deklaracija. Published by Mala
Muslimanska Biblioteka. 'little Muslim Library', issued by the Muslim
Cultural-Historical Circle. First published in 1970.
I quote [translation mine]:

page 22: "There is no peace nor coexistence between the 'Islamic faith'
non-Islamic social and political institutions.... "

Izetbegovic in effect called for the annihilation -- through
expulsion or killing he does not say -- of non-Muslims. Page 37:

"The Islamic movement can be realized only in lands in which Muslims
constitute the majority of the population.' ... Non-Islamic minorities
within the Islamic state, ON CONDITION OF LOYALTY, enjoy religious
and full protection."

Izetbegovic does not spell out what he means by 'loyalty' or what
happens to
those accused of disloyalty. Before war broke out, his youth publication
featured a cartoon cover showing fez-wearing characters playing with the
severed heads of Karadzic, Koljevic, and Krajisnik [just arrested by

j p maher


Alija Izetbegovic: his background and philosophies
A briefing paper produced for Members
for the 1992/3 Session of Australian Parliament
Monday 21 December 1992


ALIJA IZETBEGOVIC, leader of the SDA (Muslim Party of Democratic
Action), is currently the
President of the Presidency of Bosnia-Hercegovina. He was born in
Bosanski Samac in 1925,
went to school in Sarajevo, and eventually completed law school; he had
no schooling in religion
within the Islamic school system.

Izetbegovic's Early Years

From his early youth, Izetbegovic dedicated himself to Islamic work. At
16 he became part of the
group that founded religious-political organisation "Young Muslims" in
Sarajevo, in 1940. From
the very outset the "YM" was modelled on fundamentalist formations in
the Islamic world, such
as "As-subban al-muslimun" and "Al-ikwan al-muslimun". One of the five
points of the "YM"
programme insisted on the unity of the Muslim world through the creation
of one large Muslim

During the Second World War, the "YM" grew and become part of a network
of Islamic religious
groups headed by the highly conservative theologian of the Mehmed
Handzic (1906-1944). The
"YM" were not officially pro-fascist in orientation, though they were
pursued for this by the
Communist regime after 1945. There were, however, many individual
examples of active
collaboration with the Ustashi government.

Izetbegovic was arrested in 1946, for his significant participation in
founding the Muslim journal
MUDZAHID. He spent the next three years in jail for promoting hatred. At
the same time, his
friend Nedzib Sacirbegovic was given a four year prison sentence.
Sacirbegovic is now
Izetbegovic's personal representative in the USA and his son Muhamed, is
Bosnia-Hercegovina's ambassador to the UN. Izetbegovic has
systematically promoted to top
positions in the SDA people who were political "cadres" in the original
"YM" movement.

In February 1949, the "Young Muslims" started an open revolt. This was
short-lived. During
subsequent trials held in Sarajevo in 1949, four members of the "YM"
were sentenced to death
and many were given prison sentences.

After this lesson, Islamic activists stopped creating illegal groups and
started working on
Islamisation "from underneath". This meant penetrating the very pores of
the system's
institutions, including the formal Islamic community, because the
activists considered their
leaders to be traitors to the authentic Islamic cause. From the
beginning Izetbegovic preferred
Shiite Islamic radicalism in comparison to the Sunni.
Izetbegovic's doctrine - "The Islamic Declaration"

Izetbegovic published many articles in Muslim journals (TAKVIM, GVIS,
etc.), discussing the
sad state of Islam and the necessity for its universal regeneration.

In 1970, he wrote and distributed to people of confidence, his specific
manifesto or programme for
radical pan-Islam - the ISLAMIC DECLARATION.

In this booklet, similar to many of the same type circulating in the
Islamic world, but the only one
of its sort in Yugoslavia, Izetbegovic advocated:

- general Islamic moral and religious regeneration;
- a return to true Islamic values;
- (re)Islamisation of Muslims;
- creation and strengthening of different types of Islamic unity;
- struggle, up to and including political and armed war for the creation
of an Islamic order in
countries where Muslims represent majority, or near majority of the

In line with his pan-Islamic and anti-secular thinking, Izetbegovic
stated in the ISLAMIC

- there should be the establishment of "a united Islamic community from
Morocco to Indonesia";
- with reference to the Turkish model - "Turkey as an Islamic country
used to rule the world.
Turkey as an imitation of Europe represents a third-rate country, the
like of which there is a
hundred in the world":

- "there can be neither peace nor coexistence between the Islamic faith
and non-Islamic social
and political institutions";

- "the Islamic movement must and can, take over political power as soon
as it is morally and
numerically so strong that it can not only destroy the existing
non-Islamic power, but also to build
up a new Islamic one".

The ISLAMIC DECLARATION is imbued with a deep-set intolerance towards
"the values of
western civilisation", both capitalist and Marxist. It was re-published
in 1990 in Sarajevo,
testifying to the fact that its author, in the meantime, had in no way
gone back on his positions -
one of Islamic fundamentalism.

Muslims who gathered around the re-published ISLAMIC DECLARATION, were
members of the "YM" and new activists. They tie their activities to
those of Muslim centres
abroad - religious, political, propaganda and economic - above all with
specific groups in Iran.

In his book ISLAM BETWEEN EAST AND WEST, published first in the USA
(1984) and then
Turkey, develops his views on the superiority of Islam over all other
religions, cultures, ideologies
and philosophies. This book was published in Serbo-Croatian, only in
Belgrade in 1988; the
Sarajevo authorities used all means to prevent it getting published at

Izetbegovic - leader of Bosnia's Muslims

With a group of Muslim activists, Izetbegovic was arrested in 1983 for
activities against the
state. As the chief defendant, he was sentenced to fourteen years. In
1988, he was released after
less than six years of prison.

After the fall of Communism in Yugoslavia, Izetbegovic became one of the
leaders in the creation
of the SDA party (1990), as a Muslim political party. He was elected
President with the support
of his old fellows from the ranks of the "YM" and the support of the
young radicals.

Izetbegovic gave his new, nominally national and civilian political
party, a deeply-set religious
connotation. As the first president of the collective Presidency of this
young state, and by far the
most influential Muslim politician on the soil of former Yugoslavia
(having ousted his more popular
rival Fikret Abdic), the strength of his position allows him to pursue
his youthful (pan)Islamic

His internal and external policies changed tactfully as per the power
struggle both inside and
outside of Yugoslavia. But, from a strategic standpoint Izetbegovic has
not budged an inch from
his early conception that "every good Muslim, through his formal
engagement, including the
political one, at all times and all places, must above all serve Islam,
by force if necessary".

Because of Izetbegovic's anti-Communism, the fundamentalist radicalism
of the political
programme contained in the ISLAMIC DECLARATION, went virtually unnoticed
in most western

As such, the rise of a native and authentic Islamic fundamentalist
movement in Yugoslavia, was
for the West, up until recently, an incomprehensible and inconceivable
idea. For some, it remains
so today.

This fanatical conviction of Izetbegovic - namely that the highest
motive justifies every move,
every decision, (including that of disposing of his predecessors), has
definitely helped plunge
Bosnia into the midst of an ethnic and religious war.


Only after one carefully considers the foregoing does it become
understandable why, recently,
Izetbegovic signed an agreement for the "cantonisation" of Bosnia with
representatives of the
European Community in Lisbon, and cancelled it two days later.
Izetbegovic will accept any kind
of deal in order to get his way - he is not ashamed if it is proved that
he lies, because he says "all
is allowed for Islam".

Now it seems logical why Izetbegovic visited only radical Muslim
countries during the first nine
months of his presidency. Izetbegovic is a man who is willing to
sacrifice half of the population to
achieve his religious goals - to be the first president of an Islamic
state in Europe - however

In the light of above facts one can better understand Izetbegovic's
statements of sympathy for the
"Islamic Revolution" in Iran.

Only Izetbegovic and Ayatollah Khomeini, out of all presidents who
officially visited Turkey, did
not pay respect to the grave of Ataturk - for them he was a traitor of
fundamentalist Muslim

December 1992

--- "A Conservative News Forum"

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posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or
its management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright
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Foreign Affairs Breaking News Announcement Keywords: BOSNIAN MUJAHIDEEN
Author: Janez Kovac
Posted on 07/22/2000 05:56:42 PDT by BlackBird-Kosovo1389
MUJAHIDEEN RESIST EVICTION The planned eviction of mujahideen in
Bosnia is threatening to turn into a major crisis.

Showing they mean business, the new moderate leadership in the northern
town of Maglaj recently sought to remove one of the biggest problems in
the region - mujahideen and their families.

The Islamic fundamentalists living in the remote village of Bocinja
are being forced to hand their homes over to their original occupants -
Bosnian Serbs.

The improved security and political situation in Bosnia has this year
to a significant increase in refugee returns. More than 15,000 have been
repatriated in the first six months of 2000, three times more than in
same period last year.

Evictions of those who occupy refugees' homes often provokes anger,
Its very mention brought about a crisis in Bocinja. Locals blocked a
road through the region for three days. Police eventually ended the
protest, arresting and later releasing 19 people, including several
mujahideen. The real problems, however, are likely to begin when police
start evicting the Bocinja residents.

Before the war, Bocinja was home to some 3,000 Bosnian Serbs. After the
conflict, it hit the headlines when the Bosnian Muslim leadership
a group of foreign and local mujahideens to move into the abandoned Serb

During the war, some of these Islamic fighters fought alongside the
Muslim-led government forces. When the fighting came to an end, some of
them married local women and were granted Bosnian citizenship and
accommodation, in recognition of their contribution to the war effort.

The scale of their contribution, however, has long been debated.
claimed that many foreign mujahideen avoided combat. They suspect they
only came here to gather intelligence or train and plot terrorist and
criminal activities.

The existence of a mujahideen community in the heart of Europe was a
constant worry for western, especially American, diplomats. In 1996 and
1997, they persuaded Bosnian Muslim leader, Alija Izetbegovic, to expel
several of those with criminal records.

At least 300 Islamic fighters, their local followers and women and
children, remained in Bocinja, where they lived separate lives
by local police, tax-collectors or any other authorities. Outsiders
set foot in the small community.

Every so often, stories of mujahideen harassing "unbelievers" in local
towns appeared in the press. Several were alleged to have been involved
criminal or terrorist activities both in and outside Bosnia. Worst of
since the end of the war, the Islamists were never properly disarmed.
Local police, army, and even UN and NATO-led peacekeepers, were
to search houses in Bocinja.(Aiding and abetting war-criminals, which is
what this situation sounds like

As a result of Bocinja's bad reputation, the Maglaj region received
international reconstruction aid. Many local firms and industries which
survived the war are now close to collapse because of the lack of funds.

The situation started to change after the April 8 local elections, when
the leading Bosnian opposition party, the Socialist Democratic Party
defeated the ruling Muslim nationalist SDA party in Maglaj.

Soon after taking up his new office, the new SDP mayor of Maglaj, Mehmed
Bradaric, said one of his first priorities was to evict mujahideen
families from Bocinja to facilitate the return of its former Bosnian

His statement prompted displaced Muslims living in two abandoned Serb
villages near Bocinja to set up roadblocks. UN and local police say that
mujahideen encouraged the protesters. They are said to have told them
once they are evicted the Maglaj authorities will remove refugees from
other villages to prepare the ground for the mass return of the pre-war
Bosnian Serb population.

The Maglaj authorities, meanwhile, were facing yet another problem -
own police. With the SDA still in power in the cantonal government and
interior ministry, local police were reluctant to intervene in the
unfolding Maglaj crisis, even after the municipal authorities proclaimed
state of emergency.

Consequently, a humanitarian and security problem also quickly became a
focus for political conflict between SDA and SDP. The Bocinja deadlock
eventually ended after Bosnia's top international mediator,the High
Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, said he was holding Zenica canton
Interior Minister "personally responsible" for a speedy resolution of
crisis. The roadblocks were removed a day later.

Following negotiations between local, cantonal and federal authorities,
was agreed that local police would start evicting two local Muslim
households from Bocinja every day from July 24. "Foreign" mujahideen
be left to the end. Meanwhile, the federal government pledged two
German marks for the reconstruction of abandoned and devastated
in Maglaj, to accommodate those from Bocinja who have no where to go.

The one problem with the plan is that no one asked Mujahideen whether
agreed with it. Local analysts fear that some Islamic fighters might
choose to take the law into their own hands.


Bosnia's holy warriors ready to fight evictions

Special report: Serbia
Alix Kroeger in Sarajevo
Sunday July 23, 2000
The Observer

Bosnian police are preparing to take on one of the strangest and most
difficult legacies of the war - the Mujahideen who have settled in the
former Serb villages in central Bosnia.
Although a programme of deportation is not due to begin until tomorrow,
tensions are high and police have made arrests.
The Mujahideen originally came from Iran, Afghanistan and other Islamic
countries, offering their services as freelance freedom fighters
alongside the Muslim-dominated Bosnian government army. Most of Bosnia's
Muslims have little truck with the strict form of Islam practised by the
Mujahideen. Nevertheless, in the depths of the war, with a United
Nations arms embargo blocking most sources of weapons, the government
army asked no questions of anyone volunteering to help.
By rights, the Mujahideen should have gone home four years ago. The
Dayton peace accord, which was signed in December 1995, ordered all
foreign forces to leave the country within a month. However, many of the
Mujahideen now have Bosnian citizenship.
After the war the former holy warriors settled in the villages around
Maglaj, in central Bosnia. The area was Serb-dominated before the war,
but by 1996 the local Serbs had fled or been killed, victims of ethnic
cleansing. Many of the Mujahideen married Bosnians and lived undisturbed
with their new families in other people's houses.
But with a sudden increase in the number of refugee returns, that's
about to change. This year the logjam has broken, and people are
returning to their homes in greater numbers than ever before. Between
January and May of this year, more than 15,000 refugees went back to
their homes. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
is struggling to keep up with the demand for assistance.
At the same time the international community is renewing its efforts to
get Bosnia's property laws implemented. This means getting local
authorities to evict illegal occupants, thus freeing houses for their
rightful owners to return.
Among those wanting to return are the displaced Serbs of Bocinja, near
Maglaj, one of the main centres of the Mujahideen. The displaced Serbs
are ready to go back for good.
The UNHCR spokeswoman in Sarajevo, Barbara Smith, described Bocinja as a
'difficult area for returns'. As of the end of May, only 57 people had
gone back this year. The scene is set for a confrontation between local
police and Mujahideen.
Last week local media reports that evictions were due to begin led
people around Bocinja to set up two roadblocks. The International Police
Task Force (IPTF), which has been monitoring the situation, reported 40
to 50 people on the roadblocks. In fact, evictions are not due to begin
until tomorrow. Nevertheless, it took the local police three days to
move in and dismantle the barricades. Nineteen people were arrested,
including several described as 'foreigners or Mujahideen'.
The first people to be evicted will be displaced Serbs and Muslims who
are also living around Bocinja. They will be taken out of their houses,
along with their belongings, and moved to temporary accommodation
elsewhere. But the Mujahideen know they are also on the list, and it is
that which is likely to lead to further disturbances.
No one knows exactly how many Mujahideen there are, but most estimates
put their numbers at 60 to 70 families. Their presence hasn't always
been trouble-free. Last year police in Turkey arrested a man travelling
on a Bosnian passport who was said to be a member of the terrorist
organisation run by the exiled Saudi fundamentalist Osama bin Laden.
The International Crisis Group, a think tank which produces regular
reports on Bosnia, says the Mujahideen are a 'source of potential
political and ethnic instability in central Bosnia'. In 1994 a British
aid worker was killed around Zenica, allegedly by Mujahideen. And in
early 1996, French S-For troops raided a camp in the hills outside
Fojnica, where they found explosives and booby-traps. The director of
the ICG, James Lyon, said the base 'bore all the signs of a terrorist
training camp'.
The new moves to get rid of the Mujahideen mark a shift in tactics.
They're no longer being dealt with as illegal foreign forces; instead,
they're considered as squatters. The IPTF said last week's roadblocks
appeared to be 'a co-ordinated attempt to halt the evictions process in
Oleg Milisic, spokesman for the Office of the High Representative, which
oversees the implementation of the Dayton accord, said: 'This is not a
political issue. It is an issue of the law and citizens' rights to their
property. Property rights must be respected as part of the returns
process now under way across the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina.'


Tuesday, 18 July, 2000, 19:48 GMT 20:48 UK
Mujahideen fight Bosnia evictions

By Alix Kroeger in Sarajevo
About 80 people in central Bosnia are manning road blocks around a
where evictions from illegally occupied properties were reported to be

The villages are largely occupied by Mujahideen, ex-soldiers from
countries, who came over to fight for the Muslim dominated Bosnian army
during the war.

Many of them have settled in villages around the municipality of Maglai,
are now living illegally in Serb-owned houses.

The evictions are part of a renewed effort to free up properties for the
return of their rightful owners.

The roadblocks went up on Monday afternoon following media reports that
evictions would start on Tuesday morning.

Although these reports are incorrect - evictions are not due to begin
next week - 40-50 people, mainly women and children, blocked two roads
the village of Bochinja near Maglai.

After two hours of negotiations, the road blocks were lifted, but by
evening they were back in place, manned by greater numbers.

Open secret

The local assembly met in emergency session on Monday night, but the
Nations mission to Bosnia said both the minister of the interior for the
municipality and his deputy were absent and out of contact.

The Mujahideen fought for the pro-muslim Bosnian army

The presence of the Mujahideen, who come mainly from Afghanistan and
Pakistan, is something of an open secret in Bosnia.

They are not supposed to be there, but they are.

Under the Dayton Peace Accord all foreign fighters except the
force S-For were supposed to leave by January 1996.

Instead many of the Islamic fighters have stayed, settling in villages
central Bosnia and starting families.

Renewed effort

Most live illegally in houses vacated by local Serbs fleeing fighting
swept through the area during the war from 1992 to 1995.

Now the international community is making a renewed effort to implement
property laws, with the evictions of illegal occupants to make way for
rightful owners to return.

There are still over a million displaced people in Bosnia many of them
unable to return home, because someone else, often a displaced person
themselves, is living in their house.

The UN described the situation as a coordinated attempt to prevent
occupied property being returned to its rightful owners.


e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* Interview with Halid Causevic (Dani, 1997)
* Last Days of "Paradise" (Dani, 1998)

"Dani" e' una rivista bosniaco-musulmana di tendenza laicista, legata
alla lobby "Open Society" di Soros:

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Dani, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, November 24 1997

Interview with Halid Causevic, by Nerzuk Curak

Halid Causevic is a brilliant colocutor. It is hard to agree with a
number of his scientific and political theses (even absolutely
with some) but his methodology and elaboration of the claims is
and devoid of any hypocrisy. This liberal Bosnian intellectual, who
likes to
say for himself that he is only a journalist whose field of interest is
mostly related to the sociology of religion and constitutional law, in
exclusive interview for Dani, the first one after several years of
talks about president Izetbegovic, SDA, Latic, reis Ceris, relationship
between Islamic community and the ruling party... In the legal analysis
the current situation in Bosnia-Hercegovina, a son of distinguished reis
Dzemaludin Causevic doesn't flinch from stating a politically and
indefensible claim: the war in Bosnia-Hercegovina was a religious and
war and not an aggression.

Mr. Causevic, in the past you were among the closest friends of Mr.
Izetbegovic, but in the mean time your political views have dramatically
diverged. Why?

It's very simple: I was and remain Izetbegovic's friend because of a
reason that we were colleagues. We saw each other in meetings, but I
never accept his views. For example, he was an orthodox Muslim, actually
Muslim who goes beyond orthodoxy, while I have always viewed the whole
fairly liberally. Because of that our friendship was pretty cool. We saw
other, talked, but we never touched upon those topics which would have
interesting for him, and that is Islamization of [Bosnian] Muslims. That
out of question because he knew that my views on that topic are
liberal. Especially after I read his Islamic Declaration, which is
fundamentally unacceptable; even before the war I told him: Alija, what
you doing? With such actions we won't get anywhere in Europe. Simply, at
point, we'll be thrown out of the small piece of Europe where we live
That's the point.

How did Izetbegovic react to those words?

He said: that is my view and I cannot change my opinion. That was years
and I don't remember his exact words but that was the gist of what he
Later, when I received his manuscript Islam between East and West for
from Gazi Husrev Bey's library, I almost fainted. Perhaps you already
about this: his attitude was that Islam must place its economic policy
between capitalism and current socialist doctrine. I met him after that,
to the Car's bridge and said: Alija, do you understand that there is no
doctrine in Islam? Which religion has its doctrine? Catholic church
established its social catholicism and what happened to it? The economic
doctrine follows its direction and it doesn't have respect for religion,
a man, nothing and nobody. It has its direction and he (Izetbegovic,
remark) believes that zakat, i.e. alms, should be interpolated between
capitalism and socialism. Then, I told him: do you know what zakat is?
According to Islam that is two percent of capital in circulation and
reserves. In that case we would walk hungry, the state couldn't exist.
Saudi Arabia use that system? Of course not, he responded, we would have
experiment. There are no experiments in economics. The economics has its
strict rules and if you tell me that zakat is the economics of Islam,
should know that I would recommend against the publication of your book.
it wasn't published in Gazi Husrev Bey's library. During the war, it was
published by "Svjetlost" and, to tell the truth, I didn't have money to

It seems Mr. Causevic, that we are witnessing some social processes
which, in
my opinion, are counterproductive. When I say that, I am referring to
unproductive unity of nation and religion among Bosniaks. It seems that
symbiosis between the ruling party and the Islamic community is the
result of

There are very few nations which were not in the past based on religion.
is certain. However, that connection breaks at some point. Here in
Bosnia it
is still unclear what Muslims are as a social group: are they a people,
nation or a religious community? What is a nation? It is the
about existence in a certain territory. There is no such consciousness
Muslims in Bosnia. There is only the consciousness about religious
affiliation. Therefore the Muslims still haven't evolved from a people
into a
nation. That is most important. Therefore, if among the Muslims there is
consciousness about belonging to a nation, there can be no nation.

Nationhood Requires More
Are you referring to Muslims in general, or specifically Bosnian
Muslims in Bosnia-Hercegovina. They are still a sociological dilemma.
genesis is absurd. Other nations had linear development: tribe- people-
nation. On the other hand, Muslims developed from Illyrian proselytism
Islam, therefore, not from a tribe. After that they passed through the
Ottoman period as a religious community of Bosniaks. Today we have a
are we a people or a religious community? As you know, people is a
of similar individuals with similar world view who hail from the
of similar tribes. We are not that. Muslims have totally different
unlike Serbs, Croats and everyone else. Croats hail from a group of
Serbs as well, Macedonians also; we Muslims hail from a Bogumil
community, we converted into an Islamic religious community and
that life during 450 years of Ottoman administration. We continued like
during Austria-Hungary and all our political life gravitates around
"Muslim organizations". All our parties are Muslim. None of them is
the word Muslim in its name. If that is so, then we have to at first
investigate from the sociological point of view whether Muslims are
still in
transition from a religious community or whether they have already
become a
people. They are definitively not a nation, because much more is needed
for a
nation. A nation requires consciousness about its territory, its people,
state and its status in certain region.

Does SDA as a ruling Bosniak party contribute to the fact that Bosniaks
still not a nation?

In that respect SDA is counterproductive. Because of a simple reason
that SDA
is a typical clerical party. As such it is not capable of wider
activity. SDA
above all failed to resolve the problem: what are the Muslims? SDA
transformed them into Bosniaks which is an even greater mistake. Alija
that against the Constitution. The constitution didn't allow him to do
it in
the way he did in 1993. Also, what are Bosniaks? It is a regional term.

I cannot agree with you. What is then our national consciousness? What
are we?

In our consciousness, we are Muslims.

But Muslims are not a nation.

That doesn't matter. No one is asking about that. We, Muslims, are still
in a
sort of a dilemma - are we transforming from a religious community into
nation, or are we still a religious community. That is the essence. See
closely the Islamic religious community and political parties
The president of the republic appoints reisul-ulema, they collaborate,
rallies together etc. That's how it was during the old Yugoslavia. Spaho
fully collaborated with the Islamic religious community. We still
cleared up whether Muslims are a people or a religious community. As
already said, they are definitely not a nation.

Plain Political Blindness
Well, then, according to you, what is the spiritual backbone of the
Islam is the spiritual backbone of the Bosnian, i.e. Muslim people.
take me wrong, I am not a cleric. On the contrary, I am miles away from
sort of Islamism, but if one talks to the people, it is easy to see that
Islam connects them. The war is the best example. Let me add that this
was a
religious civil war. Mosques and churches were demolished, priests of
faiths destroyed... The war followed exactly that path, which means that
Bosnia-Hercegovina still hasn't matured to become a multi-religious,
multi-national and multi-ethnic state as is frequently mentioned. We are
still deeply divided. For example, in the Federation Bosnia-Hercegovina
are two states. Croatian HVO state and a Muslim state led supposedly by

Wait a moment Mr. Causevic! If you say that the war in
Bosnia-Hercegovina was
a civil and a religious conflict, that suits pro-Serb assertions; in
words, doesn't that counter the assertion that the war was the Serb
aggression against Bosnia-Hercegovina as was even clearly defined by a

Let me tell you something. An aggression is something completely
from a religious and civil conflict. Don't forget the reason for this
the declaration of Bosnian independence by two peoples, Croats and
It is the fact that Article 2 in the then Constitution of
explicitly states: Bosnia-Hercegovina is a commonwealth of three
Muslims, Serbs and Croats. A commonwealth cannot be dissolved by two of
nations, Croats and Muslims. Serbs accepted that as a cause for war.
What is
even worse (that is the greatest Alija's mistake): Bosnia-Hercegovina
full of Serb soldiers and he declared the independent Bosnia. Only a man
without connection to the reality could have done something like that.

You believe that he should have accepted the historical agreement with
which was initiated by Zulfikarpasic and Filipovic?

That was, more or less, an unrealistic political move. In my opinion, we
should have accepted reality and continued our existence within the rump
Yugoslavia, while Croats could have annexed western Hercegovina. We
remain within Yugoslavia until the definite break up some time in the
However, this way, we paid dearly. Two hundred thousands of our best
70 percents of cultural treasures destroyed... Was that worth the
Bosnia-Hercegovina, which we could have had both with Vance-Owen and
Owen-Stoltenberg plans? Alija signed both of those plans in 1993 once he
what he got us into with the war. Politics is the art of possible, not
desired. And we tried to follow our desires. We wanted to establish some
of an independent Bosnia-Hercegovina but that is an absurdity. Croats
do that because they had Western support. Slovenians especially, nobody
a damn about Macedonians. Having all that in mind, we should have waited
an appropriate moment and then, once we got support in Europe, seceded

Therefore, you would have accepted that we remain slaves within the Serb

Above all, we would not have been slaves of any sort. Our advantage
would be
the connection via Sandzak corridor with Macedonia and Montenegro. That
not slavery; the talk about slavery is ordinary demagoguery. We would
increase our population in Serbia and Yugoslavia and then, once we
became a
nation in the real sense of that word, we would secede from the
Yugoslavia. At that point there would not be any problems, but at the
when Mladic had a whole armada here and we only certain Vikic to fight a
against the Serbs, that was an ordinary political blindness!

Journalistic Primitivism
You are simply forcing me to ask you whether, in your opinion,
role in history is positive or negative?
In my opinion, that Izetbegovic's action was a huge mistake (otherwise,
consider him to be an honest man and a friend). You know the old
wise words that a mistake is worse than a crime. And that is what Alija
Why? He was surrounded by people without political experience. What can
expect from Behmen? Or a whole series of similar individuals? Among all
there was not a single person who could have said: Alija, wait a moment,
us see what we can achieve with the Serbs. In the end, take a look at
Oslobodenje from December 21 1991 and you'll find a speech by the
Karadzic where he says: "Wouldn't it be better if we made a
confederation of
three states: Serbs, Croats and Muslims, than to have hundreds and
of thousands of dead, hundreds and hundreds of destroyed houses". If
interested, I can show you a photocopy. That was not a prophecy, they
had a plan. By the way, I am the only person in Bosnia-Hercegovina who
doesn't watch TV, but that night, by chance, I was at my sister's place
saw that Alija sat like Rodin's thinker, alone. Croats representatives
standing on the other side (of course Croats had their own interests, I
understand them) and he suddenly called for a vote and all the Serb
representatives left the chamber. That was a death sentence to the
That's what I said to my sister; a few of my friends were also there. I
this is a death sentence - December 21 1991.

You've just asserted that Izetbegovic lacks advisers with political
In that context, I must mention Demaludin Latic's article about Marko

That is typical journalistic primitivism. That is a typical barbarism
clerical origin; Latic is a typical cleric. He and everyone in his

How do you interpret the fact that after such a scathing and nationalist
attack, SDA didn't find it appropriate to react to such a spiritual
of its important activist?

I was not surprised about SDA, because the party shares Latic's views.
is their ideologist and I find that normal. But, I can't understand why
Bogomils who have converted to Islam, that is the former Communists who
converted to Islam, turned into Bosniaks and became presidents of the
Association of Writers do not react but sit on the side and none of them
defending either side. They should have intervened. Latic would have
prosecuted anywhere in Europe for such an article.

Do such acts have elements of a crime?

They used to in the past, but do not any more. Consequently they allowed
Latic to write as he pleases. I've read his article Really Like a Vlach
even our journalists during Aurstria-Hungary, during their verbal war
Serbs, didn't write stuff like that. These are not offenses, nor
slanders, it
is a de facto attack on a whole nation, not only Vesovic.

Tell me, what do you think about Young Muslims and their activities?

Young Muslims, that is de facto an infection which came from the East.
arrived roughly from Iran where they wanted to form a generation of
people who would spread Islamic propaganda. That found a certain
response in
Bosnia-Hercegovina, with corresponding consequences. Look at those
walking around the city ! In 21st century, in the center of Sarajevo
walk in those long dresses with covered faces. That is typical
We, who as members of a Muslim national community should walk in step
Europe, are instead turning against Europe. When in 1993 I was asked why
foreigners hadn't intervened (Alija and Silajdzic were present) I said:
until an appropriate amount of Muslim blood is spilled and then they
intervene. And that was printed as my lecture: "Anti-Islamic syndrome of
West against Muslims". That's what happened. Later, they came to
me; they said, you had seen it a year and a half before.

Ajvatovica is Bogumil Holly Site
Help me to resolve a dilemma: although Islam is a universal religion, is
possible to speak about specific Bosnian Islam?
In general, Bosnian Islam doesn't exist. Islam is everywhere the same,
as is
Christianity. In Bosnian Islam there are a lot of traces of other
Here, Islam absorbed certain elements from Christianity, or even better,
Bogumils, from whom we took Ajvatovica and everything else.

You say that we accepted Ajvatovica from Bogumils?

Of course. That is a Bogumil religious site.

But that fact is totally ignored in today's political, traditional and
theological interpretation?

Remember that every religion is totalitarian. It doesn't want anything
belongs to someone else. That's it, all religions are totalitarian, not
Islam. The fact that it absorbs elements from other religions, it
have been any different.

Do you think that a believer is morally superior to a non-believer?

In my opinion, morality is outside religion. Morality is a part of an
individual, his upbringing. If I was brought up to respect the moral
principle "love your neighbors, no matter who they are" I don't need a
religion for that. Therefore, conditionally, morality and religion do
have to intersect anywhere. Religion is not the only bearer of morality.
Philosophy also sets moral standards. The same can be true for politics,
it is real politics, although that is rare today. We know that, because
morality and politics often follow different paths.

I've read somewhere that only Bosnian Muslims have the institution of
reisul-ulema. Is that true?

Reisul-ulema dates from Austria-Hungary. During the Ottomans we had a
who was subordinate to the caliph in Carigrad [Istanbul]. However,
was much smarter, it tried to protect its interests. It wanted to
the Muslims from the caliph. Therefore, they established a separate
community lead by reisul-ulema from 1881. Reisul-ulema means the head of
ulema, the head of theologians. That how that was established and that
institution continued until today.

As far as I know, you deny legitimacy to reis-effendi Ceric. Why?

Reis Ceric has without doubt very good qualifications and was educated
in the East and the West. But he, in my opinion, I don't how he allowed
to happen, allowed that Alija appoint him for a naibu-reis, that is an
reis. Beforehand, Alija had appointed ten individuals in the Assembly of
Islamic Community. But it is the tradition among the Muslims that the
Assembly must be elected. Alija appointed 10 of his men and they elected
Ceric for naibu-reis. Only a few month later, naibu-reis summoned his
muftis and told them: it would be good if you proclaimed me a
And that's how he became the reis.

You don't accept that the conditions at the time demanded certain

Not at all. For example, during WWII we didn't have a reis. There was
naibu-reis, a very learned man Salih Safvet effendi Basic, a professor
at the
Theology faculty. He was naibu-reis until the arrival of the Partisans
even a few years after that. Then, the Partisans used their methods to
the Assembly of the Islamic Community which, like it or not,
elected new reis Fejic. And that's how it went until our days, until
election. I am surprised that Alija could have made such a mistake. But,
me repeat that Ceric is a learned man.


In your opinion, what is the reason for the conflict between Rijaset and

Probably personal relations. That's worst among us. Both in the Islamic
Community leadership and in politics. These people demonstrated that
cannot accept Ceric's hasty political views and that they want to assert
separate identity as Muslims and continue to work as believers only. On
other hand, Ceric wants to sit in the first rows at the SDA party
That's trouble. He doesn't know that his photos are printed in papers. I
at least five articles of that sort. Please, Ajvatovica is the best
Alija delivers a political speech, Ceric leads a prayer. I asked Alija:
was your brain, buddy? - I am his senior and can talk to him like that -
could you be so stupid? Ajvatovica is a religious event and you can go
as a believer, not to deliver political speeches. And Ceric could have
[delivered a speech].

State of Serb Soldiers
I would appreciate if you could answer several questions of legal and
political nature. Does Bosnia-Hercegovina exist as a state?
Speaking openly against all existing trends in politics,
doesn't any more legally exist as a state. It is a confederation of the
Federation B-H and the Republic of Srpska. Only a little "legal feel" in
constitutional law is required to see that the Dayton Agreement cut
Bosnia-Hercegovina in two. However, that is not a terrible thing. When I
asked Alija's lawyers what sort of a state we were they replied: well,
see that during the evolution. That doesn't work. What are we now? Are
we an
empire, kingdom, or something third? If you say a confederation, then we
not a state. The confederation consists of two states which act together
some spheres. Take for example the Dayton Agreement, Article 2 or 3 (if
not mistaken): Bosnia-Hercegovina authorities are in charge of customs
All together six or seven spheres of activity. Everything else that is
listed in that article is under jurisdiction of the entities. Therefore,
these are two states. That's the way it was in Austria-Hungary. There
four or five common spheres: emperor and king, ministry of foreign
ministry of finance and a few others, and everything else was under
or Hungarian jurisdiction. You know, Austria-Hungary was a classic
example of
a confederation.

Are you concerned that Bosnia-Hercegovina could, like the
confederation, fail as a historical product?

Any state can disappear. Therefore, Bosnia-Hercegovina can survive or
disappear as well. The Dayton Agreement divided us into two parts. In my
opinion, that is a superior trick which has split Bosnia-Hercegovina in
elegant way and made its ruin in the future inevitable.

Why are you such a pessimist?

I am not a pessimist; I only try to be realistic about the current
If someone convinces me that Bosnia-Hercegovina, the Federation and the
Republic of Srpska will stay together I will eat my words. What is the
Republic of Srpska in relation to the Federation? The Federation which
it is terrible to say, 10 cantons, that's unbelievable, on 23,000 square
kilometers. A huge bureaucratic apparatus on one and the Republic of
on the other side. I am not a pessimist; if someone can convince me that
of this will somehow merge in the future, I'll shake his hand and

What if Bosnia-Hercegovina is placed under a foreign protectorate?

In that case it is hard to predict how long it would last and what its
would be. There is already a de facto protectorate, and a legal
if introduced, would be the best solution for all three peoples,
although the
Serbs would be unbelievably angry. Croats would be a bit less angry and
Muslims wouldn't be angry at all. In my opinion Bosnia-Hercegovina can
survive under some sort of de facto or legal protectorate. When was
Bosnia-Hercegovina whole while left to itself? Never. The Ottomans held
it in
their hands, Austria-Hungary as well. As soon as the Kingdom of Serbs,
and Slovenes arrived Bosnia-Hercegovina begun to break into regions and
into two parts in 1939. One part drifted towards Serbia and the other
Croatia. Therefore, under the rule of its own people, Bosnia-Hercegovina
break up. That is inevitable. Socialism held Bosnia forcefully in its

Doesn't the political existence of the medieval Bosnian state contradict

Medieval Bosnia was a united Bosnia. There were no Serbs nor Croats
Catholics nor Orthodox. It was the land of good Bosniaks.

Do you think, as a lawyer, that Bosnia-Hercegovina can win its suit
Serbia at the International Justice Court in the Hague?

If they win that case then Europe and the whole world would jump into
own belly. First, it must be proven where the aggression is and what it
An aggression is an attack of one state on another. Where is the other

Well, now you're making me mad. Serbia attacked us!

Serbia attacked who?


Bosnia-Hercegovina didn't exist at the time.

How come, when we were recognized by the United Nations on April 6 1992?

Recognition still doesn't mean that a state exists. It also has to exist
practice. Bosnia didn't exist in practice. There was only a state of

I do not agree with you. Legally, Bosnia-Hercegovina was in 1992 a state
that is objectively enough for the existence of an aggression.

Legally, Bosnia-Hercegovina could have been recognized by as many states
you please. NDH was recognized by more than 30 states. A state, in order
be a state, must have three basic elements: territory, people and
Bosnia-Hercegovina had none of the three elements. The state authorities
had control of Sarajevo and a few more cities.

So, you claim there was no aggression on Bosnia-Hercegovina?

Of course. This was a religious and civil conflict provoked by Alija's
imprudent actions. We had a chance to agree with Serbs and Croats and
Bosnia into three parts so that it still remained whole in some way. As
confederation. What now? We paid with over 200,000 young lives, 70
percent of
our cultural heritage was destroyed and what do we have in the end? A
Bosnia divided into two parts.

Islam was Everywhere
Could you explain your sentence that religious nationalism is the main
in the downfall of Bosnia-Hercegovina?
There is no real nationalism in our country. Religious nationalism de
does not represent real nationalism but a reflection of religious
Religious wars are the worst wars in the history of humanity. Such wars
place in Bosnia in the past. Please, could you have imagined that
destroys our mosque and that we destroy someone's church? It is enough
to see
that and to know the character of the war. The goal was to destroy
symbols of
other religions.

It sounds as though you fully agree with Huntington and his theory about
clash of civilizations?

Well, he is almost right, although I do not want to apply a general
theory to
Bosnia. Bosnia is specific in its historical development. It is a state
three religions and, if you will, three peoples which were kept together
under the secret or open protectorate of external factors. Socialism was
protectorate over Bosnia.

You mean, a socialist protectorate?

Let it be socialist. But, let's say at that time you tried to destroy a
church or a mosque. That was a crime, punishable by 10 years in jail.

Did Islam do better in Communism or now when SDA is in power?

It is difficult to make such a comparison. It is the fact that after 45
of socialism Islam floated to the surface like Catholicism and Eastern
Orthodox Christianity. It is hard to destroy a religion. It is something
superhuman. The most important thing is that today we witness a new wave
Islamization as in 1463. Then Bogumils, after the arrival of the Turks,
masse converted to Islam. Today we have the same situation: mass
of Communists to Islam.

Has the participation of Islam in public life been beneficial or not?

Islam wasn't hidden under Communism. It was everywhere. Among
individuals etc. It existed as a tradition in even the most orthodox
Communists. I know of such ministers, I have talked to them. When you
talk to
them, you can see their tradition lurking somewhere in the background,
regardless whether he is a Catholic, Eastern Orthodox or Muslim.
tradition cannot be destroyed, and today when all the restrictions are
suddenly all of that has come to the surface. Islam reappeared from
intellectuals who supported different ideology; they were joined by
Islamic priests.

I have a feeling that the International Community, lately, in order to
achieve reconciliation of peoples in Bosnia-Hercegovina, is increasingly
promoting senseless and unjust theory about equal guilt. What do you
about that?

In my opinion, that theory will be rejected by Serbs, Croats and
else in Bosnia. I think that we should seek a different idea which will,
we want that, connect us.

Do you believe in the existence of such an idea?

I don't know. It is difficult to find it at this point. After blood was
in Bosnia, it is hard to say, let us live together again. That will take
and I think that the West is correctly approaching that problem: they
holding Bosnia under a protectorate and will continue to do so until a
generation which will have forgotten everything, is mature. That is the
way. Otherwise, such a tragedy cannot be forgotten.


Last Days of "Paradise"

Dani, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, January 19 1998
by Dzenana Karup

During the war and several months into the post-war period, the village
Guca Gora was one of the main Mojahedeen bases in Bosnia. Bosniak
who started to move into this village in 1993, say that about 300
Muslim warriors used to live there. The leader of this group was
renowned Abu
Hamza, the man for whom the Federal Police has been searching
Dani visited Guca Gora and in a conversation with the locals learnt the
truth about "Arab totalitarianism" that suffocated their Bosnian soul
and the
right to live according to Bosnian laws. In this case, Mojahedeen were
fabricated by the western media: this is an unwritten story about a
reign of
terror that resulted in destroyed Bosnian youths who are trying to come
their senses in the prison in Zenica after months and years of training
according to Hamza's "rules of the game". In Guca Gora, there are no

The village of Guca Gora, ten kilometers from Travnik, was the main
stronghold of Abu Hamza and his people for more than three years.
after their arrival they imposed their lifestyle and introduced "Arab"
In practice that meant, recall the locals, that all of them had to
attend prayers [or "do namaz"; done five times a day, one of religious
in Islam] and in "the Arab" way (every namaz consists of four rekjats),
had to be covered, children as well, swearing was not allowed and
with kafirs [unbelievers] (Serbs or Croats) was also forbidden. No one
contradict the chief of the village, Hamza. His men issued orders and
threats, beat up people, and basically introduced a reign of terror "in
name of Allah". They kept repeating that there were following Allah's
They succeeded in their intentions for two reasons: fear and hunger. The
locals complied to avoid "disappearance" and to feed their children.

"For $100 and regular monthly assistance our children would leave front
and switch to their unit," says an elderly man who still does not
how come no one in the Army reacted to that type of desertion, although
autonomous and independent brigade was later formed from those youths
Mojahedeen. "I've never seen them fight anywhere. I respect the fighters
El-Mujaheed, I fought next to them, but these... It was obvious that
came here with a different goal," says one of the locals who is still
to reveal his name to journalists. The need to stay anonymous is a
characteristic in Guca Gora. These Bosniaks can hardly say a word. They
remember Hamza's men armed to the teeth with bombs, sniper rifles,
held rocket launchers... The locals would rather be killed than
Seventy-year-old grandmother, who used to be Hamza's next door neighbor
"I would gladly tell you everything about that but he is not human, he
is a
devil. Look, even now, they caught everyone except for him. If he saw my
or picture in a newspaper he would immediately slaughter me." Her
shaking his head, adds: "They have a lot of followers. And who knows,
Hamza and the two Arabs who are still on the loose are still in the
They know this area really well. They have lived here with us for

The Place of Jihad
This was a Croat village before the war. Most of the Bosniaks who today
in Guca Gora settled there after Arabs, who told them that all the
houses in
the village were their because they had liberated them. Hence, the
had to ask for a permission to move to the village and the Arabs would
who was to live where. A refugee from Jajce, one of the first arrivals
today, most of the inhabitants of Guca Gora are originally from Jajce)
remembers that period: "There were about 300 of them. They kept coming
leaving. About 50 Arabs used to live here with women and children. We
recognized on TV all those caught by our Police. I do not know their
they were difficult to pronounce and remember. We called them Arabs. The
first thing they did in the village was to build a mosque in a converted
Croat stable. They did namaz there, while they kept bones of the pigs
had killed upon the arrival to the village on the first floor.
all the main meetings, took place in the mosque."
Arabs told the locals that they were invited to Bosnia-Hercegovina to
To the question about who invited them, one local replies: "That's what
wanted to know as well. They said: ' Alija Izetbegovic. Exactly like
invited Russians'." These men, says one of the locals who were in close
contact with them, were cheated. They were promised houses and land in
Bosnia. "Most of them had not lived in Arab countries before the arrival
Bosnia. They said that they go wherever there is Jihad. Most of them
were not
true Muslims, but converted Christians. There were even a few converted
Hamza told me that. Once, I heard one of them call on prayer and I found
suspicious that he made many pauses and had trouble with pronunciation.
found out that he was born Roman Catholic. Hamza is a real Muslim, born
Tunisia. However, he left Tunisia nine years ago. I asked him why he did
return to his country and he replied that he would immediately be
killed. I
did not dare ask any more questions."

The most important task of the Arabs, as they emphasized themselves, was
recruit young Bosniaks to their ranks. After various courses to which
were sent, these young men would become religious fanatics and would
their own parents "in the name of Allah". They would tell everyone that
they were right and everyone else was wrong. An elderly woman, who
attended Hamza's mosque ("I had to, I had nothing to eat"), remembers
that he
once said: "There are about 25,000 Arabs in Bosnia. Now we only need to
recruit as many Bosnians and then we shall form a Corps. The Army of
Bosnia-Hercegovina will then see who we are. We shall rule Bosnia. You
have to cover yourself. If you refuse, we shall kill you." This woman is
covered but, as the majority of Bosnian elderly women, only with a
tied below her neck, and that was not sufficient. The elderly woman has
to say about Hamza's success in his intention to "recruit young men":
"They've misled the people. Look at them now, the prison is full of
Hamza's Army!"

Halal Only to Bosnia
The only person who openly talks about everything that took place in
Gora is Mustafa Pracalic. Born in 1948 in Jajce, he came to Guca Gora
with a
wife and two sons in 1993. "That was a huge mistake," he says in a quiet
voice. Mustafa's son Samir was arrested in recent actions of the Police
together with other Arab terrorists and domestic Mojahedeen. Pracalic
that Samir participated three months ago in an abduction of a car with a
young man and a woman, both Croats. A youth from Namila and an Arab were
jailed together with Samir because of the same act.
"This is a huge shame for me," Mustafa continues with downcast eyes.
"This is
a strong comparison, but when my younger son was killed in Jajce, he was
I placed him with my own hands in a grave. However, this was much more
difficult." Hamza, claims Pracalic, managed to take his son away from
when he was only 18. "I know that my son is guilty, but is his guilt the
as theirs? I do not want to meddle in judicial matters but the main
lived here for three years and no one touched him nor knew anything
about his
intentions. I cannot understand that. I served for four years in the
Army and
I did that for Bosnia, no one else. But inside me, there was a worse war
against the Arabs, than the one fought on the front lines. They wanted
take my younger son away as well. Fortunately, he was still a minor and
could control him. I couldn't do anything with the elder son, he was
an adult." Mustafa Prcalic went several times to the Police, wrote
complaints, tried to warn about what was going on, but: "No one
listened, and
on few occasions they even refused to see me at the Police station. The
recruited youths aged 18 to 20, those who were the easiest to mislead. I
cannot accept that to this day. That could have been prevented. These
should have been controlled and someone should have paid attention to
deals with our youth."

About the crime of his son Samir he says the following: "An Arab with a
beard came together with a covered woman and asked for Samir. Hamza had
already left the village and I was hoping that they would leave Samir
However, the Arab said that he was the new chief of their organization
in the
Balkans and that he wanted to give Samir some packages, left over from
previous year". They really brought the packages. "They were bringing
sorts of stuff for full two days: meat, flour..." Months before that
had to wear his grandmother's shoes because he had no money. He left
with the
Arab and was gone for five days. "That's when it happened. Later he
showed up
in new shoes and clothing and I asked him where he got that. He said: 'I
found a job. I traveled with my new boss all over Bosnia. We found
humanitarian aid that was hidden by others'." That evening there were
news on
the TV that unknown attackers had abducted a car with Croats. Two days
Samir was arrested. His wife said that in jail Samir confessed to
and that Arabs would kill him when he gets out.

"Hamza is not a man, he is a terrorist"
His parents could not have contact with Samir from the time he joined
Arabs. He was immediately sent to Zenica to some sort of their school.
mother went to visit him. When she returned, she said: "Our Samir is
Mustafa remembers his son's return: "He was a totally different child.
could not hold a normal conversation any more. He became extremely
a fanatic. Even I had to be careful about what I said in front of him.
training took 45 days. I asked him what they had done there. He said
there had been a TV and that they had watched the real truth. And they
watched programs about the war in Afganistan and struggle on the way of
Allah." After this, the Arabs sent Samir for 45 days to practical
training to Orasac. And then his wife went to ders, which is what they
training for women, also in Orasac. When she came back she was wrapped
black from her head to the toes. She couldn't talk to any males, not
with Samir's father and brother. Mustafa told to his wife: "This is what
Hamza has brought to us. As soon as Samir joined them, Hamza married
Hamza conducted the ceremony himself, in a religious manner, according
sharia. How can Hamza marry someone when only imams can do that!?
However, he
conducted marriages and convinced children that it had to be done that
The Arabs tried to send Samir to Saudi Arabia and gave him money to
the necessary documents. When his father found out he managed to prevent
that. Mustafa was afraid that Samir would be later sent to Afganistan or
to a
different war.
Besides, the story about Samir's recruitment reveals that the Arabs are
skillful in that. First they "work" on the parents. When they tried to
prevent the departure of "the misguided son" Hamza began to visit the
with threats - since they were against "the followers of Allah". Mustafa
numerous examples for what these followers were like and what they did.
is one of them: "They were trying to convince my wife to leave her job
the Bosnian Army. They said that they would give her every month 50kg of
flour and aid packages, if only she stopped feeding bandits. I guess I
am a
bandit too, since I fought with that army."

Mustafa is not the only person who had problems because of disagreement
the Arabs. The collective tragedy of Guca Gora spread from the young to
old, although the former were in a more difficult position as is
by "the village-dance case" told by several people in the tape-recorder
this journalist: "Hamza is not a man, he is a terrorist. Once, a dance
organized in the neighboring village of Krpeljica. Young people gathered
have some fun. The Arabs found out and went there. They chased everyone
broke all the musical instruments, wounded a girl and beat up one of the
so badly that he suffered concussions. Both he and the girl ended up in
hospital: she was released after a treatment, but the boy had to stay in
hospital. The following day, Hamza went to the hospital, threw him out
of the
bed and chased him home, claiming that he was fine. The director of the
hospital and the Police were there. Why did not they intervene?"

Hamza and his followers are gone. During the last year, Hamza visited
village several times. During the summer, he had a house built for
himself in
the village of Kokici, near a dense forest, so that he could easily
escape if
SFOR attacks him. Several young men from Guca Gora helped Hamza to build
house, although they claim that they did that for money rather than
of ideological reasons. The Police was at the time looking for Hamza.
quality of their search is indicated by the fact that the mentioned men
not even questioned about Hamza's whereabouts. The men did not make an
to turn Hamza in. In Guca Gora, there are no Mujahedeen any more.


Be Good With IFOR and Die
Hamza's men especially hated members of the international armed forces.
Because of that, every villager who would show good will toward IFOR
would risk getting in trouble. The Pracalic family had problems because
that as well. One day, five foreign soldiers and a translator passed by
Mustafa's house and asked for a coffee. Mujahedeen were sitting across
street and watching all of that. When the soldiers left one of them took
a knife and shouted to Mustafa: "I am going to slaughter you tonight."
Mustafa's question why, he responded: "What are kafirs doing in front of
house?" After that threat Fikreta Prcalic, Mustafa's wife, went to visit
mother. The mentioned Mojahedeen spit at her and told her: "Kafir woman,
are walking around uncovered and are letting other kafirs enter your
and they threatened her mother: "We shall kill your daughter." The poor
asked them: "Totally?" to which they responded "Totally". Fortunately,
threat was not fulfilled.


Story About Sara
Mojahedeen married Bosniak girls. When the Police began looking for
those who were not caught escaped. All of them left wives and children
behind. Who is going to feed them now, wonder the villagers. Hamza has
children. His wife lives somewhere near Zenica. However, not all of them
found wives in Bosnia. Some of them brought wives with them. Jusuf, one
them, came from the Netherlands and brought a wife, Sara, an American of
Croatian origin. Namely, Sara's father left Croatia long time ago and
emigrated to the USA, where Sara was born. However, while he was with
military in the Netherlands he liked it so much that he brought his
over to Europe. Sara told the women from the village that aged 12 she
her family and became a vagrant. Somewhat later she met Jusuf who
her to Islam and married her. She had been married for nine years before
coming to Bosnia. Aged 19, she had an enviable experience as a
homemaker. In
Bosnia, she gave birth to her first child. Before converting to Islam,
was a Jew and is Sara's senior by 20 years.
One of the women from the village told us this about Sara: "Hamza
his next door neighbor and another refugee to work on the reconstruction
the school. He told them to take soil from Jusuf's yard. It was about
noon. I
was cooking when something little appeared at the door. I only saw a
gun: it
was Sara. She said she was going to shoot. I said: 'Why do you want to
me, what have I done to you!' She said that she was going to kill two
next to her house. I said 'Who is going to come close to your Arab house
this time, when they don't dare get near it even at night?' We got out,
first, she behind me. Fortunately, all the men were in the mosque. She
pointed out baked soil that someone had been taking away. I said, 'Sara,
not their fault. Hamza ordered them to fix the school.' I was shaking.
soon as the prayer finished, I hurried and found those two guys. I
them: 'Alaga, Mujo, why did you go in on your own? Sara was going to


Alagic a Target
Forty year old refugee from Jajce told us this story: "Alija and Tudman
agreed to from a federation. But the Mojahedeen did not like that.
turned to better, Bosniak forces were liberating Bosnia. One night I
went to
Hamza's house and his wife, Halima, skinny and hardly taller than a yard
[literally "a yard and a razor blade tall"], told me: 'If I knew at what
Alagic [Bosnian Army General] passes through the village (towards a
Catholic monastery that was guarded by the Bosnian Army, auth. rem.) I
kill him myself'. I told her: 'You would kill Alagic! You can't even
around your own house.' I also asked her why Alagic bothered her. She
'He advocates inter-ethnic tolerance'. I saw where this was going and
up." By the way, according to this woman, out of spite, during the worst
fighting in Komar, Hamza pulled young men from the front with an excuse
they had to go to the mosque or to prepare for school in Zenica: "May
destroy both them and their Arab school! What have they brought to

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