> http://www.predsednikmilosevic.com


> http://sg.news.yahoo.com/010621/1/14mr2.html

Friday June 22, 5:08 AM

Committee backing Milosevic warns against
extradition to ICTY

BELGRADE, June 21 (AFP) - An official of an
international committee set up to defend
Slobodan Milosevic Thursday warned of
catastrophic consequences for Yugoslavia if the
former president is handed over to the UN war
crimes tribunal in The Hague. "Be sure that
misery, poverty, famine and total destruction
would prevail in the country" if Milosevic is
sent to The Hague, said Mikhail Kuznecov, deputy
chairman of the International Committee for the
Defense of Slobodan Milosevic.
"Do not have any illusions that the United
States or NATO will give you money and help you
rebuild your economy," he told reporters.
The committee was set up on March 24, just a
week before Milosevic's arrest by Belgrade
reformers on charges of abuse of power and
corruption, to clear the ex-president's name
over the war crimes indictment by the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia (ICTY).
NATO "is aiming to destroy Yugoslavia and its
citizens," Kuznecov said, adding that Milosevic
"is in prison since he was the only one to
confront the Alliance, and even managed to stop
He said that no "law can legalise" Milosevic's
extradition to ICTY, as the move "is clearly
banned by the Constitutions of Yugoslavia and
Belgrade authorities have been trying to push
forward a draft on cooperation with the ICTY,
but its federal partners from Montenegro have
rejected the law since it could lead to the
extradition of Yugoslav nationals to the UN

Yugoslavia is under intense international
pressure, particularly from the United States,
to adopt the law before an international donors'
conference scheduled for June 29.
The committee, chaired by Bulgarian MP Velko
Valkanov, and grouping figures like former US
Attorney General Ramsey Clark and writer Harold
Pinter, said it has members from 20 countries
throughout the world.
Its activities are supported by more than 600
prominent figures from 30 countries, said a
statement on its website

Kuznecov said the committee has set up an
international working group to monitor legal
procedures against Milosevic, led by Canadian
lawyer Christopher Black, who had visited the
former president in prison last week.
Black was among the lawyers who in 1999 brought
war crimes charges against NATO leaders for the
bombing campaign on Yugoslavia.
Milosevic, currently in jail on charges of
corruption and abuse of power, and four of his
former associates have been indicted by the ICTY
for war crimes and crimes against humanity
allegedly committed against the ethnic Albanian
majority of Serbia's Kosovo province in


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