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Reichstag Fire Trial, the Sequel
by Jared Israel [4 July 2001]

"I just saw Milosevic. He told this
criminal Western kangaroo court that he
doesn't recognize them. So I wish there
was a lot more of those guys, like
Milosevic." -- Comment of a refugee from
the U.S.-installed Taliban regime
in Afghanistan, presently residing in
California, after watching President
Slobodan Milosevic tell off the NATO's
"Tribunal" earlier today.

[This is article does not aim to present
a literal transcript of President
Milosevic's confrontation with the Hague
'Tribunal.' A video is currently
viewable at
world/eur/milosevic_trial/hague_03july.ram ]

How is one to describe it?

The other day, Slobodan Milosevic, who
has a genius for brevity, called it
a 'genocidal circus.' Should the
powers-that-be have allowed this
confrontation to be televised? On the
one hand, a modest man, genuine,
smart, accusing his accusers; on the
other hand, a sugary nightmare of

Now that Americans run the world, they
like to wheel out a Brit sometimes
for effect ("they got class, you know")
but it wasn't enough. At least two
times 'Judge' Richard May, 'Chairman' of
the 'Tribunal,' (in the New World
Unreality, one is driven to quotation
marks...) was witnessed by 300
million viewers cutting Slobodan
Milosevic's microphone.

I'll say one thing for May: he's quick
with the cutoff button. When
Milosevic finishes making a complete
fool of him, he'll be much
sought-after as a radio Talk Show host.

To the glib unreality of CNN's standard
coverage, with cameras at first
lingering on Stately Buildings and a
reporter who talked like the guy who
narrated 'Lives of the Rich and Famous,'
was added the faux-judicial
atmosphere of the Tribunal, which looks
like a movie set designed by an ad
agency. What are they selling?

'Chairman' May was the perfect TV
pitchman, delivering memorized lines
what someone called "cut glass
politeness". And of course, upper class
British. That sells in the colonies.

"You will be accorded the full rights of
the accused, according to
international law, ' May promised
Slobodan Milosevic plus hundreds of
millions of viewers as if we were fools,
as if in this theme park of a
court room with its designer robes he
was addressing a fellow actor instead
of the man who led his country ten years
resisting Washington's attempt to
destroy it (during which Washington
violated every known international law
plus human decency).

"The full protections of international
law," intoned May. As if Milosevic
had not just been kidnapped and thrown
in a cell, apparently without his
heart pills.

What are the rights of a kidnap victim
under international law?

"These proceedings will be long and
complex and you may wish to reconsider
whether you want to have counsel," cooed
the false May.

The real Slobodan Milosevic answered, "I
consider this tribunal false
tribunal and indictments false
indictments. It is illegal, not being
appointed by UN general assembly so I
have no need to appoint council to
illegal organ."

May frowned. He explained to the three
hundred million that of course this
unwise decision to decline counsel could
be reversed anytime because NATO's
court was entirely fair minded and now
would or would not Mr. Milosevic
care to exercise his inalienable right
to hear the lies fabricated against

"That's your problem," said Milosevic.

May looked pained, meaning, 'Now do you
see why we dropped uranium-encased
bombs on them?'

"What is your plea?"

Answer Milosevic: "This Tribunal aims to
produce false justification for
the war crimes of NATO committed in

"I asked you a question," said May,
reminding the world that: 'Our patience
is not infinite.' As if the world
doesn't know.

"I have given you my answer," replied
Milosevic. "Furthermore, this
so-called Tribunal - - "

May hit the mike-cut button. "The rules
state that if an accused fail to
enter a plea then the trial chamber will
enter a plea of not guilty on his

Milosevic replied, speaking in
Serbo-Croatian. "As I have said, the aim
this tribunal is to justify the crimes
committed in Yugoslavia. That is why
this a false tribunal, and illegitimate

The translator hesitated a moment. "I am
sorry," she said. "His mike is not

One almost expected a Director to
interrupt, crying: "CUT! CUT! Mr.
Milosevic, if it is not too too much
trouble could I ask you to kindly
stick to your lines? Now let us try
again, shall we? 'NATO Shows The World
It Isn't Just A Bunch Of Nazis With A
Smiling Face,' Take Two!" ***


Do you recall that two days ago the
"Telegraph" (and other papers) assured
us that Milosevic's legal strategy would
be to say, "Sure I committed war
crimes, but Western leaders helped me do
it." And remember that I said they
were making the whole thing up? ( See:

Well, next time you read some article
where Milosevic or someone else
opposing Washington is reported saying
or doing something which it would
REALLY help Washington for him or her to
say or do, and you in your
kindness of heart start to think, "There
must be SOME truth to this - they
couldn't just make the whole thing up,"
just recall the difference between
what they told us Milosevic was going to
say and what he in fact said.

Yes, Virginia, they CAN AND DO make the
whole thing up!

- J. I.


Further Reading:

1) For pictures of the massive
demonstration in Belgrade the day after
Milsoevic was kidnapped, see "YUGOSLAVIA

2) Concerning the role of Vojislav
Kostunica in Milosevic's kidnapping, see

3) To read a viewpoint not found in the
media's descriptions of what Mr.
Milosevic has supposedly said, you might
want to read some actual words.
Must-reading: "Milosevich 1989 Speech in
Kosovo" at


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