Tuesday July 10, 9:24 PM

Milosevic's party sues federal ministers over

BELGRADE, July 10 (AFP) -
The Socialist Party of Slobodan Milosevic has filed
criminal charges against federal ministers who passed
a decree authorising his extradition to the UN war
crimes tribunal in The Hague, a top party official
said Tuesday.
"The Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) has brought
criminal charges against all the ministers who were
involved in passing the decree," Ljubomir Ilkic told
The decree was adopted June 23 by eight ministers of
Serbia's DOS reformist coalition.
Ministers of Montenegro's Socialist People's Party,
former allies of the ousted Yugoslav president who
threw in their lot with the DOS, boycotted the
Ilkic said that in a few days the SPS would also file
criminal charges against "those in the Serbian
government who supported the decision" to extradite
Milosevic to The Hague, referring to Prime Minister
Zoran Djindjic and his cabinet.
The SPS considers both the decree and the extradition
decision "serious violations of the Yugoslav and
Serbian constitutions."
Milosevic, indicted for alleged war crimes committed
during the Serbian crackdown on ethnic Albanians in
Kosovo in 1998-99, was handed over to the
International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia
(ICTY) on June 28.
Ilkic said the "party leadership has contacted
president Milosevic in The Hague" and officials
expected to visit him in the prison where he is
awaiting trial.
Ilkic said Milosevic had "sent word to members that
the party's unity should be kept above all."
The SPS plans to organise Friday another protest rally
over Milosevic's extradition.
Meanwhile in The Hague, Milosevic told a Canadian
lawyer who visited him in his ICTY detention centre on
Monday that he was proud of his record in Yugoslavia.
"I am proud of all I've done for my people and for my
country. Everything I did was honest. All I did was
exercise my right to defend my country," Christopher
Black, quoted him as saying.
Black heads the legal arm of the International
Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic, an
international group formed in Berlin in March, and
visited Milosevic in that capacity.
Black told the Dutch Nova television news programme
that Milosevic todl him: "The guilty parties should
not be sought at (the prison of the UN war crimes
tribunal in) Scheveningen but at NATO headquarters."
Black told Nova that Milosevic was in good form and
had never been suicidal.
"He is relaxed, he smokes, he's psychologically
strong. The discussion was relaxed. He is determined,
his morale is good. He said that he was not afraid of
anything and he was not guilty of anything," the
lawyer said.



Caro compagno Miloaevic,

a nome delle centinaia di migliaia di comunisti della Russia, Le
indirizzo questo messaggio di sostegno e solidariet�.

Noi riteniamo che la cosiddetta "estradizione" all'Aja sia un
rapimento, una grave infrazione dei diritti dell'uomo, un crimine. Il
nostro sdegno per questo atto criminale � condiviso dal Parlamento russo
e dal pi� ampio spettro di forze politiche e sociali della Russia.

Siamo intenzionati a lottare con decisione per la cessazione
dell'attivit� del "tribunale" illeggittimo e per la Sua liberazione.

Le auguro fermezza d'animo e certezza che la Sua causa � giusta.

G. A. Zjuganov

Capo del gruppo del PCFR alla Duma di Stato,
Presidente dell'Unione Patriottica Popolare della Russia

(Fonte: http://web.tiscali.it/markbernardini )


Milosevic: "Sono fiero di quello che ho fatto" - Repubblica on
line 10/7

L'AJA - "Sono fiero di tutto quello che ho fatto per il mio popolo e per
il mio Paese". Non
molla Slobodan Milosevic e, dal carcere di Scheveningen dove � rinchiuso
in attesa del
processo, attraverso un avvocato del Comitato internazionale che
appoggia l'ex presidente
serbo rinnova la sfida al Tribunale dell'Aja che lo deve giudicare.

L'ex presidente della Jugoslavia si � incontrato per un paio d'ore con
l'avvocato canadese
Christopher Black, ed � proprio il legale a raccontare che Milosevic non
solo non si sente
colpevole ma, al contrario, si dice "fiero" di quello che ha fatto.
"Sono fiero - ha detto Slobo
all'avvocato - di tutto quello che ho fatto per il mio popolo e per il
mio Paese. Tutto quello che
ho fatto era onesto, tutto quello che ho fatto � stato usare il mio
diritto di difendere il mio

La linea difensiva di Milosevic � dunque ancora quella inaugurata nella
prima udienza del
processo a suo carico al Tribunale penale internazionale: non
riconoscere legittimit� alle
accuse e agli accusatori. L'ex presidente serbo si ritiene solo un buon
patriota arrestato
proprio perch� ha difeso il suo Paese e perci� dice: "I colpevoli non
devono essere ricercati
nel carcere di Scheveningen, ma al quartier generale della Nato".

E, forte di queste sue convinzioni, Milosevic � apparso in ottima forma
al legale canadese che
lo ha visitato. "E' disteso, fuma, � forte psicologicamente,
determinato, il suo morale � buono.
Mi ha raccontato che non ha paura di niente e non � colpevole di
niente", ha dichiarato Black,
sottolineando che l'uomo da lui incontrato non ha mai avuto intenzioni

(10 luglio 2001)


Von: petar <petar@...>
Datum: 2001/07/08 So AM 06:43:37 GMT+02:00
An: (Recipient list suppressed)
Betreff: Boba// Re.:The butcher of the Balkans, by MATTHEW FISHER

To the Editor:
Re: THE TORONTO SUN, Saturday, July 7, 2001

The butcher of the Balkans
Slobodan Milosevic goes on trial for crimes against humanity, By MATTHEW
FISHER -- Sun Columnist at Large

It looks like everyone is capable of having his piece published in
newspapers as long as the Serbs are depicted as the bad guys . There is
course unlimited column space nowadays if you write pejoratively about
Milosevic. The nastier the better.
Although nobody, who is at least somewhat informed about Balkan affairs
would take your analysis of the Balkans seriously, many misinformed
Canadians might believe you. Even they could become suspicious for not
able to read about Nato's (read: USA, Canada, Germany, UK etc.) role in
Balkan wars. And their contribution to the blood bath in the Balkans has
been significant.
Let me remind your readers that it is Serbs who form, by far, the
number of refugees from Croatia ( 250,000 were driven out in four days
Croatian forces armed and trained by the US and supported by NATO
and Bosnia and Kosovo. There are over 900,000 presently in the depleted
territory of Yugoslavia and the UN Committee on Refugees has
that they are its greatest concern.
As for the " frantic exodus of Albanian refugees from Kosovo" (and not
Albanians but also Serbs and others), it would be accurate to note that
exodus started with NATO bombardment of Serbia.

Boba Borojevic
30 Walgate Ave.
Ottawa, ON. Canada


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