1. nuovi articoli su "Emperor's Clothes"

2. testo in inglese della intervista di
Djindjic a "Der Spiegel"

3. dispaccio Reuters in francese sulla
suddetta intervista

4. solo 75 milioni di euro sui 300 promessi
in arrivo per ora... e serviranno a
ripagare il debito!


1. nuovi articoli su "Emperor's Clothes"


* Text of Zoran Djindjic's Interview with
'Der Spiegel'
* Comments by Jared Israel [19 July 2001]


by Jared Israel [19 July 2001]


2. testo in inglese della intervista di
Djindjic a "Der Spiegel"


TITLE: Djindjic schl�gt Alarm (Djindjic
sounds the Alarm)
SUBTITLE: Wir brauchen aufrichtige
Hilfe" ("We need sincere help")
DATE: 16.7.2001
PUBLISHER: Der Spiegel

CONTENTS: Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic
feels the west has made a fool of him. In
this interview he complains about Brussels'
grotesque blockade maneuver concerning the
paying of the international reconstruction
help and warned of new crises in the

Spiegel: You took the risk of delivering
Milosevic to the War-Crimes Tribunal. Was it
worth it?

Djindjic: We set no conditions for the
extradition. That way we wanted to show our
good will for the integration into the
international community. At the same time, I
must admit that I am shocked over the farce
of "western aid", that is supposed to be at
$1.3 billion.

Sp.: ...What do you mean by Farce? That is a
whole lot of money.

Dj.: It would have been better if the Donor
Conference never had taken place and they
would have given us 50 Million DM in the
hand. We are trying to reform this country
and to espouse a pro-western course - in
spite of the NATO bombing – and in
Brussels 10 bureaucrats are sitting who
function in accordance with the motto: "when
the light goes out, apply the brakes."

Sp.: Would you explain what you mean?

Dj.: In August we were supposed to get a
first installment of 300 Million Euro.
Suddenly we were informed that from this
sum, 225 million Euro were being withheld
for outstanding debts, some of which date
back to Tito's time. Two-thirds of the sum
are "penalty interests" because Milosevic
refused for the past 10 years to pay back
this credit. The remaining 75 million Euro
we will be given - at the earliest - in
November. That is how western principles
are, we were told. That means: the dying man
gets the medicine, once he is dead. Our
crisis months are July, August and

Sp.: Are you fearing the downfall of your

Dj.: If we don't immediately get financial
aid, we will be confronting demonstrations
and social unrest by September at the
latest. Because we cannot keep our promises,
330 000 families living below 40 DM per
month, 600 000 refugees are weighing heavily
on our budget, and due to the reforms of the
economy demanded by the western creditors,
100 000 people are going to lose their jobs
There are no investments, nothing is being
worked on, nothing constructed. On the other
hand, Milosevic' old socialist cadre are
still sitting in the decisive functions in
the economy and want to see this land sink
into chaos.

Sp.: The socialists are evidently gaining
ground again. Could they again become a
danger for the DOS democratic governing

Dj.: Socialists and Radicals will certainly
win more votes. Added to this Yugoslavia's
President, Kostunica, with his skeptical
attitude toward the west and his constant
warning, that nothing of the promised money
will ever be seen....

Sp.: ... and who labeled you a putschist
because of your extradition of Milosevic,
who brought disgrace to the nation.

Dj.: A bit more loyalty from [Kostunica]
would certainly do me good. But dangerous
is, if because this type of quasipatrotic
statements the anti-western trauma is
reawakened in the population. Then I would
not exclude that a new government –
perhaps even the radical leader Seselj that
will receive the first installment of the
Aid package. I wanted to set other
priorities with the economy and weaken other
problems. And I solemnly warn the west: if
my government falls, this will cost the
international community $10 million.

Sp.: Will there be war?

Dj.: There will be crises, in Vojvodina, in
Montenegro, in Kosovo, in Sandzak, in
Southern Serbia. The cooperation with The
Hague Tribunal will no longer exist. And as
always, hundreds of thousands of refugees
will leave. But for that the west has enough
money in their budgets. No one will ask:
Couldn't someone have prevented this crisis?
Everyone will join in singing the tune, that
the Balkans have not calmed down. What we
need is sincere help, not hollow
declarations of sympathy. When I was in the
opposition, the European Union promised us
three billion DM in cash to overthrow
Milosevic. Where are they?

Sp.: You wanted to step down if the
Milosevic extradition to the Tribunal had
not succeeded. Will you give up if the
finance ministers don't come around?

Dj.: I cannot constantly speak to the people
about help coming from the west if none of
it here is tangible. I would lose my
credibility and will not be able to
stabilize the country. Why should I take the
risk of having my family killed with an car
bomb, if everything will be set back to
point zero anyway.

Sp.: Will you hand over General Mladic to
the Hague Tribunal, if he comes again to his
Belgrade home?

Dj.: All of the problems of this region do
not have to be carried out on my back. I
hope that I don't run into him.


3. dispaccio Reuters in francese sulla
suddetta intervista

Berlin, le 14 juillet 2001 (Reuters) - Le
premier ministre serbe, Zoran Djindjic a
vivement critiqu� l'Ouest pour le retard du
versement de l'aide qu'il avait promise en
r�compense de la remise de Slobodan
Milosevic au Tribunal Criminel de La Haye

"Nous n'avions pos� aucune conditions pour
livrer Milosevic. Nous voulions montrer
notre bonne volont� d'int�grer la Communaut�
Internationale." a dit Djindjic �
l'hebdomadaire allemand Der Spiegel dans une
interview devant �tre publi�e ce dimanche
[15 juillet].

"Mais je dois reconna�tre que je suis choqu�
devant la farce de l'aide occidentale, qui
devrait s'�lever � 1.3 billion de dollars",
dit-il. "Si nous ne recevons pas d'injection
financi�re imm�diatement, nous allons avoir
des manifestations et des troubles pour
septembre au plus tard."

Djindjic, un des leaders du bloc r�formiste
serbe qui avait chass� Milosevic de la
pr�sidence yougoslave l'ann�e pass�e, a �t�
l'objet de lourdes critiques de la part de
ses anciens coll�gues, et de manifestants �
Belgrade pour avoir livr� clandestinement
Milosevic le mois pass�.

Apr�s que Milosevic fut arriv� � La Haye,
les responsables occidentaux avaient promis
1.28 billions de $ pour aider � arr�ter la
mis�re �conomique de la Yougoslavie, et �
reconstruire un pays ravag� par la campagne
de bombardement de l'OTAN en 1999

Djindjic a d�clar� que Belgrade s'�tait
attendu � recevoir un premier versement de
300 millions d'euros (255 millions de $)
pour ao�t, mais s'�tait aper�u que sur ces
255 millions, 225 iraient directement pour
payer d'anciennes dettes, tandis que les 75
millions restants seraient seulement
transf�r�s en novembre au plus t�t.

"C'est comme donner � une personne gravement
malade le m�dicament quand il est mort. Les
mois critiques pour nous sont juillet, ao�t
et septembre" a d�clar� Djindjic au

Djindjic a dit que le support pour les
socialistes et les radicaux augmenterait si
il n'y avait pas de transfert financier
imm�diat, sp�cialement si le pr�sident
yougoslave Vojislav Kostunica continuait �
�lever des doutes sur le fait que L'Occident
verserait bien l'argent...

"J'averti s�rieusement l'Occident. Si mon
gouvernement tombe, alors cela co�tera � la
communaut� internationale 10 billion de $"

Djindjic a mis en garde sur un possible
renversement de son gouvernement par les
radicaux, un retour des socialistes et une
nouvelle crise des Balkans, qui mettrait un
terme � la coop�ration avec le tribunal de
La Haye et engendrerait des centaines de
milliers de r�fugi�s

"Je suis en train de perdre ma cr�dibilit�
et je ne peux pas maintenir le pays dans la
stabilit� plus longtemps." dit-il. "Ce dont
nous avons besoin, c'est d'une aide sinc�re,
pas de vides d�clarations de sympathie.
Quand j'�tais dans l'opposition, l'Union
Europ�enne nous avait promis trois billions
de Deutch Mark en cash pour la chute de
Milosevic. O� est cet argent?"

Original en anglais:

14 Jul 2001 15:14
Serb PM attacks West over aid delay-report



4. solo 75 milioni di euro sui 300 promessi
in arrivo per ora... e serviranno a
ripagare il debito!


BERLIN, July 23 (Tanjug) Bavarian Premier
Edmund Stoiber on Monday strongly criticised
the EU for channelling most of the pledged
assistance for Yugoslavia into the settling
of existing debts, while only a small part
represented direct financial assistance. In
a letter to European Commission President
Romano Prodi, Stoiber said that he had been
shocked to learn about the EU decision to
give Yugoslavia just 75 million of the
recently pledged 300 mission euros of urgent
assistance. Stoiber also criticised the fact
that even these 75 million euros would be
sent to Belgrade in November. This policy
causes damage to citizens and political
stability in Yugoslavia and undermines the
European Union's good reputation, Stoiber


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