> http://www.ansa.it/balcani/jugoslavia/20011029105532030093.html


(ANSA) - MOSCA, 29 OTT - Un gruppo di 17
deputati russi di sinistra, guidati dal
presidente del gruppo comunista alla Duma
Ghennady Ziuganov, hanno chiesto oggi la
liberazione dell'ex presidente jugoslavo
Slobodan Milosevic definendo ''illegale'' la
sua detenzione in Olanda. In una lettera al
premier olandese Wim Kok, i firmatari, fra
cui il capo della commissione parlamentare
per la ricostruzione in Jugoslavia Nikolay
Ryzhkov, sostengono che Milosevic ''e'
trattenuto illegalmente in territorio
olandese''. Nella lettera, citata
dall'agenzia Interfax, i parlamentari
affermano inoltre che ''le circostanze del
trasferimento forzato di Milosevic da
Belgrado all'Aja (per essere giudicato dal
tribunale internazionale) viene da noi
considerato come un crimine''. (ANSA) GEL
29/10/2001 10:55


From: "Mark Bernardini" <mark@b...>
To: "No Berluska" <noberluska@y...>
Cc: "Rinascita" <redazione@l...>,
"PdCI" <komnst@...>
Subject: I: Rassegna politica da "Russia

Rassegna politica settimanale da "Russia Sovietica"
30 agosto 2001

Il 23 agosto, nei locali della "Fondazione
internazionale della cultura e della storiografia
slava" a Mosca, ha avuto luogo l'incontro dei
rappresentanti delle organizzazioni sociali russe
dedicato al sessantesimo compleanno
dell'ex-presidente della Jugoslavia e leader del
Partito Socialista Serbo Slobodan Milosevich.
L'incontro e stato organizzato dal Comitato
sociale russo di difesa di Slobodan Milosevich.
Aprendo l'incontro, il presidente del comitato,
A.A.Zinov'ev, noto scienziato ed attivista della
societa civile, ha detto in particolare: "La
globalizzazione, dicono i suoi apologeti, e il
movimento per l'unificazione di tutta l'umanita
per il bene della gente di tutto il mondo. E' una
menzogna manifesta e spudorata, perpetrata da uno
sparuto gruppo di Paesi ricchi del mondo
nell'interesse di una minoranza della popolazione
della Terra e a danno della maggioranza della
gente del pianeta. La globalizzazione e, a detta
di Zinov'ev, una guerra di tipo nuovo in preda a
cui si trova tutto il mondo e che non conosce
confini. Questa guerra e condotta dagli Stati
Uniti, che vogliono raggiungere la dominazione
mondiale. In questa guerra non c'e differenza tra
militari e popolazione civile. Il quartier
generale di questa guerra si trova a Washington.
La Jugoslavia era uno degli ultimi bastioni di
resistenza a coloro che combattono per dominare
il mondo. Per spezzare questa resistenza
occorreva togliere di mezzo Milosevich, anche con
la forza. Ma il rapimento e l'arresto di
Milosevich, l'averlo consegnato al cosiddetto
"Tribunale dell'Aja" si prefiggono anche un altro
obiettivo: giustificare le azioni dei
globalizzatori di distruzione della Jugoslavia.
Altrimenti, la guerra dei globalizzatori contro
la Jugoslavia e l'umanita resterebbe incompiuta",
ha sottolineato Zinov'ev.
Il leader del PCFR Zjuganov ha posto l'attenzione
sul fatto che l'anniversario di Milosevich, il 20
agosto, coincide con la fine della battaglia
presso Kursk, terminata con una splendida
vittoria dell'Armata Rossa e la completa disfatta
degli hitleriani. Stessa sorte attende i
neo-pretendenti alla supremazia mondiale, i loro
piani non sono destinati a realizzarsi. Quando
gli americani bombardavano la Jugoslavia,
implicitamente bombardavano l'Europa e
compromettevano l'Euro.

Mark Bernardini

--- End forwarded message ---



By John Catalinotto

Slobodan Milosevic turned his second court
appearance on Aug. 30 into a direct political and
legal challenge to the authority of the
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia (ICTY). The anti-imperialist movement
considers this tribunal NATO's court in The

The motions he presented not only raise a legal
challenge to the legitimacy of the ICTY but they
expose the criminal actions of NATO and also of
the U.S. government in destabilizing and then
waging war on the peoples of Yugoslavia,
especially in the republic of Serbia.

In the short statement to the public that the
judges allowed, Milosevic exposed the unfavorable
conditions the tribunal has imposed on him. These
include preventing private consultations with
attorneys who are advising him, recording his
conversations with his family, including his
two-year-old grandson, and keeping him isolated
from the media.

The court, as if to underline its own
illegitimacy and its bias against the accused,
refused to allow President Milosevic to read his
challenge before the public. This made it even
easier for the pro-NATO media to continue to
repeat all the anti-Milosevic and anti-Serb lies
that they had spread over the past 10 years.

"Why am I isolated from the press?" he asked.
"Each day, they print lies about me, and I can't
respond. If the journalists want to know the
truth, no one has any reason to be afraid of the
truth. You are not a tribunal, you are a
political tool."

Just as in early July at his first court
appearance, the presiding judge pushed a button
that turned off Milosevic's microphone at this

The ICTY was originally set up by U.S. initiative
in May 1993 under the auspices of the United
Nations Security Council. Funds from NATO
countries and from private sources provide its
financial underpinning. Its targets are solely
those who reside in the former Yugoslavia, the
great majority of them Serbs.

Under pressure from NATO during its 79-day
bombing assault on Yugoslavia, the ICTY brought
the original charges against President Milosevic.
At that time--in May 1999--he was leading the
Yugoslav resistance to NATO's invasion of and
bombing of Yugoslavia.

In the court Aug. 30, the current chief
prosecutor of the ICTY, Carla del Ponte, asked
for an additional two months to prepare the case
against Milosevic.

The Yugoslav leader noted ironically that "two
and a half years after having falsely accused me,
you're still not ready."

Belgian journalist and Balkans expert Michel
Collon noted that the public is completely
separated from the judges by a wall of glass.
"The three judges in their red robes, the six
prosecutors in black and their clerks seem to
float by as if in an aquarium. It was toward the
public that Milosevic most often looked, wearing
a dark suit, a blue, white and red tie- -the
colors of his country's flag--and with a firm
expression on his face that otherwise seemed
fatigued by the conditions of his detention:
camera surveillance, no privacy, lights on 24
hours a day in his small cell."

Reports from Belgrade agree that by standing up
to NATO and its court, Milosevic and his
Socialist Party of Serbia are steadily gaining
stature with the Serbian population. This is
especially true as conditions of life deteriorate
under the pro-West regime.


President Milosevic has announced that he will
defend himself, which seems to have aroused the
anger of the court as well as the barbs of the
media. But he has the right, in preparing his
defense, to seek legal counsel, which has been
offered by many progressive attorneys from
different countries as well as from Yugoslavia.

Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general and an
expert in international law, was the first
attorney to win from the ICTY the right to hold
more than a fleeting meeting with the former
Yugoslav president.

In three successive days in July, Clark and
Milosevic discussed motions that could challenge
the ICTY's legitimacy. As a result of work
arising from these discussions, President
Milosevic was able to prepare motions to submit
to the ICTY, which he did on Aug. 30.

It was these motions that the judge refused to
allow Milosevic to read to the court and the
public. In the concluding section of the
5,200-word document, published by the Socialist
Party of Serbia and distributed via the Internet,
Milosevic said:

"The United States engaged in a decade-long
effort, aided by several European countries, to
break up and destroy the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, causing the secession (remember the
American Civil War) of German-oriented Slovenia
and Croatia with 500,000 Serbs purged from its
borders. Then Bosnia was pried away from the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and segregated
into an unnatural three region religious
apartheid, Muslim, Roman Catholic and Eastern
Orthodox Christian.

"Now Macedonia is in turmoil, nearing civil war
from U.S.- stimulated and supported terrorist
organization KLA [Kosovo Liberation Army]
aggression. Thus Yugoslavia became former, losing
half of its population and wealth and leaving
only Serbia and Montenegro. Kosovo and Metohia,
an historically precious part of Serbia, remains
occupied by NATO forces after 79 days of aerial
bombardment in 1999.

"U.S.-led aerial assaults inflicted billions in
damages on civilian facilities, killed thousands
of civilians throughout Serbia in the name of
NATO. Thereafter the United States and NATO
watched as 330,000 Serbs were forced out of
Kosovo and Metohia and many hundreds were
murdered. Violent efforts to remove all Serbs
from Kosovo and Metohia continue. And the KLA has
been empowered to attack Macedonia.

"The ICTY was created at the insistence of the
United States, which had stimulated violence and
secession in republics of Slovenia, Croatia,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and attempted
division and conflict in the Serbian province of
Kosovo and Metohia and in three municipalities in
the south of Serbia and throughout the former six

"The U.S. intends to persecute and demonize
leaders who together with the people by defending
freedom and by resisting aggression of NATO war
machinery, had defied its will, and at the same
time make the people seem savage. Madeleine
Albright, while U.S. Ambassador to the UN, was
the driving force for creation of the ICTY.

"The U.S. Ambassador to the Tribunal, David
Scheffer, concedes the ICTY is 'supported,
financed, staffed and provided information'
primarily by the United States."

Readers with Internet access can find the full
document on the International Action Center web
site at www.iacenter.org.

- END -

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