L'ambasciatore USA nella RF di Jugoslavia William Montgomery, nel corso
di una visita effettuata nei giorni scorsi a Titograd/Podgorica, ha
comunicato al presidente separatista, il filoamericano Djukanovic, la
sua approvazione per fissare al 55 per cento la soglia di maggioranza
perche' gli esiti del referendum per l'indipendenza del Montenegro, da
tenersi nella prossima primavera, siano riconosciuti validi.

In questa maniera gli USA si inseriscono esplicitamente nella contesa in
atto sulla legittimita' e sui criteri di validazione del referendum
stesso, sancendo il loro appoggio alla linea estremista ed eversiva di
Djukanovic, contro la unita' della RF di Jugoslavia e contro
l'orientamento prevalente nella Unione Europea, apparentemente assai
piu' preoccupata per la stabilita' della regione.

(Italo Slavo)

PODGORICA, Nov. 20 (Beta) - US ambassador to Yugoslavia, William
Montgomery, on Nov. 20, during a meeting with Montenegrin President Milo
Djukanovic in Podgorica, said that "the most important thing is to leave
the current no-win position" in Serbian-Montenegrin relations.
In an announcement, Djukanovic's office quoted Montgomery saying that
"an agreement of all political entities should be made on the conditions
for a referendum" in Montenegro.
"Stressing that the international community is not familiar with a magic
number regarding the referendum majority and that there are no
international standards on the matter, Montgomery said that an agreement
on this issue should lead towards an acceptable solution for all, which
will guarantee political stability in Montenegro," the announcement
Djukanovic said that the Montenegrin authorities were ready to continue
the dialog between all political entities and were "absolutely willing
to reach a political agreement on the conditions for a referendum."
He also said that the agreement could be "on the line offered by the
leading Democratic Party of Socialists," headed by Djukanovic.

PODGORICA, Nov. 20 (Beta) - On the cover of its Nov. 21 issue, the
Podgorica daily Vijesti says that U.S. ambassador William Montgomery
said in talks in Podgorica that, for the international community, a
compromise solution concerning the referendum majority would be that 55
percent of voters voted for independence at the announced referendum.
According to Vijesti, Montgomery made the suggestion in talks with the
Montenegrin leadership, pointing out that this was his personal opinion
and not that of the U.S. government.

+++ Montenegro: Montgomery nimmt Stellung +++

BELGRAD, 21. November 2001. Der US-Botschafter in Jugoslawien
William Montgomery sagte, daß die jugoslawische Teilrepublik
Montenegro unabhängig werden könne, wenn mindestens 55 Prozent
aller Bürger Montenegros an einem Referendum mehrheitlich für die
Unabhägigkeit stimmen. Von der jugoslawischen Opposition wird
Montgomery als der "Gauleiter Serbiens" bezeichnet, da die
prowestlichen Regierungen Jugoslawiens, Serbiens und Montenegros
keine wichtige Entscheidung ohne die Zustimmung Montgomerys
treffen. BETA


PODGORICA, Nov 23 ( Beta) - British Ambassador to Yugoslavia Carles
Crawford told BETA on Nov. 22, that a referendum on the future status of
Montenegro, which would not contribute to settling problems within the
Yugoslav federation, would be counterproductive.
Reiterating that the EU supported a democratic Montenegro and a
democratic Serbia within a democratic Yugoslavia, Crawford said that
regardless of the referendum's outcome, terrain for any possible outcome
was not yet well enough prepared.
Crawford also said that the EU was concerned with the high probability
of the proindependence option receiving a majority in the referendum,
without it being a legitimate majority.
Crawford confirmed that during his visit to Podgorica on Nov. 20, U.S.
Ambassador to Yugoslavia William Montgomery said that a 55 percent
majority of the referendum turnout would be necessary for a legitimate
referendum decision.