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*** ARTICOLI SEGNALATI su World Socialist Web Site (LINK)
Comunicato stampa (7/01) del Comitato Internazionale per la Difesa
di Slobodan Milosevic, sezione tedesca - 11 dicembre 2001



L'AIA, 24 novembre. (...) A partire da ieri la sua cella viene
illuminata con potenti riflettori per tutta la notte. "Sono
condizioni disumane", ha detto l'avvocato [Ognjatovic]. Egli ha
sottolineato che questo maltrattamento e' da porre in relazione
diretta con il nuovo capo d'accusa [sulla Bosnia] contro Milosevic.
Si vuole persuadere Milosevic a riconoscere finalmente il Tribunale...

Milosevic: Anklage erweitert, "unmenschliche Bedingungen"

DEN HAAG, 24. November 2001. Die Anklage gegen den ehemaligen
jugoslawischen Bundespräsidenten Slobodan Milosevic beim
"Kriegsverbrechertribunal" in Den Haag wurde erweitert. Milosevic
wird nun "der Völkermord in Bosnien zwischen 1992 und 1995"
Milosevics Verteidiger in Belgrad Dragoslav Ognjanovic sagte
heute, daß Milosevic einem "drastischen Druck" in seiner
Gefängniszelle ausgesetzt ist. Seine Zelle wird seit gestern die
ganze Nacht durch mit starken Scheinwerfern beleuchtet. "Es sind
unmenschliche Bedingungen" sagte der Anwalt. Er betonte, daß
diese Mißhandlung in direktem Zusammenhang mit der neuen Anklage
gegen Milosevic steht. Man will Milosevic dazu bewegen, das Tribunal
endlich anzuerkennen, sagte Ognjanovic. (TANJUG / www.amselfeld.com)



PARIGI, 10 dicembre (Tanjug) - Il primo ministro serbo Zoran Djindjic
ha affermato che il Tribunale Penale Internazionale dell'Aia per la
ex Jugoslavia (ICTY) e' come una situazione meteorologica "che non puo'
essere cambiata, ma uno ci si puo' adattare." (...)


PARIS, Dec 10 (Tanjug) - Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic has
said The Hague International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia
(ICTY) is like a meteorological situation "which cannot be changed,
but one can adapt to it."
Djindjic expressed dissatisfaction over the fact that no indictments
have been raised yet against ethnic Albanian war leaders in Kosovo and
Metohija. He also said he was shocked at the opening of investigations
against generals Nebojsa Pavkovic, chief of General Staff of the
Yugoslav Army, and Sreten Lukic, head of the Serbian Department of
Public Security.
In an article entitled "European Horizon of Zoran Djindjic," the Paris
daily Le Figaro on Monday quoted Djindjic as saying that he does not
regret having organized the extradition of former Yugoslav president
Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague.
Speaking about relations within the Yugoslav federation, the Serbian
prime minister pointed out that Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic
is unnecessarily dividing the people of Montenegro over the issue of
that republic's independence.



World Socialist Web Site

Milosevic trial: Hague Tribunal shows its partisan nature
[15 October 2001]

> http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/oct2001/milo-o15.shtml

Behind the Milosevic trial: the US, Europe and the Balkan catastrophe
[4 July 2001]

> http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/jul2001/milo-j04.shtml



Comunicato stampa (7/01) del Comitato Internazionale per la Difesa
di Slobodan Milosevic, sezione tedesca - 11 dicembre 2001


Pressemitteilung (07/2001) des Internationalen Komitees
für die Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic- Deutsche Sektion -
vom 11.12.2001

Am Vormittag des 11. Dezember 2001 wechselten in den Berichten der
Nachrichtensender CNN, BBC, Euronews und anderen ständig die
Kriegsschauplätze: Von den Tausenden Leichen in Kandahar als Ergebnis
der US-Bombardements zu den von israelischen Kampfhubschraubern
getöteten palästinensischen Kindern, dann in den Saal des "Tribunals" in
Den Haag, wo die Verfolgungsbehörde Slobodan Milosevic des Völkermords
anklagt, und zurück nach Tora Bora, wo US-Flugzeuge weiterhin sieben
Tonnen schwere Bomben abwerfen.
Die Ereignisse haben mehr miteinander zu tun, als dass sie nur wegen
ihrer Gleichzeitigkeit zu einem militärischen Potpourri gemixt werden.
Ihr Zusammenhang besteht darin, dass die USA, ihre Klientelstaaten und
die NATO unter Bruch der UN-Charta Kriege führen, Terrorakte gegen die
Zivilbevölkerung und schwerste Kriegsverbrechen begehen, und dabei keine
Strafe fürchten müssen. Zugleich können sie unter abermaligem Bruch der
UN-Charta Sondertribunale kreieren, um ausgewählte Gegner zu
kriminalisieren, Regierungen zu stürzen und Staaten zu zerstören
Das "Verbrechen "von Slobodan Milosevic besteht darin, dem von
Washington seit 1988 verfolgten Plan der Zerschlagung Jugoslawiens
ebenso Widerstand geleistet zu haben, wie der NATO-Aggression 1999.
Demjenigen, der die Erhaltung Jugoslawiens und gleiche Rechte für alle
Bürger verteidigte, der sich der Zerstückelung eines multiethnischen
Bundesstaates in ethnische Kleinstaaten widersetzte, wirft die "Anklage"
wahrheitsverdrehend vor, ein "Groß-Serbien" angestrebt zu haben. Der
Vorwurf der Teilnahme an einem "gemeinsamen kriminellen Unternehmen"
fällt voll auf das Haager Femegericht und seine Auftraggeber zurück.
Slobodan Milosevic nannte die von Carla del Ponte fabrizierte Anklage
treffend einen "tragischen Text von höchster Absurdität. Mir sollte
Anerkennung gezollt werden, dass ich Frieden, nicht aber Krieg für
Bosnien-Herzegowina gebracht habe. Die Verantwortung für den Krieg in
Bosnien tragen jene Mächte und ihre Agenten in Jugoslawien, die
Jugoslawien zerstört haben, aber nicht das serbische Volk oder serbische
Der Schauprozess in Den Haag soll auch vergessen lassen, dass Truppen
des CIA-Söldners Bin Laden und andere islamistische Terroristen
seinerzeit in Bosnien mit US-Unterstützung für die Balkanisierung
Jugoslawiens kämpften, um einen islamistischen Staat in Bosnien mit
minderen Rechten für die 40%-"Minderheit" der Serben zu erschaffen. Die
Öffentlichkeit soll sich daran gewöhnen, dass für dieselben
Weltherrschaftsinteressen der USA und ihrer Verbündeten, für die
Jugoslawien zerschlagen wurde, heute unter dem Vorwand des Krieges
"gegen Terror" eine ständige westliche Militärpräsenz in
Zentralasien installiert wird.
Der Kampf von Slobodan Milosevic gegen das Haager "Tribunal" ist der
Kampf gegen einen Modellversuch der Anpassung internationalen
Strafrechts an die neue Weltkriegsordnung der USA, Deutschlands und
ihrer Verbündeten, ein Kampf gegen den Rechtszynisrnus der
konzerngesteuerten Medienöffentlichkeit.
Dafür gebührt ihm Anerkennung und Solidarität aller friedliebenden und
rechtsbewussten Menschen.
Die deutsche Sektion des Internationalen Komitees für die Verteidigung
von Slobodan Milosevic wird am 2. März 2002 in Berlin das Kolloquium
"Der 'Fall Milosevic' - Internationales Strafrecht und die neuen Kriege
der Großmächte" durchführen. Prof. Dr. Norman Peach und andere
Völkerrechtsexperten werden dabei nachweisen, dass ad-hoc-Tribunale à la
Den Haag illegal und zu gleicher Rechtsprechung nicht imstande sind, und
Bemühungen um ein universell geltendes internationales Strafrecht
vereiteln, wenn nicht gänzlich ad absurdum führen.

c/o Klaus Hartmann
Sprecher der deutschen Sektion des ICDSM
Schillstraße 7
D-63067 Offenbach am Main
T/F: -69 - 83 58 50
e-mail: vorstand@...
URL: www.free-slobo.de



The URL for this article is http://www.icdsm.org/more/faculty.htm

Letter from 20 Members of Belgrade Faculty of Law
on Illegal Use of Amicus Curiae by Hague 'Tribunal'
[posted 29 November 2001]

Certified Translation

From: Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade

Bulevar Revolucije, 67

11000 Belgrade Tel:(381-11) 32 41 501 and:(381-11) 32 30 116

Fax:(381-11) 32 21299

To: Bars of Serbia, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands and Great Britain

Dear Sirs,

The Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for former
Yugoslavia issued, in the case No.IT-99-37 against the accused Slobodan
Milosevic, at the status conference held 30 August 2001, the order
inviting the Registrar to designate counsels to appear before it as
amicus curiae, pursuant to Article 74 of the Rules of Procedure and
Evidence of the Tribunal. Further to the order, the following lawyers
were designated to act in such a capacity: Mr. Branislav Tapuskovic, of
FR of Yugoslavia, Mr. Michail-Mischa Vladimiroff of the Netherlands and
Mr. Steven Kay, QC, of Great Britain.

We are of the view that the appointed personalities are top class
lawyers, highly experienced who could provide a valuable assistance to
the Tribunal in pursuit of its mandate provided Article 74 of its Rules
of Procedure and Evidence were correctly applied.

However, although the order of the Trial Chamber, mentioned above,
described the task of the persons to be designated to act in the
capacity of amicus curiae "not to represent the accused but to assist in
the proper determination of the case" with the view to "securing a fair
trial", which is in keeping with the institute of amicus curiae, the
elaboration of the stated task in the first three of totally four items
is quite contrary to the meaning of this institute and constitutes, de
facto forcing of counsels upon the accused, ex officio, in an evasive
but awkwardly disguised way, and annihilation of the concept of
self-defense opted by the accused. Such a conduct constitutes a serious
breach of his right to defense guaranteed under Article 14 of the
International Covenant of Civil Rights and a series of other
international documents and constitutional and legal provisions in
the national legal systems of the civilized world.

The three items mentioned set out that "amicus curiae is to assist the
Trial chamber by:
Making any submissions properly open to the accused by way of
preliminary or other pre-trial motion;
Making any submissions or objections to evidence properly open to the
accused during the trial proceedings and cross-examining witnesses as
Drawing to the attention of the Trial Chamber any exculpatory or
mitigating evidence..."

The above assignments, obviously enough, pertain not to those who are to
assist the court, but fall within the realm of entitlements of the
accused and his counsels, exclusively.

The Statute of the Hague Tribunal (Article 21) and the Rules of
Procedure and Evidence (Articles 44 and 45) stipulated on one hand, the
right of the accused to chose his counsel himself, meaning that he
cannot be imposed a counsel whom he did not want, and on the other, they
set out no possibility of designating ex officio counsel, providing lee
way to the accused to defend himself on his own, which Slobodan
Milosevic opted for.

Designation of de facto counsel of the accused, as mentioned, and
moreover the individuals he doesn't want, entrusted with the tasks,
which belong to the accused and his counsels only, all under the mask of
the institute of amicus curiae constitutes but a breach of both the
stated provision of the Statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence,
and Article 14, Par 3, items b), d) and e) alike of the International
Covenant of Civil and Political rights.
The right to defense, protected by the mentioned provisions of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has been violated
also by the fact that the designation of de facto counsel to the accused
and with the assignments mentioned diluted his defense concept, based on
repudiation of legality of the foundation of the Tribunal itself and
denial of the accused to recognize, by his own conduct, so disputed
legality. The accused is entitled to such repudiation, the more so as he
invokes the UN Charter and suggested that the establishment of the
Tribunal was in violation of the Charter.

Without contesting the benefits of a duly applied institute of amicus
curiae we find it unacceptable, illegal, contrary to the nature of
lawyers' function, ethics and Codes of respective Bars, and finally
immoral, for anyone, and particularly for the members of the lawyers
profession, to enter amicus curiae so distorted, as described, in misuse
of that institute to deprive the accused of his right to defense.
Therefore, we are asking the Bars of Serbia and Yugoslavia, the
Netherlands and Great Britain to invite their respective above-mentioned
members not to accept this part in the proceedings at stake in the
manner exposed in the above quoted three items.
We are inviting the appointed personalities themselves to refuse to
participate in the proceedings in the way that violates the right of the
accused to defense, without denying in any way the possibility of their
participation in keeping with the nature of the institute amicus curiae.
Finally, we are asking the mentioned Bars, in case their members choose
to ignore this appeal and do take part in the violation of the rights of
the accused in the proceedings at stake, to take respective measures
under the regulations of each of the three states mentioned, and the
internal rules of the three Bars mentioned, against the members of their
Bar, who would in such a dramatic way, in blatant violation of the right
of the accused in any proceedings and particularly the right to defense,
misuse their status and the rank of lawyers.

Yours truly,

The undersigned lecturers and associates of the Faculty of Law,
University of Belgrade

The following is the transcribed list of signatories of the Appeal of
the Lecturers and Associates of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade to
prevent the participation of the lawyers in violation of the right of
Slobodan Milosevic to Defend himself in ICTY by Misuse of the Institute
Amicus Curiae:

Prof Dr Mirjana Stefanovski, Associate Professor
Prof Dr Kosta Cavoski, Full Professor
Miodrag Jovanovic, M.A., Assistant
Dr Milan Škuljic, Assistant Professor
Prof Dr Mirko Vasiljevic, Full Professor
Aleksandar Gajic, Assistent Probationer
Dr Sasa Bovan, Assistant Professor
Zoran Mirkovic, M.A. Assistant
Dejan Djurdjevic, Assistant-Probationer
Dr BrankoM.Rakic, Assistant Professor
Prof Dr Oliver Antic, Full Professor
Prof Dr Dragutin Šoskic
Dr Vladan Joncic
Dr Natasa Delic, Assistant Professor
Prof Dr Ratko Markovic, Full Professor
Prof Dr Zorak Stojanovic, Full Professor
Prof Dr Zagorka Jekic, Full Professor
Dr Aleksandar Jakisic, Assistant Professor
Dr Slobodan Panov, Assistant Professor
Balsa Kascelan, Assistant-Probationer

End of Translation

I, the undersigned Smiljana Kijurina, sworn court translator, appointed
under the Decision of the Ministry of Justice of Serbia
No.740-06-72/97-18 of 19.02.1997, certify with my signature and court
seal that the above translation is done under my own hand and is true to
its original submitted to me in the Serbian language.

Done in Belgrade, 10 October 2001

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