Dear friends,

The Emperor's Clothes main Website has been 'down' for the past 24

The problem is financial. The cause is the tremendous - now ten-fold -
increase in our readership since September 11th. But there has not been
a proportional increase in donations, which we rely on for basic

Reliable, high-capacity, dedicated Web hosting costs over $1000/month
U.S. (We need that - but we can't afford it!)

That doesn't include all our other necessary expenses. These include
rent (we are way behind!), electric, phone bills, not to mention a few
dollars for our full-timers, who for the past month have been working
without pay and have taken jobs on the side to survive.

Fortunately you can access all the articles and functions at our mirror

Please donate as generously as you can to help our fundraising drive.
Your donation is what makes it possible for us to work.

And please send Emperor's Clothes articles to friends and email contacts
so that while the main Website is down we do not stop reaching people.

Warm regards,
Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel

Join our email list at
Receive about one article/day.

Emperor's Clothes
Urgently Needs Your Help!
[This appeal was posted January 2002]

In order for Emperor's Clothes to continue publishing we urgently need
your help.

Since September 11 our readership has increased ten-fold. We now
transfer over 1 gigabyte of data a day. But our income has not kept up
with expenses.

We do not charge for articles. We do not accept advertising so that our
pages are not cluttered with annoying junk.

But we do pay bills.

In order to continue publishing, we urgently
need the help of all our friends.

Please send whatever contributions you can! $20, $50, $100, $500, $1000
or more. Every penny will be used to get articles to more people.

You can make a donation using at

You can make a credit card donation by going to our secure server at

Or Mail a check to Emperor's Clothes, P.O. Box 610-321, Newton, MA
02461-0321. (USA)

Or make a donation by phone at the donation line, (U.S.) 617 916-1705.

Note: If you mail a donation or make one by secure server, please let us
know by email at emperors1000@... to make sure we receive it.

Thank you for reading Emperor's Clothes.
[Emperor's Clothes]