* DUE ESTRATTI dalla stampa macedone, a cura di Zivkica Nedanovska
* MORE LINKS to interesting articles


1.FONTE: "Dnevnik", Skopje
2.TITOLO: Finche' sono io il premier, le postazioni di sicurezza
non verranno ritirate
3.INDICE: Intervista di Lj. Georgijevski alla Tv di Skopje "Sitel"
6.DATA: 19/01/02.

Il premier macedone, Lj. Georgijevski, ha rilasciato una intervista
alla Tv di Skopje "Sitel", nella quale dice che minacce per la
sicurezza e l'integrità della Macedonia sono ancora presenti ed è
necessario che lo Stato si prepari di nuovo a scontri armati con gli
Albanesi. A suo avviso, oltre alle minacce dal paese, se ne possono
aspettare altre che vengono da fuori a causa della situazione politica
ed economica delle regioni vicine con popolazione albanese.
Egli ha dichiarato che è possibile una offensiva con l'ex formazione
militare albanese "ONA", oppure con quella formata nell'anno scorso
("ANA") perche', secondo lui, la Rep. di Macedonia "ha l'impegno
legale di essere pronta a difendere la sua sicurezza" perche' la
successiva battaglia si combatterebbe direttamente a Skopje,
Kumanovo, Tetovo (questa città nel corso di due ore potrebbe essere
massacrata). In conseguenza di tutto ciò, si devono intraprendere
azioni per la pulizia dei caposaldi nemici terroristici nelle
montagne di Skopska Crna Gora, Sar planina, Suva Reka. Per queste
ragioni, adesso, secondo la sua opinione, non è ancora il momento
per il ritiro dalle posizioni delle forze di sicurezza macedoni.
"Se adesso si ritirano queste posizioni, vorrebbe dire che lo
Stato macedone renderebbe possibile ai terroristi di realizzare
la pulizia etnica nelle regioni di Macedoni, Serbi ed altre
nazionalità". Inoltre ha dichiarato che vi sono delle divergenze
nel vertice statale in merito al fatto che lui è molto deciso a
non permettere il ritiro dalle postazioni di sicurezza finchè è
premier macedone. La mancanza dell'unità fra i politici macedoni,
secondo lui, è dovuta anche all'influsso del fattore internazionale
sulla scena politica macedone.

1.FONTE: "Dnevnik", Skopje
2.TITOLO: Dosta ha detto: basta!
3.INDICE: Esito drammatico della crisi macedone nel vertice statale.
6.DATA: 19/01/02.

Dosta Dimovska, per 11 anni membro della coalizione VMRO-DPMNE e la
collaboratrice più stretta del premier macedone, Lj.Georgijevski, due
volte vicepremier, una volta ministro degli Interni macedoni, si è
dimessa stasera. Ha dato le dimissioni da tutte le funzioni nel
Governo e nella Coalizione. Ha respinto decisamente la politica del
premier Georgijevski e del ministro degli Interni, Boskovski. Questa
importante funzionaria macedone ha accusato il premier Georgijevski
di averla isolata e svalutata sui media.
Inoltre, dice che negli ultimi sei mesi non c'era la comunicazione
necessaria fra di loro, che dovrebbe essere una cosa normale fra i
collaboratori politici.


> http://globalresearch.ca/articles/PAS111B.html

Centre for Research on Globalisation

This Time the Macedonians finger the Puppet Masters

"Tell the Truth" strategy shows to be highly contagious.
Ambassador Pardew accused in Macedonia

by Umberto Pascali

EIR Magazine, 14 November 2001

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), globalresearch.ca,
27 November 2001

A new bloody escalation launched by the KLA narco-terrorist gangs in the
north of Macedonia has again forced the country into facing a deadly
assault in the middle of a deafening silence from the rest of the world.
Just after the midnight of November 12, a terrorist gang ambushed with
unbelievable precision an armored vehicle of the Macedonian police.
Three policemen were killed and three seriously injured.

This time however Macedonia reacted, pointing the spotlight directly at
some of the "puppet masters." On November 14, the main Macedonian daily,
{Dnevnik} accused the US "facilitator," Ambassador James Pardew.


The Victory Strategy that was laid out by Lyndon LaRouche in a
historical statement last September 3 in Reston, VA ("Tell the Truth...
force the enemy to attack were you want and then unmask it") seems to
have been carefully considered. Another important point has apparently
been understood: the barbaric irregular war waged by the KLA is just one
element of a broader war: a psychological war aimed at breaking
Macedonia's moral and psychological ability to resist. As we have seen
so many time in the past, any time the Macedonians have rejected, even
partially, an order coming from NATO, and in particular from the
Anglo-American component of NATO, the KLA has been deployed with such
deadly precision, that few doubts were left in the minds of observers
about the terrorist's ability to use sophisticated intelligence,
allegedly received through satellite communications controlled
by certain NATO components.

Terror's Real Modus Operandi

This time {Dnevnik} spelled out the modus operandi. "The special
American envoy, James Pardew, without any mandate undermined the plan of
the Interior Ministry to secure the site... of one of the mass graves
containing the bodies of Macedonian civilians kidnapped and massacred
few months ago [by the KLA].

"Having unsuccessfully tried to block this plan during talks with the
leaders of the country, Pardew decided to deny any logistical support
[by NATO] for this action." Then the authoritative paper delivered its
"Truth punch.": "Pardew also alerted the [terrorist] 'bosses' of this
area [i.e. the KLA] to organize an adequate welcome for the [Macedonian]
police, Dnevnik has been told by high level governmental sources." On
the basis of its high level sources, the newspaper tracks down, step by
step, the drama that took place over the last days, and the role played
by Ambassador Pardew. From this reconstruction of the event, and from
many sources here in Macedonia, what emerges, on the positive side, is
the courageous and outspoken attitude of the Interior Minister, Ljube
Boskovski, who, not surprisingly, has become the "bete noir" of the main
Anglo-American media, starting with the British Broadcasting Company.
What also emerges is the potential beginning of a differentiation
between Ambassador Pardew and the other "international facilitator," the
French Alain Leroy.

Unexplainable Ambush

The drama started unfolding on November 10th. That day, an important
meeting took place concerning the identified mass graves. That same day,
Macedonia police had stopped a suspicious cars circulating near the
site. The occupants were armed, and turned out to be KLA terrorists;
they were arrested. Among them, there was a terrorist who called himself
"Commander Solana." The idea that a terrorist boss would chose as his
'nomme de guerre', and possibly as role model, the former NATO Secretary
General, and presently top European Official, provoked some ironic
comments here in Macedonia. However, even this minimum sign of defense
of national sovereignty, as we shall see, was not going to be tolerated.
A few hours later, KLA terrorists -- that supposedly had been disarmed
by NATO's Essential Harvest Operation -- ambushed and killed three
policemen, and wounded three others near the village of Trebos, five
kilometers east of Tetovo.

The victims were part of a courageous deployment that had been decided
on two days earlier by Macedonian authorities, to secure the site of a
mass grave, one of the three identified mass graves containing the
massacred body of Macedonian civilians kidnapped by the KLA. That
decision was taken against the wishes and brutal blackmail of
international representatives such as the US "facilitator" Ambassador
James Pardew. The murders were followed by mass kidnapping including
that of the editor of Tetovo KISS TV, a station that had just a few days
before interviewed Prof Nestor Oginar and Dr Stojadin Naumovski who were
visiting their city of origin as leaders of an American Macedonian
delegation. The author of this report also had the honor of being
interviewed by that TV station, the most prominent station in
a virtually besieged Tetovo.

Here in Macedonia, very few doubted from the very first moment that the
chronometrically precise terrorist ambush was part of a broader scheme
by elements of the so-called International Community. The message was
clear: Macedonians do not try to act as if you were a sovereign country.
If you do, you will be punished!

Pardew Crashes The Meeting

The Nov 10th meeting concerning the mass grave included the President
Boris Trajkovski, the Interior Minister, representatives of NATO, OSCE,
European Union, the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague, the Macedonian
State Prosecutor and other governmental officials. This meeting was also
confirmed in an "open letter to President Trajkovski" written by
Minister Boskovski.

Though not invited, James Pardew broke into the meeting in the
Presidential office, and stated that the plan could not be accepted. He
demanded instead the creation of a "commission of experts" to "analyze"
the problem of the kidnapped victims. In particular, the rage of Pardew
targeted the Interior Minister, with whom the US ambassador refused to
shake hands. However, reportedly, the Macedonian government officials
resisted the enormous pressures. Minister Boskovski insisted that
Macedonia is a sovereign country, and not a protectorate, and thus,
after having carefully and exhaustively informed the many
representatives of the "International Community", it was a right and a
duty of the Macedonian state to secure the site of the mass grave, in
the presence of international observers. In the "open letter" quoted
above, Boskovski in polemics against post festal "ambiguous and untrue
statements made by the Presidential office," reminded President
Trajkovski: "On that Saturday [November 10] you, Mr. President,
gave precise orders to police forces to began the operation of securing
the site. You also stated that you are the president of this country and
as such you carry the responsibility to {tell the truth.}

"You reminded the representatives of the international community
that they are in a country in which governmental institutions
still function and nobody can interfere with those institutions
based on the law. You reminded them that they will one day leave
[Macedonia] and that you are the one that will remain with the
[Macedonian] people and {with the truth}... On the basis of all
these considerations you stated clearly to the representatives of
the international community that your last order is that the
[Macedonian] police be deployed and that you were not going to
accept any [contrary] suggestion."

The Open Letter of Minister Boskovski continues:

"You [Mr. President] gave a very wise answer to European Union
Ambassador Norberg that you rejected the creation of any
Commission on the Kidnapped civilians, because in your experience
such commissions are formed when someone does not want to reach
results..." Boskovski concludes with an emotional appeal not to
listen to pressures from outside, and not to renege the commitment
taken in the November 10th meeting. Indeed, in a nasty computer
game played by many servile international media, the Interior
Minister is being set up as the sacrificial lamb on the altar of
the international hypocrisy. "Please Mr. President, in the name of
the people, in the name of the fallen defendants of the Macedonian
people and in the name of our one and only country, come out in
public and {tell the truth!}"

"They Will Learn The Lesson"

Having seen the terrible pressure, Macedonians live in, especially in
the areas of Tetovo and Kumanovo, having had the privilege to talk to
many citizens who are fighting against fear and intimidation and who
still remain determined to stay in areas that the "international
Community have decided should be cut out of the jurisdiction of the
elected institution of the country, I cannot but agree with the appeal
to "tell the truth." Having seen so many irreplaceable ancient works of
art, especially religious buildings, defaced or totally destroyed,
sometimes with such sophisticated demolition methods that it makes one
think of the elusive puppet masters of the KLA, I cannot but have strong
feelings for people engaged in a moral resistance to intimidation and

The picture of the international interference is completed by the report
that appeared in {Dnevnik}which was partially quoted above. The
newspaper reported that the order given originally by President
Trajkovski to deploy to the site of the mass grave, was complemented by
a plan elaborated by the Interior Ministry. "In another meeting, on
Sunday morning [Nov 11], Trajkovski suggested that the police start to
immediately secure the site. The Interior Ministry presented a plan to
the International representatives.
The plan was translated into English, including all necessary
information - the number of policemen, the number and type of vehicles,
and the precise location where the police were to be deployed.

"[The French mediator, and EU representative] ... Leroy said that
he respected the opinion of the President... Leroy said that the
police will have a very precise mission and will refrain from
entering villages. The representative of the European Union
suggested [that] the police be accompanied by the monitors of the
EU, OSCE and by the soldiers of the [German Led NATO] Red Fox

All of these suggestions were reportedly accepted by the
governmental officials. However this first little step by
Macedonia toward regaining the country's national sovereignty was
brutally undermined. Explains {Dnevnik}: "But immediately after
the November 11 meeting with Trajkovski, Pardew organized his own
meeting with Leroy and his assistants in which the latest decision
of [Pardew] was presented with this words: 'There will not be any
logistic assistance [for the Macedonians]. We shall leave them
alone to learn a lesson.' The assistants of Pardew were
immediately given orders to alert the 'crisis area' [i.e. the
terrorists controlling the area around the mass grave] with the
suggestion that they prepare the 'welcome' [for the Macedonian

Clearly the allegations of {Dnevnik} and the words of Interior Minister
Boskovski, open a case of unprecedented gravity. Though, Ambassador
James Pardew has left the country, a minimum of decency and formal
respect for international and national laws requires that an
investigation be opened both in Macedonia and the US into his behavior
and actions, according to many sources here.

It is almost pleonastic to stress that such breathtaking reports of
connections between high level Western officials and terrorists, reach
the public while the US and Britain are conducting an unprecedented
bombing campaign against Afghanistan with the stated target to "get the
terrorist Osama Bin Laden."

How is this possible? How it is even thinkable that Macedonia still in
the middle of November of 2001 must be hostage to well armed terrorists,
who officially have been disarmed by the NATO Essential Harvest
Operation? How is it possible that Macedonia is being told that it will
not be allowed to fight terrorism until its Parliament has approved the
change of its Constitution imposed at arm point by terrorist gangs
deployed out of NATO controlled Kosovo? How is it possible that the
citizens of Tetovo have to accept as "normal" that every day some of
them can be kidnapped and possibly killed, or tortured and raped, like
in a sort of human sacrifice, while the "international community"
established that those man, women and children have to right to be

The Bizarre Mission of Ms. Bogue

In this context, I have to mention another one of the very strange
interventions of the international community. The main TV news (MKTV)
reported on November 13th that Janet Bogue, the US Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State for European Affairs, had arrived in Skopje for
meetings with the President and the Prime Minister of Macedonia. It is
unusual that such relatively low-level official is sent to meet the
highest governmental level of a country. To add to this bizarre story,
MKTV news reported that "Janet Bogue stressed that 'they' [the State
Department apparently] are aware that some Albanian groups are spreading
a strong propaganda line aimed at showing that they enjoy the support of
the United States. This is not true and {they have not to be

In other words it appears that Ms. Bogue was sent to the President and
Prime Minister of Macedonia to relay the message that any reports of
links between Anglo-American entities and the KLA are "KLA propaganda."
In the moment in which the slogan rapidly spreading all over Macedonia
is "Tell the Truth," such an intervention appears at least suspicious.
We do not know who authorized such a mission and especially who
authorized a low level official to go to the top leadership of a country
under terrorist assault to apparently communicate that certain reports
must be considered false by definition and must {not be encouraged.}
However the MKTV story could have opened a scandal within the scandal.
The "Tell the Truth" strategy instead is showing itself to be the real
winner. --

Copyright, EIR Magazine 2001. For fair use only

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Interview with Ljubo Boskovski:



Boskovski painted as Balkan man in the middle


Ljubo Boskovski: Trying to bolster police units.

By Scott Taylor ON TARGET
Monday, December 3, 2001 / The Halifax Herald Limited