Il panorama dei media jugoslavi, successivamente ai fatti dell'autunno
2000 - l'assalto al Parlamento, la devastazione dell'ufficio elettorale
e delle sedi dei partiti della sinistra e dei sindacati - si e'
gravemente deteriorato. Timidi tentativi di mantenere in vita un
quotidiano della opposizione di centro-sinistra sono ripetutamente
falliti a causa delle gravi difficolta' economiche: nella Federazione
Jugoslava, oggi, chi non ha una lobby economica straniera alle spalle
non ha voce. Il pluralismo della informazione, prima garantito
dall'equilibrio di fatto tra i media filo-governativi e quelli di
opposizione finanziati in Occidente, e' oggi morto e sepolto, e tutto il
panorama e' occupato dalle destre liberiste o nazionaliste-monarchiche.
Come avvoltoi in attesa di avventarsi sul cadavere, compagnie straniere
si mettono oggi in coda per giovarsi della prossima svendita dei media
statali, in primo luogo le TV. Anche uomini di Berlusconi, insieme a
greci ed altri imprenditori, si sono messi in attesa del via libera
governativo alla svendita di YU-Info, il quarto canale televisivo della
L'unica incognita in tutto questo, come spiega il dispaccio della
Reuters che sotto riportiamo, e' la sopravvivenza stessa della
Federazione minacciata dal referendum secessionista in Montenegro, che
si terra' in primavera sotto l'egida degli USA e della mafia delle
sigarette (collusa con la mafia italiana). (I. Slavo)


ANT1 has an eye on Yugoslav TV station

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Yugoslavia's YU-info TV station
yesterday announced that Europe's RTL Group and other leading media
companies had expressed an interest in the government-owned
channel, which is expected to be sold this year.
"Quite a few foreign media have inquired about the station
including RTL, Bloomberg, Greece's Antenna TV, and some of Berlusconi's
people visited me and asked for data," YU-info's director
Zoran Predic told Reuters.
He was referring to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, whose
family controls Italy's largest commercial broadcaster Mediaset. "All
prospective buyers are at the level of inquiries, they visited, looked
around and are now on stand-by to see when the government will
decide to give the go-ahead," Predic said.
He added that the sale of the station was inevitable and would
certainly happen this year.
Yugoslavia's new leaders have been seeking to reform the country's
media sector following the downfall in 2000 of former Yugoslav
president Slobodan Milosevic, who frequently used state media for
propaganda purposes.
If YU-info was sold to a Western company, it would be one of the
first foreign investments in the Yugoslav media sector. YU-info is the
station with the widest Yugoslav coverage but it ranks only
fourth in terms of viewer numbers, Predic said.
The first step toward YU-info's privatization was taken when the
federal government this month decided to separate the channel
from other state media, which had formed a single company.
Yugoslav Information Secretary Slobodan Orlic told Reuters a
new broadcasting law would also need to be passed first before
the sale goes ahead.
"The adoption of the law can be expected in the next three
months and then an ownership transformation of YU-Info could be
launched very shortly after that," Orlic said. Orlic cautioned
however, that the privatization could be delayed until it becomes
clear what will happen with the federation, referring to plans
of the coastal republic of Montenegro to hold a referendum on
independence. "This (the privatization) could be completed relatively
quickly, but it is as much a legal as a political decision," Orlic said.