Milosevic asks to be released

AFP [ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2002 6:15:20 PM ]

THE HAGUE: Former Yugoslav president Slobodan
Milosevic on Wednesday asked the appeals chamber of
the UN war crimes court to be freed as he pledged to
come back for all hearings.

"It would be logical and just to let me go, I will not
flee," Milosevic told presiding judge Claude Jorda.

"I am fully prepared to come to any hearing because
this is not a battle I will miss," he added at the end
of a 15-minute angry monologue.

The court is hearing an appeal by the prosecution,
which wants to overturn the order that Milosevic will
face separate trials for events in Kosovo and for
Bosnia and Croatia.

Jorda gave Milsoevic the floor after he asked the
former president if he would want two trials or just

It is unclear if the judges will only hear arguments
today or issue a ruling right away.

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